Friday, October 30, 2015

OFFICIAL: Jason Thompson Leaving GH

Bye, Bye Paddy...

His statement is HERE: On INSTAGRAM 

Daytime Confidential broke this weeks ago, so kudos. You know you can trust them. 


  1. Yeah, he's gonna be leaving town with Robin. I bet Emma goes with them as well.

  2. So sorry to see one of the few non-mobbed-up male characters leave the show. I do hope he leaves in a happy ending with Robin. The funny thing is he is rumored to be going to Y&R, and the actor who replaced Billy Miller has just been let go, so he could be playing BM's former role. I don't watch Y&R but there certainly has been a lot of back and forth between the two shows.

  3. it's like they are trying to get the show canceled

  4. OMG, I am SOOOOOO SAD!! He is a GREAT ACTOR, and SOOOO HANDSOME!! Will we have no doctors on GH anymore, just mob bosses?? :( :(



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...