Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's NEW YEARS EVE!! Already!!

Yep, big jump there lol

Ellie is trying to light a cig-- because she and Spin "Broke  Up"--- I so don't care about her. Sorry but I don't.  

Lulu had on SUCH an LA Mini dress. LOL.  and MAXIE got an apartment make-over? Was that blue foil? Did they put that up to make us mad? We hated the other wall paper so they PUT THAT UP instead? OY. 
LESLIE sent cookies to Maxie? Where is she living? Ummm. 
Loved the giggling Lante and Maxie did over that book. 

So, Sonny couldn't come to talk to his daughter--because he's at the GYM FOR A PHOTO shoot. WTF... whatever. How stupid. 
Alexis even wants Krissy to leave. AND BTW, No, She's not leaving..something happens and she doesn't make it. (CRASH)

Christmas Eve was said 11 times in the first 30 min!! LOL and now it's New Year's Eve-- and Michael and Starr were in bed the entire time LMAO 

Johnny is tied up in the Haunted Star... for a WEEK?? He bit Cawnie. That was pretty fun. Why can't Johnny yell all of a sudden when Starr is there?  

BTW, Not having Anna, Robert or Duke on this whole time  is just lazy, imo. That's a huge break and for what? Filler days like today? Um, no.


  1. The show has just been a complete bore the last two days. All my least favorite characters on in their boring story lines. The show was on fire a week it seems all we have is dead air. I don't understand that.

  2. Did Michael say AJ was capable of some really "shitty" stuff. Or "shady"? I had to do a double take.

  3. At least this regime's boring moves the story along. Things could be far, far, far more boring. But yes, things could be more riveting. Though aren't the shows around the holidays typically sleep inducing?

  4. Ellie and Spinny: Ellie talks about how Milo and Max kept talking to her on Christmas Eve about ghosts and walking! ROFL! That cracked me up! Ellie gets the line of the day!!! :) Damn I would have LOVED seeing that scene! I love how Spinny kept looking in Ellie's eyes and kept trying to. Spinny says let's take a day to consider our feelings. Spinny thought of something. And I was thinking oh no. He isn't thinking of that movie is he?!!?! HE IS!!! He brings up the movie affair to remember! I was right! He even brings up the movie sleepless in Seattle, which I don't think he liked. I DO SPINNY! I never saw an affair to remember, but I know about it. Spinny wants to wait a day and if they want a relationship, then go on top of the roof at midnight. Just like in the movie an affair to remember. That is so stupid!!!! What if something bad happens to either of them, like a car crash or something, and then the other person goes on the roof, and will think the other person doesn't want a relationship! UGH! I don't blame Ellie for not wanting to be with Spinny. She can see what is going to happen, and so do I!! Spinny still loves Maxie!

    Starr and Michael: It's New Year's even now!?!?!?!?! SAY WHAT?!!?!?!!?!?!? They have been in bed for a week!?!?! Without seeing anybody?!!?! Yeah right! ROFL!

    Haunted Star: Johnny bit Connie! ROFL! I love it!!!! :) Connie brings up how no means no, and that she wouldn't rape him because that is what happened to her, and she has a conscious. Connie regags him and leaves. Starr is there!!!! Connie calls Starr, Starfish. Johnny makes a lot of noise, and Starr wants to know what was that noise? Connie pretends she didn't hear it. Starr and Connie fight and she walks into the room!!!! Starr sees Johnny! :) Connie? Starr is her father's daughter! Starr is a strong fighter. :)

    Kelly's: Oh Karen. I knew something bad was going to happen. I had a feeling. So they kill Trey off? WHY?!!?! :(

    The gym: Sonny is there with Shawn. Sonny is going to get Connie all hot and bothered when they start the photo shoot ROFL! Sonny thinks Michael spent Christmas Eve with AJ. Michael shows up and says no he didn't spend Christmas Eve with AJ, that he spent the night with Starr. Eww Michael! Why did you have to tell him that?!!?! Michael tells Sonny that he has given AJ another chance and has forgiven him. Sonny is all whiny! UGH! Krissy, Trey, and Alexis show up. Krissy tells Michael and Sonny that she is leaving for LA with Trey. Michael acts like her father. UGH! Sonny says over my dead body. I actually like that. :)

  5. Are we caught up on the days now?

  6. Seems like Ron and Frank checked out for these episodes. They should be ashamed of themselves. It's pure crap.

  7. Karen, I thought the same thing, Michael and Starr were in bed for a week? (And Johnny tied up all that time, didn't think of that.) Must've missed the remark about Leslie, surprised, usually I don't miss anything.

    Lante and Maxie laughing was SOOOO amazing and funny. You rarely see that on a soap, people do laugh, but that was sooo real, I rarely laugh like that, my sister and I would get hysterical as kids sometimes (fall over clutching your stomach), and sometimes we still do, or me and my husband will find something funny like that, but it doesn't happen often enough, so it's nice to experience it vicariously.

    PM61: That is soooo funny, it really did sound like "shitty," but I think he said "shifty." I was LMAO!!

  8. Karen, I thought the same thing, Michael and Starr were in bed for a week? (And Johnny tied up all that time, didn't think of that.) Must've missed the remark about Leslie, surprised, usually I don't miss anything.

    Lante and Maxie laughing was SOOOO amazing and funny. You rarely see that on a soap, people do laugh, but that was sooo real, I rarely laugh like that, my sister and I would get hysterical as kids sometimes (fall over clutching your stomach), and sometimes we still do, or me and my husband will find something funny like that, but it doesn't happen often enough, so it's nice to experience it vicariously.

    PM61: That is soooo funny, it really did sound like "shitty," but I think he said "shifty." I was LMAO!!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...