Friday, April 8, 2016

Shower Stall

Carly is begging Jason to go after Carlos....she tells Sam too. They are like: Um, what? 
Stupid Michael and Sonny are talking about Carlos too. Whatever. 
Jason then goes to Sonny to tell him not to go. 

Anna duct taped Paul, left him in her foyer with water and was leaving when Maddox shows up. He wants to talk to her about Carlos. Paul is still in the hallway. Maddox is like "What's Wrong"?!  Anna says it's EMMA making the noises. hahahaa. Maddox finally LEAVES. And Anna chloroforms Paul!! He passes out again.

Tracy got Larva CYSTS out of her brain! Ewwwwwww. Dr. Hammy is trying to wake her up. He's "attached to her." awwww Tracy wakes up. She has a FULL bandage, not a Kotex head. !! She's ok says Hammy Finn. 
Dillon and MONICA and Griffin are talking in the hall.  Monica wonders if the personality changes Tracy has experienced will last.
Hammy appears to be having withdrawls.. he gets on the elevator.  Griffin walks into the locker room and notices the shaking. Then he talks about God. Finn is like Shut it on the God thing.
Oh..Good Evil? 
Later, Finn shoots up in the shower stall. 
I am liking Michael Easton in this role...

Dillon goes to talk to Tracy. Where's Ned? Monica talks to her-- and Tracy says "I want to tell you something... I love you" Cries. 

Nina gets Franco in the mood. They make the love. She THEN tells him she may be able to have babies. Franco is MAD. He's like: We talked about this...!! We know, we heard you 400x. 
Nina gets a phone call from Dr. Lee. She found out she can't have babies and she's very upset. She's like: YOU WIN and smashes a champagne bottle. 

END: Sonny and Anna are on the plane.

Laura is in the attic: Day 9. Looks like she's not on Monday either. @@


  1. OH! Your here Karen YAY! I will erase my comments on your last blog post, and put it here. :)

    Chandler Mansion: Oh go away Maddox and let Anna leave!!! Go be with Jordan! Paul wins the line of the day!

    Paul: *Moan moan moan*


    Jason's garage apartment: So basically,

    Carly: Oh Jason! PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEASE help me! You have GOT to stop Sonny from going to see Caaaaaaaaaaarlos!!!! I am begging you! I am on my knees!! You have to stop Sonny!

    Jason: Okay.

    Sam: Carly I bet you are wondering if Jason and I slept together.

    Carly: Of course I am wondering. It's my business who Jason sleeps with. So did you two have sex?

    Sam: YES!


    Sam: Three times!


    Sam: We even video taped it!

    Carly: You made a porno?!!?!! YAY!

    Sam: Do you want to watch it?

    Carly: Of course!!!

    Carson home: No shrunken head Michael! You are not going to go with your father!! I know you want to go see Sabrina!!!! Oh! The Sason bromance rekindled!!!

    The plane: Okay Sonny's conversation on the phone with Carly is strange. He is gonna die or be presumed dead? Hmmm maybe Sonny AND Anna are going to be presumed dead. I can just imagine how Maddox is going to take THAT news!


    *Cries in hysteria*

    Jordan: ???????????????

    "Karen says THAT SHOULD BE ROBERT ON THAT PLANE. Damn it."

    Yeah!!!! Should have been Robert!!!!

    Nina and BobTodd's home: Seduction time!!!!! FIRE FIRE FIRE! :) Oh oh afterglow baby talk.

    BobTodd: I don't want a baby.

    Me: You mean you don't want a baby with HER!

    Awwww so Nina CAN'T get pregnant after all. :( Oh oh Nina is turning on BobTodd! Can't you see BobTodd?!!?! Your relationship is not going to work!!!! You don't want a baby and she does!!!! Time to end the relationship. :(

    The hospital:

    Tracy's room:

    McFinFin and Tracy: WOW!!!!! ME is so moveable! So animated!!!! Why couldn't he be like this when he was McSilas and he was in Ava's hospital bedside?!!?!

    McSilas: o-o

    McFinFin: OO \o/ :-) :0 ;)

    And look! Tracy has a real bandage on her whole head!!!!! :0 Great scenes with them! Hmmmm are they gonna have a fling? :) Hamcy! :)

    "Karen says I am liking Michael Easton in this role..."

    ME TOO!!!!! :)

    Monica and Tracy:

    Tracy: Monica. I love you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww! :( Is Tracy going to go around saying I love you to people? :)

    The locker room:

    McFinFin: His hand is shaking!!! He has got bruises on his arm! He is turning into a werewolf!!!!! WOW he has his huge needles in his locker room?! HOLY CRAP! Someone could walk in any minute! Does he have 2 sets of huge needles? One at the hotel and one at his locker!?!?! Oh oh Priest Munro is coming! Hide the needles! Whew. :)

    Priest Munro and Werewolf McFinfin: Great scene! Even Priest Munro notices something wrong with Werewolf McFinfin. Priest Munro is just trying to help you Werewolf McFinFin! Don't need to be rude!

    Showers: Oh there is Werewolf McFinFin shooting up the urine! Turning into a werewolf averted. Whew that was a close call!

  2. Insert a lot of snort laughing! When Tracy Monica she loved her, aww. Loved the Finn and Tracy scenes! I hope he ends up being Tracy's long lost son! Love them together. Really enjoyed today BUT I wish Jason wouldn't have been so nice and given in to Carly. Sonny is a big boy and can take care of himself.

  3. Oh and I forgot to add, I think Nina is gonna lose her shit and go bat shit crazy again! She just didn't get it no matter how many times Franco told her, so yeh, she might be going to the funny farm?

  4. lol I had a good giggle too, Sonya.

    I'm hoping Nina now gets mad and leaves Franco and Port Charles. Her character is redundant if they aren't together.

    And Tracy has the best chemistry with Hammy. I love their scenes together too.

  5. "Di said... lol I had a good giggle too, Sonya."

    Hehehehe thanks. :)

    "I'm hoping Nina now gets mad and leaves Franco and Port Charles. Her character is redundant if they aren't together."

    Awwww no she doesn't have to leave Port Chuckles! The writers can find someone else for her to date and have a family with.

  6. Sorry, I forgot to publish when I finished today! WHOOPS

  7. Sonya, OMG, great minds think alike AGAIN!! (Either that, or the s--t they are writing on GH is sooo obvious that you don't need a great mind at all to figure it out . . .). I also thought that Sonny's conversation with Carly portends his death/disappearance. But, of course, we know that Sonny NEVER leaves the screen . . . So, he might "disappear" from the PC radar but we, the viewers, will see him and Anna (like when we saw Tracy in Mexico). Maybe he and Anna will even get romantic?? After all, they are arguably the 2 best looking people on the show . . .

  8. "AntJoan said...Sonya, OMG, great minds think alike AGAIN!! (Either that, or the s--t they are writing on GH is sooo obvious that you don't need a great mind at all to figure it out . . .)"

    Hahaha. It's a little bit of both! :)

    "So, he might "disappear" from the PC radar"

    And then Carly will have a complete meltdown, and then Michael will have to take care of her like Sonny told him to. :)

    "kdmask said...Sorry, I forgot to publish when I finished today! WHOOPS"

    Awww it's okay Karen. :)

  9. sonya said...And then Carly will have a complete meltdown, and then Michael will have to take care of her like Sonny told him to. :)

    Hence them not having her there to say goodbye to him.

    And Michael will have to take over "the business" because having him run ELQ is just too tame.

  10. "Di says Hence them not having her there to say goodbye to him."

    Yeah and especially all the red flags that was flying! Oh look after your mother Michael. Carly freaking out on Jason and Sam! Having that strange phone call with Carly and Sonny.

    "And Michael will have to take over "the business" because having him run ELQ is just too tame."

    Hahahaha. Yeah just too lame. :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...