Monday, July 18, 2016

It's all Greek to Me

The island? OMG...first of all "Valentin" isn't nasty AT ALL. Sam and Jason act like they DGAF about this.  LOL 
Theo is speaking Greek. Nikolas can speak it too. 
Theo/Valentin flashes his Cassadine Tattoo. He is indeed, Valentine...Mekkos bastard Son.
Boy, this is really boring. Sad. 

Alexis bought a pregnancy test. YES she DID. UGH. Her girls want to have a movie night and she wants to go pee on the stick.  They find it in the kitchen. Alexis says yes, she could be pregnant. (:eyeroll:) she asks them to leave so she can pee in private. She doesn't do it today. 

Alexis needed to be ON THE ISLAND!  You know with the rest of the Cassadines?? It's like they don't even remember she IS a Cassadine. It's a boring ass'd story but.... at least include her. 

Lucas is talking to Jules. "you're not my father, Tony Jones was my father" !! Olivia walks in to bitch at him too. "You'll never see Leo again"! Then she goes to say that SONNY (Unlike Jules) is Wonderful, Loyal and Courageous -- Barf. 

Hammy and Sonny...bonding at the Metro. Hams wants to know if Sonny deals in illicit drugs--prescription to be exact.  Sonny lectures him on why he won't sell illegal drugs. Hammy tells him he's dying and got a disease. Sonny thinks he might know someone that 'knows someone'

Tracy and Hayden meet her mama. Hay thinks she can get what they need. She says she'll give up the name if they pay her.  She calls her dealer. He tells her that the street name for the drug is Zen Zen. She also thinks Hammy is an addict since it's a street drug.
If it's a STREET DRUG why the hell would Hammy Finn need an overseas connection??????? this makes no sense. None. 


  1. Ugh! The HammyFinn story line has taken a huge nosedive for me. Yeah it doesn't make sense. And a made up disease with a made drug is just lame. I feel like it was a waste to bring ME back if this what they're going to do.

    I like the idea of the Cassadine Island story line more than what's actually playing out if that makes sense.

  2. I'm really disappointed with the way the Fin story line is going too. Now he's basically an addict and Saint Sonny has gotten pulled into yet another story line. He'll soon be linked with everyone.

    I guess Alexis isn't needed for the Cassadine story because she's a "bastard" Cassadine too.

    Sam drives me crazy. "Yes, I'm tired Jason. I think I'll sleep for a while, in this uncomfortable wooden chair instead of on the couch." lol This woman has obviously never slept in a chair. lol I'd personally prefer the floor.

  3. How old is Alexis supposed to be? She is almost 60 in real life. Pregnant? Give me a BREAK!

  4. I STILL wish they would bring back One LIfe To Live...

  5. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sonny and McHammy Oh McHammy! Why are you asking Sonny for help?!!?! You got RayRay and Tracy!

    Sonny: You mean it's addictive.

    As soon as Sonny said that, I'm thinking McHammy is addicted to the illegal drug!?!?! So he is lying about having a disease!!!!!

    The park:

    Naomi: This friend of yours, Are you sure he's sick? Because my contact says that this drug, isn't used to treat any diseases he has ever heard about. Sorry ladies. Your friend isn't sick he's a junky.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So he has been suffering from withdrawal symptoms?!!?! And not dying?!!?!! What did his wife really die of?!!?! An overdose?!!?! This sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Julian's room: So basically,

    Julian: I am not a monster. I am a good guy. I am innocent. It's all a big misunderstanding. Nobody believes me. I am just a misunderstood guy!

    I LOVE was Lucas was saying to him! YEAH GO LUCAS! :)

    Lucas: you're not my father, Tony Jones was my father"


    Olivia: GO OLIVIA!!!!! :)

    Julian: I am going to find a way out of this!

    Oh? How Julian? Are you going to fake going crazy?

    Alexis's home: Geez girls! I thought you were there for Alexis and was going to pamper her? Not bring up Julian! UGH!

    Cassadine Island: Oh VC has a gun pointed at everyone! :) Oh he lost his accent! Rats.. And hey the bad guys are speaking a different language! Awesome. And thank you writers for putting up the words on the screen of what they are saying! :)

    Paint and Wall's private room: HA! How do you like it now bully Wall? The bully is getting bullied!!! :) Oh no! VC don't leave them alone! UGH! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Paint's cupcakes: Don't worry! I will get us out of here!!! I am beautiful and voluptuous! No man can resist me!

    *Cupcakes sneaks out then leaves the room, and then walks downstairs undetected*

    The main room: Come on Cupcakes!!! Jump VC!!! :) Ava wins the line of the day.

    Lulu: Who is he? Is he a Cassadine?

    Ava: There are more of them?


    1. LMAO Sonya! *Cupcakes sneak out then leave the room....*
      I seriously hope Finn isn't a junkie, I hope he's for real. It'd be interesting for him to have this jekyll and Hyde kinda thing going on, cause he plays bad ass so well and we'll look at him, almost 50 and hot as Hell, and he's played easy on the eyes good guy cop, so I wouldn't mind. I stop it as him being the killer though. LOL! Speaking of, I rewatching Fri and where I thought Curtis was acting weird to Griffin maybe thinking he was the killer, WELL, I forgot he was snooping in Claudette's room, maybe he found something concerning Griffin and Claudette but is keeping mum?

    2. LMAO Sonya! *Cupcakes sneak out then leave the room....*
      I seriously hope Finn isn't a junkie, I hope he's for real. It'd be interesting for him to have this jekyll and Hyde kinda thing going on, cause he plays bad ass so well and we'll look at him, almost 50 and hot as Hell, and he's played easy on the eyes good guy cop, so I wouldn't mind. I stop it as him being the killer though. LOL! Speaking of, I rewatching Fri and where I thought Curtis was acting weird to Griffin maybe thinking he was the killer, WELL, I forgot he was snooping in Claudette's room, maybe he found something concerning Griffin and Claudette but is keeping mum?

  6. "Michelle Latta said... LMAO Sonya! *Cupcakes sneak out then leave the room....*"

    Hahahaha! Did you see her cupcakes? They SO wanted out of that room! :)

    "we'll look at him, almost 50 and hot as Hell,"

    HELL YEAH! :)

  7. Yes, I barely could concentrate on the scene, her cupcakes were jumping out at me, and I am female, and NOT gay, but, there they were . . . (nothing wrong with being gay, I just am not)

  8. "AntJoan said...Yes, I barely could concentrate on the scene, her cupcakes were jumping out at me, and I am female, and NOT gay, but, there they were . . . (nothing wrong with being gay, I just am not)"

    I am not gay either, and yes there they were. :)


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...