Monday, December 3, 2012

"The Wrench Murderer'??

No, the Manslaughterer...heh... and a shirtless Dante. Hmmmmmmmm. Is it unusual for actors to have a lot of ink like that or not? I know some do--but wouldn't it limit your parts some? I mean  HE HAS A LOT. I guess that's where make up comes in if need be. We found out they have a memory foam bed. STUPID LULU says "She can live with us"! yeah...right. You live in a postage stamp. LOL

Helena and Robert..yeah! She had on my fave pink suit. She's feigning ignorance. And sounded pretty funny repeating Robert's story-- is this a reality show?? "The Real Cassadines of Spoon Island"??!! 
Helena is fun under RON!! "You did freeze the world"--no THAT WAS Mekkos-- and THAT WAS THE 80's!! She was PRICELESS today! 
AND SHE KNEW...played it perfectly.

Anna and Non-Duke--blah blah. I keep trying to see Faison and him.  

Maxie and Spinelli--heh, she was really mean to him. Heh. He's not happy about the bay-bay!! 

CIA guy comes in, 'Tomas' is not around. Big surprise. Not sure if/when Ted King is tapped to come back.  Carly says: Who IS he? Alkazar or Tomas? Huh? HuH? 



  1. "Duke" and Anna: Ooops "Duke" said the wrong mountains!!! Oh it doesn't matter. He isn't busted yet ROFL!

    Wyndemere: Oh a Robert and Helena scene!!! :) Helena is just oh so happy to see him ROFL! They both flirt a little and talk about the past. Helena tells him, that's rude. ROFL! Robert got Nik to lure Helena to Wyndemere! Hahaha I love it! Thank you Nik! :) Robert brings up Faison! He tells her about Olivia and the psychic abilities. She starts laughing. She insists Faison is dead! When Robert leaves, she calls Faison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! :) Hey Helena, do you still have your sexy boy toys? :) If you do, show them!!! If you don't, why not? :(

    Lulu and Dante: They made love a lot in today's episode! :) Dante wants to watch Maxie like a hawk! Lulu says why don't she live with us? ROFL! Karen she is joking. :)She was joking and making a point. :) Dante brings up having Maxie sign a document. Lulu doesn't want to do that idea! She doesn't want to hurt her feelings cus they are friends. LULU DON'T BE STUPID! YOU HAVE TO!!! What if Maxie changes her mind and wants to keep the baby?!!?!! LISTEN TO DANTE!

    MaxElle home: Maxie tells SpinElle that she is going to have a baby. Maxie cut it out!!!!!! When you bring this up to people, explain right away geez!!! She explains and Ellie likes the idea, but Spinny doesn't!!! DOH!

    Tea's home: Oh look! It's the man in men in black! ROFL! Tomas is back in the CIA ROFL! Blair slaps Todd HARD! OUCH!!!! Todd slap her back!!! Blair you had NO right slapping him!!!

  2. Hells & Robert stole the show today! Todd/Carly/Skye/Blair/Tea were also a hoot, but Robert and Helena were gold! Helena was just so amused by Robert's theory and got a real kick of Olivia's psychic LSD trip. Connie Towers and Tristan Rogers played it to perfection and I hope we get to see them in more scenes together.

    Can you imagine the one-liners if Helena and Todd shared a scene?

  3. I am ready for Ellie to go away...She is just grating on my nerves...At first I liked her..Now , not so much...I love Spinelli but sometimes I wish I was not watching the show live so I could fast forward thru the scenes

  4. Lulu and Dante don't even have room for a baby, let alone having Maxie move in.
    Spinelli, Ellie and Maxie get on my nerves collectively so their scenes were kinda making me wish I could fast forward. It probably is good to tell your roommate that you're going to be potentially pregnant. I wouldn't wanna live with that! LOL.
    Todd has his moments today. I really, really wish Robin Strasser wasn't taking her twitter break because I would have loved to hear her thoughts on Dorian as the Wicked Witch of the Intelligence Committee. Also Tea needs to wear a bra.
    But the real stars of today's show were Helena and Robert. Dying of laughter in spots. Helena summing up why Robert thinks Duke is Faison (it does sound crazy when you put it like that). Then her looking for the cameras and the comment about the weather machine. "That was the 80s this is 2012." Though not sure what that meant, you'd think now that we're actually in the 21st century that stuff would be more believable. But maybe it was a little bit of a "audiences don't go for that kind of soap any more" commentary. More is the pity. Soaps just aren't as fun as they used to be.

  5. Did anyone notice that the white haired guy that came to Tea's door introduced himself as Theodore King? I couldn't stop laughing! Still waiting for Ted King to show up as "whomever".

    Loved Robert and Helena, they looked like the actors were having so much fun. I can't remember if Tristan Rogers and Constance Towers ever worked together in the past.

  6. Scorpio and Helena were great! Tris and Connie have not worked together on GH until now (his last scenes with Helena were in the 80's with Liz Taylor), but perhaps they have worked on another project together at some time?
    Random thought: I was wondering why neither of them mentioned Ethan's parentage, especially since the last time we saw Helena that was on her agenda.

  7. Agent Theodore King! Hilarious. I love the win-and-nod humor on GH these days.

  8. Helena and Scorpio, were priceless, as were Todd/Carly/Skye/Blair/Tea, ITA!!

    Forgot to mention last week the candy bar product placement, surprised Karen didn't mention it.

    I'm sick and tired of watching Lulu and Dante suck face!! I also thought his tats were gross!!

  9. Did anyone notice that the white haired guy that came to Tea's door introduced himself as Theodore King? I couldn't stop laughing! Still waiting for Ted King to show up as "whomever".
    Shirlee: surprised it took so long b4 you were first to mention it.

    I'd say it's 2+ mos. b4 they pick up on this tale and tell us what Tea, Blear, and Skye find.

  10. Karen: it looks you might get your wish re: Elli. On the IMDB board, one of the more reliable spoiler guys posted this:

    - Spinelli and Maxie end up having a one night stand in December, and the result will be one pregnancy, which Maxie will try to pass off as the baby Dante and Lulu oh so desperately want.

    - Meanwhile, miracles happen in 2013, and Lulu becomes pregnant with Dante's child, as we learn that she should have gotten a second opinion like the doctor suggested months ago.

    - Of course, the true parentage of Maxie's baby eventually comes out, and not in a good way.

    - What does the paternity reveal of Maxie's baby mean for Spinelli and Ellie? The writers aren't sure yet, but don't be surprised if Spinelli still chooses Ellie over Maxie, despite the fact that he and Maxie have a child together.

    - We will see Maxie playing the part of single mother, and being forced to "grow up" in a lot of ways. Expect Mac and Felicia to play key roles in this story, and could Frisco possibly return to Port Charles to try and be a part of his grandchild's life?


    If true, I think this will be the WORST storyline of 2013- bad, predictable, and dull. With Jen Lilley it might work, not w KS.

  11. Cosmoetica said...Meanwhile, miracles happen in 2013, and Lulu becomes pregnant with Dante's child, as we learn that she should have gotten a second opinion like the doctor suggested months ago.
    Well yes! Lulu SHOULD have had a second opinion!!!

    - What does the paternity reveal of Maxie's baby mean for Spinelli and Ellie? The writers aren't sure yet, but don't be surprised if Spinelli still chooses Ellie over Maxie, despite the fact that he and Maxie have a child together.
    He is only going to stay with Ellie cus he doesn't want to hurt her!!! If all these storylines are true.

  12. Ugh, oh please say that Maxie baby storyline isn't true. Though it would mesh up with why Olivia is kinda freaked. But honestly how many baby from one night stands do we have to have on a soap (yeah, I know almost all of them are). And the whole passing baby off sounds like the surrogacy storyline on All My Children where Greenlee's egg isn't viable so Kendall offered her own so baby Spike wasn't Greenlee's. [And don't get me started on that whole mess.]

  13. Maybe we'll get a flashback of Jason "killing" Alcazar, and it'll tie in to where Jason really is!?!?


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...