Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Drew and Kim kiss...and more!!

Liz discusses the pros and cons of Franco's memory thing with Maddox and Finn. Only 4 things can happen, only one good but she thinks Franco would want his memories back. 
Chase tells Liz that Drew's search has gone from "rescue" to "recovery". Liz finds out Franco has his ankle monitor off and Chase says he's at Kim's house. Ut Oh...

Kim and Drew are in bed, after-glowing. 

Nina and Val set up Sasha at the Metro. Spoon Island is "too far away"... Nina goes out to get supplies and Vaentin tells Sasha to cool it with the truth. He's yelling at her under his breath. Nina walks back in. 

Michael talks to Chase. Willow tells them they are considering her for the pediatric teaching position at GH. Guess a tutor thing for sick kids. She notices Michael is mopey. Chase leaves. Why is Michael sad?? wahhh. She wants to know what's wrong.  She tells him forgiveness is the way to go. 

Then, just as Sashsa is going to tell Nina the truth, Michael knocks on the door.  He wants to APOLOGIZE TO HER!! Um, okay?  He thinks that he was triggered because of what Nelle did but Sasha wasn't like Nelle. 

Nina and Val go down to the bar..Dr. O is there. Nina asks Lesil to walk her down the aisle. 

Cassandra is in the closet on the Haunted Star... Curtis opens it and she has a gun. Tells him to tie up Laura and he together. She's looking for the Cassadine document too.  Curtis ties up he and Laura...they talk ..blah blah, then Curtis gets free, lunges at Cassie and the gun goes off.  Oh, no one is shot. Cassie gets tied up-- and Laura calls the PCPD. 
They get to the PCPD but Cassandra wants to talk to Laura alone. Cassie says she can bury Valentin Cassadine once and for all if Laura drops the charges. 

Brad and Julian..Julian couldn't go through with killing Dr. O. YEAH!! SHE LIVES!! 

NOTE: Sam from OLTL is on as the boyscout again, he just got his tonsils out. He wants to help other kids be brave. Finn and Willow talk to him. 
Willow gets the job as teacher for GH 

END: Franco wants Kim to come with him when he leaves. 
Liz is at the door and doesn't knock yet. 
Cassandra calls Valentin from the PCPD. 


  1. Had a horrible thought - last Friday Lulu said to Dustin that the 'intruder who sets up false dates is still out there' - I am going to be pissed if it is Dustin (down the road).....so far he is great for Lulu but the fact that she casually mentioned that has made me wonder.
    2 things:
    GOLD MINE everytime Dr. O is on-----her one liners are precious...
    I would watch Laura and Curtis if they had their own TV show about detective work!!!!!!!

    1. I was worried about that too after Lulu mentioned that. I sure as he** hope they don't turn him into a bad guy. There's nothing wrong with having "nice" guys on a soap too.

      I totally agree about Dr. O and I would love to see that detective show. lol And btw, Laura makes a great detective and she doesn't have to be carried anywhere. lol

    2. I also thought that about Dustin. . .

    3. Awww man, I hope not. I love him as good guy Dustin. I hope GH doesn't ruin him for us.

    4. Di said "And btw, Laura makes a great detective and she doesn't have to be carried anywhere." Oh my gosh that is spot on Di, hahahahaha! I am really surprised they didn't try to squeeze the Borg and Mumbles into this story line, but it's early yet. LOL!

    5. Do you think they would have the "hot" new teacher be a bad guy? Or just drop the teacher bit. Like so many other dropped things on GH. Where is the 'fortune teller? And the mysterious sports bra stalking of Alexis? And other forgotten delights. I had the 'bad guy' thought when they first met. Hope not.

    6. Oh no! I hope Dustin doesn't turn into a bad guy!!! Oh and Karen, love the afterglowing title hahahaha!

  2. The fake Drew/Kim story is bottom scum. Someone commented yesterday that she was a strong loving mother when she arrived in PC. What kind of mother keeps a major issue a secret from her offspring? She was not likable then and less now. I just can't even watch them.
    Curtis is great with everyone...Laura, Nina, Drew and more. But less with Jordan.
    Wish they could tighten the cast a bit. It would be nice to see more Mac and Robert and where the heck is Anna? About time for her return.

    1. I find it beyond annoying that they can't have Robert or Mac on, or any of our GH kids, but they bring Sam on for a few days for a few fill in scenes that do nothing to move any storyline forward.

    2. Zazu, it was I who said that Kim was a competent professional woman and loving mother. She definitely was portrayed that way--the Oscar illness secret didn't come out until later, who even knows if the writers planned that from the beginning when they first came to Port Charles?

  3. Replies
    1. I FF'd through their scenes. It was ridiculous.

    2. I have an antenna so I can't ff anymore 😭😭😭
      Hate this sl.....please just stop gh.

    3. Same here Michelle! I cut the cord a long time ago so I watch in real time. I just changed the channel!! Makes my stomach turn & my blood boil!! She's a HOT mess!! Actually, they both are. And I'm not sure RH is acting the hell out of this role. Either way it stinks to high heaven!! I hope Liz sets her right! And I'm feeling so,so sorry for Julian too! I had a feeling he didn't tamper with the brakes for the sake of his relationship with cray cray Kimmy! But,for whatever reason I'm glad he didn't do it and loved what he said to Brad! Man up! Take care of your family! He didn't have any problem asking Julian to commit murder but can't hack dealing with Dr.O himself! He really is a small man!

    4. Haha gracegirl yeh we cut the Dec maybe? I have the antenna and also a firestick.
      Get this, I'm watching AGAIN on Hulu....am I punishing myself?
      Nothing else is on....til next wk that is. 😁😁😁

    5. It's like a car wreck,you know it's horrible but you can't look away!! Lol! You're too much Michelle! So hoping to see Liz rip into Kim today!! And I'm really feeling for Julian. Here he is really,really trying,and succeeding in being a better man for the woman he's willing to leave behind his whole life for just to help her heal. And she's in bed with a man whose her BFS husband. I really do feel for him.

  4. Weirdness. I wouldn't be attracted to some random dude because he has my ex lovers memories. Too strange

    1. And I'm beginning to wonder if these new writers are all a bunch of old nuns. News flash, sisters, not all men make love the same way. Unless you're drunk out of your mind you'd know it was a different guy. ( I'm assuming. I don't drink.)

    2. Since Franco has Drew's memories, I assume he makes love the same way that Drew did. He knows Kim's body, and what she likes (or so it seems).

    3. Still,it was Drew's old body that turned her on not just the way he touched her nooks & crannies! Even she said when she closed her eyes and listened to him she saw Drew but when she opened her eyes she saw her BFs husband! I'm pretty sure that would be a big turn off for me and hopefully most woman!

    4. Di, AntJoan, and Gracegirl! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You ladies are funny! ROFL!

  5. Yes. More Robert, Mac,and Felicia. Where oh where is Anna? LONG vacation this year

    1. Someone said that Anna is coming back Sept. 19 (onscreen that is, I heard she's been on set for a while).

    2. I posted on yesterday thread earlier today that she should be back taping already. They got back from a 3 wk about a wk or two ago??? I think GH tapes 3 or 3 wks in advance so she should be back anytime now.

  6. I agree about Curtis. He has chemistry with everyone but Jordan

  7. Ugh...afterglow my butt! I wanna slap the "Drew" out of Franco. Kim is totally taking advantage of him!! Calling him Drew...whatever.
    Knew it was Cassandra in the closet, glad that Laura was too smart for her, how stupid is Cassie?
    I get why Michael apologized, Nelle and Sasha are two different people, what they did was wrong, but Nelle is evil and Sasha isn't.
    Brad needs to STFU. Julian has become a better man, he could learn something from Jules.

  8. Sorry--Late to the party here. Aren't Kim and Elizabeth friends????????? Why on earth would she sleep with him if she and Liz are friends? HELLO!

    1. CareyN, Crazy, I know . . .

      Does anyone know if there is such a thing as an education director or pediatric teacher in a hospital? I think not, does anyone know?

    2. Indeed! I have a first cousin who did that for years at the UVA hospital, she tutored sick children there, many who were admitted for extended stays.

    3. If that is true, then it is a great job for Willow, she is great with kids, plus it's better than standing around in an empty classroom all day!

      I think that Cassie looks, sounds and acts like Helena. . .

    4. Hey AntJoan wouldn't it be crazy if Cassandra somehow ended up being Hells daughter!!

    5. CAREYN..because she's a grieving, selfish, self centered, self absorbed, delusional,crazy person!! And,oh,did I mention more than a little disgusting!?

  9. AntJoan said..."If that is true, then it is a great job for Willow, she is great with kids, plus it's better than standing around in an empty classroom all day!"

    *** I agree. And she can interact with more people in the hospital. Childless people won't need reason to go to the school. It also saves them the cost of a school set.

  10. So, 2 days without Sonny and Carly, I think that is some sort of record. . . Of course, with her getting ready to have her baby, it soon will be all Carson all the time, I'm sure . . .

    1. "AntJoan says, Of course, with her getting ready to have her baby, it soon will be all Carson all the time, I'm sure . . ."

      They will probably be in the kitchen a lot with the tribbles, and feeding the baby! :)

  11. I was applauding Julian yesterday. His quietly listening to Brad lose his sheez, was great, then he just blew him out of the water. Man up indeed! I was so proud! They have made Brad the most unlikable of characters now. I'm wishing Dr. O would push him off the parapet again, with no hay bales below!

    Liz better do the same thing to Sicko Kim today. Another character that's just disgusting.

  12. I am hoping that Andre's brain switching methods work so well, Franco gets turned back to his real identity, Todd Manning! Todd takes over Aurora Media and he is reunited with Blair and Starr.

    1. Well since Blair and Starr aren't on GH.....

      I wonder how Liz will or IF she will care to now get him to Andre? I hope it works. This storyline has gone on long enough.

  13. kim dies giving birth to franco's daughter. and franco and liz reunite and raise the baby.

    1. I hope witch isn't pregnant but I could go for her dying. Anything as long as Franco is back to normal and reunited with Liz and the boys.

    2. That is a great storyline! Just as long as CarlyKim dies. :)

  14. I was just thinking about what Avas reaction might be to Kim breaking & stomping on her brother's heart? Of course she knows all he was willing to give up for her!

  15. Yes, but Ava should be happy, 'cause now Julian likely will stay in PC, so Kim kinda did her a favor. . .

  16. CarlyKim and Drew Jr: NO!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!!?! It's one thing to kiss, since they have chemistry, that's fine, but to have sex?!!?!?! NO NO NO NO! YUCK! Come on he isn't in his right mind!!!!!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    V.C. and Sasha: Oh he is angry! And you know what he is like when he gets angry!!!!!! RUN SASHA RUN!

    Michael and Sasha: Michael what the hell are you doing?!!?!?!?!?! You are forgiving her and making excuses for her?! Oh now you don't want her to tell Nina the truth?! HUH?!!?!? Michael who are you?!!?!

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Willow: YAY! Willow got the job. :) Love that Finchy says they are colleagues now!!! :)

    Brad and Julian:

    "Karen says Julian couldn't go through with killing Dr. O. YEAH!! SHE LIVES!!"

    Hahahaha! SHE DOES YAY! :) Oh shut up Brad!!! Julian is right! MAN UP! UGH! Brad wins the line of the day.

    Julian: Try to get on her good side.

    Brad: She doesn't have one!


    Wyatt, Willow, and Finchy: Oh oh Wyatt again! Geez is this boy ever happy? So whiny!

    Metroourt restaurant:

    Dr. O, V.C. and Nina: Nina wants Dr. O to walk her down the isle!!! Oh boy! :) Can we see Dr. O's license plate again? :)

    The haunted star:

    Cassie, Laura, and Curtis: Cassie wants them to tie each other up and she is gonna watch? Gee I didn't know she was this kinky.

    1. sonya said... HUH?!!?!? Michael who are you?!!?!

      *** He got outvoted by Mike jr. PMSL

  17. "Di says, He got outvoted by Mike jr. PMSL"

    ROFLMAOPMP! Damn!!!!! That thing always wins!!!! :)


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...