Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Apartment of Death

Image result for wheelchair person

"we are not purchasing this death apartment" says Nina! LOL she hates Kiki. Heh. She doesn't want to live where Silas was killed by her mother. Franco talks her into it.  The 3 of them are going to be a family.
Awww. Kiki cries. 

Laura is all pissy with Hayden and Nikolas. She's moving back into Wyndemere. Hayden is trying to figure stuff out.

Jake has been sitting a Kelly's ALL DAY. From Breakfast to Dinner. He asks Sam to trace Liz' phone call. It's from Wyndemere.

Liz calls Nik and totally rails on him about Hayden/Jake..she's starting to lose it. She's going nuts. She needs Valium. 

Julian and Ava bring Avery to Floating Rib. Really?
Kiki walks in. She starts drinking AGAIN! shots again! Like she'd be standing...haha. Ava tries to talk with her but Kiki just slams the shots. How can she walk? 

Sonny's legs don't work.  Nope.  "Partial paralysis"..meaning the peenie weenie works. He refuses to marry Carly until he knows when he can walk. 

Tracy argues with Paul about Ava saying Carlos shot Sonny. HE's going to "talk to Michael" 


  1. I didn't watch all of it yet, but I did see Ron C. was gone from the credits!

  2. I just found your blog and can I just say I love your take on everything. It is an insightful and fresh take on the world of GH. I truly think Liz is going to end up in Shady Brooke and when she comes back all will be forgiven. I wish she would get hers though.

  3. kd said...She starts drinking AGAIN! shots again! Like she'd be standing.

    I know! And she practically ran out of the bar! Considering her age and build she'd be under the table or suffering from alcohol poisoning after all those drinks.

    And why would Nina want to start her new life in that dark old apartment with all its bad memories. She should be in a bright sunny new space. Without Kiki! I think that is the stupidest story line. For heavens sakes, producers, pay for a new set or get some paint at least!

    I hope they start writing Liz differently soon. Even the people who liked her are starting to hate her now. This guilt-filled frenzy has gone on way too long.

    I think Michael should have had a photographer or P.I. following Ava. She wouldn't maintain visiting rights for 5 seconds after the judge saw that child in a bar.


    (Did you notice her bringing the baby to GH in the previews? Maybe poor Precious got a hold of a drink and has alcohol poisoning.)

  4. Of course the peenie weenie works. -_________________-

  5. heather tillman said: "I truly think Liz is going to end up in Shady Brooke and when she comes back all will be forgiven."

    You forgot to add: "and she will be pregnant." Y'all know it'll happen!

  6. This shiz is boring. So anyways, I wasn't necessarily a fan of some of Ron's over-the-top storylines, but I sure enjoyed seeing core veteran characters and some sort of creativity and action. Now where are they and how much more of this slow-paced style of storytelling are we supposed to endure? It isn't the same type of slow-paced creativity that Claire Labine brought to the show in the 90's, but more like the sleeper years under Guza/Fronz/JFP. I finding it all to be so not cutting edge which is what GH once was for many, many years.

  7. Kelly's:

    Liz, Jake, Sam, and Patrick: Liz is so wound tight she is going to explode!! Oh here comes Patrick, Sam, and her cupcakes bouncing in.

    Sam: We are engaged!

    Liz is so excited she is about to burst!

    Liz: Ra Ra! Sis boom ba!

    Oh SamTrick wants to get married after the holidays! :)

    Liz: The sooner we are all married the better!

    Uh that was a strange line. Doesn't anybody even want to ask why she said that!? Jake has this strange look on his face! ROFL!

    Sam and Jake: Who who? Who did Liz talk to?! Who? Who?! And where! Oh the phone number is from Wyndemere!!! Oh I rhymed haha. Now where is Dr. Seuss? :)

    Q home: Oh yes Tracy! I agree with you! If Sonny is alive and healthy, then Michael won't go to the 5 families meeting ever again! :)Did anybody see the new GH promo? Sonny finds out that Michael went to the meeting of the 5 families, and he is angry!

    The floating rib:

    Julian, Ava, and little AJ: Little AJ is at a bar!!! Are there baby beers? This baby is quiet. They must have used the quiet twin. Too bad.

    Ava and Kiwi: Wow this was a great scene. Kiwi was quiet through the whole scene! :) I like it! :) Although she does look constipated! Or maybe she is just trying to fart. Gee Kiwi is drinking so much, and yes she can walk really well and is not drunk! I guess she can hold her liquor! Come on Kiwi say hello to little AJ!

    Kiwi's home: How the hell can Nina buy the place and live there, when she can't even walk on the same spot where McSilas died on!!! ROFL! I mean come on! :) She avoids it like the plague!!! :) I just wuv my BobTodd and Nina! :) Come on Kiwi let BobTodd and Nina be your family!!! :( You need family! And also let little AJ be in your life too!

    The hospital:

    Sonny's room: So Sonny didn't have surgery on his brain or back of his head? He had surgery on the back of his neck!?!! HUH?! So the maxie pad is on his neck! Cool!. Ohhhhh Sonny is partially paralyzed!!!! YESSSSSSS! Maurice Bernard is going to knock the scenes out of the park!!! :)Awww Sonny don't want to get married cus he can't walk! Another excuse to not marry Carly! First it was the seizure and now this! :)

    "Karen says Sonny's legs don't work. Nope. "Partial paralysis"..meaning the peenie weenie works."

    ROFL! And that means he can have sex and then he can find out if his super sperm still works! :)

    Wyndemere: Laura does not want GreenHayden living there hahahahaha! GreenHayden you can live at the brownstone!!!!!!!! Why is it there if nobody is living there?!!?!

    Laura: How is that going to work? How are you going to have a relationship with the woman you tried to have killed?

    THANK YOU LAURA!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!That is the million dollar question!!! Laura wins the line of the day!!!!!

  8. "Di says (Did you notice her bringing the baby to GH in the previews? Maybe poor Precious got a hold of a drink and has alcohol poisoning.)"

    Maybe she didn't get the baby beer! Maybe she got adult beer!!! :0

  9. Well, didn't finish watching yet due to working, but, so far, see no evidence of Sonny's brain surgery. Sonya says the surgery was on the back of his neck? Huh? Who has brain surgery on their neck? What kind of hospital is GH, anyway?

  10. "AntJoan said...Well, didn't finish watching yet due to working, but, so far, see no evidence of Sonny's brain surgery. Sonya says the surgery was on the back of his neck? Huh? Who has brain surgery on their neck? What kind of hospital is GH, anyway?"

    ROFL! Oh you got to see it!!!! The Maxie pad aka bandage, is on the back of his neck!!!! Oh you will just LOVE it! :)

  11. Is there a way they can save Liz? Like maybe ...when it all comes out, they show us a scene from the Nurses Ball that we didn't know about...where Helena pulls Liz aside and blackmails her with Robin's life if she tells about Jake/Jason. Or something.

    Because how are they going to redeem her? Maybe they won't? We still watch Carly after she did all those horrible things to Bobbie and Tony. And Ric totally got away with the panic room.

  12. I've never heard of doing brain surgery on the back of your neck. They can do it by going up the nose though. Maybe Sonny had surgery using the Endoscopic Endonasal Approach.(EEA) That would make more sense. That stupid maxie pad after brain surgery makes it look like a high school play.

  13. New writers same old shit. I know it's only day 1 but looks like they're going to stay on the train wreck path Ron created. *smdh

    Really hope I'm wrong.

  14. I am starting to believe that there was a lot more "re-tooling" from the new writers with the Ron material that was left to air than what was mentioned. IMO, there was a significant shift in storytelling once the focus returned to Sonny/Carly/Sam/Jake/Ava/etc. and friends.

  15. "MatchboxGinny said...New writers same old shit. I know it's only day 1 but looks like they're going to stay on the train wreck path Ron created. *smdh"

    The new writers haven't started yet. :)They do start this week.

  16. Hi Sonya,
    The new writers, or I should say writer, as only Jean's name was listed, did start with yesterday's episode. Ron's name is no longer in the credits. Jean has also been doing breakdown writing since August.

  17. "MatchboxGinny said...The new writers, or I should say writer, as only Jean's name was listed, did start with yesterday's episode. Ron's name is no longer in the credits. Jean has also been doing breakdown writing since August."

    I saw Jean's name, but I didn't see the other one's name. Maybe both of their names will be in the credits today.



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