Kiki and Darby need acting lessons. There, I SAID IT. Yes, I did. There are so many talented people in LA. Why? WHY? WHY? I even felt a tad sorry for Bryan Craig today. (just a little)
Carly goes to the DNA doc..he looks like a professor. He confirms it's Jason.
Liz and Jake are on "the bridge". He remembers being there before, with Liz--
Val talks to Dillon. Yells at him.
Kiki yells at Morgan.
Maxie yells at Nate.
Liason on the Bridge.
TWO ON TWO day. Liason were perfect, Emme and Dom did a great job. Other than that? Predictable.
Carly and Kiki going to collide and Carly will be late to tell Jake the truth...yada yada. Can't they think of anything else.
Oh there you are Karen! Haha. I was going to put my thoughts on yesterday's post. :)
ReplyDeleteTheme for today: Anger and arguments.
Haunted Star:
Val and Dillon: Oh shut up Val!!!! Just yell at him and then walk away!!! She just goes on and on and on UGH!
Val: Stop insulting my intelligence and admit it! Own up to what you did!
Dillon: FINE! I did it!
And then Val gets a shocked look on her face! Really Val?! Really?!!?! You wanted him to admit it, so why the shocked face? You look stupid!
Kiwi and Morgan: Geez Morgan! You hurt her when you slept with her mother! And you have no remorse?! I want to smack him! Oh and here is Kendall Jenner with din din! Yes like food is going to make everything better!
Vodka: No bitch! Food isn't going to make Kiwi better! I will!!!!!
Nathan and Maxie: Oh Maxie shut up!!! This isn't about you! Now go find your BFF and be there for her!!!
Maxie and Val: Hehehe. Well I like this part.. :)
The hospital DNA lab: When that DNA guy left the room to do the test, Carly's breathing, Wow Laura Wright! Fantastic acting right there! And WOW that DNA test was REALLY fast!!!! And Jason's picture is still jaundice!
Carly: This is real? Jason is alive?!
Aaaaaaand her stomach and heart implodes. Laura Wright was fantastic in this scene!!!! BRAVO! :)
The pier: Amazing fantastic scene! Some great fantastic acting from Dominic Zamprogna and Emme Rylan!!!! Love the old school eyeliner too! Love how she just lays on the steps and cries! Love how Maxie scoops her up and walks away from the guys. Love the parting shot Maxie said to Dante!
Samtrick home: Poor Emma! Bad dreams suck! Love how the little actress was just sleeping away haha. Oh Sam still have the baby monitor. Geez did child Cheeto turn into a baby Cheeto again? He seems like he is crying like one.
The bridge: What the hell!?!?! Really Liz? Really?! Going on the same bridge you and Jason used to go on? And you really didn't think he would have any flashbacks? You are an idiot! And of course he does!!!
Jake: Kiss me! Kiss me! Kiss me!
Geez Liz! Your fault that he is having flashbacks of the bridge! If you didn't want to kiss him, leave the bridge! Idiotic scene!
The road: Oh no!!!!! Kiwi! You are on the wrong side of the road!!!!!!!
Has anyone every gotten into a car without there being a crash?
I was watching Young and the Restless in the doctor's waiting room today (the only place I watch it.) Just like a few months ago there's a bunch of people trapped in a burning building. Is this the same building that was burning a few months ago when I was stuck in the waiting room? Do they have a fire every sweeps period?
Today actually sounds better than yesterday. All the explosions that I wanted on Monday seem to be happening on Tuesday! LOL
ReplyDelete"dar said..Sonya. I was watching Young and the Restless in the doctor's waiting room today (the only place I watch it.) Just like a few months ago there's a bunch of people trapped in a burning building."
ReplyDeleteYeah it was great! Someone on another website said that it's too bad GH doesn't have this type of budget!!! I agree!!
"Is this the same building that was burning a few months ago when I was stuck in the waiting room?"
No no no.... :) That was an apartment building.
"Do they have a fire every sweeps period?"
No, not fire. They had a plane crash and other catastrophes. Why? We have Charles Pratt. Enough said.
Carly: Doctor, I want to to match the DNA on this water bottle with ... (drumroll)... this computer image!
ReplyDeleteDoctor: Dummy, do you have no idea how this works? Do you think I put the DNA under a microscope and That Guy's face will be looking up at me?
Carly: Oh, silly me, umm database?
Got to watch live today :) and hey Sonya thanks for that link, so glad I got to watch. Laura was awesome today! The closer it gets to the reveal the more excited I am, even though I know it means no more Jake and Liz. :(
ReplyDelete"Michelle Latta said.. hey Sonya thanks for that link, so glad I got to watch."
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! :) The next time you miss an episode, you can go on that site. :)
"The closer it gets to the reveal the more excited I am, even though I know it means no more Jake and Liz. :("
I know! :(
Wubs got another mention on the newest DC podcast, this time Jillian referred to a reference you made that Jason Thompson will play Y&R's Billy while Billy Miller is playing Jason. (Jason playing Billy while Billy plays Jason.)
ReplyDeleteI really hope we have scenes of Lulu and Laura after the fallout of today's episode. I saw Olivia in the previews and I hope Laura isn't forgotten as she often seems to be. I would like to see more family scenes that don't involve a mob family and Lulu will need support.
Sonya, loved the remark about Cheeto! It did sound like an infant crying, not a walking, talking toddler. I agree that Kiki and Darby are terrible. We have had to endure this Kiki for far too long, and with that Halloween get up she is so creepy. I can't believe Dillon did that on purpose-Lulu will never want him now. I sure hate to think of losing little Emma - she is such a delight. And now that JT is leaving, we have Patrick on every day. Why didn't they think of doing that before and given him a decent storyline?
"LSV422 said...Sonya, loved the remark about Cheeto!"
ReplyDeleteHaha. Thanks. :)
"It did sound like an infant crying, not a walking, talking toddler."
He looks more than a toddler. :) I guess he still can't talk. All he can do is cry through the monitor.
I actually liked yesterday's GH. It was what I wanted to see on Monday. Emme and Dom rocked their materal. Poor Lulu. I was in tears by the end. I agree that the car crash is a little cheesy. I would have at least liked it to have been someone other than the obvious who ran Carly off the road.