Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Need a Hankie?

Park..I'm waiting to see Palm Trees LOL Lante and Val are in there. Val has her dry cleaning. Awkward. They talk about graduation. She's meeting Aunt Bobbie at the Metro to celebrate. Lulu tells her congrats "I do think you'll be a good cop".
Lante are working on their couples therapy exercises. And we get to see them talk about it all.

How interesting. -____-

Curtis and Hayden. I take it that's the back up plan? She's explaining it all to him for the summary benefit of the audience. OH! He has a nickname for her! "Cupcake"! 

Nik and JaSam.  JaSam in their black outfits with the leather. So funny. Jason wants to buy Nik's shares of ELQ. Nik is like: no... Jason is like: I'll turn you into the cops. 

Jordan finds out that Anna has a warrant out on her. She goes to Anna's house and sees Paul. 

Carly and Franco. He thanks her for saving Kiki. Carly's dress is so ridiculous. The slit..the whiteness..all of it. He says he's "Sorry" to her. 

Anna and Paul. She's saying she knows he wants Sonny to kill Carlos. She then fakes crying to the guard and ambushes him and knocks him out. 

Carlos and Sonny. Carlos is awesome.  Sonny mentions Sabrina.  DAMN IT..Sonny gets the gun. OF COURSE HE DOES. Because.....every damn thing with Sonny has to end the same. Why could Anna at least have 'saved' him. !!? 

AND WHY I HATE THIS SHOW: Paul shot Sonny. We ALL saw it. NOW, in a rewrite, Carlos admits to shooting Sonny. And it's not like it happened years ago...IT JUST HAPPENED. 
SO, tell me. WHY do I bother watching if you're just going to rewrite things? Seriously. Why? WOW. just WOW

BTW, Looks like Laura and Kevin may be a Go:


  1. I don't even watch any more. I just read your blog bc of these reasons. Remember when Brad was still married..what happened to tha? Remember when Jason told Epiphany he would find her sons killer 7 years ago? Nik would never be the person he is today...so far out of character.

  2. I don't even watch any more. I just read your blog bc of these reasons. Remember when Brad was still married..what happened to tha? Remember when Jason told Epiphany he would find her sons killer 7 years ago? Nik would never be the person he is today...so far out of character.

  3. Yes! Thank you, I have known forever that Paul shot Sonny and was told (elsewhere?) that I was wrong. Then it comes up again recently and I'm like I KNEW I was right (doesn't happen often), so wth, I kept waiting for Carlos to correct Sonny and he didn't! Slams head against wall. Anyways, I love Anna, I knew her sobbing was an act. :D Glad Nik finally lost ELQ! Val getting all jealous over a hug between a guy she's known 5 minutes and Haychel is just stupid, hello you slept with your cousins husband! As for Laura and Kevin, I could see that, only if it's Jon though. Love that guy so it'd be great to see him on screen again.

  4. Yes! Thank you, I have known forever that Paul shot Sonny and was told (elsewhere?) that I was wrong. Then it comes up again recently and I'm like I KNEW I was right (doesn't happen often), so wth, I kept waiting for Carlos to correct Sonny and he didn't! Slams head against wall. Anyways, I love Anna, I knew her sobbing was an act. :D Glad Nik finally lost ELQ! Val getting all jealous over a hug between a guy she's known 5 minutes and Haychel is just stupid, hello you slept with your cousins husband! As for Laura and Kevin, I could see that, only if it's Jon though. Love that guy so it'd be great to see him on screen again.

  5. Here's the new Jake

  6. The park:

    Val, Lulu, and Dante: Hey that was a nice scene.. A bit awkward, but I'm glad Lulu admitted that they all made mistakes.

    Lulu and Dante: If it was any other couple who have chemistry this kind of scene would have been great!!! But, with this couple zzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Ray Ray and Curtis: Oh a scene with them! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    Curtis: Princess Cassadine. Always a pleasure to see you cupcake.

    SQUEEEEEEEEE! :) Awww he wants to be friends with her. :) Sweet sweet! Great scene!

    Val and Curtis: Wow Val! Jealous already? Have you even gotten on a 2nd date yet?

    Jordan: Poor Jordan finding out Anna and the arrest warrant! BAHAHAHAHA!

    Chandler mansion: So basically,

    Jordan: ??????

    Paul: I'm the one who requested the warrant.

    Jordan: ??????????

    Paul: I was bound and gagged! Right here.

    Jordan: ??????

    Paul: I'm trying to protect her.

    Jordan: ???????

    Paul's thought bubble: I am in love with Anna!

    Stuffed bear: Uh can someone please bring me inside?!!?! How long am I going to sit next to the door?

    Wyndemere: Mr. Snails and Paint and Wall scene. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh Mr. Snails give Wall his shares of ELQ!!! Poor Mrs. Snails. HAHAHAHAHA! NOT! :)

    Mr. and Mrs. Snails: BAHAHAHAHA!

    Mr. Snails: 10

    Mrs. Snails: 0

    Damn where is Laura?! Did she go back up in the attic? Where is the Helena Painting? Did Nik burn it? Is it hanging somewhere?

    The hospital:

    BobTodd and Carly: Oh come on Carly! He was just being nice and you are all bitchy to him! BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: It should next time you spend a little time with Sonny it will all come rushing back to you.



    Sonny's plane: I knew Anna's crying was fake! GO ANNA! Love that the old Anna is back! Oh don't apologize to the out cold guy! Just go!!!!!

    The church: Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos baby! Don't keep talking to Sonny! Just shoot him already! Wait what?! Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos was the one who shot Sonny and put him in the wheelchair? BAHAHAHA! Maybe Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is lying. :) Oh no! Sonny got the gun! Crap!!! Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos baby you blew it! :( Fighting over the gun!!! OH NO! Oh hi Anna! You are a little late! You shouldn't have apologized to the out cold guy! Oh no! Who got shot?!!?!?!?!!?!?! :0 I hope it's not Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos!!! Please no!!! :'(

    1. Haha your play by play is always so damn funny! Anna is so awesome! I really liked Lulu's makeup today. Their scene was ok. That stuffed bear, wouldn't Jordan notice that or did the writers drop the ball? Haha! Something about Curtis, I like. We can lose Val and Jordan though...I guess we got a rewrite on Sonny's shooter, so stupid.

  7. Everything that comes out of Paul's mouth always sounds like a lie, I can't tell anymore what the truth is supposed to be.

    I realllly wanted Anna to peek through her fingers when she was fake crying, like Elaine did on Seinfeld once LOL.

  8. "Michelle Latta said...Haha your play by play is always so damn funny!"

    Who me? ROFL! Thanks! :)

    "That stuffed bear, wouldn't Jordan notice that"

    That's what I was thinking!!!! She didn't look down or even made a comment about the bear! Or even held it in her hands and asked Paul about it! Well there was a note, so she didn't have to ask Paul about it.

    "or did the writers drop the ball? Haha!"

    Yeah they did!

    1. "Michelle Latta said...Haha your play by play is always so damn funny!"
      Sonya's posts are truly the best part of my day!

  9. Yes, where was the bear? And HOW could the writers change the Sonny shooting? This is CRAZY . . . Can't stand the park scenes, even my husband, when he walked in, said, where is that supposed to be, look, there is a palm tree, and aloe vera plants!! Plus, how they are dressed, this is early April in NYS--we are all in winter coats!

  10. I'll give you the bear and Sonny's shooting but I loved the park and if we wanted reality, we wouldn't be watching a soap. LOL!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...