Wednesday, July 13, 2016

There's an app for that

Sonny the Lord and Savior comes to visit Alexis! I'm so glad. I'm sure he'll make her feel so much better! Said NO ONE EVER. That idiot  trashed her house and threatened her and she's all "thaink you"?? WHAT? ugh He also asked her if she put the knife in Julian to "protect HIM". Because you know, all about Sonny. 

Franco got Jake a scholarship for Jake for art camp. Liz is mad because Cam wanted to go to Space Camp and Aiden wants to go to School of Rock.  She's mad because they can't go. She storms off because Franco didn't tell her.  She tells Epiphany to not schedule her with Franco. 
Franco hears her. Says to Epiphany "I'm through being nice"! 

I like TempMaxie. I miss KS but this girl is cute. Good actress. She doesn't bug me. Nina fired Claudette when she found out who she really is but Maxie wants her to stay so she can keep an eye on her. 

Everyone is calling in sick to GH, they don't want to work where the murders are.  Epiphany is going crazy trying to schedule people. 

Mule Team Hammy Finn are going to get him the drugs.  He doesn't want Tracy to go out of the country because of her post-worm immune system. Hayden can't go-- she's under FBI scrutiny.  Finn finds a vial of what he needs. Tracy and Hayden leave. 

Nina is sending Curtis out to find out about shady surgeons in the area (under the guise of bad plastic surgery). She also wants him to look up CJ's background. 

WHERE is Diane in all of this?  OMG get this!! Alexis is checking her phone FOR HER PERIOD! I AM serious!!!!!!! :cryinglaughing: Will she really be PG? Good Gravy no. 


  1. Metrocourt restaurant:

    RayRay and Tracy: What just happened here?! One minute RayRay wanted to help McFinny get his meds, and the next minute she is all afraid of the FBI so she can't help him!?!?! HUH?! Something must have happened in yesterday's episode!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    McFinny's room: Poor McFinny!!! So desperate to find his Lizard urine!!!! Maybe GuGu drank it!!! Check her pee! CHECK HER PEE!!!!!!

    McFinny, Tracy, and RayRay: Geez! RayRay can't help McFinny, he won't let Tracy go anywhere to help him, GuGu can't help her daddy! She drank all of the urine!! ALL IS LOST IN THE WORLD!!!!! :'(

    McFinny: Eureka!

    Great! You found some of your lizard urine! GuGu didn't drink it! :) But what happens when that is gone?!!?!!?! :(

    *RayRay picks up a piece of paper on the floor*


    Alexis's home: Alexis's cupcakes are happy to see Sonny the most wonderful man in the world! :) Alexis wins the line of the day!

    Alexis: There was a moment in time where he got out of the mob and kept his promises to me. It was a great 10 minutes.



    Curtis and Nina: Man when they got close I can feel the chemistry! :)

    Claudette, Nina, and Fake Maxie: Fake Maxie is still constipated! Nina is wearing a peekaboob hooker dress, and Claudette, well she reminds me of Jessica's other personality Tess from OLTL :) For those you don't know, Jessica had multiple personality disorder.. She was Wes, Tess, and Bess. :)

    The hospital:

    Friz: Oh come on!!! BobTodd can give you the money to have all three of your kids at camp Liz!!! :) BobTodd offer!!!! You got the money now from your mother! :)

    Piffy and Liz: Oh Liz! What's the matta? You SKEERED of your feelings for BobTodd? :) Piffy knows! :)

    Piffy and BobTodd:

    BobTodd: I for one have had enough. Do you understand what I'm telling you? I'm through being nice.

    What does that mean?! Is she going to hurt Liz, or is he going to be more assertive and tell Liz how he feels about her? :)Snap out of it BobTodd!!!! Tell her how you feel man!!! She feels the same way!! :) Don't be SKEERED too!

    Elevator: RA RO!

    McFinny and Griffy: Awww Griffy worries about him. :) Oh McFinny don't be silly! Stop being crunchy!!! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tracy and RayRay: Ohhhh RayRay got the invoice!!!! AWESOME! The drug is called Seekenestral??! I don't even know how to spell it! Well, so that is what the Lizard urine is called!!! Seekenestral! :)

  2. Oops forgot one more.

    *Alexis looks through her phone*

    Awww what's the matta Alexis? You think you got the preggers?!!?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!

  3. While I had no issue with Sonny saving Alexis I 5hink it was stupid of him to think she stabbed her sob hubby for HIM! He really does think he's God. Haha Alexis and her cupcakes, they were just kinda out there, hard not to notice. I thought she was going to go somewhere with that pregnancy talk with Sonny (when she mentioned that and Anna etc), but guess it was nothing. I'm getting used to stand in Maxie. Still disappointed I didn't get to watch GH yesterday, I really wanted to see the whole thing with Julian, the aftermath.

  4. While I had no issue with Sonny saving Alexis I 5hink it was stupid of him to think she stabbed her sob hubby for HIM! He really does think he's God. Haha Alexis and her cupcakes, they were just kinda out there, hard not to notice. I thought she was going to go somewhere with that pregnancy talk with Sonny (when she mentioned that and Anna etc), but guess it was nothing. I'm getting used to stand in Maxie. Still disappointed I didn't get to watch GH yesterday, I really wanted to see the whole thing with Julian, the aftermath.

  5. "Michelle Latta said...Haha Alexis and her cupcakes,"


    "they were just kinda out there, hard not to notice."

    Yeah you would have to be blind not to notice! :)

    "Still disappointed I didn't get to watch GH yesterday, I really wanted to see the whole thing with Julian, the aftermath."

    Yeah I'm still waiting for it to be online!!!! As soon as I find it online, I will put it up! :)

    1. Thanks! So.....any ideas who serial killer is? I'm surprised Dr O didn't show her face today now that Finn is back. He was being a real butt head. The whole Roxy stuff was funny though. Wonder what BobTodd is up to? He has the money for all 3 he should just do it. The other 2 boys don't have a father around, so why not....

    2. It finally showed up on twc on demand. Just can't ff thru the bs.

  6. I found yesterday's GH! :)

  7. At this point, I'm not sure who will end up being the serial killer. If I had my choice, it would be Andre; however, I'm not sure what his motivation would be. In addition, I doubt it will play out that way because I believe he was at the Nurse's Ball when Lucas was attacked.

    In my scenario, the reason I would have picked Andre is because he comes across as an intelligent, classy, calm, good guy who happens to be a shrink and can get into the minds of others. However, we do not know much about his background. There has been so much focus on the doctors and nurses at GH, but other practitioners and counselors work in hospitals as well. In addition, he must have had a good enough reputation if Kevin suggested he work with Anna and he also had a past with Robert as well. He is surrounded by women who are in law enforcement (Jordan, Anna) and many serial killers are often overlooked by law enforcement individuals as the serial killers sometimes become friendly with unsuspecting police detectives. He could have also had an unhealthy obsession with women in these roles because he may have gotten a rise out of it (he also kept pursuing Anna when she stopped going to therapy). According to research, the comfort zone for a serial killer is often either a residence or place of employment. The other things that stood out to me was when Andre strangely told Anna that we all have trouble being alone sometimes. Also, I found it interesting that he was able to so quickly deduct where to find Anna on the docs after Carlos locked her in the meat locker - definitely thinking outside of the box.

    In any case, just my two cents, but I'm not the writer.

    1. You just gave the writers their killer. Very smart. I never would have thought of him, but the way you spin it....very good.

    2. You just gave the writers their killer. Very smart. I never would have thought of him, but the way you spin it....very good.

  8. Well, sadly, I doubt that the writers know who the killer is. Also, sadly, Alexis is tracking her periods after having gone through menopause 4 years ago? Is this supposed to be some kind of miracle?

  9. "AntJoan said... Also, sadly, Alexis is tracking her periods"

    Yeah I noticed that! With the little circles around the numbers! Hahahaha!

    "after having gone through menopause 4 years ago? Is this supposed to be some kind of miracle?"

    She must be taking what Suzanne Somers takes! Bioidentical Hormones!!! ROFL!

  10. Even Suzanne Sommers cannot get PG!! (I know you know that.) Ladies do not have viable eggs in their late 50s and 60s, I don't care how many hormones they take!! Especially if they already have gone through menopause!! How can NLG play this with a straight face?

    The only thing I can think of is that Alexis is supposed to be much younger than NLG. NLG looks amazing, so she can pull this off. If she was 16 when Sam was born, how old is Sam supposed to be now? If anyone knows, we can add those 2 ages and get Alexis's age.

  11. It doesn't really give a year for Sam's birth but Kelly is 36.

  12. "AntJoan said...Ladies do not have viable eggs in their late 50s and 60s,"

    Well if Alexis gets pregnant, then it will be a festivus miracle!! ROFL!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...