Saturday, November 7, 2015

Be Still My HEART! OLTL Gang Together Again!

Yes, that Tuc, Kassie and Nathan all filming an episode of CASTLE together!! Can you believe it? I'm giddy and I can't wait.  She posted this on Twitter and FB. No air date yet, but you can rest assured I'll be on that when the time comes! 


  1. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?! YAY!!!!!! :) Yes Karen be on that! Let us know when!!!! :)I love Castle!!!

  2. Me too. Lucky her! I love Nathan!

  3. Saw this on twitter, and was so excited. Hooray. It will be fun to watch!!

  4. I'm very excited - so excited I'm digging out my OLTL scrapbook to enjoy some memories

  5. I LOVE Castle, but don't watch OLTL, so don't know the other actors. However, I would LOVE to see GH actors on Castle, maybe we can start a petition!!

  6. OH MY GOD, died and gone to heaven. I love Castle, I love Tuc and Kassie and Nathan (soooo much).
    Best. News. well ever is stretching it, but in a while! Thanks for the heads up!



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...