Wednesday, July 27, 2016


This was on Ingo's FB page-- saying he was back on set this week--although I think he shows up Friday? Ergo, he must have filmed a bit more. An S&Ber said the set is dark at the end of the week. 
Are you looking forward to seeing Ingo? I am -- but the rest of the show? Oy. to the Vey. I was just remembering that we have a hospital "Murder Mystery" happening! Or do we? What the hell happened to that mess? 

As you know, I'm out for 2 days. I'll have to play catch up this weekend. 


  1. Please don't forget to tell us about the movie

    Please don't forget to tell us about the movie!!!!

  2. Yes, I want to hear all about the movie, if it is worth seeing. I LOVED Ab Fab, so I hope the movie is good!

  3. INGO!!!! :) Can't wait to see him!!! :) Can't wait to see him with his daughter awwww! :)

    Naxie's home:

    Fake Maxie and Nathan: Boy! Fake Maxie can't stop talking about Claudette! Have a wittle crush on her eh fake Maxie? :)

    Claudette and Nathan: Oh Claudette!!! Excuses excuses excuses excuses! No Nathan! Don't believe a word she says!!!

    Crimson: Oh! Sneaky sneaky Fake Maxie!!!! Oh it blew up in your face!!!!! Rats!!! Now get some Maalox! I think Claudette knew Fake Maxie did this and blew her out of the water!

    Central Perk: Oh Alexis!!! Snap out of this! You can do it!!!! Diane wins the line of the day!

    Diane: As your BFF and your attorney, I am going to tell you that now is the time to put on your big girl pants.


    Alexis: That's not funny.

    Oh yes it is! :) Snap out of it!!!

    Courthouse: Sonny, Scotty, Paul, and Julian! 4 sexy actors in the same room! :) Love that Sonny taunted Julian.. Hate that Julian sees Alexis and smiles happily at her! Man Julian is so delusional!! Wants to be in custody of Alexis?!!?! Says it's a lie that he tried to kill her?! Either Julian is delusional, has a brain tumor, has D.I.D, Or had fish for dinner and he has food poisoning.

    Cassadine Island:

    Doc: If you need to go on without me you should.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DOC!!! GAH! I was thinking someone should take the bullet OUT! Oh they read my mind! Thank you for holding him Dante! Thank you thank you thank you for taking the bullet out Laura!!!!

    Ava: Gee she can't stop talking and gushing over fake Nik! :) Where is Nik? Did someone find him and is nursing back to health?

    Daphne: Who the hell is she!?!?! She looks like she is Jaaaaaaarlos's sister or cousin!

    Daphne and Lulu: RA RO! THE ADDRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Doc: Oh no!!! He has an infection!!!! Daphne or whoever you are, you better have something to help Doc!!!

    Sidnote: Where is Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos?!!?!?!


  4. OK, I Just started watching today's show but HAD to say: What on Earth is going on with Kevin's bullet? They have a bottle of whiskey there, he should DRINK IT, for G-d's sake, why didn't anyone think of this? And they just HAPPENED to find a SEWING KIT wherever it is they are, which I guess they will use to sew up the wound? Where are they supposed to be, it looks like crumbled walls that used to be a cottage? Did I miss something?

    How many times are these poor actors going to be held hostage, and then have to give blood transfusions, remove bullets, and perform various and sundry other medical procedures? Don't the writers have ANY imagination?

    Also, did we know that Scotty is Julian's attorney? Did I miss something else?

    1. It's a make shift "sewing kit", fish line or something. I thought the same about the whiskey, he should have drank it.

    2. It's a make shift "sewing kit", fish line or something. I thought the same about the whiskey, he should have drank it.

  5. "AntJoan said...OK, I Just started watching today's show but HAD to say: What on Earth is going on with Kevin's bullet? They have a bottle of whiskey there, he should DRINK IT,"

    Yeah he should have!!!!! Then when Dante had the whiskey, I thought he was going to drink it.. Oh yes! It's a great idea to get drunk while taking the bullet out! ROFL!

    "Also, did we know that Scotty is Julian's attorney? Did I miss something else?"

    No I had no idea!!!! But Scotty needs the work!!!! Hope he loses though and Julian gets sent to the clinker!

  6. Been watching GH since 79, and have been reading your great blog for quite awhile now. Being I usually don't watch until later in the evening, and next time I get on is early in the morning, I've never posted anything, due to my weird timing. But, figured what the hell, I might as well now!

    Figured I'd point out that back when Ava hired Scotty to be her lawyer, he pretty much took Julian on as a default, too.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 54680f9e-549a-11e6-b7af-97dd4d23ba7a hi! Glad you finally decided to post! :)

    "Figured I'd point out that back when Ava hired Scotty to be her lawyer, he pretty much took Julian on as a default, too."

    Hey! I didn't even think about that. :)

  9. Crimson:

    Claudette: You wanted to get rid of me? Why?!

    Oh come on!!! Claudette you are so faking this surprised act!!!! Nobody is buying it!

    Claudette: I got a job offer yesterday..

    LIAR! Her nose is growing!!!!

    Naxie's home: Oh come on really?!!?! Claudette shows back up and Nathan still has his unbuttoned shirt? Nathan can't you see that she is manipulating you?!!?! What is with that puppy dog look on your face? Do you still have feelings for Claudette?! Again for 12000 time of talking about closure..

    Claudette: I don't believe this. The car that I called to take me to the airport just cancelled.

    Her nose is growing again!!!

    Nathan: I can take you.

    NO NATHAN NO!!!!

    Courthouse: Great Alexis and Sonny scene! Come on Alexis. Sonny has every right to be upset.. Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: We weren't even sure how you would react. You have this religious background.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Religious background? He is a mobster who shoots and kills people (well tries to shoot anyway) or has someone to do it for him! (who also sucks) So I mean, WHAT!?!?!!? ROFL!

    Central Perk:

    Krissy and Aaron: Oh man! She is lying to him and I feel so bad for him! The writers got me to feel sorry for Aaron and I don't even know him! He could be a spy for all I know! TELL THE TRUTH KRISSY! GAH!

    Krissy, Sonny, and Alexis: Great scene!!!! And yeah I think Krissy will be very upset Alexis with you if she finds out what you said to Parker.. You were right, but she won't see it that way.

    Krissy and Aaron part 2: FINALLY the truth comes out!!!

    Krissy: I like you.. And I think we were building something real before I messed it up.

    Uh Krissy? You wanted a relationship with Parker, so that meant you were going to break up with Aaron right? So don't give me that!

    Cassadine Island: I love Ava's snarkiness with Jason and Lulu! Hahahahahaahaha.

    Ava to Lulu: Not everything is about you!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AND I Love how Ava doesn't trust Jason to fly that plane! ROFL! DOC stop talking like you are going to die!!!!! Oh NOW they give Doc alcohol to drink!? You should have given it to him before you took the bullet out! Did you all see the menacing look that Daphne gave?! WOW! :) Can we keep her?! :) Who are you Daphne!? Do you know VC? Are you having sex with him? If not, you can date Jax. :) I can see you with him. :) I can call you two Dax. :)

    The plane: More snarkiness from Ava to Lulu! ROFL!

    Ava: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA! LOVE IT! :) Although Ava, you don't know Helena.. :) A cigar is sometimes not just a cigar. :)

    Lulu: What are you doing stay in your seat!

    Ava: What are you an air marshal?

    ROFL! Yeah Lulu! And why aren't you sitting down? Doc is flirting with Laura! Hahahaha. Drunk a little Doc? :) OH OH! The plane is going down!!!!! The plane boss the plane!!! THE PLAIN IS GOING DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN! LOVE IT! :)

    Throwback Thursday: 1969 GH promo.

    1. Haha! When you mentioned the part about VC and Daphne, I expected for you to say, "if you're not having sex with him, can I?" LOL! I loved Doc and Laura, I hope they get together. ❤ I don't trust Daphne. Then she threw that look, yep....loved the scenes between Kristina and her parents today and O.M.G. how DELUSIONAL is Jules????

    2. I forgot about Studs shirt...I too noticed it was still unbuttoned, really, still....then he finally buttons, it's like he sensed we were thinking it. Stupid Claudette (love Bree).... liar liar dress on fire....

  10. I noticed that Daphne said she had the antibiotics from when she had surgery. I wonder if she donated a kidney?

    I laughed at Jason telling Dante he'd show him how to help fly the plane and then he added there might be a problem as it's an old plane. PMSL Does that mean you could teach him to fly a new plane in 5 minutes, no problem at all? hahahahaha Okay. It's a soap so I suspended belief.

    And they'd better not kill DOC. I love him with Laura. I also loved his drunk ramblings. lol

    Now I guess Claudette is going to kidnap Nathan and tie him to a chair in the kidnap cabin. * rolls eyes*

    All in all I didn't mind today's ep. It is a soap, after all. I was glad they had Aaron get a little miffed at Krissy. I would have been really suspicious if he'd just said it was okay and took her out skipping through the park again. lol At least he seemed more real today.

    I really want old Maxie back so we can see her lay into Claudette when she finds out Nathan is missing.

    1. That'd be cool if they tied in that surgery with Joss....good one!

  11. "Di said...I noticed that Daphne said she had the antibiotics from when she had surgery. I wonder if she donated a kidney?"

    Oh! Good question!!!!!

    "And they'd better not kill DOC."

    Yeah they better NOT or I won't be very happy!!!!

    "I love him with Laura."

    Me too! :)

    "I also loved his drunk ramblings. lol"

    Hahahaha yeah it was awesome! :)

    "Now I guess Claudette is going to kidnap Nathan and tie him to a chair in the kidnap cabin."

    Oh no! I hope not!!!! BAH!

    "I was glad they had Aaron get a little miffed at Krissy. I would have been really suspicious if he'd just said it was okay and took her out skipping through the park again. lol"

    This time skipping in slow mo?! ROFL!

  12. "Michelle Latta said...Haha! When you mentioned the part about VC and Daphne, I expected for you to say, "if you're not having sex with him, can I?" LOL!"

    ROFL! I wasn't thinking that!!! But now I am!!!! Hahahahaha!

    "Michelle Latta DELUSIONAL is Jules????"

    He is suffering from food poisoning!!!! :)

  13. "Michelle Latta said...He's suffering from something alright..."

    ROFL! :)

  14. sonya said

    54680f9e-549a-11e6-b7af-97dd4d23ba7a hi! Glad you finally decided to post! :)

    Thanks, I LOVE your recaps! For some reason though, my ID gave me all that garbage when I entered in my AIM ID. But, I just go by K.. :)

    "Figured I'd point out that back when Ava hired Scotty to be her lawyer, he pretty much took Julian on as a default, too."

    Hey! I didn't even think about that. :)

    I'm pretty sure that it was never said on screen, that he took on Julian too, but it it just seemed like what made the most sense, to me. :) Granted, trying to make sense of JP and SA's writing, more often than not, is a totally pointless (and frustrating) effort.

  15. "K says, Thanks, I LOVE your recaps!"

    Oh thank you. :)

    "For some reason though, my ID gave me all that garbage when I entered in my AIM ID. But, I just go by K.. :)"

    Okay K! :) Hmmm how strange I wonder why that happened to you.

    "I'm pretty sure that it was never said on screen, that he took on Julian too, but it it just seemed like what made the most sense, to me. :)"

    Yeah actually, it does make sense! :)

    "Granted, trying to make sense of JP and SA's writing, more often than not, is a totally pointless (and frustrating) effort."

    Hahahaha yeah that's true. :) Sometimes they confuse me.

  16. I really love Kevin and Laura-someone had a great idea to pair them up. How believable that a plane was just sitting there unlocked and I guess with a key in the ignition. A boat would have been more realistic. Everyone looks so fresh and well groomed considering they have been there for a week. Except for Kevin of course. Alexis had no right interfering in her adult, albeit immature, daughter's love life.

  17. "LindaV says Alexis had no right interfering in her adult, albeit immature, daughter's love life."

    And that is the key!!!! Immature!!!! Hahahaha! Krissy needs help bad! :)

  18. Maurice Bernard and Nicolas Bechtel video! Check it out! So cute!


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...