Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Today I'm finally going somewhere for my break-- ITHACA NY! Land of beautiful college campus' (Ithaca and Cornell) and many many gorges. My cousin actually lives there, so it's a day trip.

Alas, I won't be on for GH today. 

I'm still baffled by a few things:
Why start a new Sam Story when Oscar was diagnosed as having cancer and the Joss/Cam thing was going so well?  The Cult Club would have been a good angle first--then have this Sam stuff come out later??  I don't know. Just seems weird. Speaking of weird, why would Carly be pregnant at this juncture? Jax is back? Will she lose the baby and he 'be there for her'?? I can't figure it out.  Why all the desperate Franco-Mess when Ryan could have kept on for awhile without it? Having him attack Lulu was a good idea, but only if she was killed, imo. Having an eye-witness called for this contriving story. 
And not for nothing but dear DIALOG writers..please get more real with the child-care stuff. Monica is running a damn hospital. AT LEAST make it Molly--or some phantom care taker like Betty was. (Remember Betty? Tony Jones used that lady all the time!!) Plus, since when does the Mom not just say to the Dad--um.. here. ? Drew's just schlepping around town, have him carry Scout with him. Kim can moon over her. 
I'll save the rest of my mouth for Sunday Surgery!! 


  1. Karen, just yesterday I was thinking the same thing--Monica runs a hospital, and is always watching everyone's kids, while the actual mom, Sam, who does not actually have a job, runs around town freely?

  2. Karen says "I'm still baffled by a few things..."

    a FEW things? really? thats all?

  3. It seems like everyone just stopped working-Nina, Maxie, Monica, Drew and Ava for sure. I can’t believe there will be another kid when we hardly ever see Avery, Rocco, Danny or Scout. I loved the reunion but Laura never asked Kevin why Ryan was still alive and kept at Ferncliff. And they should have immediately tried to figure out how to get out of there. Hate the Franco guilty plea.

    1. I'm with you. The Laura Kevin reunion was incredibly frustrating. Laura thinks Ryan may go kill LuLu, yet the two of them spend the whole time chatting about the months that went by. No attempt to escape or yell for help. I was angry. Franco plea... also made me mad and sad. It's not worth the giant step backwards. He better come out of this a hero, and fast.

    2. Franco deserves to be a hero after agreeing to this riducously stupid plan, without counsel even. The police had no forensic evidence other than the planted licenses and Lulu’s revelation should have been confirmed with a second dr.

  4. the writers have ruined franco again. I am done with him. pair liz back with drew.

  5. Maybe LIZ will now sleep with Drew when he is lonely, etc. and Kim is with Julian.............she WILL do something stupid too cause they won't let them be happy.....

  6. I think Franco at Ferncliff will find some way to save Laura and Kevin.

    1. When I watched today's show& heard that Franco was going to Ferncliff for testing,I just knew he will be the one to save Laura & Kevin.

  7. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that is so good - YEP he can save Laura and Kevin!

  8. Small detail. In court they would use victims' real names- ie Katherine Jerome & Lesley Lu Falconari.

    1. Ha! You’re right— real names. Also, Kevin and Laura are still at Ferncliff? I wasn’t sure...

    2. Ryan told them that they're in the basement of Ferncliff.

    3. Basement?! Oops I missed that. I thought it was the roof.

  9. The hospital:

    Maxie and Hiney: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzz. Come on technician! Come and give us the results of the fingernail clippings! Oh there she is! Oh wait Maxie hasn't given it to her yet. Oh wait it takes 10 days? UGH! Oh Maxie and Hiney are going to poughkeepsie! 24 hours until you get the results. Oh goodie a road trip! UGH! Why can't Lulu and Hiney go on a road trip?

    The courthouse:

    Jordan and Lulu:

    Jordan: You have my word. Justice will be served.

    Wait what the hell does that mean?!?!!? And why does Jordan keep grinning?!?!?!! So is this all a trick Jordan?!!?!? Do you want BobTodd to say he is guilty, because you want him in jail!?!!??!?!?!

    Scotty and Lulu: Scotty wins the line of the day!

    Scotty: Go away Lulu!

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA! And he waves his hand at her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!

    BobTodd: You're honor I plead guilty to all charges.

    Friz: Oh no!!! Liz slapped him and threw the rings at him! Tell her the truth! Don't keep her in the dark BobTodd!!!!!

    Friz home:

    Liz and Cam: Hey hey Cam! I get you are upset, but don't talk to her like that!!!! Oh and I want Liz's dress! GIMMIE! :)

    Joscar, Cam, and Trina: Oh great scene!! They are eating and talking about where to go!!! The fingerlakes!!! :) This scene was so real!!! :)

    Inside Central Perk:

    Julian and Ava: More inappropriate chemistry!!!! She got so close to his ear and whispered!!!! :)

    Fercliff rooftop:

    Doc, Laura and Ryan: Man when Ryan stuck that needle in Laura, soapy goodness!!! Today was a great scene with them! Ryan's attitude and the way he acted was great hahahahaha!

    Doc and Laura: Great scene!!!! Isn't she going to ask him how long he knew that Ryan was alive? Love the recap they were doing! :) Hmmm oh look a blanket on the floor! They gonna have some sex? :) Maybe tomorrow. :) If this was Luke, L&L would! :)


    Valenina and Sasha: Uh no Nina! Don't put Sasha in your will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Julian and Alexis: Oh get back together already!

    1. Sonya, they are going to Niagara Falls, not the Fingerlakes. Gee, what could go wrong?

    2. Oops!!!! Niagara falls!! Thanks AntJoan. :) Yeah would could go wrong? hmmmm. :)

  10. Today's episode is so good! My heart broke for Friz 💔. Loved Laura and Kevin scenes! Ryan looked like he was gonna sh*t his shorts when he found out that Franco is going to Ferncliff. I hope he can save Laura and Jevin. I hope that Liz doesn't stop loving Franco. 😥

  11. *I hope Franco can save Laura and Kevin.

  12. I just HAVE to say, again, how ridiculous it was for Franco to go along with Jordan's plan. Even if she isn't intentionally setting him up, he is entering a false plea, and can't just say at the end, "Oh, Jordan told me to do it." It looks like Jordan didn't tell anyone else at the PCPD about this, so it will be her word against his.

  13. I agree, great episode! But I am so frustrated with this Franco debacle. Jordan's plan is so going to explode in everyone's face. I'm definitely on the Franco saving Laura and Kevin band wagon. And Sonya, yes that was the line of day for me, too. Go away Lulu. I think I'll have a t-shirt made with that on it. :)



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...