Wednesday, April 6, 2016

GH Housekeeping Stuff

Some things that have caught my attention:

Daytime Confidential reports that both Kim McCollough and Lynn Herring are back for the nurses ball in May.  

I don't like to report sad personal news of actors but SOD did tweet that Kirsten Storms and Brandon Barash are getting a divorce after almost 3 years of marriage. (makes me weepy). All the details are on the link. 

Maurice Benard has been tweeting/Instagramming photos from the set of his new movie: "Hold On" Hit the link to check them out! 

Jane Elliott has an awesome interview with Michael Logan of TV Insider.  I know some of you have put it in the comments because it's a great read. 
I wonder if she's contemplating leaving though? Hmmm...

And you wouldn’t miss acting?No. I do not have that hunger. I have logged enough man hours in front of the camera that I can actually retire with a pension from my union, something I am extremely proud of. But, as far as acting goes, I am full. I am satiated.


  1. I'm so sad about Kirsten and Brandon divorcing. They seemed so happy and perfect for one another. What people present on social media is often very different than what is happening in real life.

    1. Yeh I couldn't believe it. So sad. :( I saw their photo on Michael Fairmans Facebook but didn't have my glasses on yet and thought she was pregnant again. I feel bad for Harper, but better to have 2 happy parents than 2 that fight all the time. As an adult child of divorce I wish my parents hadn't waited so long.

  2. How sad about KS/BB i follow her on Instagram and it seemed like not too long ago she was posting happy things about them.

  3. She hasn't been posting lately on Instagram :( I feel so sad. It's like they are family. Which I know they are not--but still. I was so happy when they started dating because it seemed like KS was in a bad place (remember when she took time off??) and then was so happy!!

    1. Yeh I remember, and I loved them together. I noticed that there were fewer photos of them together. Watching her grow up before our eyes it's like she is family.

  4. Hi, my name is Jane, and I’m about to fall into your arms.” I’m not some 95-pound ingenue. I’m a substantial, almost-70-year-old woman, and they were terrified of dropping me, like I was going to break a hip or something. I’m like, “Good luck to ya, boys! I’m going down. If you don’t grab me, you’re going down too!”

    ROFL! You go Jane! You tell them!! Hahahaha!

    "So I didn’t start the job at GH for another six weeks and Dee said, “How much do you need?” She wrote me a check and paid my rent—a measure of how loyal and devoted a friend she is."

    Awwwww! What a wonderful friend Deidre is!!!

    1. I'll have to read the interview LOL!

    2. That was so awesome of Deidre. I watched DAYS back in the day and she was a favorite. I totally forgot Jane was on DAYS.

    3. That was so awesome of Deidre. I watched DAYS back in the day and she was a favorite. I totally forgot Jane was on DAYS.

  5. Jane' character on Days had an affair with Wally Kurth's character! LOL



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...