we get SONNY to the rescue.
I can NOT with this show right now. Then Natasha stabs Jules. So, I guess the Curse is complete for her. Too much crap happening with the world today to finish. Sorry.
So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...
I an working late tonight, so haven't watched yet. But are you serious that SONNY came to Alexis's rescue? Folks here were saying there would be a collective gag response if St. Sonny once again is the savior, but I guess it came to pass. You know I love my Sonny, but I was HOPING that the PCPD characters would be able to do their jobs this time . . .
ReplyDeleteI definitely gagged. A cast of freaking hundreds and Sonny the Messiah comes alone to the rescue. Do any of the writers stop licking his boots long enough to read viewer response to his character lately?
ReplyDeleteEverything else about the episode was good and it looks like storylines are being finished. Also judging by the number of times Helena's "death" was mentioned today I wouldn't be surprised if we see her soon.
That being said, I'm back to my stomach medicine and off this show for a while. I'm sure someone will let us know when the official canonization takes place.
Why couldn't Valerie or Anna help Alexis or why couldn't the police save Alexis. I swear this storyline of Alexis and Julian is only about making Sonny the greatest mob boss ever.
ReplyDeleteGDammit! You freaking do NOT PUT ANNA DEVANE IN A CORNER! SOB! !@##$! The writers are WORTHLESS and serve no purpose but to worship at the alter of a disgusting sub-human piece of garbage like Sonny. I'm a freaking ALPHA MALE WHO SWILLS WHISKEY AND SMOKES STOGIES AND YES BY I WATCH GENERAL BY GOD HOSPITAL TOO AND I WANT TO SEE ANNA DEVANE IN ACTION CHOPPING, KICKING, AND OUTWITTING THE FREAKING BAD GUYS!!!!
Aaron's basement bedroom: Hmmmm Aaron seems so sweet and nice. Maybe he isn't up to anything? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. I am sure he is. :)
ReplyDeleteJulexis's home: Poor Molly and Krissy! :( Again Aaron is so sweet and nice! Oh my! Molly is borrowing Sabrina's hyperventilation crying! Yikes!
*glasses break and windows break*
Metrocourt restaurant: When that woman was talking about an old woman who is blonde and cold, I was thinking Helena!!! AH HA! So Helena is part of this kidney storyine!!! Hmmm who is that woman talking on the phone to? Helena?
Cassadine Island: Sam stop being rude to Ava!!!! No reason to be rude! Hey who knocked out Fake Nik?! Helena?!!?! Boy Helena is being talked about a lot today! Hey who is that person lurking? Helena?!!?!! :) Harry Potter? Claudette? Emma who was sarassed?! Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos?! Fonzie? Di? AntJoan? Michelle Latta? Paul773?
Pier: OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great scenes, BUT OH CRAP! And how long has Julian known that Alexis was faking the pregnancy?! SONNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Thank you!!!!!!! I don't care who saves Alexis I just want her saved!!!!! Sonny and Julian FIGHT FIGHT!!!
*Alexis stabs Julian in the back*
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! You should have seen me! My arms were in the air!!!! Like this! \O/ <--- :) What?! Sonny wants to protect Alexis and say he did it?!!?! :0 That's so unlike him! Usually he has a lawyer protecting him! Thank you Sonny!!! I guess she isn't dead to you anymore?
The hospital:
Spencer's private room: Spencer is so funny with the faces he makes hahahaha. Oh Laura yes you should leave it alone. :)Spencer wins the line of the day!
Spencer: I am taking a big risk with Grandmother and her meddling shrink hovering around.
*Julian wakes up.*
Julian whispers: Alexis we are not done
Flashback Friday: 1991 Robert gives Anna the WSB chop!
I wondered what he said, thanks Sonya! Well, with all the Hells talk I really think maybe ok possibly she could be alive. But it looked like on the outside and wasn't there recent talk of bringing in Valentin? So maybe he's abreast of all things Hell and in her death he's taking over? I loved today with Alexis (I'm random like that lol), I knew he wouldn't really kill her but when he said he knew she wasn't pregnant I was like oh Hell. LOL!! What I don't get is, after stabbing him, couldn't she have claimed self defense? Now Sonny's prints are on it and we'll be doing this again when they realize it was Alexis. All the other storylines were blah but Spencer was funny!
DeleteOops forgot 1 more thing.
ReplyDeletePreview for tomorrow:
Why is Hammy yelling at RayRay!?!?!! He wants her out?!! :( Is he just protecting her?! :(
"Di said...I'm sure someone will let us know when the official canonization takes place."
ReplyDeleteThat's sometime next week! ROFL!
I'm sick of Sonny but who else is gonna come along??? Cops got thumbs up their butt. I liked it....wow, surprises even myself. What annoyed me was all the other crap going on. Aside from Kristina and Molly. I could have cared less for the other storylines.
ReplyDeletesonya said....Sonny wants to protect Alexis and say he did it?!!?! :0 That's so unlike him!
ReplyDeleteThat is unlike our old Sonny. Now he is Saint Sonny. The trees bow down when he walks by, and morning bells chime.
"Di said...Now he is Saint Sonny. The trees bow down when he walks by, and morning bells chime."
"Michelle Latta said...I wondered what he said, thanks Sonya!"
You're welcome!!
"I knew he wouldn't really kill her but when he said he knew she wasn't pregnant I was like oh Hell. LOL!!"
"Well, with all the Hells talk I really think maybe ok possibly she could be alive. But it looked like on the outside and wasn't there recent talk of bringing in Valentin?"
Oh!!! Maybe that is Valentin!!!
Ha! Yes, I confess Sonya. It was I lurking on Cassadine Island ;-)
ReplyDeleteI laughed when Alexis asked Sonny how he knew where to find her. PIER 52! Always. Come on, there should be surveillance cameras ALL over that place. And cops.
Cops are stupid, FIRST place they should've looked. Haha! I thought it was Pierre 54?
DeleteCops are stupid, FIRST place they should've looked. Haha! I thought it was Pierre 54?
Delete"Paul773 said... Ha! Yes, I confess Sonya. It was I lurking on Cassadine Island ;-)"
ReplyDeleteAH HA! I knew it!!!! :) Well don't hurt my Nava! Paint and wall, you can do whatever you want with them. :)
"Come on, there should be surveillance cameras ALL over that place."
Apparently not!!!
Oh! Right, Michelle. Pier 54. Like Studio 54 ;-) A different hot spot with lots of action. Ha.
ReplyDeleteI'm a few days behind. Catching up this morning. Do you think Aaron is Parker's wife son? Parker is older. Her wife might be older too. Or maybe it's an older sister.
ReplyDeleteDepressing to read that Sonny save Alexis. Do anyone know what Anna said when Julian patted the envelop with the dagger?
Video: ABC Sneak Peek: Who is the stranger on Cassadine Island?
It's the back of Paul773's head!!!!! :0
Just thinking that women wrote the script that has Anna call Sonny to the rescue makes my blood boil grrr
ReplyDeleteSonya, It wasn't me, it wasn't me--Paul, thanks for confessing!!
ReplyDeleteWas Julian trying to talk Alexis to death?? I hate when the would-be killer goes on and on about killing someone, then says "shhhhh," I just HATE that!! By the time St. Sonny showed up, Julian could have killed her like a million times already, fake suspense just drives me crazy . . .
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ReplyDelete"AntJoan said...Sonya, It wasn't me, it wasn't me"
ReplyDeleteROFL! I believe you. :)
"Paul, thanks for confessing!!"
Hahahaha! Yeah Paul thanks! :)
"Was Julian trying to talk Alexis to death??"
ROFL! It's like soap 101! Have a gun. Talk the person to death. :)