Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pre-Wedding Jitters

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Reading for the Wedding

It's Day Of The Wedding. will be a few days until the ACTUAL wedding. LOL.. 

Jake writes a "Chocolate Chip" message to Liz with a rose on the pillow. She sees her 3 boys talking to Jake about the wedding day. Awwww.  Epiphany, Felix and Sabrina all come in to do her make up! Yeah!! FUN stuff!! They all talk about their boyfriends. Awww. 

Olivia tries to tell Lulu Dante loves her and she's sorry. Lulu is like "Tough sheet." 

Val, the idiot, goes to talk to Dante (well, she wanted  to see Lulu) and they talk all mopey. She says she's sorry she talked to Dillon. NOT mentioning Jordan, btw. Lulu walks in after talking to Olivia. Val just finished telling Dante she may not get into the Academy now. He consoles her. LULU sees it!  Lulu packs to leave. (not sure if she packed for Rocco)
Stupid VAL tells Lulu to basically get over it, forgive Dante and say that she (Lulu) is partially responsible for this because she lied!! 

Lulu leaves with 2 tiny suitcases. LOL she has A TODDLER and has 2 tiny suitcases. She says she'll stay at Wyndemere or the Haunted Star. 

Sonny talks to Michael (boring). Olivia comes in and tells them about Lante. 

Franco yells at Morgan a LOT, goes to get Kiki a donut. He thinks his car was sideswiped in the garage. DERP. Kiki starts remembering her driving all over last night. 

END: Carly finally reaches Jake-- he answers the phone.. and END. 


  1. Well, about 2:45, I started reading your tweets, and watched the last 10 minutes of the show in real time. When it was over, I accidentally erased the DVR version of the whole show. So I missed the whole pre-wedding pals scenes, which is a shame. THAT is the part I regret missing. (If Lulu had clocked Val, I would have been sad about missing that, too.)

  2. Hey Karen! I thought you weren't going to be around because of a hair appointment. :)

    The road: Oh look! Looks like Carly is sleeping. Wait a minute she was in the car the whole night!?!?! Nobody drove by?! OH COME ON! Well, Carly died and then became a zombie! Poor Zombie Carly! She tries and tries to take off the seatbelt but it won't unhook! She tries to cut it with scissors but she has got weak scissors! ROFL! What is she doing with scissors in her car anyway?! ROFL! She can't reach her phone! She can't even walk! Come on! Just call 911 before the phone dies! You can call Jason later!!!

    Nina and BobTodd's home: Oh man! BobTodd is so pissed over his car! ROFL!

    BobTodd: Representative! Representative!!!


    458 Lexington avenue: They are showing the three boys again! YAY! And Aidan has got a lot of hair! Love it! :) Oh no. Everyone is talking about their relationships! Piffy I don't need to hear about your off screen relationship with Milo! UGH! Awww poor Jake is playing phone tag with Zombie Carly! :)

    Haunted Star: Poor Lulu. Love that she is talking to Olivia about it. Hmmmm does Olivia have a different hairstyle? Oh hi Val! Why are you calling out for Dillon?!!?!?! Awww she is crying! She wuvs Dante! She can't stop thinking about him!

    The hospital:

    Sonny's room: No no Sonny! Sabrina's problem has nothing to do with you! It has to do with Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! Love Olivia and Sonny scene! She is right!!!!! Lulu didn't need to hear about the sex romp!!!! If it was only once, no woman needs to hear it! If it was more than once, then yes she should know!

    Lante home: Oh Val quit your whining! If you want to be a cop, then be one! Lulu wins the line of the day!

    Lulu: Damn it Valerie! If I want to talk about my husband, it won't be with his whore!

    ROFL! You go Lulu! :) Awwww more sadness and great acting from Emme and Dominic! Dante has so much guilt! :( Where is Maxie?! She should be there helping Lulu pack! And giving more parting shots to Dante. :)

  3. "ishouldreadmore said...Well, about 2:45, I started reading your tweets, and watched the last 10 minutes of the show in real time. When it was over, I accidentally erased the DVR version of the whole show. So I missed the whole pre-wedding pals scenes, which is a shame. THAT is the part I regret missing. (If Lulu had clocked Val, I would have been sad about missing that, too.)"

    Oops! Do you want to watch it online? I can give you the link, or do you have it already?

  4. TOMORROW is my hair-do appt.!! :) 1:30 to be exact. It was either that or wait another week and ..nope. Can't do it.

  5. Today had good parts, but I was also frustrated. LOL that no one found Carly. Did you see the previews? She trips with the phone? AH! Seriously - she should have called 911. WHY would Val go to Dante and Lulu's? (I know - to talk to Lulu, but come on - let her cool off). IDIOT Dante lets her in, and of course we knew Lulu would walk in on them. Val deserved a big smack-down for her tough-love advice to Lulu.

    I did enjoy the Liz/Felix/Sabrina scenes. (I don't really care for Epiphany - sorry).

  6. I wondered the same thing! Not realistic that not one single car drove by....details people. The 3 boys were cute and loved all the boyfriend stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow

  7. The car seemed to be in the woods "above the road". That was kind of weird. I can see a car being hidden though if it went off the road at night. Once the lights were out it would be invisible.

    Val going to Lulu's place was insane. Dante letting her in was even worse. Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll move away to go to another police academy. They can't really be planning to have her go to work at the PCPD and work with Dante all day.

    My biggest "seriously?" moment was when Carly reached for the phone. Who keeps their phone on the passenger seat? Mine is usually in a holder next to the seat, hooked up to the hands free system. Having to reach for a phone on the passenger seat is an accident waiting to happen all by itself. I don't even know anyone who doesn't have a hands free system.

    I also hope they don't just gloss over the drunk driving incident after Carly is rescued. I'd like to see real consequences, and I mean legal ones. This is a major issue and a chance for the new writers to handle it properly, with Kiki in court and at least getting court mandated rehab, loss of license and a major fine. ( I'd personally like to see her behind bars for a while.) I'll gag if I hear a "It's not your fault" again on this show as this is the standard Sonny line when his kids mess up.

  8. "kdmask said...TOMORROW is my hair-do appt.!! :) 1:30 to be exact. It was either that or wait another week and ..nope. Can't do it."

    OH NO! You are going to miss the big reveal! :( Unless your haircut is fast. :)

    "Di said...My biggest "seriously?" moment was when Carly reached for the phone. Who keeps their phone on the passenger seat?"

    I thought her phone was in her purse and it fell to the passenger's side when she dumped her purse with all the contents. Hmmmmmm.

  9. I saw it on the seat before she moved her purse. Maybe it fell out.

    lol Who keeps their purse open on the seat?

  10. I am wondering if the BIG REVEAL is today? I think Carly falls down lol...maybe Hayden ends up telling him?
    Tomorrow should be good. I'll watch it when I get home ;)

  11. "Karen says I think Carly falls down lol..."

    She does!!!! Hahahahahaha!

  12. I didn't realize I was so unique!

    I keep my purse on the passenger seat, open (I rarely snap it shut), with my cell phone in my purse. I have Bluetooth in my car, so calls automagically go to hands-free. I never look at or type texts when I'm in the car. Texts wait for me to get to wherever I'm going.

  13. I think every accident on GH happens in that same place.



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