Friday, March 12, 2010

Luke: "This isn't a Malt Shop"!! GH Today Plus Ratings 3-1-7

OLTL: I hate HANNAH..hate. But ok, keep her and sexperv Ford-- and get rid of Kish. Grrr!!! Perez Hilton commented on Kish--I tweeted a ton to him and emailed the site too. How stupid was John today? Natalie, could you write that down for me? I'm too stupid to get every little hint! LOL. Oh, I think Roxy was remember when Alison Perkins took SKY--her other son--you wait. I am spoiler free, but I can guess.

GENERAL HOSPTIAL: WELL, ratings are at 1.9 last week, they are still down there at the bottom of the pack.
Luda is never going to do it, are they?? LOL..OMG, KATE IN THE FLESH! She was good today too. She did say it was a tricky dialog when she was tweeting. And it was! LOL. Why is she off the show?? I mean, for the most part?
OH no...Keifer is losing it. Luke is seeing Ethans temper...!! That was some scene for poor Krissy. :( wahhhhhhh. Luke said "malt shop"! Sam/Krissy were good together, I so like the family they've created on GH with the "Davis" girlies.
Where do they find those nasty gray sheets for the hospital beds.
Claire mentioned tweeting!! :) I hate her btw. I wish Claudia was still around to stomp on her! LOL
YEAH Bernie stops by the island!!
Spinelli said NINCOMPOOP! Must have got that from Edward.
LUKESON WAS ON TODAY! I love all know that.  I really miss them on more. WOO HOO!
Dante and Sonny: "Jimmy the Fish"...and "Garlic Knots". Tawking about the old neighborhood. Which, actually I liked a lot!

OMG, I do not want to watch this Kristina/Keifer thing!! The actor that plays Keifer needs kudos too...hard part to play.

Soap Ratings:  March 1-7
THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS (5.02 million, 3.6/12)
THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL (3.21 million, 2.4)
DAYS OF OUR LIVES (2.97 million, 2.2/7)
ALL MY CHILDREN (2.73 million, 2.0/7)
GENERAL HOSPITAL (2.58 million, 1.9/6)
ONE LIFE TO LIVE (2.46 million, 1.8/6)
AS THE WORLD TURNS (2.43 million, 1.8/6)

I'll have some spoilers up this weekend!! Keep an eye out for all good things on here.


  1. I thing Spin called himself a nincompoop as that is what Mac called him.

    Spin use to be one of my favorite characters but is quickly becoming one of my least favorite. His constant whining and lack of confidence is just annoying. Maxie does need to dump him and then he can check himself into Shadybrook.

    Speaking of Shadybrook, I've only seen partial episodes this week. Have we seen Liz?

    I am not liking that they are implying Max would cheat on Diane...especially given their recent little break-up history.

    When you mentioned the ugly grey curtains before I saw the word curtain I thought you were going to say ugly grey shirt Sam is wearing. Olivia Newton John called and wants it back.

    Did Kate say Sonny would not have shot Dante if Olivia had just told Sonny it was his son? That already is my most hated phrase for 2010.

  2. "Spinelli said NINCOMPOOP! "...he quoted Mac, who called him that in Maxie's hospital room.

  3. OLTL- I think Roxy was remembering when Nurse Perkins took Skylar too! But that would be stupid considering they just fired Scott Clifton.

  4. Frisco I totally agree with you. I can barely tolerate Spin in ANY scenes whereas 6-9 months ago I adores Spixie. Maybe I am just done with the jason/Sam/Sonny/Carly show.

    I agree that Keifers portrayer deserves Kudos karen. I really like Kristina's character. Love what it brings out in Sam & Alexis but mostly Sonny. I can finally see him outside of the mobster when I see him with her.

  5. I usually FF Spinelli.I did love Dante & Lulu.

  6. I do feel the abuse story has lost it's way. Isn't Kristina supposed to be the victim? The way she's being written she will lose all sympathy. After all, she let Keifer buy her a dress, then stood him up and made him look bad in front of his college buddies.

    Then she got all dressed up and went to the casino where Ethan works, where she was under age and, therefore, not allowed, confessed to canceling his date, and expected him to be cool about it. He got mad - what guy wouldn't.

    Now, at age 16, she goes to the Metro Court bar and orders a drink! She's acting so entitled and Sam is being so understanding when she should be telling her she's too young to be going to casinos and bars. Then Sam goes on to say that Ethan is a really bad guy for getting so upset, and for protecting the Haunted Star from being closed for serving minors.

    Now, Keifer, in a rage over his perceived betrayal, puts her in the hospital, and she names Ethan!

    So Guza makes Kristina, who should be the victim,
    totally wrong for provoking Keifer, and Ethan the 'real victim' because he was falsely accused. All the women are dumb because Sam believes Kristina and Jason is not so sure. So, what's new?!

  7. I do feel the abuse story has lost it's way. Isn't Kristina supposed to be the victim? The way she's being written she will lose all sympathy. After all, she let Keifer buy her a dress, then stood him up and made him look bad in front of his college buddies.

    Then she got all dressed up and went to the casino where Ethan works, where she was under age and, therefore, not allowed, confessed to canceling his date, and expected him to be cool about it. He got mad - what guy wouldn't.

    Now, at age 16, she goes to the Metro Court bar and orders a drink! She's acting so entitled and Sam is being so understanding when she should be telling her she's too young to be going to casinos and bars. Then Sam goes on to say that Ethan is a really bad guy for getting so upset, and for protecting the Haunted Star from being closed for serving minors.

    Now, Keifer, in a rage over his perceived betrayal, puts her in the hospital, and she names Ethan!

    So Guza makes Kristina, who should be the victim,
    totally wrong for provoking Keifer, and Ethan the 'real victim' because he was falsely accused. All the women are dumb because Sam believes Kristina and Jason is not so sure. So, what's new?!

  8. Sorry for the double post - I don't know how to delete it.

  9. The Kristina abuse storyline will turn out to be all about Sonny. Him re-living his mother being abused, causing Dante to see him in a new light, blah, blah, blah. Micheal will have rage. Jason will stare. Morgan will show emotion. Molly will speak of the tragedy of love. Carly will stick her nose in it.

  10. I actually think the krissy/Ethan/Keifer story is good soap stuff. Can't believe I just said that. Man I saw Tues & Wed eppys and Kemo's boobs definitely were reduced. Was so good to see them both casually dressed. they looked great.

  11. I completely agree with what Frisco said.
    It will ALL be about Sonny.Which is why the show SUCKS most of the time,except the Lulu & Dante scenes.

  12. We all knew they'd somehow make the woman in the wrong too with this abuse storyline. If kristina was truly a battered gf she'd never take the dress and stand him up. She'd be too scared. The whole point of abuse is that the abuser destroys the victim's self esteem and makes them feel they deserve abuse when they don't. By turning K into the newest tramp ( Well after all she's 16 now.Time to take her place with the other Guza broads on the show.)and then having her accuse the wrong man, thay have taken our sympathy from her and given it to Ethan.

    Wasn't Kristina trying to hit the club scene when she was first introduced to the show? they have her acting more like a victim of another kind of abuse, the way she's chasing the wild life and older men.

  13. While I find the acting really stand-out in the abuse story, I hate to see women or children in peril like that and think Guza excels in anything and everything that victimizes women. I'm sure there was another story they could have written for this young couple besides the usual teen pregnancy story that would have been worthy of a PSA. The fact that this will of course be all about Sonny and be a pivotal point between him and Krissie so she forgives and respects makes me against it, too. I prefer the writing of late where people confront Sonny for all his thuggery. If that's a word.

  14. I was in shock seeing the last scene...
    That scene was hard to see...

    I am liking the Kristina abuse S/L because for me it sounds real and that is a change from all the stories GH has done in the past years...
    Right now the story is good, it is real.
    Kristina has problems, that makes her venerable to be abused, she doesn't have a real connection to her father, and in many ways she is looking for the affection of a man..
    I like Sam in the big sister mode she was amazing yesterday, I love that GH has this women family with Alexis Sam Kris and Molly , I hope they will continue with that family connection..

    I hope Krsitina and Sonny will bond by this because Sonny was abused when he was a child and he saw his mother abused so he will know what she is going trough the same with Sam, I hope for this dramatic family scenes ..

  15. Too bad ABC does not drop G.H's "SASON"( AKA Sonny & Jason) the way they dropped OLTL's "KISH".
    I'll bet if "Kish" were straight
    "cop-killers" they would be the stars of the show.

  16. because I could care less about the abuse story,although I hated seeing a cowering Chrissy. I hope this little girl gets some balls soon and hits back. Don't feel bad for some abused boyfriend!

    did anyone else hear when Lulu asked Dante if he wanted the lights on or off and he says, "Off,I think we are going to
    glow in the dark"! LMAO! Hilarious.

    When are these two going to have sex finally! Damn its like waiting for Mulder and Scully to finally kiss!

  17. I also think that after everyone finds out that Kristina lied about who hit her, the story will be lost.
    I am glad that GH is doing a story about abuse, I just hope that it is done right. So far, I think it is.
    I also liked the Sam dialogue, telling Kristina that no man should ever touch her or treat her less than she deserves. See!!! I hontestly think that Sam away from Jason is better. She gets better scenes and script. Instead of her just nodding and standing up for Jason, you can see how much she loves her family. It sounds like she is going to go overboard, but I would probably do the same thing if I found out someone hit my sister.
    Sonny's Trial would be pure FF if Diana wasn't there!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...