Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Militant White Girl

First off, thank you so much for calling me militant. At my age it's just a compliment. Secondly, let me explain something to you. I've watched soaps since the beginning day ONE of AMC. Every soap star male looked the same. Same hair, same chiseled face...same ol' same ol. When Jesse came on I was so happy to see some diversity! I lived in an entirely white town. I saw these people ALL.THE TIME. I knew other types of  were out there so when they came to the soaps, it was wonderful.  OLTL always cast unique looking people. Luna was not a traditional beauty nor was Todd. Back then, if someone looked anything but middle of the road white-bread, they were  the bad guys. Even if someone had 'longer hair' they were a bit on the 'edge'.  

Soaps have the opportunity to mirror society. Soaps also have the stage to have all types of people on. When OLTL featured an Indian couple it was grand!  GH has a cast the size of a small city. Having yet another character on that looks like all the rest is just disappointing. 

I'm not making them a target-- (or old white men that I know of) but I am one to bring up the fact that daytime could do WAY BETTER in the casting department when it comes to giving us a variety. 

Have a great one. It's always a pleasure. 


  1. Karen, you are stating your point with class (as always).

    Don't let people like Yorkie get to you. That is their close-minded (my opinion) agenda.

    We support and appreciate everything you do here. How you keep alive the true spirit of what these shows (when they are great) are all about.

  2. I wonder if Anna (Finola) is taking a vacation, that's why she is going to "Brussels"?

    Also, isn't Ava's gallery a public space? How could Mike be trespassing?

  3. Karen you are awesome!!! Thank you! :)

    Alert though! Alert!!! Port Chuckles is having an earthquake THIS FRIDAY!!!!


  4. Kd - we're cool. Appreciate your efforts!

  5. I agree we need more diversity on the show, and not just black Americans. We had Brad on regularly but now we seldom see him, and Nicholas and his cousins are gone. They just seem to be using a cookie cutter template when hiring.

  6. AntJoan said...

    I wonder if Anna (Finola) is taking a vacation, that's why she is going to "Brussels"?

    ** I'm pretty sure that's going to still be "on screen" and we'll see it. Though, I could have SWORN when she and Valentin were talking about the night she gave birth to the child, they said it happened in the UK, and NOT Denmark (Even though that's where Faison is from). So when she said today she gave birth in Brussels today, I did a double take.

    Also, isn't Ava's gallery a public space? How could Mike be trespassing?

    ** No, Ava owns the property the gallery is on. So she has the right to say who can and can't be there. Even though, it's still a commercial building. I.E. he's loitering, IIRC.


  7. Karen, it's your blog and you can say whatever the hell you want. Those of us that appreciate you will always be here because we want to be. As far as the new cop, I think both he and RP were brought on (and he surely will be shirtless at some point) for the pleasure of FV.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I'm NOT 62 for FK sake. LOL

    Yes, I am closer to 12

  10. kdmask said...

    Yes, I am closer to 12

    *** lol Way to go, kd.

  11. Ha! Look at the big brave bully being all cowardly - removing my post because it hurts her wittle fweelin's. True to form, you people can dish it out but you can't take it. This is new territory for you isn't it? Unlike others, I don't tiptoe around your feelings. Yes, you're definitely closer to 62 than 12. However, I do concede that you have the brain of a 12 year old (bully).


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...