Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday: Wubber-Self Reporting!

I'm out all  day today, doing my civic duty! I hope I can SQUEEZE a lunch in with Frons, he's in NY for the OLTL meeting. Heh. Think I can order lobster for lunch?
That means you need to give a break down of the show today in comments if you so choose! Let me know if I should watch or skip.
Here's something fun to keep you happy:

Greg Vaughan tweeted this photo and posted on Facebook. His lovely wife Touriya and son Cavan. He is credited with this photo...proud papa that he is! Their facebook page (link) is "The Vaughans in LaLaLand" and has a lot of great photos.

So, what do you think about DWTS? Personally, I may pass on this season (I've only watched one so far, not really my cup o'tea). I am wondering if The Duggars will watch the Gosselins while Mama dances. Just don't get Jon NEXT to Michelle! LOL...I also tweeted last night that maybe Ed Hardy will make Kate's costumes. I know he designs for Jon, but come on...what an opportunity! And Buzz Aldren? I only really like Niecy Nash and Aiden from AMC -- PLUS, come on, A Pussycat Doll in there? Aren't they professionals? That just seems WRONG. 

Sarah Brown saw "Muse" last night and loved it...that was her tweet. Isn't it interesting that she's up for an emmy for Claudia??! Kinda cool-- but has to be strange for her! Over on TVGuide Canada  they are doing a poll about the actors that SHOULD have been nominated--and Kim  McCollough was ahead last time I checked. Hit the link and vote for who you think should have gotten a nod.

That's it! Not a lot more to report. I'll be on later this evening. Let me know how GH went. Maybe Lisa will get alcohol poisoning!!



  1. OLTL was fantastic I won't give it away so please watch it.Gh was sameo sameo ala Sonny Sonny Sonny.

  2. GH was greatt if you love Dante and Lulu...."Dante I want to rip your clothes off!" hahah Lulu ended up taking her dress of and was in just a bra and pantiess (nice bod!) then dante fell asleep LOL tooo funny! def watch!

    p.s carly and jax sexed up the metro court lol

  3. I loved OLTL! You must watch it, Karen!!
    GH...keep the remote handy to ff at least 50%. I didn't doze off today but did vacuum during a lot of the Sonny stuff. I wish they'd get to the pay-off in the Kiefer story all ready. Boring!

  4. OMG Mamaspat! "Sonny Sonny Sonny" reminded me of Tom Hanks in the old sitcom "Bosom Buddies". He said that all the time to Donna Dixon's character. Please tell me someone else remembers that!

  5. So nice to see someone that isn't a twig on a soap (Lulu). She looks great. Also nice not to constantly see her breasts shoved down our face and she actually changes colors! lol

  6. was the end of one life a dream , hallucination or real?

  7. lol..Don't understand why Lulu put the dress back on after before she sat by him. She should have left it off and snuggled up to him in the bed. Tomorrow's another day. :>)

    Someone should tell drunken Lisa that we all have to grow up sometime. You can't live like a college freshman forever. It becomes laughable after a while.

  8. DelcoDave, I remember that show very well. I think it's the first time I saw Tom Hanks in anything and learned to appreciate Holland Taylor, too. She's still one of my faves.

  9. Holland Taylor is one of TV's greatest legends and unsung heroes. Everyone knows her by face, but not necessarily by name. She is definitely a TV icon and has spiced up every show she has been in. (love her!)

    re: breasts. did anyone else notice that in the new opening credits all the women get closeups except for Olivia and Sam who prominently get to display their chests in a lowcut top?

  10. I'll be looking at the opening a little closer today, DelcoDave. Sounds like typical Bob Guza. He's all about the "big guns".

  11. Can GH just leave everyone else off instead of Dante and Lulu! How can you not watch and just giggle or grin ear to ear! They are just pure joy.
    I know TPTB will ruin them,but I do want to just savor them while I can.
    Lulu's bra and panty set were very nice. I wish someone could tell us where to get some of this stuff these ladies wear. Well,like her Bra and panty( I would like it in red) and her gorgeous red dress she wore on V-day.

  12. Although I sometimes don't like what Lulu has to say, her and Dante were just great yesterday! I am so giddy to see a couple start from the beginning and just have fun and be all about each other. It is a breath of fresh air, considering what I have had to watch from GH recently.
    I did like that Carly (barely) stood up for Jax, but her trying to manipulate him with sex. Why don't you guys try talking this out, calmly.
    I am heartbroken for what Liz and Lucky are going through. I am 100% against Helena changing the paternity, if that happens. I still say that she would never allow a kid that isn't true blood Cassadine take over for the family!! Lets Let something good happen to Lucky for once and then Laura can come and meet her grandchild.
    Lisa does need to grow up. I am glad that Robin didn't act jealously and Patrick stopped her and they had a real conversation. Carly and Jax, take note!!

  13. see thats weird,Lulu has never bugged me the way others have. To me the last good story TPTB had for Lulu was her abortion. She has always been a back up to everyone else. (Dante doesn't know about her abortion does he? Wonder how he will deal with that being catholic and all!)

    Carly pisses me off with her waffleing back and forth.
    choose a side and stick to it already!

    I hate what is happening to Liz and Lucky. I hope to god this baby is Lucky's.I know it is more dramatic to have Helena switch the tests to make it look like Niks,but I hate that Lucky is always getting the short end of the stick.Even if he and Liz don't get back together,at least make that child his.

  14. I just love love love Dante and LuLu!!!! I too have never had a problem with LuLu, I really like the way she is protecting and supporting Dante. Love that they have a beginning to this love story. At least LuLu knows right from wrong.

    Carly on the other hand is becoming so annoying. She'll lie for Sonny, do whatever to keep him out of prison cause he's a good father. Ah...your children have been kidnapped, shot...need I go on. Sonny is a criminal!!!! End of discussion. Getting tired of Carly making her own rules for every situation. I wanted Carly and Jax to stay together....argh!

    Lisa...I don't like the character or the actress. Ah....your a doctor...stop killing your brain cells with all the alcohol!


  15. Lisa I agree about carly 100%! But then again she isn't a good parent, either.

  16. Twilight eternity: Lulu had a breakdown and went to shadybrook! She was front and center for that as well as her boring relationship w. Johnny.

  17. I was really happy when Jax reminded Carly about how she felt when Michael was shot. Her answer..."uh, but he is better now." Are you kidding me?



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...