Wednesday, March 17, 2010

OLTL Bloodbath? General Hospital St. Paddy's Day

OLTL..things are not looking good. I don't usually talk to anyone over there but do know some crew/cast in NYC and talked to someone this morning. It's just a mess. With the PR nighmare of Kish (Are they 'bad boys' or was the gay thing TOO much??) and the cutting of cast left and right, actors and crew are left to wonder what's coming next.  Daytime Confidential ran a blind item about an actress being out and it's all over twitter that Florencia Lozana (Tea) is the one leaving. ;/ Besides Scott Clifton, Kish, the Evans family and now this, who's left? Plenty, friends. I think more are going before it's all over. The conversation reminded me of one I had with ATWT set crew right before the cancelation announcement was launched. Does this mean OLTL is on the brink? I sure hope not. Supposedly ABC is behind it's "shows"-- maybe it's cutting the budget so tight they can save themselves. OLTL is already one of the most well run shows budget wise, I guess they are taking up the slack for the others. I do need to say I'm not commenting on Kish and the hooplah going around about the actors being bad boyz vs. management getting rid of them due to the heat from anti-gay groups. I honestly don't know which is more true, and I'm not even going to act like I do. All I know is that I'll miss the couple and the actors. I think it's the most well told couples story in a long time. The PR machine needs a kick in the ass however---if they had just done things differently to start with all this speculation wouldn't be happening. Not to mention poor Scott Evans found out the storyline was dumped on TWITTER! 

OLTL today had a nice tip o'the hat to St. Paddy's day with the police all in their dress uniforms at the bar after the parade. NICE JOB. Can you imagine seeing the PCPD doing that? :thud: Who remembers Ryan's Hope and Maeve singing "Danny Boy" every year? :sniff:  

GENERAL Hospital: I should see if I can drag up any old St. Paddy's day WUBS for you. I used to write one almost every year. LOL. Spinelli would be perfect as a little green gnome! If I were writing I'd do something fun like show Lucky eating Lucky Charms or something. Heck, GH's sets don't even include kitchens!!  
Kristina needs to FESS up!! Sam keeps telling her that she's been beaten up before... Keifer goes in to her ROOM and cries?? ugh!! These two kids are acting their socks off in this scene!!
You know what I was thinking about Dr. Matt? He could totally really be just a ghost like in Fight Club. LOL....only people that saw him are Scrubs.heh
This whole Maxie/Spin/Johnny thing is so old news.  
Keifer's parents are on...quite the snooty folks. LOL. I've seen that chick somewhere before. Not sure where. I know she was on a soap, but she looks primtime familiar. 
Prosecutor is sitting in METRO court Lobby....and I see the BUBBLE LAMP!! She's using the lobby as an office. How funny. 

Soap Opera Source PULSE results for this week are surprising!

Kim McCollough had this on Facebook: I've been accepted into the AFI DIRECTING WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN 2010!

GOTTA FLY! Look for scoops later on the WubsNet!  Georgie will be on soon!!


  1. Did anyone else secretely hope they mixed up the envelopes and Ethan was declared the father of Liz's child and Nicholas was blamed for attacking Kristina?

  2. LOL..that's priceless. :) It would have been great to shock us all! Ethan is Liz' baby daddy!

  3. i do like reading what you right..sincerly gcbmo

  4. considering Nik is Krissys cousin, not nearly as funny...

  5. Was anyone else upset by the fact that Krissie said she couldn't let her father kill Keifer but she obviously has no qualms at all about letting him kill Ethan?

    I'm afraid this child has obviously inherited her father's psychopathic tendancies, as well as a few from the Cassidines.
    She "loves" Keifer so he's off limits but anyone else is fair game for murder. A definite new slant on, " I wouldn't have shot him if I'd known he was my son!"

    Despite the great acting on her part today that was enough to completely turn me off this storyline and I see a new evil female in the making in the coming years.

  6. Ok does anyone else remember a scene with Steven sending the paternity tests to an outside lab?

  7. I SO SAW THE BUBBLE LAMP in the lobby!

    I thought Keifer's mother looks like Sonny's prosecutor.

  8. Did the police even go to the lake house? Wouldn't there be evidence there? I don't know if Ethan's hands would be messed up, but it sure did not look like Keifer's were today. He's playing Kristina yet again with the crying and apologizing, but I don't think he looked too scared at the police station. Smug mostly.

    Kristina might (wrongly)believe Sonny would not hurt Ethan because of Luke, but she knows he would kill Keifer since he already hates him. And she knows her father would react with violence, so it was a bad lie. Kristina seems afraid of Keifer coming after her again if she told the truth.

    Does anyone else think Jason, while never quick to judgement, is hesitating because he knows Franco is out there watching?

  9. Karen,
    I don't know if this is where you recognize Lisa Waltz from but she plyed the woman that Mr. Chase was going to open a rstaurant with on My So Called Life long ago. I think they were headed for an affair when the series ended.

  10. I really hate that K is blaming Ethan as he has grown on me too. Im really over Sonny and his "I didn't know he was my son" crap..

    Also, there was a comment made a while back that on the new opening it shows headshots of everyone except Olivia and Sam so that we can see their boobs, not true. I have carefully watched the opening since that statement was made and they also show Alexis and Maxie.

  11. YES! My So CALLED LIFE!! THANk you! I hope you read so helped me remember! that's where I know her from.

    And she DOES look like Claire!

  12. YES! My So CALLED LIFE!! THANk you! I hope you read so helped me remember! that's where I know her from.

    And she DOES look like Claire!

  13. I think it is wrong that the show is having Kristina lie about Ethan. It really messes up this s/l just like Dante lieing about his shooting messes up his s/l. Guza is really a IDIOT. He does not know how to do ANYTHING RIGHT!

  14. I actually like the Ethan getting blamed storyline. it makes for good soaps. it brings us angst and keeps us glued. The arrest won't stick so relax! We aren't supposed to agree with Kristina blaming Ethan. This will make us like him more and end up understanding why kristina protected her abuser. All in all this little actress is such a wonderful find. I just adore her work right along with morgan & molly.

    Anyone else notice lulu is wear red every single day the way Sam wears black? Seriously wardrobe, pick her a new color already!

  15. Keifers mom totally looks like Claire! You ladies are so right.

    So sick of hearing Spin's sad and pathetic blabbering. I say Johnny swoop Maxie off her feet (OR BETTER YET, LUCKY)

    Couldn't figure out the weird dialogue Sam was spewing in Kristina's hospital room "I'll go now if that's cool" stupid! Sweet when she said I love you though. Kristina broke my heart when she was crying to keifer saying she thought he was going to kill her. This girl needs an Emmy nod! Loved what claire said to Carly about keeping track of her son.

  16. Why is everyone hating on this storylne? finally GH has come up with a gem in Lexi (kristina) and really this is all what soaps are made of. If we aren't in a WTD storylne, which of course we are and it bites but at least lucky is the daddy this time, at least we have a juicy story where many characters are involved. I am loving it. and Lexi hit it out of the park today, what an awesome job she did!

  17. Rita and Tonya, from what I'm reading and how I feel personally, many folks are hating the way the story is being written, not the actors. Lexi and Christian are doing a fantastic job, BUT the writing is clumsy and not believable. Totally my opinion.

  18. In past years we have had Mike promoting Campbell's Healthy Heart products at Kelly's. This year, might they skip the Campbell's commericial and integrate Maxie's storyline?

  19. I think the writing is actually good for once in several months. Maybe that's the difference. I think its so good just becuase it's been so long since we've had a decent story. I am still glued to my screen so something is being done corretly and we're all talking about it.

  20. Okay, I'll say it- I'm kind of bored by this story. I do think that Lexi is doing a great job, but I think the story could have been done so much better. It is not that she is blaming Ethan, it is just that it is written so poorly.

    Anonymous- I could not remember who it was that had the additional paternity test done. Was it Steven? For some reason I thought it was Nik...somebody out there has to have the proof that Lucky is the real Daddy. Somebody other than Helena that is.

  21. So, Sam promised to not let anyone in Kristinas room, but next scene, Keifer makes it in there and Sam is at the Penthouse with Jason?
    The actors that play Krissy and Keifer are doing such a good job and make it so believeable. I do wish that instead of blaming Ethan, they would have just had Kristina refuse to name her assailant.

  22. I just remembered- Helena has something on Steve, so she will blackmail him to stay quiet about the baby's real father...

  23. Seems to me Nik did say something about having an additional out of hospital test done...because he knew how things went at gh testing we'll see if the writers follow up on it. And if Nik finds out that Lucky is the dad, will he admit it? hmmmmm

  24. Steven did have an extra paternity test done and he said to keep it quiet. Hopefully Helena doesn't know about it. And I would hope that as her brother he would at least tell Liz the truth. She may choose to keep it to herself for now and use it as ammunition if the Cassadines try to take the baby. I think that would make for a great plot twist. ( Therefore we probably won't see it happen.)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...