Thursday, October 22, 2015

Shortie Today

Short today... I have to leave at 2:30 to take my neighbor to the doc's office. So, sorry.. can only watch until 2:30. 

Where's RIC been? Didn't he go out and try to get Ava's custody revoked for Sonny like 2 weeks ago? 

Spin found Jake's DNA File. It's DELETED. Shocker. Wow, it's not there. Imagine that. 

Sonny tried to walk and fell down. :giggle: sorry. I giggled. Patrick finally got him back in the chair. 

Laura's on the  show with Lulu and Rocco. 

Liz is freaking out again.  Nik is all "Jake's gonna find out who he is" ...then Patrick overhears some of the convo... She's all freaking out. 

BY THE WAY, Kris Alderson tweeted this today:  She's going back to Philly and I guess she and Chad are done-zo. 

Goodbye LA & to a beautiful chapter in my life. I'll always love you thank you for being my best friend.


  1. I noticed that the normally chatty Kris and Chad hadn't been posting any cute Instagrams of themselves for about a month. Wonder what happened to the house they bought together. Maybe Chad's rooming with Mo now. LOL

  2. Maybe not, though, because Mo is engaged in real life to Britt. But what a fun thought!

  3. Kristen and Chad broke up?! Aww that's too bad. :( I think they were together for 2 years. Good question SaveOurSuds about the house.

    The hospital hallway:


    *falls down and goes boom*

    Awww he thought the floor was going to give him magical powers and he would be able to walk!

    Sonny's room: I was waiting for Sonny to tell Carly he wants a divorce. Actually, this was a great scene between Carly and Sonny. And I liked how he told his sons to leave his business alone and let Max handle it!!! Awesome.

    Nik and Liz:

    Nik: Jason is looking into his past.

    *Liz pees her pants*

    Patrick: What's going on?

    *Liz pees her pants again*

    Kelly's: Awwww sweet Laura, Lulu, and Rocco scene. :) Oh Nik just had to show up and suck up to everyone. Laura giving Nik the cold shoulder! Hahahaha!

    SamTrick's home:

    Sam: It's a blank screen.

    Laptop: Hahahahahaha

    Me: Oh oh! The file has been deleted!


    Oh my!!! Jake is getting angry!!!!! Maybe it's best if Sam and Spinny do the digging by themselves. Patrick wins the line of the day!

    Patrick: Spinelli, is in my living room.

    ROFL! Gee Patrick Spinny is very excited to see you! You should be excited to see him! Hahahaha. Oh man I am going to miss Jason Thompson when he leaves. :( I can't believe Sam asked for Patrick's password hahahaha! I can't believe Patrick is just going to take a long shower so they can work on breaking into the hospital records! ROFL!

    Metrocourt hotel: Julian! Alexis is right you should listen to her!!

    Maury Povich: Julian! You are NOT the father! Shaun Butler, you ARE the father!

    Oh I'm glad Julian is calm now. Come on Olivia! Let him hold baby uncle Leo!!!

    Julian and baby uncle Leo: Awwwwwwwww! :)

    Liz's home: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh Jake shirtless! I'm awake! :)

    The credits: I have been meaning to mention the credits in the beginning of the show. Ever since the new writers have taken over, I noticed that everyone's name looks fancy..

    Throwback Thursday:

    This was after Michael got shot, Carly is so angry at Sonny! Great scene!

  4. sonya said...Maury Povich: Julian! You are NOT the father! Shaun Butler, you ARE the father!

    PMSL You are hilarious.

  5. "Di said...PMSL You are hilarious."

    Hehehe thanks. :)

  6. Didn't they just buy a house together not too long ago? Very sad!

    On another note. The show better pick up real fast! I am sooooo bored!

  7. KA has a history of dating her leading men..he was the third she fell for over the years! I'm still wondering why she left GH..not a great move, imo. Chad was just married when he and KA started up, btw.

  8. I am SOOOOOOO sad that Jason T is leaving, PLEASE say it isn't so!!!! PLEASE, TBTB, MAKE HIM STAY!! The only consolation I will have is if he leaves PC with Emma to be with Robin in Paris. Sam can go back to Jason, and Patrick can go to Paris!!

    (Of course, I don't want Emma to leave, I LOVE her, but I CAN'T STAND the dangling loose ends of the Robin story.)

  9. Kim M. is coming back for a short while so I guess Robin and Patrick are leaving together. I hate to lose Emma and the wonderful relationship she has with Patrick. And now it looks like another good actor Billy M. may be leaving. He has landed a new series on Fox that films in Houston per CDL. I was also wondering why the storyline of Nik obtaining ELQ and turning evil has pretty much ceased. MB always goes on Twitter to praise certain GH episodes when he is up front and center. I didn't have much interest in his scenes yesterday.

  10. "ishouldreadmore said...
    Maybe not, though, because Mo is engaged in real life to Britt. But what a fun thought!"

    LOL You're thinking about Bryan Craig who plays Morgan. I meant Mo as in Maurice Benard. Mo and Chad have been hanging out a lot lately and posted pics online.

  11. "Karen says Chad was just married when he and KA started up, btw."

    Oh I thought Chad and his wife was separated at the time..

  12. "kdmask said...
    KA has a history of dating her leading men..he was the third she fell for over the years! I'm still wondering why she left GH..not a great move, imo. Chad was just married when he and KA started up, btw. "

    Really? Oh geez. I didn't realize she dated other co-stars.

  13. I remember when Kris was on OLTL she dated the actor who played Cole, Bryan Buddy I believe. I see her photos on IG with certain former OL costars but didn't know she dated (most of) them. There was questions if they'd broke up but this was the first I knew of it. They were cute together, sad.

    Not a fan of Mo....sick of him and his character. Now we have to watch him pout.

    As for Jason Thompson leaving, will be sad for him to go but I agree, if he and Robin (and Emma) 😢 leave together it wouldn't be so bad. I was under the impression that Billy Miller is staying but that he is checking out pilot season.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...