Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bag Switch


Dante and Lulu say "yes, let's have a baby" Lulu says she'll see her OBGYN--- and here's where I'm a bit confused. Did Lulu have an operation to let her carry to term? Do they think they have an egg left? They are acting AWFULLY casual.  Are we just forgetting about the egg-biz...
Someone on twitter is saying that the operation will let her release more eggs too. Or something. Whatever. 

Movie stuff. Ok, so... the assistant found the footage of Dillon and Valerie. He thinks it's REAL MOVIE stuff that they shot. He asks Dillon about it but Dillon is busy and tells him to do whatever he wants with it. WHOOPS. Later, Lulu comes by and Dillon loses his temper (because he loves her..duh) 
When Dillon leaves to go see his dad at the DA's office, MAXIE tells LULU that Dillon LOVES HER! WOW!! 

Olivia is talking to Dante. She can't do both..PC and Brooklyn. She wants to bring Leo home.
Then, at the end of the show she SHOWS UP AT Julian's WITH THE BABY! what!!!!!?

Alexis wants Julian to move in. He gives her a scrapbook with the Davis Girls in it...very cute. He made it with Molly so maybe they can all live together. OH and Paul is dropping the shooting Sonny charges against him  

So, Sabrina went to Kellys with the PG test in a bag. Val went in with another bag. They got switched. SO, Sabrina goes home with licorice and Nate finds the pregnancy test when Val drops donuts. 
So, Nate thinks Valarie is PG. :giggle
AND NATHAN shows Dante the Pregnancy test! Dante thinks it's Valeries! LOL 
THEN, Dante asks Valerie about the test! And Dillon sees it!! GEESH

Paul tells Michael to cool it. Michael is mad, he yells at Tracy (who's at Sabrina's now).
SABRINA IS PREGNANT (we saw the test) she hid it so no one else knows.  Now it will be: Will Michael be in the MOB? Will the baby be safe??!! 


  1. Soapy goodness today!!!!!!!!! :)

    The haunted Star: Nathan! Oh please! ROFL! Lulu comes in with bags!?!!?! Is she sabotaging?!!?! Woah Dillon just layed into Lulu hahahahaha! That was fun. :) Lulu almost cried! :)

    Lulu: What was that?!


    Maxie: He's in love with you!

    TRUTH BOMB!!!!! Oh Dillon! You better listen to Spinny Jr, and watch the tape!!!! That is another truth bomb right there!!!! Soapy goodness!!!

    Julian and Alexis: Mmmmm Julian in just his underwear with breakfast!!! :)

    Julian: There is bacon among other things.

    Uh huh. Other meats for you Alexis. ;) Alexis wants Julian to live with her. I thought they were already living together? Oh wait she moved out. Oh charges have been dropped! YAY! :) Awwww Julian gave Alexis a gift!!! Sweet!!!!! Oh Olivia with a baby. Oh Karen is that Leo? I thought it was Rocco hahaha.

    Kelly's: Hmmm Sabrina lying to Michael.. Sabrina wins the line of the day!

    Sabrina: Yes too busy to pee!

    ROFL! I'm so glad Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman are keeping humor in the show! :) Oh oh! Twizzlers and pregnancy test were switched!!!!! Soapy goodness!!!!!

    Dillon and Val: About the sex! Don't tell Lulu! Don't tell anybody! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sabrina and Felix's home: Oh Sabrina is lying to Felix. So many pregnancy tests! ROFL! Oh Karen are they all positive?! I wasn't sure. YAY! IT'S OFFICIAL!!! :)

    Pregnancy test: Positive!

    Pregnancy test: Positive!

    Pregnancy test: Positive!

    Pregnancy test: Positive!

    Pregnancy test: Positive!

    Pregnancy test: Negative! Just kidding! Positive!

    Geez! Michael is so rude to Tracy!!!! What the hell!?!!

    The hospital:

    Dante and Lulu: Baby baby baby. Let's have a baby. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Olivia and Dante: The scene was great with them, until Olivia was having the same conversation with him about baby Leo and Julian. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Police station:

    Paul's office: Tracy gives Paul a gift!! Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives... Wow Michael is so rude to Paul! I don't like how rude Michael has been!!!! Dillon comes in to talk to Paul about Nathan! Hahahaha. Oh Dillon come on! This has nothing to do with Nathan! Tell your dad you wuv Lulu! :)

    Nathan and Dante: Pregnancy test!!!!! BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

    MRI: I'm still lonely. :(

  2. LOL Sonya, I was like dahmn how many did she take. Haha!!! is my thinking, what if instead of making Val preggers, they don't, I like it better with the confusion of the switched bags instead, that's just me. The whole Dillion thing, just please go...he runs to daddy, really?? So many things I could do without. Mouth fell open when Jules opened the door as baby Leo and Liv were walking by. I love Nathan but OMG he's acting like a girl in jr high.

  3. Great job, Karen. Sonya - awesome, as always. (Especially liked the pregnancy test that lied about being negative ;-)

    Does Felix still live with Sabrina? When they were on together yesterday, it seemed like she had no idea what was going on with his love life.

    Glad Maxie spilled the beans to Lulu. I will take what happened today with the switched bags that Val is NOT pregnant. (WHEW!) I laughed when Sabrina found licorice in her bag.

    Can't wait for Laura/Liz/Nik/Hayden and Jakson tomorrow :-)

  4. "Michelle Latta said..LOL Sonya, I was like dahmn how many did she take. Haha!!!"

    ROFL! I wonder if she is going to keep one and throw the rest away. :)

    " is my thinking, what if instead of making Val preggers, they don't, I like it better with the confusion of the switched bags instead, that's just me."

    Well I do want her pregnant, but I do love the switcharoo bags!! That is really soapy!

    "Paul773 said...Great job, Karen. Sonya - awesome, as always."

    Thanks. :)

    "(Especially liked the pregnancy test that lied about being negative ;-)"


    "Does Felix still live with Sabrina?"

    I thought they still do. Sabrina didn't say that Felix moved out.

  5. My Fake Spoiler Alert- Sonny's son is bi-polar! Nope not Morgan....Michael! I can not get over the lunacy. It was literally Port Charles hours ago that he was sitting at a wedding he had to be coerced in to attending. He was a Quartermaine. He wore business suits. NOW, over night, he is dressed like Johnny Cash and fighting for Sonny and his mob..I mean coffee business. It is driving ME insane!!!
    (I don't care if he goes mob, but let a story EVOLVE!)
    Thanks for listening!!

  6. Good point Patrix - does he even want ELQ back?

  7. "Patrix says He was a Quartermaine. He wore business suits. NOW, over night, he is dressed like Johnny Cash"

    Johnny Cash! ROFL! You are right! He does dress like Johnny Cash! :)

  8. Michael is weird... BUT I don't know, I'm liking the IDEA of Morgan/Michael tussling over the Head of the Seat of Corinthos. Could be very Shakespearean. I know the whole Sabrina/Michael/Baby-Mob will be repetitive but-- ?? I loved how they did yesterday's show and how Michael was SUCH a bitch to Tracy.

    Color me confused at my own self lol

  9. I'm hoping that Sabrina's pregnancy will give Michael of change of heart and realize that he wants nothing to do with the mob. What's going on with ELQ now? Did Michael and Sam+Jakeson just give up?

    It it not enough that you he was shot in the head as a child aged into his teenage years in a coma? What about being forced to kill his stepmother after his father drove her crazy? C'mon Michael.



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