Thursday, February 28, 2019


GOT HERE 10 min late--sorry!! End of month paperwork, you know the drill!! At least the hearings are CLOSED today so we can see our soap!! 

Franco and Ryan ...Franco is still pretending with RYAN!! I thought he'd for SURE tell him the truth. Franco is mad that Ryan sold him out to the cops.  UGH, nooooo... and then he shows him THE PHONE!
You MUST watch this whole interaction--way too much to type. But, Franco basically calls "the killer" stupid and Ryan gets angry. 
Ryan totally stabbed him!! Then Ryan cuts his own hand to say it was self-defense!! OMG!! The nurse comes in as Ryan is going to finish him off and Ryan says "HE STABBED ME, GET HELP" and she leaves...
Franco punches Ryan when Ryan turns back around and leaves, shutting the door behind him. Ryan FREAKS out at being locked in. Later, Nurse lets him out. Franco stumbles down the hall--calls Jordan and leaves the message that Ryan is the killer. 
Finds his way outside but is stabbed and not moving too well. 

Ava and Scotty at the bar... Scotty still won't believe it. Says Kevin is a hack who has a God-Complex. He finds out that Ava is marrying "Kevin" and he's NOT Happy!! 

Drew and Liz...Liz is reading the interview over again on her tablet. They realize Franco said he tried to kill Drew when they were younger, which he knows isn't true. They think he has a plan. 

Maxie and Lulu. Lulu flashes back to see the Ryan website before she got attacked. Lulu remembers names and that her mother saw the list in Kevin's office. 

The kids are at Charlie's, planning their roadtrip. Cam is still hating his Mother. Jax set Joss up with an "Adventure" fund. He said to use it on her own adventures-- he gave it to her when Lady Jane died.  So she pays for it all. 
They leave. Cam's like "I hope we never came back".


  1. I had to leave for work but I did get to see Ryan stab Franco. Will have to watch the rest on Hulu. Could have done without the kids, but at least no Carson.

  2. OBVIOUSLY the kids will interact with Ryan and Ava if I read the other spoilers correct - they go to Niagara Falls to get married with Carly in the trunk???????? I really wanted Franco to save Kevin and Laura but this is still good. I LOVE that Franco gave a clue - like the OLD movie Capricorn One with James Brolin about the moon landing that went wrong and he said on camera to his wife a cryptic line about a make-believe theme park!!
    one more thing - was Dr Cabot calling Alex when he made the call? Is she blind somewhere????

  3. Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Ava and Scotty: Great scene!!! :) I hope when Rava implodes, that Ava and Scotty get together! :) Having trouble with the chairs Kin? ROFL!

    JossCar, Cam, and Trina: The adventure fund? Seriously? So Jax didn't tell Carly about this adventure fund? :) How strange.

    Friz home:

    Liz and Drew: Great scene! Love how they are trying to figure out what is going on with BobTodd! :)

    Lulu's office:

    Lulu and Maxie: Yeah Lulu you don't have to go in your office!!! Although it could be therapeutic for ya! Love how they are trying to figure things out too! Lulu you are so close!!!!!!


    Ryan and BobTodd: GREAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday I did see a GIF clip of Ryan stabbing BobTodd on twitter that The Webber-Baldwins put up, and that shocked me, but seeing it again on tv, it still shocked me!!!!! And seeing it again now, still shocks me!!! HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP!!! Ryan wins the line of the day!!!

    Ryan: I don't make mistakes Franco. I did this perfectly.

    SO DAMN CREEPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an intense scene of the stabbing and Ryan hovering over him!!!! I thought at first BobTodd was going to stab Ryan to death, but no! He ran out of there!!!! :)


    YOU JUST DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Long hallway: VERY INTENSE!!!! BobTodd what are you doing?!!?! Don't just stand there and use the phone!!! RUN! USE THE PHONE OUTSIDE!! GAHHHHHHHHHHH! SOAPY GOODNESS! :) I hope BobTodd goes to the hospital!!! But of course he probably will go to the house to see Liz!!! GAH! That is just going to remind me of fake Duke going along way to visit Anna and to bleed to death! RoHo and Jon both did a fantastic job!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!

    1. I was giggling about the chair too, Sonya. I think he accidentally scared Maura. :)

  4. have we seen ryan feeed kevin and laura? how are they going to the bathroom?

    1. Who cares. LOL!!! Maybe they have a bathroom or a bucket down there.

    2. At least we can assume they could squat behind a box. What about "Who changed Kevin's diapers when he was in a straight jacket for months? "lol

      And why is Ryan shouting orders to that nurse? I hope she called the police and said Franco is missing so they can come in and search the WHOLE building.

  5. So I finally got to watch and WOW! Roger and John were awesome! Can't wait for tomorrow.

  6. Did Franco actually go outside? I thought he was still in the corridor when I saw him last. Was hoping he'd end up in the basement somehow, and find Laura and Kevin. Hate that we have to wait until next week to see this continue. Looking at the previews makes me think that they will be concentrating on other things in Friday's show.

    1. It was hard to tell, when Franco was calling Jordan his voice sounded different like he was outside and it was windy and the lights were different. Maybe the roof? Or the way to the basement? I still get today's episode since it would've aired yesterday. Hope it's not Carson and co.

    2. I think he was outside, it looked like the same door that Franco and Jason used when they rescued Carly

  7. Excellent episode. Fastest hour of GH I ever watched. Can't wait for today!

  8. This is the way GH used to be ALL the time. The soapy goodness and suspense.

  9. Great show yesterday! I was also hoping Franco would stumble into the boiler room where Laura and Kevin are. I like Drew being a good guy and friend to Friz.

    1. So do I. I've always loved Drew and love his friendship with Liz.

  10. Well, any GH that moves that quickly and features the stellar acting of: Jon Lindstrom, Maura West, Kin Shriner, Rebecca Herbst and Roger Howarth all in the same 45 minutes is a thumbs up in my book. BTW, I still have faith in Billy Miller but they haven't quite known what to do with his character. They need to really let this guy show what he can do! The guy has won Support and Lead acting Emmys - LET HIM SHINE



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...