Friday, October 2, 2015

Camera Running

Mo tweeted himself in this pic  at I'm sharing it because it cracks me the hell up. We are all "GH IS MOB" and welp. There you go! 

Kiki is back. Silas' Apartment is up for sale. Kiki is supposedly working for a "Japanese investment firm". Will it be Asian mob? Because why the hell else would Kiki work for some "investment firm"??!
UM, WTF/ OKaaaaaaaay.. ahahahha Maybe it's an ART investment firm? Kiki is staying at the apartment until she can sell it. Nina and Franco want to move in together. Franco thinks there is something wrong with Kiki. 

Dante is all mopey.  Sad about Val. Sad about Sonny. Sad about Morgan. He thinks about being the eldest Son and that he should be taking over the biz. He knows how because "he's been undercover". Okay then! First thing he'd do is get Avery back. Anyway, Later, Lulu gives him a back rub and he falls asleep. 

Maxie and Nathan have dinner at the Floating Rib. They talk about Dill/Val..Lulu/Dante. blah blah... 

Val and Dillon are in the boat, getting ready to make love and the dorky assistant comes in...leaves the camera there. They tell each other they like Lulu and Dante. Val tells him she slept with Dante.  The camera assistant left was left on and recorded the entire exchange. 

Sam said yes to Patrick with a cute sign. She even had on one of Robin's 1990s' dresses. Patrick gave her a ring pop. Geeesh, Sam got a lug nut from Jason and now a ring pop. 

END OF SHOW-- Laura knocks on Sam's door. She's wearing the same blue shirt she left in. YEP. 


  1. GH is getting worse by the day. Are the new head writers writing this stuff? The opening credits still list Ron has the head writer. I can't take it...just awful!

  2. Hahaha cute picture Mo! :)

    SamTrick's home: Oh come on!!!! I do NOT buy this! The other day she was all I think Jason is alive!!! But then as soon as there was blessing for Sam and Jason, she is all I'm free!!!! Now I can get married! UGH! Emma will have a brother now! Unless SamTrick don't get married, then Emma and Cheeto Danny can date in a few years. Am I right or am I right? :) They could be Demma! :) Oh Laura!!!! I forgot when she was coming, and I didn't know her first stop is at their house! Karen, Laura is wearing the same shirt? ROFL! I need a side by side picture hahahaha! When they first showed red rose petals, in the beginning of the scene, I thought it was the new credits! :) But it wasn't. :( I heard we are going to get new credits.

    Haunted Star: That nerd college student, is he related to Spinny?! Charge the batteries?!!?! I had a feeling that the video camera was taping Val and Dillon the whole time! I was right!!!! I mean why else leave a video camera behind?! :) DUH! :) More talk about the kiss oh but now it's talk about the sex!!! Damn way too many people know about the secret!!! So what is going to happen? Val finds out she is preggers, and Dillon lies to everyone saying the baby is his, but oh the truth comes out because it's on video tape!!!!! :)

    McSilas's home: Oh Kiwi has a job!?!!!?! WOW!!!!! :) Nina and BobTodd.. Awwww! :) Wuv them together so much!!!! :) They are gonna live together! YAY! Wait I'm confused.. Nina doesn't have her money yet does she?!!?! Cus she and BobTodd are talking about how he is poor and she has money. Kiwi wins the line of the day!

    Kiwi: I'm good with numbers.


    The floating rib: Nathan and Maxie nice boring chit chat! Oh Maxie! You are making Nathan think you slept with Dillon! You can be such an idiot! This whole scene with them together was so stupid! Smelled like rotten eggs! Oh there is Kiwi drinking! The bartender says she is there a lot?! Is Kiwi lying about her new job!?!! Oh oh is she gonna turn into an alcoholic?!

    Lante home: Boring chit chat! Oh Dante wants to be the head of the organization! ROFL! Time for a massage! Move over Lulu! Lemme do it! :)

    Kiwi good with numbers!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

  3. Sounds like Kiki and NiCo had some story cut and jumped ahead. Why couldn't The Godfather Saga end up on the cutting room floor instead? I bet this had to do with the Wu family story that allegedly got dropped and it was probably connected to the follow up to the Rosalie/Brad/Lucas story line that was edited out. LOL

  4. Silvermist75 said...
    GH is getting worse by the day. Are the new head writers writing this stuff? The opening credits still list Ron has the head writer. I can't take it...just awful!

    New writers' material hits next week.

  5. Sonya - Ric got Nina's money back and then NiCo scared him into an annulment. It was briefly mentioned during the "The pen or the pen" scenes a few weeks ago.

  6. Oh I forgot to mention the real estate lady! She has Carly's hair!!! And I was confused about Kiwi selling her father's place! HUH!?!?! That's an apartment isn't it!? Not a house. You can't sell an apartment.

    "SaveOurSuds said...Sonya - Ric got Nina's money back and then NiCo scared him into an annulment. It was briefly mentioned during the "The pen or the pen" scenes a few weeks ago."

    Ohhhhh. Geez it was so quick if you blinked you missed it! :)

  7. I thought someone had said that the new writers' material would start airing Sept. 24 . . ?

  8. "AntJoan said.. I thought someone had said that the new writers' material would start airing Sept. 24 . . ?"

    No it starts in October. LindaV thinks it's October 5th.

  9. Here in Chicago, the last minute or so of GH was cut off due to Obama. Sounds like I missed the best part: Laura. Man, I have missed her! Glad she is back.

  10. Joan, the scripts they wrote started filming Sept 24th.
    Supposedly a lot of these are tweeked. Who knows.

  11. That cute picture shows why this show is going down the tubes. They simply have to indulge him and Sonny and what else could he do but be in the mob. Michael didn't want Avery with Sonny for safety issues but seeing TJ kidnapped due to his connection with Sonny didn't ring a bell. Great to have Laura back!!

  12. Mob storyline were my favorites! Very glad they're back!!

  13. Maurice Benard needs to go into retirement. This is not Ron C's writing. This is not his style. I'm scared to see what GH looks like in 6 months.



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