Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Prospect Park Rears It's Head Again

I'm not going to even pretend I know what the hell is happening with this..or what it means..or ANYTHING. A lot of posts are popping up and I'm sure we'll hear more soon. This is the link to ATV Today with some of the scoops. 
It's also unclear what this means for the OLTL characters on GH-- not sure if they were "rented" from PP or "bought".
Crazy Biz that Hollywood!

The abandonment of the planned continuations was the end of the story for many with fans mourning the passing of One Life to Live and All My Children. In true soap opera style though it appears there’s a twist in the story and that the end may not have come for either serial after all. Deadline reports that a new deal has reportedly been agreed by Prospect Park and several Unions.
Although there is no official word from Prospect Park regarding the rumoured deals talks are said to be underway between the company and actors from both soaps. A number of OLTL actors did sign up to continue their roles – far more actors than for AMC – before the deal fell through. Of course several OLTL actors have since cropped up on ABC’s last remaining soap General Hospital playing the same characters.


  1. Yeah I read the article on another board. I'm not buying it! As the old saying goes, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me! I'm not going to get fooled again.

  2. Oh and Karen, I wasn't talking about you in case you were thinking that. :) I was talking about Prospect Park. :)

  3. Sonya: I saw that too, on another site, but then it said that ABC refused to renew the rights to characters to PP once they run out in January, so there's ZERO way that they are coming back and going to PP.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...