Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Franco Back in Early 2011

TV Guide is reporting that my favorite Fronkey THE FRANCO is back in Port Chuck this new year. The date seems to be 2/25-ish.  (Corresponding to the Oscars) He's said he's directing the next time he's on, so I wonder what Franco touches we'll see. Balkan connections?? Will he still have his 'stash??! Will THE FRANCO come for THE FACE!?!!!

What can I say? It's almost given he's getting an Oscar Nod-- and we KNOW he's hosting the show.  Great PR or what? They were wondering when he'd make it back, I guess there is a break at Yale.  

Alberta is all happy...Everyone dust off their Fronkey-Gear and start spraying CO77x everywhere! 


  1. this is not good news at all ....i guess my boycott of gh will go past the first months of the new year

  2. I want a Franco - Lisa pairing!!!!!

  3. Less Franco!!! More Alexis!!!

  4. So sick of Franco...would someone tell him that the hobo look is not cool.

  5. Why in the world is GH bringing back this disgusting, repugnant, sociopathic freak?


  6. hopefully he will kidnap or kill sonny this time around.

  7. I cannot stand the guy but thats just me.Honestly his acting skills are terrible but than again it could be wait a minute THE WRITERS!!!!!!

  8. Groan......not again. I was SO hoping all the Oscar talk would keep him away from interrupting GH. That's how I think of him--an interruption to everything I'm interested in. He is not a regular, his character is dispicable, I have NO investment in him, and all my favorite actors are put on hold til he leaves again. This is not good news at all.

    On the other hand, if he beats out the superb Colin Firth at the Oscars that wll be tragic! Colin so deserves to win. He deserved it last year. Franco, in my eyes, remains a spoiler.

  9. I can't stand Franco... Monkey is right what a idiot.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...