Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sunday Surgery - B-I-N-G-O

Get Ready for SUNDAY BINGO 

You may remember that my Sunday Surgery is a lot different than Karen's (much less bitter. ha ha ha. I'm kidding). I pretty much binge watch the episodes and add my sarcastic comments. (Karen is helping me get photos before her trip). No food suggestions today, but I usually have Modelo with lime when I am at Bingo, so pick your beverage of choice... Well, here goes nothing...

➣ Wyndams mention. Wow. You don't hear that name thrown around anymore.

➣ Do you think Olivia will rename the bar/restaurant? Something Italian? Or a variation on the name Bensonhurst? Does this mean Olivia will be on more? She DID get her pizza oven!! 


Cameron looks nothing like his dad. Just saying... But man, he is a good actor. If he sticks around a few years, when he turns 18 they need to give him a story line worthy of his talents. (Oh, who am I kidding? This is GH)


➣ I get that the Drew storyline was just thrown on Roger. But the man is a chameleon. If anyone can turn chicken shit into chicken salad, it's him.


➣  I wish Curtis was front burner. And with a different wife. What about a Curtis/Nina pairing?


 I'm not buying Kim/Drew. I think she is just grasping at straws. I get she lost her son, but there needs to be a grieving process. Bouncing from one guy to another and then leaving one on hold... Again, more storyline fallout. I actually feel sorry for Julian. Hated him in the beginning, esp. his treatment of Lucas coming out, but I've grown to think he turned into a nice guy. And he is getting screwed over by Kim. He needs a good partner, too. Any suggestions? 


➣  Sometimes I am really not a fan of Carly (the character). But I admit in the scenes with Mike and Gladys, Laura really nailed it. Great facial expressions and great reaction.


➣  You ever notice there isn't any wind or breeze in Rochester? I mean, Port Charles? And why is there AstroTurf in Oscar's Meadow?

➣  I will admit. When I see Tamara I see Kim and I no longer see Carly #2. What a credit to her.


➣  Does anyone else think Dev looks like Diego? Maybe son or little brother? Wouldn't that be an interesting plot twist. (I know, mathematically implausible, but still...)

➣  Am I seeing things? When Jax and Hayden and Curtis were talking, there was a set of steps in the background to the left. Are these the same steps from the Webber house back in the 80s? It looks like they just build a new apartment set in front of the steps and didn't bother to hide them. Strange. I'm surprised Karen didn't notice this. She spots all this stuff.
Note: Karen DID notice this!! Pointed it out when Liz first got that set--the window is the Webber-Window!!! (edited by Karen lol) 


 I love how Hayden smelled the teabag. That was such a natural thing to do! I like when they incorporate little things like that. (wow, now I sound like Karen)

Mac tells Felicia something at the Metro Court restaurant.

➣  Mac and Felicia appearing in one of their 12 allocated shows throughout the year. (inside joke with Karen)

➣  Mac looks really good with the silver beard. Just saying... Not everyone can pull that off.

➣  There is NO WAY that Jason wrapped that gift himself. 

➣  Rebecca Herbst and Katie Holmes = switched at birth? (there was a close up of her when she was talking to Jason and her eyes and face really looked like her)

➣  OMG I eat Fruit Plings too! They are my favorite cereal.


➣  I don't care how they try to write it, this storyline (Franco/Drew) is confusing as hell.

➣  Jason and Elizabeth: Shouldn't there be a bowl of moss in her dining room?


➣  "Isn't  it funny how my disappointment happens to be your dream come true". Great line. And well executed.


➣  Peter has to be the most boring character ever created. (you're welcome, Karen)


➣  Being gay and living in Las Vegas, I admit I have seen and met the best of the best. We have drag queen bingo every Sunday here and drag shows all the time at the bars featuring acts who work on the strip. So, this was.... interesting. I would have thought they would have had it at the Haunted Star. But then, since there were only 8 patrons, I guess they only needed a small venue like the Rib. At least Alexis' odds at winning were better with such a small turnout. 

➣  Hey, Lucas is on in one of his 12 allocated episodes for the year. Isn't there a storyline he should be in? 


➣  Who wore it best? GH edition. 

➣  Robert and Felicia are having a conversation in the same scene. The last time I said that was 30 years ago.

➣  Michael should be the one to adopt Dev. Its the only way he is going to get a son at the pace his storyline is going.

➣  I like how they put "Port Charles, NY" on the Charlie's Pub sign. Because anyone sitting in the pub would have no idea what town they are in and have to be reminded? I actually say that about Vegas all the time, but out here half the people really dont know what town they are in.

➣  The are starting to promo The Masked Singer. I loved this show last season. I cant wait. It's one of 2 shows I watch on the original 3 networks. Mom is the other. 

➣  A lot of people in the hospital seem to really care about Sasha. I dont.

➣  Who would have thought that Carly of all people would be the voice of reason? (re: Dev adoption)

➣  Wasnt Valentin supposed to come on the show as a big, evil Cassadine? Has he really done anything memorable with his character the entire time he has been on? Or did I miss a few episodes? Dead weight, if you ask me. (good actor, tho...)

➣  Ok, to be clear. Drew's plane is NOT missing. It is on Cassadine Island. Drew is having tea and baklava with Helena. (if you really stop and think about it, you KNOW this is true.) 

➣  Shiloh and Nelle. I called it months ago. They aren't getting rid of him. Now, if they can just transfer Heather to Pentonville this would be perfect. How juicy would it be if Heather was pulling Nelle's strings? I will take back every negative thing I have ever said about this show for just one Heather/Nelle scene.

➣  Diane and Alexis are gold. No, platinum. They should get in a convertible and drive cross country or something. 

➣  Brad to Dr. O: "You must really think that I am an idiot?". OMG please please please let me answer that question! (raises hand in the air)

➣  Is that Wiley? OMG is he 12? He can barely fit on Lucas' lap. They cast an adorable kid for this tho. Very well behaved. But boy, he is a big!

➣  The Jax/Sonny feud is getting old. But I guess since Luke isnt around to spar with Scotty, we are given this.

➣  Observation: Michael has been paired with several women on this show and has not had chemistry with any of them. Discuss.

➣  Joss to Dev: "I'm my mother's daughter".  Audience reaction: "God help us"

➣  Where is Anna? You know where she SHOULD be? She should be on Dancing with the Stars. Finola would rock that show. Maybe she could get John Travolta to show up on one episode. The script for that one writes itself.

➣  Very very well done final scene for the week (Lucas, Dr O, Michael and Wiley in the elevator). It was well written without being cheesy and of course, well acted. Good way to end the week. And good way for me to end Sunday Surgery.

Love it or hate it, this is your Sunday Surgery for the week.
Thanks for playing!


  1. Dave, you hit the nail on the head. They keep giving Michael women, that he has NO chemistry with. Give him a complete opposite: a crazy party hard girl, that would cause scandal at ELQ.

    The Franco as Drew storyline bugs the heck out of me. Not only did they delay the storyline past its point of importance, but all of this drama would of better served with DREW getting his memories back but forgeting the last several years in the process. I swear that GH Writers go on a Summer Break, as crappy storylines have always plagued August(Sam and her Twin, Summer of Sleaze).

    Crazy theory: Dev is really Brenda's Mafioso Son via her deceased lover.

    November GH Sweeps Storyline wish: Shiloh pulls a Jack Nicholson, and pretends to be crazy in Prison. He gets sent to Ferncliff. He decides to partner up with Nelle, Ryan, and Heather for a Jailbreak. They descend on PC, sending things into chaos.

    1. "Matthew says, Shiloh pulls a Jack Nicholson, and pretends to be crazy in Prison. He gets sent to Ferncliff. He decides to partner up with Nelle, Ryan, and Heather for a Jailbreak. They descend on PC, sending things into chaos."

      YES!!!! Great idea! I want it!!!!! :)

    2. dev maybe is brenda and sonny's son. did brenda have a son, don't remember

  2. nice comment. i sometimes think that the only person that had chemistry with michael was the guy in prison. i wish they would revisit that. subconsciously, his rape has something to do with his inability to have a real relationship with a woman. this could be a very realistic storyline.

    your thoughts make a lot of sense. especially the theory on Dev. if only...

  3. Finola and John Travolta on DWTS. That would be so much fun

    1. I haven't watched DWTS in so long and used to watch faithfully. I would definitely tune in for that pairing!

  4. Great job on the Sunday Surgery Dave!!!! :)

    "You may remember that my Sunday Surgery is a lot different than Karen's (much less bitter. ha ha ha. I'm kidding)"


    "Do you think Olivia will rename the bar/restaurant? Something Italian? Or a variation on the name Bensonhurst? Does this mean Olivia will be on more? She DID get her pizza oven"

    But Charlie isn't moving.. Maybe they can be co owners. :)

    "Cameron looks nothing like his dad. Just saying..."

    He used to!!!! :( Now he looks like his mother.

    "I wish Curtis was front burner. And with a different wife. What about a Curtis/Nina pairing?"

    Curtis and Nina do have chemistry!!! :) I wish he had a different wife too, ever since Jordan was recast. Jurtis has no chemistry now and very meh.

    "I'm not buying Kim/Drew."

    I'm not buying her and Charlie! I hate the way she treats him. They need to end NOW!!

    "You ever notice there isn't any wind or breeze in Rochester? I mean, Port Charles?"


    "I don't care how they try to write it, this storyline (Franco/Drew) is confusing as hell."

    Yeah it is very confusing, but I am just focusing on the acting and it's awesome!!

    "Being gay and living in Las Vegas"

    Ohhhh. I'm learning more about you! Awesome!!! :)

    "Robert and Felicia are having a conversation in the same scene. The last time I said that was 30 years ago."

    ROFL! You are sounding like Karen again! ROFL!

    "Michael should be the one to adopt Dev. Its the only way he is going to get a son at the pace his storyline is going."

    HAHAHAHAHA! Very true. :)

    "The are starting to promo The Masked Singer. I loved this show last season. I cant wait. It's one of 2 shows I watch on the original 3 networks. Mom is the other."

    I love the masked singer and mom!!!! :)

    "A lot of people in the hospital seem to really care about Sasha. I dont."

    Meh I don't either.

    "Observation: Michael has been paired with several women on this show and has not had chemistry with any of them. Discuss."

    He has chemistry with Nelle and the original Kiwi.. Oh and Francesca!!!! Bring her back dammit!!!

  5. never liked character growth. 50 still acting 20

  6. Good morning, great SS Dave Dave! I like that you and Karen have different blogging styles. I think it would be kinda boring if you were just a carbon copy of Karen's way. Just like Sonya blogging in her style with recaps every day brings something different.Variety is the spice of life!! Lol! I do love that being Drewco showcases RHs acting abilities but not liking the SL at all. Day late & dollar short and hate how much it's hurting Liz and the boys. Big YES to how incredible actor who plays Cam is. Hopefully being on GH will give him the exposure to further his acting career. Just seems like every SL is moving so slowly that I just lose interest. Like Sasha being exposed,now that Dr.O (who is always a joy to watch)put the kabash on the DNA stuff it looks like she'll be around for a while. I wouldn't mind but,as you pointed out, she has zero chem with Michael and I really want snarky Valentine to be exposed before he Marries Nina. Which brings me to the Nunina. MS left some high stilettos to fill and though she's trying it's just not happening for me. Was happy to hear Jaxs concern for Joss being in the same house as Dev and Carly agreeing with him. I think we could've done w/o this whole s/l anyway . I'd like to see Ava voice the same concern. Not that Sonny would listen or care. I'm not Avas biggest fan but I hate the way Sonny treats her. And speaking of Ava,the whole psychic stuff which was pulling Laura in too. Ok,I'm sure you get my point about too much stuff. My attn span just can't handle it and some of them I just don't care about at all! Lol! I also enjoy a night of bingo every Tue! Not a big winner but I enjoy the people I play with. Even though they have to shush me now & again! Thanks for bearing with me! Have a blessed day!

  7. Hope that Laura and Anna are on soon. Miss those characters. If they could tie up the Wiley, Sasha, and Shiloh stories the show would work so much better. Yes, I also wondered if Dev was Brenda's son.

  8. P.S. No matter how much I am or am not enjoying the show I always enjoy coming here. It's a great blog space with great people!��

    1. yes, gracegirl I agree. I love this blog so much

  9. Great SS Delco Dave! Even though the Drag Bingo was out of nowhere and the flashback telling of Alexis/Neil first kiss was a good seems impossible for their first date to be a flashback already. But that's GH. I loved "the queen of bingo"!
    Anything not doom and gloom is fine with me.
    The last scene was total soapy...great way to end the week.
    Generally there is way too much going on. And too many story lines continue to chug along. Over a year for more than one plot is definitely too long. Of course there are the stories that start and disappear into the ozone forever.
    Dave...I recommend, on the remaining 3 networks, that you watch Grand Hotel and The Good Place. Both quite good.

  10. Thanks Dave. Always enjoy your blogs. Yes, bring back Anna and Laura. Finola seems to be on an extra long vacation this summer.

  11. FYI... Brenda's son, Alec was born in 2007. That would make him 12, which means NOTHING since this is a soap. A good twist might be for it to be revealed that Dev is Brenda's son but that the mobster that Brenda said was his father really wasnt. It was Sonny all along. Imagine Carly now having to have Brenda's son by SOnny living with them and/or adopting. Plus in a romeo and juliet twist, he can date joselyn, which would really pit the two fahters against each other.


    1. Good and soapy! You and Karen have some really good ideas.

  12. delcodave: I LOVE that idea about him being Brenda's son Alec. I thought he looked a lot like Brenda (and Sonny even). The writer's should be so smart. Would make great soapy goodness. Have to bring Brenda back too though. Given her a better storyline than the past few times though

  13. Great SS delcodave. Hope they wrap up some of these long storylines including new Drew/Franco storyline. At least have DrewCo start to have some of Franco's memories.

  14. Love the Karen/Dave combo, terrific writing from you both! You make such a great point about Michael having trouble connecting in a relationship. I just wonder if it's a Chad Duell thing. Sometimes I love him, other times I find Michael just extremely bland. Still not sure if it's the writing or perhaps just the wrong actor in the role. Any thoughts?

    1. I think it is a combination of all you mentioned. as i stated above, i would like for them to bring up the time he was raped in prison, and perhaps he subconsciously has intimacy issues because of it. It would be a really good storyline for him to face it head on with a therapist and revisit it. of course, maybe it isnt an issue.

      im sure we are not the only people that have noticed this.

      ps thanks so much for you compliments! you got me til friday.

  15. I haven't watched in a wk so caught up on Hulu yesterday, is the little actor playing Wiley the same? He looks different.
    Did I miss something? The Neil/Alexis seemed to come out of nowhere? Also drag queen bingo? I may have fallen asleep and missed an episode so that may have been it. Haha!
    I agree about Dev, he looks like Diego.
    Still hate this Franco is Drew thing.

  16. Thanks, Dave. The power's been off for days and I just got my internet back. Your sarcasm is just what I needed. I laughed so much.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...