Monday, November 30, 2015

Cyber Monday

Morning! It's the end of the month which means I'm in the office with paperwork today, can't do GH. I'm not expecting much until the cameos start--and the "Gala". Hope it's a decent day. Remember you can get into AMAZON through my portal over there. All it will do is take you to your Amazon account.  Have a good one. Hope you get great deals. I myself, am mostly done shopping!! But, I'm weird like that :) 
Image result for cyber monday 2015 amazon



  1. Here's hoping its a good GH week! Will definitely be using your links for my Christmas shopping!

  2. Ha! Wish I were almost done...barely started. Hope it's a good GH day!

  3. thank you!! I saw the last 15 minutes where Val was mouthing off to LULU.

  4. LuLu needed to hear Valerie's speech because it is LuLu's own doing that her marriage is damaged. She lied to Dante in the beginning, totally lost it and demanded a separation when she found out it was more than a kiss. How long did she expect Dante to continue the yoyo emotions? He tried to get back together and she said NO.

    Loved the scene of Sonny singing that song with baby Avery. She was talking to him and stuck out her tongue a few times. Too cute!

    Sam being willing to divorce Jason has him thinking about the situation, even tho he insists he belongs with Elizabeth. I'm sure Sam will investigate this SECRET of Little Jake's and discover Liz's truth.

    1. Couldn't stand Val....Dante didn't try hard enough, he should have fought harder. But yes, Lulu started it with the lie. Dante had a choice though, twice. Blame to go around...just can't stand Val or this stupid storyline....Baby Avery was so stinkin cute today!!! I loved her and Sonny's scenes.

  5. Every time I see "Sonny" with a child or a baby, I know it is really Maurice. I love Maurice for the way he is with children. That man is so obviously a baby whisperer! Babies adore him, and the feeling is mutual. Best part of the show any day for me.

    1. I agree, it was the best part of the show and I'm not a Sonny fan.

  6. Lante home:

    Lulu: Wow I can't believe you would do this to us!

    Separation papers: You wanted Dante to sign me Lulu!!!!

    Lulu: How about one damn day!

    Separation papers: Did you want him to pine for you?!!?! You wanted him to sign me!!!!

    Lulu vs Val! LOVE IT!!!! Go Val! You tell her! :)

    Wyndemere: Laura and Nik scene. Everytime someone brings up Spencer's longing for a mother or Spencer brings it up, it breaks my heart!!!!!! :( Come on writers let Nik find a woman, fall in love, and marry her!!! Spencer needs a mother! :(

    The hospital:

    Sonny's room: Carly's hair is many different colors! I love her hair! Maurice Bernard singing to that baby = LOVE LOVE LOVE! :)

    Carly and Jason: So basically,

    Carly: JASON! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! YAY! I have missed you! Wait what? Liz? What about Sam?!!?!! You need to get your OLD life back!!!! I am calling you out on your crap!!! You are hiding!!! YOU ARE HIDING!!!!!!

    Carly and Liz: You NEED to let him go! YOU NEED TO LET HIM GO!!!!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!

    The floating rib: So Carmen Sandiego meets a man that I thought was Dr Maddox. This Curtis guy, can they have a fling? :)

    Jerome art: Hmmm I was thinking at first that the big box was stolen art.. Then when Ava opens it, What the hell is that thing?!!?!

    Sidnote: I had a dream about Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos last night. :)

    1. Sonya I wondered the same when Ava opened it up. Haha a dream about Carlos, do tell. :)

  7. Maurice is adorable with babies. Ava didn't look to happy with the guns she found in the crate. I wonder if she will try to double cross our crooked DA? And I wanted Lulu to deck dear ol Val.

  8. I personally liked Val giving it to Lulu today.

    It was a lot refreshing to see a woman on this show not be pathetic, possessive, needy, greedy and desperate.

  9. David, I agree to some point; however, it would be nicer to see women empowering each other on the show in positive ways rather than deflecting their own bad behaviors. At the end of the day, Valerie (like Carly) is still a selfish, needy biotch.

  10. in my opinion, all the women have been written as an embarrassment since the new writers took over. which is sad because the new writers are female and you would think they would write better for them.

  11. "Michelle Latta said...Haha a dream about Carlos, do tell. :)"

    Hehehe. Ummmmmm.. Well we knew each other 20 yrs ago. We used to date. We were in our 20's and I wanted to get married and he didn't, so we broke up and we haven't seen each other in 20 yrs. 20 yrs later we see each other again. Sex was involved ROFL. We decided to date again. This time he was ready to get married! :)

    1. Love it!!! Even though I'm not a Carlos fan he is sexy :)

  12. That baby is so adorable with Maurice. Best part of the show. I think Lulu and Dante are both incredibly immature. If Val wants Dante so much they should go to her place rather than his former home with Lulu. Loved seeing Laura make Nik squirm.

    1. I agree, she makes Sonny tolerable to watch. I love the baby. Great casting! Val is coming off as very needy, and Dante who hasn't gone to HER needs to man up and keep it in his pants.

  13. Off Topic but awesome:
    “Joy” starring Jennifer Lawrence, directed by David O. Russell, is just starting to screen. I can’t review the film until next week, but I can tell you now that Lawrence is back in the Oscar race, and Russell has outdone himself.

    There are some surprises in “Joy” for soap opera fans, too. In the film, Joy’s mother watches one soap opera for years in the background while the main action is going on. Virgina Madsen plays the mom, and she’s a hoot.

    Russell decided to film scenes from his own fake soap rather than use clips from a real one. So he tapped the most famous soap star of all, Susan Lucci, aka Erica Kane from “All My Children.” She’s joined in the scenes by Laura Wright and Maurice Benard, who play Carly and Sonny on “General Hospital.” Their antics go on and on in the background and it’s all very amusing. It’s not throwaway either– they are featured.

    Full article here:

  14. I think Dante didn't really want his marriage if he fell that quickly into bed with Val again.
    Lulu and him weren't broken up that long. Yes, Lulu decided it was over and told him to sign the papers...but he didn't even give it one full day until he got in bed with Val again. Come on!

  15. Okay since there is no blog today, I will put my thoughts on here.

    The hospital: So basically,

    Patrick and Jason:

    Patrick: I have a bigger penis than you!

    Jason: No I do!

    Patrick: Oh no you don't!

    Jason: Oh yes I do!

    Carly and Liz:

    Carly: Me me me me. Jason Jason Jason Jason. Me me me me me. You gotta let Jason go! Me me me me.

    Carly and BobTodd: Jason is going to remember you and kill you!!!!! HE WILL KILL YOU!

    Crimson: I didn't like this scene at all. Trying to make Nina like the movie pretty woman? I'm surprised they didn't use that song.. Left a bad taste in my mouth. She does look beautiful though. I also did love her sweater dress. I did like how Julian was around Nina with her makeover! ROFL! Oh Nina is going to use her own money for Crimson! Awesome!

    Wyndemere: Alexis wins the line of the day!

    Alexis: Thank you God! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! She's dead she's dead! The witch is dead. The wicked witch is dead. Oh I'm so happy! I never thought this day would come!

    ROFL! And the little dance she did, HAHAHAHHAHAHA! Oh Alexis, if Helena is still alive, she is probably watching you right now! :)Hmmm Nik, did you poison Helena's tea? :)

    SamTrick's home: Oh boy! Sam is PMSING all over Patrick! Oh and I forgot to mention yesterday, that while SamTrick were talking, kid cheeto was eating! :) Was the little actor hungry? Was it lunchtime? Sam was all loving to Patrick yesterday, and today, YIKES!

    Liz and Jason's home:

    Liz: I have to let you go.


  16. Rumor Central / Prediction:

    In an effort to bring "ROMANCE" back to the show as the new head writers have promised, I predict that Lulu will sleep with Dillon and Johnny Z as revenge sex against Dante, and then sleep with Dante as revenge sex against Valerie (I know I know, it doesn't make sense to me either, but has anything in this storyline?)

    This will set up Soap Opera history's world largest "Who's the daddy storyline".

  17. I was expecting Nina to quote "Gypsy" and say "I'm a pretty girl, mama"

  18. Oh, Sonya. You must have stepped out of the room and tuned out during the show today. There was a few pieces of dialogue you forgot.

    LIZ to CARLY: "Jason is mine. He is mine do you hear me? I own him. You can't have him. No woman can, but only me. No other woman can get within 50 feet of him, ever. He is my property and he belongs to me, mine mine mine mine mine."

    Then, CARLY replied to LIZ: "Oh no, Jason is mine. He is mine do you hear me? I own him. You can't have him. No woman can, but only me. No other woman can get within 50 feet of him, ever. He is my property and he belongs to me, mine mine mine mine mine."

    Meanwhile, at Sam's house, Laura is visiting and we have this conversation: SAM to LAURA: "Jason is mine. He is mine do you hear me? I own him. Liz and Carly can't have him. No woman can, but only me. No other woman can get within 50 feet of him, ever. He is my property and he belongs to me, mine mine mine mine mine."

    Yes, my dear wubbers, this is what the new writers call "Romance".

    PS. For those who didn't watch today, there was no Brad/Lucas/Rosalie. Nor was there any mention of Robin or Stone on World AIDS Day.

  19. "david said...Oh, Sonya. You must have stepped out of the room and tuned out during the show today. There was a few pieces of dialogue you forgot.

    LIZ to CARLY: "Jason is mine. He is mine do you hear me? I own him. You can't have him. No woman can, but only me. No other woman can get within 50 feet of him, ever. He is my property and he belongs to me, mine mine mine mine mine."

    Then, CARLY replied to LIZ: "Oh no, Jason is mine. He is mine do you hear me? I own him. You can't have him. No woman can, but only me. No other woman can get within 50 feet of him, ever. He is my property and he belongs to me, mine mine mine mine mine."

    Meanwhile, at Sam's house, Laura is visiting and we have this conversation: SAM to LAURA: "Jason is mine. He is mine do you hear me? I own him. Liz and Carly can't have him. No woman can, but only me. No other woman can get within 50 feet of him, ever. He is my property and he belongs to me, mine mine mine mine mine."

    Oh David!!!!! You just crack me up!!!! ROFL! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! PERFECT! :)



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