Thursday, November 12, 2015


CATV 3 20151111 1349(22)
I turned you into a killer, man....we were soulmates! 

Watched the last 2 GH shows this morning. Yes, yesterday's show was good. Laura with Lulu and then Dante was gold. She's so "mama" now with all the hindsight advice she can give.  Of course, love the Nina-Insta-Job (and Maxie's and Franco's too!) Everyone is working! Well, except Kiki. I'm sure she'll find something to do.
The SaSon moments were priceless in their Sonny love. OMG..I expected him to leap from the chair and float "I'M SAVED! MY LOVAH SOULMATE IS HERE AND I'M SAVED"!! woop! 

I also loved how Jason walked out and looked like Carly and Sonny were both nuts. heh.
Trying to figure out why Lulu is going to boink Dilly. Hmmm. I mean the "story"?


Thank you for stopping that DillyLu sex. UGH...Lulu's all upset. She still loves Dante but can't stand him. 

Jordan is back on! She and Anna together again! Jordan knows something is up. 

OMG, Liz almost put duct tape on Jake Jr's mouth when he started saying he knew Jason was his Dad! LOL Geesh. Monica shows up. She tells him he doesn't have to call her Mom because Jason never did. 

Val and Dante.  He's all like "good luck"!! You'll make a good cop!!  BYE They hug, her lipstick gets on his collar. Lulu sees it later.

Alexis sees Sam.  She gives her legal advice. The order of death has to be reversed--and Sam will have to divorce Jason (if she wants to). 

Liz to Patrick "If you could just keep Sam away from Jake, it will be ok" !!!  GEESH!! Later, Monica is working at GH (dont' faint) and tells Liz to let Jason just "be". 

Jake comes to Sam's house..I mean Jason comes to Sam's house. He 'meets' Alexis. Holds Danny. 

Val gets a call, she's supposedly going to the academy but she's going to WORK WITH DANTE!! 

END: Lulu and Dante meet up at OBGYN's office and get Rx for her hormones. She just stands there looking miserable. 

I wonder if anyone called Spinelli?????


  1. I'm sure Sam said she was talking to Spinelli.

    And Valerie getting paired as a ride along with Dante is beyond ridiculous. You don't do a ride along before basic training at the Academy and then you ride with a seasoned UNIFORMED officer, not a detective. Do these writers do any basic research? And yes, it's a soap but it has to be at least half believable.

    Loved seeing Monica with Jason today.

    And it definitely looks like Sam wants Jason back. Poor Patrick.

  2. Meh, ride alongs can be had by the general public and they are part of the interview process out here. That's not a biggie for me. There's so many other obnoxious liberties taken by the writers to snark about, for instance legally dead is legally dead. There is no marriage.

  3. I thought Sam said she was talking to Spinelli BEFORE the program was completed? You'd think he'd hop on a plane.

    Kg..I know a LOT of police people.. and you usually do go to the Academy/book camp first but to be honest? I don't care. I DO care that Valerie is still around and around Dante lol. She bugs the crap out of me. ;)

  4. Liz and Jake's home: Yeah Karen! I bet Liz wanted to put duct tape on Jake Jr's mouth!!! Hahaha. OH HI MONICA!!!!! :) I am glad Liz called her! Hmmm I wanted more emotions from Monica! Love the scenes with Jason/Jake (I really don't know what to call him!!!) and Monica!

    Monica: I would really like to have a relationship with my son.

    Jake/Jason: Yeah I could do that.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Monica: Can I have a hug?

    Now after she said that, I started to cry!!!! And she invites him to Thanksgiving, awwwwww! :) And Monica wins the line of the day!

    Monica: And I promise you it will be a disaster.

    ROFL! Yes it will!!! Pizza anyone? :)

    The haunted Star: Lulu and Dillon scene!!! Reshowing eating the faces off! CHAIR SEX! Oh wait! No chair sex. :( Well, it's good they didn't cus Dillon's dad would have walked right in on them hahaha.

    Lulu: Every part of me is dying to forgive him!

    Lulu's head: Forgive him!

    Lulu's heart: Forgive him!

    Lulu's back: Forgive him!

    Lulu's cupcakes: Forgive him!

    Lulu's rest of her body: Forgive him!

    Lulu: And every part of me is screaming not to!

    Lulu's head: DON'T FORGIVE HIM!

    Lulu's heart: DON'T FORGIVE HIM!

    Lulu's back: DON'T FORGIVE HIM!

    Lulu's cupcakes: DON'T FORGIVE HIM!

    Lulu's rest of her body:DON'T FORGIVE HIM!

    Oh Dillon stop whining to daddy!

    Dillon: And apparently Karma doesn't like that.

    Karma: Yeah you jerk! You do something bad, and I WILL get you!!

    Police station:

    Jordan's office: Anna and Jordan the besties scene! :) I guess they will be working together? YAY! :)And Paul right in the middle of that sandwich! :)

    Val and Dante: Oh there goes Val touching Dante again! Oh oh lipstick on his collar.

    Lipstick: I love Dante!!! I want to feel his lips!!

    Val on the phone: Yeah no that's great. I'm definitely exciting working with detective Falcanari.

    Val's thoughts: YAY!

    Val's lipstick: YAY!

    Val's vajayjay: YAY!

    The hospital:

    Liz and Patrick:

    Liz: If you can keep Sam away from Jason everything will be fine.

    HUH?!!?!?! 0-0

    Patrick on the phone: Awwww Robin. :)

    Liz and Monica: Wow!!!! Monica twice in one day!!! And is she working?!!?!? YAY! Oh you better listen to her Liz! She knows! She has experience and has been there! NO PUSHING!

    OBGYN office: I can't believe Lulu kept her appointment!!! Why didn't she just cancel it?

    Lulu: What shade of lipstick does Valerie wear?


    SamTrick home: Poor struggling, confused, don't know what to do Sam. And her cupcakes are confused too! Don't you see them crying? She can handle if they aren't a couple anymore, but she can't handle if he doesn't remember their life together? I thought she was going to say she can't handle if he doesn't remember their son. I wish she would have said THAT more. Oh hi Jakeson! He is there to see toddler Cheeto! I had a feeling that is why he is there. That awkward scene between them, was awesome! So realistic!!! :)

    Jakeson and Cheeto: Awwwwwww! :)

    Sam: Jason. Don't go.

    That please don't go song popped in my head when she said don't go!

  5. I was under the impression that female writers were supposed to bring romance to the show. Instead, they have me hating the female characters on the show.

    Hate Liz. (desperate and pathetic)

    Hate Carly. (needy and smothering)

    Hate Val. (ok, this isn't fair. I hated her before the women writers took over)

    Hate Lulu. (revenge sex, even if you don't go through with it, is NOT a virus trait in anyone, male or female)

    The only GOOD female character being written is Laura. But as everyone knows from her track record, it is only a matter of time before they screw up her chance at a decent storyline.

    on a side note:

    Do you think the writers will remember that Robert has a brother when Tristan is on the show? Or will Mac be off camera like he has been for the past 20 or 30 years? Mac and Felicia had starring roles when the first came to town, Mac being pulled out of the water and Felicia snooping in Friscos apartment.They were both front and center for years. YEARS. And now? Nothing. I am betting that Mac will be a casual mention off camera by Robert. Any one?

    Next month I am going to make my predictions for 2016. Are you with me on that Karen? You wanna each do a list?

  6. VIRTUOUS. not virus.

    damn auto correct.

  7. "david said...VIRTUOUS. not virus.damn auto correct."

    Hahahaha. No no. I like the virus trait. Keep it! :)

  8. Laura's just Nik's lackey now and serves no purpose, although they'll prob have her in the Julian and Nina story w the cosmetics co.

    I found the Sam scenes to be interminable. Kelly Monaco is so wooden and has cried in so many scenes over the years that when her character really has a reason to emote it just rings hollow. Miller's acting is the only thing good in this whole SL.

  9. Until the past wk.or so I really haven't watched much just popped my head in here each day to get the jist of what was or was not happening. Karen I have to say you've really been a trooper these last few months.writing this blog mostly every day even when it was too painful! And I mostly appreciate your honesty. Like I said I have been watching daily the past couple of wks mostly out of curiosity. I can't say it's all bad,I've actually enjoyed a good portion of the past few days but I don't think they're out of the woods yet. I'm still worried about 2016 being the rap up for the show. I'm really,really hoping I'm wrong and the new writers are just getting momentum but when they showed Val getting the call about being a ride along with Dante I was like are they freakin serious?? She was just on her way out of the door to go to academy!! So now I'm afraid these writers don't put much thought or research in to their writing either. That's just one of a few things in the past couple that has me worried. Anyway,on a better note I really love that Nina & Maxie will be working together. That would be a storyline I could enjoy. Just the little interaction they had yesterday was good. Sorry if I babbled. I hope everyone is well. And feel better soon Karen! Have a blessed night!

  10. sonya said...Oh there goes Val touching Dante again!

    I wanted to slap her hand away. That girl doesn't understand the notion of boundaries.

    I loved the talking parts. lol I lost it when you got to cupcakes.

    sonya said.... And her cupcakes are confused too! Don't you see them crying? She can handle if they aren't a couple anymore.

    Her cupcakes! *gasp* What happened?!

    david said...Hate Liz. (desperate and pathetic)

    Hate Carly. (needy and smothering)

    Hate Val. (ok, this isn't fair. I hated her before the women writers took over)

    Hate Lulu. (revenge sex, even if you don't go through with it, is NOT a virus trait in anyone, male or female)

    I totally agree. And virus works just as well. lol

    I also want to see more Mac. I don't understand why they don't write for him more. Is it because he's not a criminal?

  11. "Di said...I wanted to slap her hand away. That girl doesn't understand the notion of boundaries."

    I KNOW!!!! Damn!

    "I loved the talking parts. lol I lost it when you got to cupcakes."

    ROFL! :)

    "Her cupcakes! *gasp* What happened?!"

    What do you mean?! What happened?!!?! Did they start heaving?!

  12. sonya said...What do you mean?! What happened?!!?! Did they start heaving?!

    You said they weren't a couple anymore. Did she lose one!! *gasp*

  13. "Di said...You said they weren't a couple anymore. Did she lose one!! *gasp*"

    ROFL! You are hysterical!!!! :) No I meant Sam and Jakeson!!! She can handle if they aren't a couple anymore! Hahahahahaha!

  14. I know what you meant. I was just in a mood. lol Your reviews tend to have that effect on me. lol

  15. "Di said...I know what you meant. I was just in a mood. lol Your reviews tend to have that effect on me. lol"

    Hahaha! Oh good! I'm glad!!! :)

  16. You know I so hope Jason never remembers being Sonny's bromance, or if he does he is so mortified that he tells Sonny where to go and how to get there. Not that I expect him to be Jason Quartermaine and wear the plaid sweater again either, but just be himself whoever that turns out to be. Also Elizabeth better get found out and he better get really mad at her and if he turns out that he does lover her enought to forgive her I can live with that too. She just needs to get found out because really... she has done a pretty shitty and selfish thing. Enjoying GH right now more than ever so hopefully this is a trend that will continue. Love this blog by the way :)



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