Friday, July 15, 2016

JVP coming BACK to GH

So..just when you think Carlos was gone-- he's back. Or is he? Will JVP play a ghost or a twin?? While I LOVE Jeffrey, I mean LOVE him, why can't GH just get it and not PAINT CHARACTERS into corners if they are just going to bring people back? It's like they don't think. Carlos was very popular yet they went with the "Kill Duke then have Anna Kill Him then bring him back then have Jules kill him". 

I just can't. Either he's going to be a ghost again or a twin. So there it is. Read it all on SID. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At this point, TIIC are throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. And instead of a Jackson Pollock, GH resembles a something rendered by a 2-year old.

  3. Yeah I heard about it, and was waiting for you to put this up Karen.. :) Thank you for the link! I was looking all over for a link so I could read it! He could be a ghost like the last time when he haunted Julian. If he is a twin brother, I will be over the moon!!!! :) It did say they are tight lipped about it.. So if he was just a ghost why would they be tight lipped about it? Yeah I agree Karen.. They should stop painting characters into a corner and then killing them off!

  4. Maybe they will pull a Silas/McBain/Finn and have him come back as a *new* guy. People will say, "Wow, you look like this other dude...." and be done with it. I could see him being related to Griffen.

  5. I think he's going to play a soras'd Teddy.

  6. "CareyN said...I think he's going to play a soras'd Teddy."

    ROFLMAOPMP! You won! :) Now take a bow. :)

  7. If he shaved and cut his hair that could work...a new character, not teddy lol....but they won't do that.

  8. and yet, Alan and Georgie remain dead...

  9. I think he likely will be a ghost, or his GOOD twin, or his own cousin.

  10. Who is he sleeping with in the mouse house ?

  11. Well, I see no blog for today's episode. Soooooo I will put my comments here. :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Claudette's room: I got something for you fake Maxie!

    Take it!!! I beg of you!!!

    Curtis: You wait 20 seconds before you leave.

    Geez Fake Maxie!!! Curtis told you to leave in 20 seconds.. Not 5 minutes! I think the constipation is making you deaf.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nathan and Claudette's table: I have been meaning to say that the salad looks fake! And I must be right, cus they didn't eat their salad, and Nathan's salad disappeared!!! Claudette! Give Nathan the man he shot for crying out loud!!! Why aren't you telling him!?!?!! So annoying! Oh look! Griffy is there!!! Turn your head Claudette!!!! Ah rats he is gone. Fake Maxie shows up and Claudette wins the line of the day.

    Claudette: Wow! Quite the romantic reunion. Didn't you two see each other at breakfast?

    ROFL! And then the fake smiles between fake Maxie and Claudette!!! Hahahaha!

    Central Perk: Perk coffee! Just like on the tv show friends.. Central Perk! :) Oh look! Kiwi's dress! She is a hippie today! :) Wait Dillon is on a date with DarDar? WHY?!!?! Hippie Kiwi has a jealous face. :)

    DarDar: Kiki.

    Hippie Kiwi: Darby.

    DarDar's thoughts: Bitch!

    Hippie Kiwi's thoughts: Slut slut slut slut slut.


    Hippie Kiwi: Darby a slutty trainwreck.

    Dillon: I think calling her a slutty tranweck is unfair.

    Hippie Kiwi: Okay how about careless thoughtless, monumentally self centered.

    Dillon: So why do you care exactly?

    She is JEALOUS!

    Dumb and dumber:

    Dumb: What's wrong?

    Hippie Kiwi: Nothing.

    Hippie Kiwi's thoughts: DarDAr is a SLUT!

    Island hotel: Ahhhh this is more like it! Lulu who is a Spencer going on an adventure and THIS time she is taking her husband! Wow!!! HI DOC!!! :)

    Laura and Doc: Huh?!!?! A picture of the ice princess? And Doc found sand also in the envelope?!!?! This is very intriguing..

    Cassadine Island:

    Ava: Sam is exhausted huh?

    Hmmm Sam got the preggers? :) Oh Ava! Why did you tell Paint and Wall about the diamonds!!!! Now Wall is going to be all bully on Fake Nik and take the diamonds himself!!!! I just love Theodore Roosevelt's (Theo) evil menacing look whenever he is alone!!! :) Awww Lulu, Laura and Fake Nik reunion! :)

    The hospital:

    Curtis and Griffy: Oh! Love their scenes!!!! And I love when Curtis is working!

    Throwback Thursday: Robin's new dress when she was young.. It's a lamp shade dress!!! So ugly! What were you thinking Robin!?!?!! :)

    Part 1.

    Part 2.

  12. I was really happy to see kevin, and I loved that he walked in with a wet raincoat. Good continuity. I love him and laura together. I wish they'd put him on contract and not just the newbies.

    I was of two minds on the Griffin/Curtis scene. I like both of them and they interact well but why was Curtis so nasty about him being a priest? So many people act like that's such a terrible thing. Mobster OK criminal OK. But priest? ewwww.....

  13. July 12 episode of GH.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lulu and Laura's table: You know Lulu, even though Fake Nik is still alive, you can still name your daughter (if you have one) Nichole. Yes Dante! Lulu and Laura HAVE to go to Cassadine Island for an adventure!!! It's a Spencer thing.. You will never understand.

    Tracy and RayRay's table: RayRay wants to help HammyFinn, but I still don't understand why she is so afraid of the FBI all of a sudden. Glad Tracy is helping though. :)

    The hospital:

    HammyFinn and Amy: What!?!?!! Amy doesn't know what happened to his papers!!?!?! Since when!? She knows EVERYTHING! I don't buy it.. And also, I really REALLY want her to use her pepper spray! Come on writers! Give her like an ex boyfriend and she uses it on him! :)

    HammyFinn and Griffy: Awwww! Griffy is worried about him, and HammyFinn is so crunchy!

    Amy and Griffy: Amy wins the line of the day.

    Amy: He's either super fun with his lizard, or Doctor Mcbarkalot.


    Julian's room: I'm not really sure what the point of this scene is with Anna and Julian. And it sounds like William DeVry has a cold. Oh come on Anna! You might as well just say that Sonny is an amazing handsome man, who is a wonderful father and husband. Who would never set his wife up for murder and let her rot in prison! *roll eyes* Oh so Anna is leaving! This is how Finola Hughes is leaving for a little while.

    Near the elevator: Awwww such a sweet scene between Anna and Griffy. :(

    Metrocourt hotel:


    GuGu: Ow my ears.

    HammyFinn: I'm sorry Roxie. I know your ears are sensitive.

    GuGu: I forgive you daddy.

    HammyFinn: I just don't know what else to do.

    GuGu: You could feed me.

    Oh hi Tracy and RayRay!

    Tracy: Meet Mule team Finn!

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm on that team too!!!! :)

    Cassadine Island: Sam gives back the shoes to Ava and Fake Nik?!!?! I guess their feet and shoes stink to high heaven.

    Sam: I'm not all heartless.

    Since when? When you are with Bully Jason, your personality changes!

    Flashback Friday: Robin's 13th birthday.

    I forgot to do Throwback Thursday yesterday so that is why I'm doing it today.

  14. Sonya, I'm almost done with Wednesday. I just saw

    "Anna's" Emmy reel

  15. "Ruthie said...Sonya, I'm almost done with Wednesday. I just saw "Anna's" Emmy reel"

    Oh for sure!!! :)

  16. HOW did Lulu, Dante, Kevin and Laura get to Cassadine Island in, like, 5 minutes? Isn't Greece like a 7 hour flight, factor in getting airline tickets, packing, getting to and from the airport . . . The first 12 mins. of the show was pre-empted in NYC area, so maybe I missed something? HOW did they get there in what looked to be the same evening of the storm?

  17. AntJoan, the first part of the show showed Lulu, Dante and Laura at the hotel in Greece and Kevin showed up there. They waited for the storm to stop and then took the boat to the island.
    I've travelled from the east coast to Europe before and I always laugh at their quick appearances there. Even if you get a direct overnight flight to Germany you'd need another flight to get to Greece since none of them had a private jet. Maybe you can get a direct flight from NY to Athens but not from PC since it's not a hub.

    I just assumed that Scotty beamed them over since they weren't tired or jet lagged. lol

  18. Parise's resurrections are getting close to a soap record.

  19. "Ruthie said...Who is he sleeping with in the mouse house ?"

    What do you mean? Who are you talking about? :)

  20. Cosmoetica said...
    Parise's resurrections are getting close to a soap record.

    yes, they are. And between those and RH's and companies, coupled with all the new faces, I sometimes think I've tuned in to Quantum Leap instead of GH.

  21. Sonya, who is caaaaaaaarlossssss sleeping with at Disney/abc to keep getting his job back. Duh!🐭

  22. "Ruthie said..Sonya, who is caaaaaaaarlossssss sleeping with at Disney/abc to keep getting his job back."

    Ahhhh I see. Well RoHo and ME gotten their jobs back.. So probably the same person. :)

  23. RoHo never lost his job, he and the other two just came over to GH after OLTL was canceled AND they came over with Cartini. As for Michael's return after Silas was killed off, that was a hard fought battle and his fans won.

  24. I enjoyed yesterday's show. I actually liked Ava when she was talking to Nik, who is actually getting very good. I do wish that Lulu would've slapped Nik though. Loved that Kevin came along. Curtis and Griffin talk was weird. Curtis talked to him like he was accusing him of being the killer without coming out and saying it. Also a thought, what if Amy is the killer?

    1. Forgot to add, hating on Darby! Please I want my Killion. If we can't have that then please trim the cast. You can lose.....Dillon Kiwi Moron Darby Julian Parker Aaron Nina Amy. Did I miss anyone?

    2. Forgot to add, hating on Darby! Please I want my Killion. If we can't have that then please trim the cast. You can lose.....Dillon Kiwi Moron Darby Julian Parker Aaron Nina Amy. Did I miss anyone?

  25. "Michelle Latta said...RoHo never lost his job, he and the other two just came over to GH after OLTL was canceled AND they came over with Cartini."

    Yeah but RoHo came over as Todd, but then Todd left and then ROHO came back as Franco. So he played two different characters.

  26. True. But that's only cause of stupid ABC and PP lawsuit. Or else we xcoukd still had our Todd Starr and John. :(

  27. True. But that's only cause of stupid ABC and PP lawsuit. Or else we xcoukd still had our Todd Starr and John. :(

  28. "Michelle Latta said...True. But that's only cause of stupid ABC and PP lawsuit. Or else we xcoukd still had our Todd Starr and John. :("

    Yeah. :(


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...