Thursday, April 7, 2016

GH on Thursday

I have to go around 2:30 so this will be short!

Ava had a bloody dream. She yells at Scotty. She yells at Julian. Julian says the "Family" doesn't like Ava and they are the dead-bird people. 

Krissy and Alexis talking. I think I'm gay...maybe I'm gay... it's kinda like..well, you know. 

Carly and Paul and Paul figures out that Anna tampered with his phone. 

Anna takes a gun. SONNY shows up at her door after she hangs up on Robert who's "on assignment" . Because LET'S HAVE SONNY ON MORE ..... WTF.
Sonny wants to go with Anna. NOPE. Abort that mission right NOW Anna. DO IT! 

Carly is whining to Sonny "Don't go"..she says go to the police???? Whos' writing this for Carly!?? Carly would never say that she knows better LOL.

Sam and Jason after glow. Sam said it "felt Different". 

Image result for risa dorken

AND Here's the AMY Stuff:
The soap has announced that Risa Dorken will debut on Wednesday, May 4, as Amy, a spunky new nurse who can’t resist gossiping and sticking her nose in other people’s business. She’s also a talented singer, so Dorken will likely be showing off her skills at this year’s Nurses Ball.


  1. Did Maxie ever tell whats his face that she was also married before?

  2. "AND Here's the AMY Stuff:
    The soap has announced that Risa Dorken will debut on Wednesday, May 4, as Amy, a spunky new nurse who can’t resist gossiping and sticking her nose in other people’s business. She’s also a talented singer, so Dorken will likely be showing off her skills at this year’s Nurses Ball."

    Hmmmm I wonder if she is going to be Amy Vining Jr. And that Amy is her mother. Oh I hope so!!! She does look like our Amy from back then!

    Good morning Port Chuckleheads!!! I wonder if Mr. and Mrs. Snails are awake yet. If they even slept at all! I wonder if their knives slept.

    Carson home: Carly is SKEERED!!!!!

    Carly: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos.

    Sonny: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos.

    Me: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos. ;)

    Chandler mansion:

    Sonny and Anna: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos.

    Paul and Anna: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos.

    Me: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos. ;)

    Geez Paul why don't you just tell Anna you wuv her?!!? :) Well, Anna chloroforming Paul wins scene of the day!!!!!! THAT'S MY ANNA YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) Paul you don't want to mess with ANNA DEVANE SCORPIO LAVERY!!!!!!!!

    Jason's home: So basically,

    Paint: Good morning.

    Wall: Good morning.

    Paint: Do you want to make another porno tape?

    Wall: Yes.

    *makes wuv again*

    Paint: Did I blow your mind?

    Wall: Yes you did.

    Paint: Our lovemaking is news!!!! People are going to find out about it! What are we going to tell them?

    Me: Uh that it's none of their business!!! *rolls eyes*

    Paint: Want to make another porno tape?

    Wall: Yes!

    *makes wuv again*

    Paint: I am going to take a shower!

    Wall: I will get some food.

    *Paint goes to take a shower*

    Carly: Oh Jason! I need you!! Sonny needs you!!! I am too weak to handle Sonny going on his business! If he gets shot again, my life will be ruined!!!

    Ava's home: Ava is SKEERED!!! Some watchdog that Scotty is hahahahha! Scotty fired! ROFL! Scotty wins the line of the day!

    Scotty: Well, you're not dead are you? You stub one of your little toes? Or break one of your little fancy fingernails? Body guarded!


    Julian and Ava: I was thinking, did Julian put that dead bird in Ava's bed? Hmmmm.

    Julexis's home: Now THIS is a MUCH better scene!!!!! :) Hmmmmm sounds like Nancy Grahn has a cold.

    The REAL park:

    Julian and Arnold Schwarzenegger scene!! I am wrong. Julian didn't put the bird in Ava's bed.

    Julian: I will be running the Jeromes. Effective immediately.

    OH CRAP! Can you say, divorce - Julian?

  3. I was shaking my head at Julian, said, "dumb ass" I tried to ignore paint and wall, esp the one Sam plays. But why is it anyone's biz? Carly most annoying she's been in awhile. Loved the chloroform scene! Boo, Emma is gone already. :( I hope they have her back when Robin comes back for the Nurses Ball. That new gossipy new girl, I think would be awesome for her to be Amy's daughter, good idea!

  4. How is Nik legally married to Hayden if she used a fake name? Sonya, loved the Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos!! I really like Ashley Jones. Do we really need another newbie? The old Amy was unique and doesn't need to be resurrected. How about more Epiphany instead? Fast forwarding all of Sonny and Carly - can't take much more of them.

  5. "LSV422 said...Sonya, loved the Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos!!"

    Hahaha thanks! :) They talk about Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos wayyyyyy to much.. Show him already! Although I don't want Sonny or Anna to kill him. :( Are the writers going to give him a storyline, or kill him off again? :(

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Insert a lot of snort laughing! When Tracy Monica she loved her, aww. Loved the Finn and Tracy scenes! I hope he ends up being Tracy's long lost son! Love them together. Really enjoyed today BUT I wish Jason wouldn't have been so nice and given in to Carly. Sonny is a big boy and can take care of himself.

  8. "Michelle Latta said...Insert a lot of snort laughing!"


  9. Oh and I forgot to add, I think Nina is gonna lose her shit and go bat shit crazy again! She just didn't get it no matter how many times Franco told her, so yeh, she might be going to the funny farm?



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...