Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday Surgery: Finn and Berlin

20160324 0826(43)
Best thing on GH right now!?? ROXY! 

This week was a mess...mostly because I skipped 2 days and really didn't want to watch to catch up. 
BUT! There's a whole batch of ladies showing their tah-tahs to get to, and that Rachel business. 
Oh. And a Lizard.
Oh, yes, the Lizard (or chameleon, whatever)

I was going to skip this week all together for a little Spring Break but I decided to get something up. Sorry if it's short.  

Since it's Easter-- I'm going for hot cross buns. 
Um, there's a Nathan joke in there but...disrespectful







RACHEL WHO? (alternative: Google It, Bitch) 

20160321 1445(9)

HAHAHA. Oh, how funny. ALLLL The ladies bared their chests in solidarity with Oliva. Although... how did this go from breast feeding to middle aged ladies in their black bras? Diane's face said it all "Spare Me". 

20160322 1401(8)

Sam and Jason got divorced to "start over".  By the way, Jason was embarrassed to learn you can't use the crayons Kelly's puts out to sign your name with on an official document.

20160322 1403(48)

Why, yes..I've had 4 faces before this, so what? Can't you see I got a haircut and a clipped, new accent of speech? 
I loved that Monica called Hammy Finn, and had obviously met him but was all "OMG I forgot how much you looked like Dr. Clay".. :eyeroll: WHY? WHY WHY WHY? Why? Other than the lizard, this is about as exciting and fun as ...well, Silas Clay. 

20160322 1404(3) all the medical books in all the world...I had to be written to get BRAIN WORMS.  Nice. Thanks. Great. 

20160322 1448(15)

Ok, so Liz overheard the name Naomi Berlin and got Hayden's computer and figured out she's really Rachel Berlin. Oh, you know Rachel, she's the daughter of Bernie Madoff  Raymond Berlin, serving jail time for fraud and stealing in a Ponzi scheme. 

Here's a woman who wanted to distance herself from the world, cut ties, changed her name, moved to East-Hick Beecher's Corners and then is on TINDER and gets involved with Ric who hires her to play Jason's wife. 
Let that sink in. 
So, does NO ONE plan out anything when they move through stories anymore? I think not. 

20160325 1514(18)

How dare you lie to me after I shoot you in the head and leave you for dead?
(OMG, that could totally be a line in my musical!*)

20160324 1404(17)

We got to have the "I'm having a nightmare on top of me" scene (Previously played by Dillon and Lulu, right down to the mean face). Does anyone care who Claudia is? Unless Griffin used to be Claudia, don't care. 

20160325 1405(22)

Parker/Krissy scenes were just awkward. and not because of the subject matter. It's obvious they have feelings for each other but Parker is just playing stupid games that seem to make no sense. Even after the kiss is it was weird as hell.  

20160325 1413(36)

ZOINKS MA! It's a Law book! "Oh yes, I got that for Scotty...the whole set".  She did. Laura actually charged it to a credit card (which was quite a big deal in the late 70's) and Scotty got mad at her. Luke gave her the money and she was working it off at the Campus Disco. Also, a corsage fell out. It was the one she wore to the Law-Ball. Oh, and then! Guess what? There were letters circled in the book for her to decode! Get your Ovaltine Ring out! 

20160325 1517(37)

Yeah?? Hello?? I've had my last FOUR SCENES on a phone. So... either move this along or I'm gone like Donkey-Kong.

20160325 1519(5)

Um... hey, Griffin? Talking to Sonny about God's forgiveness and being all priest-like isn't going to cut it. Just thought I'd warn you. 

20160325 1405

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Yah, so sue me. I'm a sucker for Epiphany and Sonny's dimples. Mo seemed to be having fun in this scene and totally engaged.  So..there you go. 

20160325 1414(8)

PROP OF THE WEEK: Scotty's law books. Made me think of the Campus Disco and how much I loved GH Back in the Day! 

20160325 1514(7)

FACE OF THE WEEK: Smuggy VonSmuggerton.  Liz did in 30 seconds what it was taking Sam a month to do. Which begs the question: Why did we bother with those scenes? 

That's it!  Sometimes watching GH is like slogging through the mud. That was one of those weeks for me. Yes, Monica was on. Yes, I got a pet Lizard to love. But--oh there's so many BUTS!!! I wanted so many of these stories written differently. Especially the Hayden one. Having her be Susan and working with Paul to get Tracy and Nikolas at the same time could have been really good. I also hope this Helena-Key-Caper isn't something dull and Scooby-Doo like. I would have loved for a wax replica of Stavros' head to have been in that box, btw. :) Or a least a spider to crawl out. 
Well..hope you have a great Easter if you celebrate and if you don't, there's never a bad time to eat a Reese's peanut butter egg!! 

*Oh, you know I'm going to have to write a "Finn and Berlin" Musical.  :) 


  1. Hahahaha Finn and Berlin! :)

    "*Oh, you know I'm going to have to write a "Finn and Berlin" Musical. :)"


    "Oh, you know Rachel, she's the daughter of Bernie Madoff Raymond Berlin, serving jail time for fraud and stealing in a Ponzi scheme."

    Mr. and Mrs Snails will probably argue about the Berlin wall for weeks!!!! Maybe Bernie Maydoff is Rachel's uncle from her mother's side. :)

    "SCENE OF THE WEEK: Yah, so sue me. I'm a sucker for Epiphany and Sonny's dimples. Mo seemed to be having fun in this scene and totally engaged. So..there you go."

    Yes! I am a sucker too!!! Love their scenes! HAPPY EASTER KAREN AND EVERYONE!!!!! :)

  2. I had been hoping there we're jars of pickle Lila in that trunk. Thats would have been hilarious. Why would Scott's old books be in Helena's possession? Does anyone remember that doctor that put on Stephen Clays ring after his body was found? May be that has something to do with the continuing story line?

    1. I do remember that, vaguely. Who was the Dr?

    2. It was Caleb the vampire. He wasn't really dead.

  3. I'm glad I am not the only one who found this week boring!!! I do love the new character that Michael Easton is playing. He seems to have more emotion than silas had. But what is it with the lizard??? The Rachel thing just flopped. Who is Liz to talk about liars?!!!!! She kept a man away from his family for 7 months, knew about her dear friend trying to kill Hayden to keep her quiet and also wanted her to stay in the coma!!! She calls herself a nurse?!!!!She hasn't changed one bit.
    I'm glad to see Laura more but hope that they give her a better story than she has had.
    Well at least Monday we get to see JaSam family together.

    1. I found it boring, but loved all things Finn ♡. This stupid Rachel Berlin storyline was crap. They couldn't come up with a better storyline, total flop! Rebecca Budig signed a 4 yr contract for that?!

  4. Re the decoder ring - Maybe the words in the book spell "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!" "It's a crummy commercial!"

    That face of Billy Miller's was about the extent of the emotion he ever shows in scenes.

  5. The new writers aren't good. The scenes are stilted, and even legacy characters seem off on their lines. Griffin is handsome, but featured too much for a newbie. The Kristina stuff is boring. She knew the professor, male or female was married, so I don't feel sorry for her. As much as I love Rebecca, the Rachel backstory was a big disappointment. The Olivia story was ruined by having her breastfeeding at her place of business. I love GH, but I hope Frank is looking for new writers and fewer newbies!

  6. This whole week was blah to me. I still have Friday's episode on my DVR. Actually all Liz did was look at computer, wouldn't say she "figured" anything out. Liz's hypocrisy was too much for me, but I did enjoy Liz/Hayden sniping at each other.

  7. I'm always #TeamLiz so I was happy Liz gets the credit for figuring out Hayden but I admit I am fast forwarding thru a lot of the Hayden scenes.

    Billy Miller - Ugh.. Totally not feeling him at all.Recast or give him something to do. No emotions whatsoever.

    Finn part I found interesting. We'll see what happens.

    Let Griffin be Sonny's new enforcer! Turn him around like Jason. He would be great in that role.

    Sonny was simply Dimplelicious this week!

    1. I'm team Liz as well. As for Billy Miller, he's playing Jason just as Steve played him. Love Steve, but Jason had no emotions back then either, Stonecold was his name, killing people was his game. LOL! Loved Finn and Roxy. ♡ Griff an enforcer?????? What? So over Dimples, but did like his scenes with Epiphany.

  8. Fellina: YES, I TOTALLY remember the dr. putting on the ring, which meant that whatever character ME was playing at the time (I forget which one it was), is not REALLY dead. So, THAT could explain his having 5 roles on GH--he actually is immortal, and just keeps coming back as someone else!! You know, I think the writers dropped that storyline, but, if they didn't, or can go back to it, it would be a great way on the show to explain how ME keeps coming back!

    1. That would be awesome!! Don't get me wrong because I love Finn and I'm thrilled to have Michael back but I wish he had more of an edge, a little more bad ass, kinda a mix of Caleb and John McBain. Haha!I hope he's not gonna be in suits all the time, dress down a little.

  9. kd said....
    How dare you lie to me after I shoot you in the head and leave you for dead?
    (OMG, that could totally be a line in my musical!*)


    And Hayden being on tinder was ridiculous. Don’t these guys write in groups so that someone can play devil’s advocate and pick up this stuff?

    Parker/Krissy scenes - Talk about lack of chemistry. The fact that they have a young girl with a professor who’s around 40 doesn’t help. I don’t think it would work with a forty year old man either. And I don’t get why Parker’s there either. Give her a call to see if she’s ok. ( That last scene looked like a mother/daughter hug.)

    I get where this is the year to have gay characters front and center in every show but we already have 3 gay characters who work well and who have a purpose other than to wave a flag, so why is this needed?

    I’m looking forward to the Laura mystery. I hope they really think it out.

    kd said....Yeah?? Hello?? I've had my last FOUR SCENES on a phone. So... either move this along or I'm gone like Donkey-Kong.

    I can see Sonya feverishly waving her hand. I think she wants to volunteer to have a scene with poor Carlos. PMSL

    More Griffin needed. Please keep him good!!

    I agree with scene of the week. I love Pfiffy and she and Mo both seemed to be having a good time.

    kd said...FACE OF THE WEEK: Smuggy VonSmuggerton.


    I should mention I also loved the Monica one liners. She’s so good.

    (And my son has a pet lizard. lol But he’s not a caricature.)

    kd said...I would have loved for a wax replica of Stavros' head to have been in that box, btw. :) Or a least a spider to crawl out.

    me too! Or a little snake. lol

    Happy Easter everybody. I’m sure that even those who don’t celebrate love the eggs.

  10. YES< I have said he could be Caleb..who was a shape shifter with that ring in the hospital.
    but I doubt they'd go there.

  11. I hadn't watched GH in weeks, and decided to catch this past week via posted videos. I fast forwarded through 85% of all epis. There is no continuity to the stories. Independent vignettes often contradict each other. The glorification of the criminal element continues. I am NOT a sucker for the Epiphany/Sonny scenes, because in the not too distant past, Epiphany's son died, and Sonny's illegal activity was at the heart of why. I guess I'm just supposed to forget that, and now accept that Piph and Saint Sonny are BFFs. WTH? I also remember when Laura bought the law books for Scotty. You know, back when "Lotty" was the "golden couple", before then writers demonized Scotty to further boost the "romance of the century" between a victim and her rapist.

    With SO much great writing going on in TV land, I have a hard time stomaching GH.

  12. Happy Easter to all! Great SS as always. There are so many writers now, and new names on the credits every day it seems, that I would think the writing would improve but it hasn't. We haven't seen Kiki in weeks, not that I really care. Epiphany said something about Milo picking up copies of Crimson, when there were none-just pages. I like the actor who plays Griffin and thought he did well in scenes with Finola. Krissy just looks like a child with Parker. By the way, Ashley Jones is pregnant so she probably won't be back. Laura didn't even express any curiosity as to how Helena got the book and the corsage. Loved having Diane on this week, especially up against Alexis.i know he has a lot if fans here, but still too much Sonny for me.

  13. Michelle Latta said..., kinda a mix of Caleb and John McBain.

    That's the whole problem I have with him. They keep trying to tie him to his other roles. I don't want him to be a mix of any of his last characters. I want him to be a new character. I also don't want any nods to other characters that I didn't want on our show anyway. It just makes me want to turn off.

  14. Did they ever address who Naomi Dreyfus is??

    1. I was thinking Naomi Dreyfus is Hayden/Rachel's mother? I'd bet mama changed her name also (correct me if I'm wrong but I think name changes are public record). ??

  15. Oh and Karen, yes Roxy is the best part of the show!!!! This is so special! We never get a pet on GH anymore!!! Love her!!!!!!:)

  16. "Panda said...Re the decoder ring -"

    The decoder ring!!! ROFL!

    "Maybe the words in the book spell "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!" "It's a crummy commercial!"


    "Di says I can see Sonya feverishly waving her hand. I think she wants to volunteer to have a scene with poor Carlos. PMSL"

    Well, DUH! :) *waves hand feverishly!*

  17. You can get Carlos Sonya, but he had to bring Michael with him! :D

  18. This show is so frustrating.

    They bring back one of the most flat, uncharismatic actors in the history of the show to play his 5th character, and this character is even more of a cartoon then any of the previous ones. They give him a Therapy Lizard in an attempt to make him interesting I guess. If the Therapy Lizard is because he is autistic, cool that they will have an autistic character but I'd much prefer seeing a story about an autistic child...what if Sabrina's baby had actually been Michael's and had autism.

    Lulu's marriage falls apart and she is kidnapped and I don't recall any mention even of Lucky, Luke, or Leslie. We don't need to see them but even a phone call or something. And very little to no interaction with family members Bobbie, Carly, Lucas, Michael, Morgan.

    Helena's Will reading and it did not include Luke, Lucky, Robin, Holly, Ethan, Bobbie, Anna, etc.

    Hayden's big secret is her family did some illegal stuff. Does she think Nicholas, given his family history, would care? Do they even think these stories out in advance?

    Tracy is in the hospital and they want us to believe it is life and death but Ned has not even shown up yet? He would have / should have been there at the first episode. Where is Big Alice? Tracy never left Alice's bedside when she was hospitalized. Has anyone mentioned Brooklyn? Has Michael been to visit Aunt Tracy? What about former step-daughter and BFF Lulu? Olivia was ready to pass her child off as Tracy's grandchild...have Olivia come by with a lasagna or something.

    Epiphany is friends with Sonny despite Sonny being involved in her son's death?

    Where's Ric? Where's Spencer? Has Anna forgot she knows the election was rigged? Has she told her bff Felicia that she should be Mayor? Has Molly seen TJ since they slept together weeks ago? Does anyone live in the Brownstone? Where is Lucy and why isn't she running the magazine instead of cuckoo Nina.

    The show has moments that keep me watching, primarily Anna and lately Tracy/Monica, but for the most part it is a disjointed cartoon of a show.

  19. "Michelle Latta said...You can get Carlos Sonya, but he had to bring Michael with him! :D"

    Why? What do you mean?

    "friscogh said...have Olivia come by with a lasagna or something."

    That would have been awesome! :)

    "Has Anna forgot she knows the election was rigged? Has she told her bff Felicia that she should be Mayor?"

    No she hasn't told Felicia!!!!! Anna must have forgotten!! Come on Anna tell Felicia already! UGH!

  20. What if its.... Claudia ZACCARA? I tried to read the comments to see if anyone thought this. Maybe he's the kid she gave up .. or was that Johnny? Maybe he's Johnnys twin!!

  21. Hamilton Finn should be an alias for Valentin Cassadine. GH doesn't need an infectious disease specialist on staff. It does need an eldest son Cassadine to go up against Nik.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...