Thursday, February 14, 2019

Love in Jail

Not Molly and TJ
Not Jordan and Curtis
Not anyone ELSE ON CANVAS...BUT CARSON!! And I'm just saying that SORRY-- ughhhh we do not need this ish. Nope. All I can think of is Laura Wright is pregnant in real life-- because WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS??? I will have a LOT to say about this later. This better be a menopause story.
YEP MENOPAUSE, that's what I'm going with...because I can't fathom why they'd have a baby story now. 



CarSon in bed. Maybe this is when he plants the seed? Ewwww ..Oh no, Carly's acting like she has something to tell him. They go to the Metro for dinner. Sonny has plane tickets. She's hesitates. When they are back home, she tells him shes' pregnant. He just looks at her @@

Olivia and Ned going to the Metro overnight.

JaSam make out in Jason's place. Then Spinelli comes over. With "Dire News" about SHank. He thinks he murdered someone. 

Sam goes to the Valentine's party to try to get info out of SHank. He massages her head and says mumbo jumbo about the "here and now". She leaves. 

Kristina tells him seeing him with Sam bothers her and she's not "Enlightened" enough. He tells her she has to take more classes. Krissy doesn't have the money-- and Shank says "Well, if you needed an operation, she'd get the money". 

JAIL HOUSE WEDDING!!!!! On the anniversary of Liz' rape day!! I mean, seriously?  I've been waiting for MONTHS for this and it's on this day IN THE JAIL?  Drew is going to marry them. They get married.  No kids. No family-- nope. 

That Dr. guy that is blind thinks Anna is Alex. Then he realizes she's really Anna. I guess they are going to fly him to Port Charles to get his viral thing straightened out. 

Valerie is on.. which I don't even CARE because Brytni is leaving. Whatever. Kristina tries to push the cult on her. Valerie leaves. 

NEWS: INGO'S BACK AS JAX. Not sure when. 


  1. Saw that Dante is coming back again - short term. Nauseating about Carly - too old and too many kids for Sonny. He will be saying "Carly and the baby" a zillion times while she is pregnant, like before. Ugh!

  2. Yeh I mentioned awhile back that there was something I read about Carly being pregnant, with her age (sorry) LOL I wasn't sure how true it was. Oh yeh I forgot to mention Dom coming back! It's not forever.

  3. LOL Karen @@ Sonnys eyes when told he's gonna be a dad for the 1000 time.

  4. I agree. NO baby for Carly and Sonny. I was looking forward to the Friz wedding but this is a cop-out. She is a legacy character with history on this day and this is what we get. They better do a re-do when he is free.

    1. Yeah that is what I was going to say.. They could always do a redo! :) With everyone in attendance! :)

  5. Everything sucks.

    (thats all I got)

  6. sorry people but I do not like Jax.....not happy he is coming back unless he falls for like Nina or something..OR AVA!!!!!!!!!!!...I think he's rich and arrogant.....but if he was with Ava - now THAT would be interesting

  7. I don't think Carly is pregnant - she just THINKS she is and then she'll get mad that SOnny didn't want it, blah, blah and JAX pops up to see about Jos and then Carly cries on his shoulder......blah, blah - you wouldn't have Carly pregnant with Jax coming back.....I think Liz is pregnant.....

    1. ha ha Liz pregnant.Because nothing says Disney like 4 children from 4 different fathers.

    2. "Barbara says I don't think Carly is pregnant - she just THINKS she is and then she'll get mad that SOnny didn't want it, blah, blah and JAX pops up to see about Jos and then Carly cries on his shoulder......blah, blah"

      ROFL! And then SHE will be the one who cheats!! And with Jax! ROFL!

  8. Laura wright is to old to be pregnant in irl. think she is 50 yrs. old. rebeccca herbst face is perfection. love scenes with franco and drew. love jax now we just need nik back. maybe carly is guessing she is pregnant but its menopause.

  9. Laura Wright is 48. Women can get pregnant at that age if still menstruating, but it is rare and complications are really increased.

  10. I for one don't think Carly is pregnant st her age (sorry ladies). I think it is more likely a symptom of disease in her reproductive system. I think maybe her ovaries or cervix etc. This would involve the Hospital and another learning moment for viewers.

  11. I would love to see Franco doting on his little bundle of joy. He'd be loads of fun in that situation as well. If Liz gets pregnant, I would hope the writers plan on keeping her with Franco permanently. Maura West in only two years younger than Laura Wright and the writers had her pregnant not too long ago, so it isn't a giant leap but it is strange to me if they have Carly pregnant again with all Carson has going on at any given moment. But it's the soaps so anything goes...

    1. I agree, hed'd make a great dad. He's great with the boys and he loved Kiki as his own.

  12. Carly is NOT too old to be PG, but, c'mon, no more kids for Sonny, PLEASE!! I have not finished watching yet, but Liz is marrying Franco in jail? I guess that is one way to get around not having to deal with her family issues that they were supposed to deal with. But, in NYS, you do need to have a marriage license first, plus I think you need a witness, plus, when did Drew become an officiant?

    1. AntJoan - maybe Drew as an officiant is part of his memories we often hear about but never see. (another storyline shot to hell)

    2. He just got his license online. Anyone can become an online cleryman these days. I would have thought that you had to get a marriage license too and that should take longer.

    3. Declodave you are killing me! Lol! Loving all your comments. Like a bright side to the show being so crappy! Thank you!

  13. Karen I love the Friz wedding cake picture! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jason's home:

    Jasam: Oh they couldn't make the wuv because Spinny visited!!!

    Jason and Spinny: Oh! Shanky is dangerous with a capital D!!! Love when Spinny hugged Jason! HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!

    The cult house:

    Samsky: Oh my my my!!!! He is touching Sam's face!!! Oh man just kiss already! You know you want to Shanky! :) It's written all over your face! :) Oh looky looky Krissy is all jelly!

    Val and Krissy: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! They are so sparkly! :) Damn Krissy is pushing Val to the cult house, just like she tried to do with Alexis.

    Shanky and Krissy: Oh my!!! Does Shanky want Krissy to steal money?!!??!!

    Jason's home part 2:

    Jasam: YESSSSSSSSSSSS SCORE!!!! :) They made the wuv.. :) He got her pink roses awwww! He finally understands Valentines day! WOW! :) Well wonders never cease. :)

    Carson's home: They made the wuv!!! :) I wonder if he was thinking about Margoo..

    Carly: I'm pregnant.

    SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!!?!?! :0 Wait wait wait. How old is she?! Damn!!!! Well well well, Sonny's swimmers still swimming!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nedlia: Ned bringing up last year on Valentines day! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When Olivia was drunk and watch animals on tv! HAHAHAHAHAA!

    The jail:

    Friz: Well it's about time they got married!!! GEEZ! They postponed their wedding so many times. I don't care if it's a jail wedding. BobTodd was annoying me when he kept saying no!!! ARGH! BobTodd what the lines of the day.

    BobTodd: Hey Cliff, Let me ask you something. Are you an ordained minister? Hey Cliff.

    Cliff: What now?


    Friz and Drew: Drew: You both mean a lot to me. I think of you as a brother.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) I bet people's heads on soap central are imploding! ROFL! Awwwww Drew married them!!! :) FRIZ ARE MARRIED WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! Now they just need little frizes running around. :)


    Anna, Cabit, Robert, and Finchy: *sigh* Alexis this, Alexis that. Blah blah blah. Oh good they are going to give him his sight back. Dr. Cabit is so smart with that deal he made. :)

    Metrocourt hotel room:

    Nedlia: Man! They both have great bodies!!!! :) Making all the wuv. :) Oh! I saw Olivia's nipple in her bra! Whoopsy!

    1. I would assume that Skanky wants Krissy to dip into her trust fund. He knows she has rich parents.

    2. Good idea Di, wouldn't surprise me

  14. OK, so I finished watching, they did have a witness. But what about the marriage license?

    They interrupted GH with a stupid news bulletin, so, HOW did Sam end up sleeping with Jason? Last I saw, they said good night to each other, see you tomorrow, and Sam was going to Monica's to pick up the kids. I swear, Sam is NEVER with her children, but, HOW did she end up in bed with Jason?

    Drew used to be with Liz, so it was odd his marrying them.

    I remember Olivia's scene with the animal rescue thing, but it seems like it was a few years ago, not last year, anyone know for sure?

    1. Not every single thing has to be shown on air, it's an hr show, technically not because of the commercials. So I got off very late and did a "drive by" on hulu (a bunch of ff since I didn't want Carson all over my screen) but I guess I'm in the minority, I loved the jailhouse wedding, is it ideal,, but she's standing by her man and she loves him and he's not the man he used to be and she's not the person she used to be, they've grown. Or maybe I'm an idiot and don't think everything to death?

  15. adrienne barbeau, who was an actress on this show, was pregnant at 56

  16. Yes, and Janet Jackson had a baby at 50, women get PG in their 40s, it is not uncommon.

    1. Exactly. It happens. So for Carly to get pregnant it's not unheard of.

  17. GH Wishlist:
    1. Jax and Jocelyn have friction issues because of Jax's absentness (ala Lulu/Luke). Add a faux pas of Jax thinking Jocelyn is spending too much time with Oscar(unaware of Oscar's cancer)
    2. Oscar thinks he about to die. Joss marries Oscar; Oscar tells Cameron to comfort Joss, when he dies. Drew and Kim have grief sex....then Oscar's treatment miraculously works...and then everyone begins to regret their rash actions.
    3. Ryan is either taken out by Ava OR the Cult members do a revenge killing(unbeknownst to Kristina, Sam, Alexis) and are shown to be a darker force.
    4. Valetin starts being anonymously blackmailed by... Nickolas!
    5. Lucky comes homes, and flips out on Liz for falling for Franco(Again, why HASN'T JJ been called up!!!).

    1. Oh good on the Nikolas !! He could be getting threats and maybe snakes released in the house--horses poisoned, etc. We find out it's Nikolas!

  18. Yes, PLEASE, bring Lucky back!! Liz's kids are being beat up because she is engaged to a serial killer, and now she marries him? She would not be that insensitive and in-your-face where her children are concerned. I guess, I said earlier, it is a way to get around having to figure out what to do with Liz's absent family at yet another major life event.

    1. Lucky is a loser and basically abandoned his kids. Liz's kids weren't beaten up because of Franco. Cam got in a scrap because someone said something about his mom being with Franco because of the false charges against him.

  19. I worked in a Woman's Hospital for 25 years. Doctors said it was extremely rare for a women over 50 to get pregnant normally. Here is a quote. "
    "It's definitely possible to have a live baby (at 50) but the odds are like winning the lottery," said Dr. Pang, the medical director of a noted Fertility Center.That's because after age 45, a woman's likelihood of getting pregnant naturally is less than 4%, and that number plummets to 1% once she hits 50, he said. But if Carly really is pregnant again lets hope they let it live.

    1. I know someone that got pregnant at 43-- but that was a HUGE surprise. Baby was fine. The only other people I've heard of or know had IVF at that age. One with younger eggs used (surrogate eggs)

  20. It's a shame what the writers have done to the character of Lucky.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...