Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Media Nets from JaSam Wedding!

Thanks to ghspoilers...follow them on Twitter @ghspoilers

JaSam rehearse for their Big Day..

Then Franco Finds the dress (does he put it on?? I so hope so!! lol)

And JaSam are forced to marry in their "Blacks" cause nothing else was available??
 Franco gets Sam and spray paints her..see the photo on


  1. What do these photos mean?
    Jason is in his usual attire, and Sam is in a gown??


  2. I think that's a rehearsal...then Franco steals her dress, and she wears her "street clothes" to get hitched in?? There aren't a lot of details about the Franco Frenia scenes, only the media nets

  3. I wonder if you'd be this excited if Liz was getting married... no offense, Karen...

  4. Could be...however Sam is dressed in her wedding gown!

    Are you excited Karen about this wedding??

  5. Karen, do you know if PP has launched a website??

  6. why would sam wear her gown to the rehearsal?

  7. I am not a Jasam fan in the least, in fact I am Liason all the way. Having said that I am still looking forward to this wedding. I also respect the Jasam fan base especially the ones like me that can appreciate all actors and stories no matter if it groups their favorite couples together. I'm over Guza the Losa for ruining my couple but would like them to still be in scenes together. SO Davis girls, Diane, Maxie. Equals fun to me!

  8. I am a liason fan all the way and will not be watching jasam. All I want is for their story to end or be done because they are boring.
    I like Nancy Lee Grahn/ Alexis but can't stand krissy or molly . Krissy and molly have become cringe worthy. Krissy spends almost all her energy trying to push Ethan into a relationship and molly spends her time fantasizing about relationships. She isn't shown enjoying college experiences. Dull.
    5th place is too good for GH.

  9. The shape of Brenda's dress reminds me of Brenda's.
    Anyway, not going to tune in for this.I do hope the franco segment will be interesting.

  10. I'm sure they'll get married and have davis girl and monica and edward time.

  11. Of course they'll make them the big happy family. It's funny that in a recent interview with steve burton, he said that liason is the story that was never finished ( mostly a beginning and middle ).
    Liason had the engagement where jason tell s Liz how much he loves her and then over after michael's shooting.They should have had the wedding and the Italy trip they always spoke of taking.
    Anyway, if Gh continues down it's mob focused path with poor writing and continued character bashing of all people not mob, It will finish last in the ratings when it finally closes it's doors.

  12. I have no feelings either way about the wedding.

    I will 'watch', with how much excitement I do not know.

    The thought of Motor mouth Molly is something I DREAD.

    :o) I am sure Liz won't be at the wedding!

  13. @My2Cents2 Unfortunately we're hearing that Jasam invite Liz to the wedding. Pretty sucky if you ask me, but whatever. Tired of bitching over the same thing...

  14. thanks Tabatha....more people at the wedding for when Franco makes his appearance.

  15. TOTALLY REMINDS me of Brenda's dress!!
    And I know that JaSam go on a bike ride and decide to just marry at a Chinese place. Not sure how/why she has the dress on there--

  16. AGAIN, people, it takes over a year to plan a wedding usually, people buy dresses months in advance for fittings, it drives me crazy that they do wedding planning in a few weeks, then send out the invitations, and everyone comes (of course, it's only about 10 people, not the 50-250 people who come to real weddings.)

    THIS DRIVES ME CRAZY, does it bother anyone else?

  17. Reminds you of Brenda's first glance I thought that WAS Brenda!! LOL

  18. They marry at a chinese joint???

  19. So I am a little slow this morning....
    I see where there will be 2 weddings. I like that better.

    Why does Spinelli have to be the one to marry them the 2nd time??


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