Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I get home and think--with all the news from last night, I'll just mindlessly watch GH--snark a bit and ..
WHO'S ON MY TV? UGH..ABC has to interrupt our soap for this? What? people can't watch it enough online or MSNBC or CNN? 

Cripes.  It came back at 3:25ish.

Helena is a flashback on the show. Thank GOODNESS. I couldn't deal if she was alive. Nope. We've had enough of that. 
Jason was getting beaten by a guard in a flashback.

OMG the set was SO cheesy..and the "rocks" AHAHAHAA. How embarassing. Oh and get this...Franco must be "mind controlled" too? He smashes Jake's head with a "ROCK" and -- oh hell. I don't know.  Franco seems to be taking over the role of the guard to "trigger" Jason's memories. He's beating him. 
And ..Jason remembers that Jake "Saw it all"
Franco lets Jason go--and JASON bashes HIS head in with a rock. WTF.  He chains him up and leaves him there to go to "Jake's birthday party". On the same DAY HE'S IN GREECE? 

They don't even try anymore LMAO 

Chimera mention. BTW, GH has no business writing whatever the hell this genre is. Leave that to shows like Orphan Black. You are just making us laugh with this.

The UPS guy delivers a present to Jake and says; Happy Birthday "LITTLE MAN" and Jake like snaps to attention. 
Oh the UPS guy is the guy that was beating on Jason in the CI flashbacks.  He got a Magic Kit that has a secret message in there.  IT's a lion drawing which is on Cassadine Island on a tree. 
Good Gravy.


  1. Helena is still suppose to be alive and heading to the Nurses Ball I have been reading...

  2. OH GOD..seriously?

    Please. NO

  3. Idk what is even going on with this whole Chimera topic; it seems like it popped up out of nowhere.

  4. That's strange Karen, it wasn't preempted/hijacked at all here. The show aired normally. And since you're 2 hours ahead of me, it was at the same time. What makes this crap that's going on even more frustrating, is that in the 80s and early 90s GH was FANTASTIC with the spy/action/mystery storylines. The creature on the tree and metal container was a Chimera, and not an lion, btw. But unless a person has read a lot of Greek mythology, that's a very easy thing to get mixed up.

    VC selling the Chimera project to Helena, just makes no sense at all. In every version/description of him and his personality/motivations we've been told since the first time Helena told Luke about him, is that he completely despises Helena, and wanted absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with her, period. No matter WHAT the circumstances were. So even to just get enough money for his surgeries, just doesn't fit at all. Not to mention, IIRC, wasn't the reason he told Nina that he masterminded all of the robberies and heists, so he could pay for the surgeries?


  5. Kathy M said...

    Idk what is even going on with this whole Chimera topic; it seems like it popped up out of nowhere.

    ** It did Kathy, it's something completely new from Jelly. And totally reeks of their writing method which for all intents and purposes is basically that they make the shit up as they go along, by pretty much putting a bunch of post it notes on the walls with names/places/events/etc.. on them and then just tossing darts at the wall, and whatever they hit, they go from there. They have said in interviews in the past that they do not fully plan things out in advance. So then it basically in the ends turns out about the same.


  6. I didn't even notice the UPS guy was the same one beating up Jason. I'm not even looking forward to the Nurse's Ball that's not as good as it used to be either

  7. I didn't notice either.

    As far as the NB goes, I give them credit for still keeping it going at least, after RC brought it back. Unfortunately, the budget just isn't there anymore, like it was during it's heyday, and it does show, sadly.


  8. The REAL park:

    Alex/Anna and V.C.: So the Chimera is a toxin? Oh flashbacks of Helena! YAY! :) Hey great seeing V.C. before his surgery, but why isn't Helena afraid of V.C.? That is strange! ROFL! Hmmm the Chimera looks like a bomb! Man Alex/Anna is so flirty! It looks like she wants him to kiss her!

    Alex/Anna and Maddox: See you can SO tell this isn't Anna! Anna would NEVER treat Maddox the way she just treated him! So rude!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jordan and Curtis: Oh Jordan congrats on winning bowling!!! Nice trophy! :) Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: No it smells like a used shoe.

    ROFL! Whew glad he didn't drink the alcohol in his bowling shoe. :)

    Maddox and Valerie: Oh come on Val!!! Aren't you a bit too old for playing games?

    Jordan and Valerie: Ahhh Val is right Jordan! You warn her about dating Curtis, and now YOU are dating Curtis! If you think about it, it doesn't make sense.

    Liz's home: Oh oh. Jakey doesn't have a lot of patience!!!! Pretty dress Kiwi! Awww a present from BobTodd! :)Oh oh! That UPS guy!!! Little man!!!! Wait the UPS guy is the guy who hit Jason? I didn't even realize that! DOH! HOLY CRAP!!! Jake has the Chimera bomb!?!?!?!! WOW!

    Cassadine Island:

    BobTodd and Jason: I get why BobTodd smacked Jason over the head with a Rock and chained him to the rocks, because it worked! Jason remembers!!! But, BobTodd should have given him a heads up.. No pun intended. Oh oh now Jason gets him back!! BobTodd you are grounded! Now you are going to stay there and think about what you did!!! Jason is probably going to go home and cry to his wife about what big bad BobTodd did to him.. Boo hoo! Franco chained me up and beat me up! Boo hoo!


    Nina, V.C. and Nathan: I'm glad Nathan is there for his cousin/sister.. I don't blame Nina for feeling this way! V.C is taking Nina for granted!!! OH V.C. hesitated!!! He wants to have an affair with Anna!!!! HAHAHAHA! I was waiting for V.C. to start stuttering when they were arguing.. He didn't. Too bad. Maybe he only stutters with Anna.

  9. sonya said...

    The REAL park:

    Alex/Anna and V.C.: So the Chimera is a toxin? Oh flashbacks of Helena! YAY! :) Hey great seeing V.C. before his surgery, but why isn't Helena afraid of V.C.? That is strange! ROFL! Hmmm the Chimera looks like a bomb! Man Alex/Anna is so flirty! It looks like she wants him to kiss her!

    ** I'm leaning towards it being a toxin. That scene with VC and Helena was totally out character, for both of them. (Granted Jelly seems to be changing what VC's personality and motivations are every couple of weeks). As Helena said to Luke "He's the Cassadine that all the rest are afraid of". Not to mention that VC has said SEVERAL times that he has never had any desire to do anything whatsoever with the rest of the Cassadines, Also, I could have sworn he told Nina that the reason he did those robberies and what not, were so he could get the surgeries he needed NOT by selling some VERY deadly piece of tech to Helena.

    Alex/Anna and Maddox: See you can SO tell this isn't Anna! Anna would NEVER treat Maddox the way she just treated him! So rude!!!!

    ** It definitely isn't. But, this is NOTHING like Alex is/was. She's said/made some very stupid mistakes. Stuff tht I just can't see Alex doing. She and Anna have stayed in touch it sounded like when she went up against Dr. O at Steinmauer. And remember, she was the one who nursed Anna back to full health on AMC. So she knows how Anna is, acts, etc... Whoever this is, doesn't.

    Cassadine Island:

    BobTodd and Jason: I get why BobTodd smacked Jason over the head with a Rock and chained him to the rocks, because it worked! Jason remembers!!! But, BobTodd should have given him a heads up.. No pun intended. Oh oh now Jason gets him back!! BobTodd you are grounded! Now you are going to stay there and think about what you did!!! Jason is probably going to go home and cry to his wife about what big bad BobTodd did to him.. Boo hoo! Franco chained me up and beat me up! Boo hoo!

    ** Jason has had FAR worse done to him than that. They were on the island to help JAKE, that was their priority. I really don't think had he warned Jason that he was gonna do it, it would have been as effective. Since he was trying to recreate the conditions that Jason went through on there when he was chained up. If Franco had just told him he was gonna chain him up, Jason would have just have known that he wasn't in any danger, thus making it harder to trigger those memories. I'm getting REALLY sick of Jason bitching about Franco being around. Since Franco has actually been listening to Jake and trying to help him out. Up until the trip to the island, he'd been doing much more than Jason up to that point, in trying to help Jake out.


  10. "K says That scene with VC and Helena was totally out character, for both of them. (Granted Jelly seems to be changing what VC's personality and motivations are every couple of weeks). As Helena said to Luke "He's the Cassadine that all the rest are afraid of".

    Yeah so odd!!! There was no fear in Helena!! Come on writers!!

    "It definitely isn't. But, this is NOTHING like Alex is/was. She's said/made some very stupid mistakes. Stuff tht I just can't see Alex doing."

    Yeah Alex is so rude!!!! I hope she doesn't stay too long!

    "Jason has had FAR worse done to him than that."

    That's for sure!!!!

    "They were on the island to help JAKE, that was their priority. I really don't think had he warned Jason that he was gonna do it, it would have been as effective. Since he was trying to recreate the conditions that Jason went through on there when he was chained up. If Franco had just told him he was gonna chain him up, Jason would have just have known that he wasn't in any danger, thus making it harder to trigger those memories."

    Yeah you got a good point there. :)


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...