Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday Surgery: Sofer Return?? Other Great Stuff...

Will Rena Sofer make a return to GH? Word is they are in the works..but for a cameo. Here's hoping it's for longer!! Wouldn't it be GREAT to see she and "Olivia" together?? OH MY GAWD?? With Brooke Lynn back, it's possible. Other people are saying Scott Clifton may return too after his let-go from OLTL but I'm not sure if they were just trying to make me feel good. (you know I love the boy!!) Anyway, the Q house will be full to the brim soon!!

Want to experience Tony Geary on Wendy Williams?? Here it is: Interview.  Wendy W is somethin'. BTW, Tony was on partly because of Broadway Cares today!! There are about 5 wubbers I know of going to the event so hopefully I'll have LOADS of photos!! Chrissy is at the Steve Burton, Derk Cheetwood and Carolyn Hennesy's event today--RIGHT NOW! With Alberta Wubs lobster. She got a pic of Alberta with STEVE!! I'll get it up asap. Look for Alberta Wubs Fanpage on Facebook for all her fun star encounters.

Flat Megan is my FAVE new thing that fans are doing for the wub of their fave actress. Many fanbases do many things, but Megan Ward's is just priceless. I introduced you to Flat Megan awhile ago when she went on a skiing adventure with "Sonny". Well, here's another fun one!! If you want to see all the Adventures of Flat Megan, join her group on Facebook. Megan follows her 'own' adventures on twitter her tweet name is @themeganward. I also want to remind EVERYONE to write to GH in support of your fave characters/actors. They LOVE handwritten cards/notes. address? General Hosptial @ABC TV, 4151 Prospect Ave, Hollywood CA 90027.

Michael Fairman has some  FAB interviews up with all the players in the Teen Abuse storyline. NLG and Lexi Ainsworth are especially wonderful and talk candidly about their story.

Senta Moses (Winnie) has a movie coming out March 26th." 10 Years Later" is a dark comedy about a kidnapping.

Here's a pic that Chrishell Stause tweeted with she and Aiden Turner who will appear on DWTS tomorrow. You know us Daytime peeps need to support!!

SPOILERS are up. Luke and Sonny go at it next week. LOOK at the COVER OF SID!!  I'm in heaven. I'll have to buy some and see if I can ever get both Mo's and  Tony's autographs on the cover of that baby. Can you imagine!!??

Have a good day. Syracuse is still in the tournament....Health Care vote is today...and I'm tying all of my wubbyhubby's notes for a workshop he's giving because HIS HARD DRIVE CRASHED at 9am!! Someone, pray to the cybergods for a quick fix. !!


  1. Hell Olivia what's about Kate seeing Lois..Kate is Sonny 1st love not Olivia(his 1st whore)

  2. dinah- what does that have to do with Lois? She never had a thing with Sonny..

  3. I would rather the money go elsewhere than to Lois. After all, ned isn't on Duh. Loved ned & Lopis and also loved Alexis & Ned.

    Dinah, not sure where your xomment is ocming from. how is Olivia a whore? I liked Skate, too but goodness! Hostility!

  4. Rena Sofer has a recurring role on NCIS as Agent Gibb's new love interest. She plays a very smart,feisty attorney who goes to the mat for her clients. She was also on 24 a couple of years ago in a pretty large role.

  5. I saw Rena on 24 and a few other projects but don't watch ncis. JMO, but I thought she bombed in everything I saw her in minus GH. She was perfect for Lois, but on other shows she was just another pretty face. I'm with rita. Why bring her back without Ned? The only reason would be for Sonny due to their history growing up together. Wouldn't be impressed with this logic when people like Kate are sitting there unused and a fan pleaser. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought Skate was a good couple, and throw in the dante & Olivia stuff and it gets soapy. Kate is fun to dislike and then she has that wall she lets down and the emotion flows. It's what soaps are made of. Love her.

  6. I also love and miss Kate.

    A lot of the shows that my husband watches have featured Rena, somehow he knows who she is from GH even though he doesn't watch. He swears to me that every show she is on bombs, that she is the "kiss of death." Of course, he's not referring to GH, just to other shows.

    As for Olivia, she never charged cash for sleeping with men, so she can't be a whore. Just sleeping with someone does not make you a whore.

  7. Yes, all our wonderful leading ladies would be whores if that were the case. Remeber that Kate slept with Jax because she was upset with Sonny!!

  8. Dinah- so what do you really think of Olivia? Wow- what a comment. It doesn't make much sense though. First, I see no evidence of Olivia being a whore. Secondly, why would Lois care that Kate is Sonny's first love?

    Based on history, there is no way Lois would get involved with Sonny. They are friends, but that is all. Of course, TPTB have a history of changing history, so who knows. I loved Rena Sofer in this role, but hated whoever it was that tried to replace her a few years back. Lois is one of those roles that just cannot be recast. I think Lois and Olivia would be great friends though and since Olivia knows the Cerillo's, it is possible. I would love to see Lois give Edward hell again too- even if only in a cameo.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...