Thanks to all his #GH fans, looks like JJ's band, ENation will be up in lights over Times Square! They won the contest to be featured on the digital billboard to promote the site.
All ten profiles will be featured on our digital billboard in Times Square beginning October 8th. The three grand prize winners are being flown to New York City to see the billboard in action and attend our exclusive event. Keep an eye out for a follow up post with pictures and a recap of our winners in Times Square!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Cyber-Soap News: Ron Carlivati Staying with OLTL
Big news...this means RC isn't coming to GH as speculated awhile back. I guess when Frank Valentini decided to stay as producer and then head of the Prospect Park online soapy deal-- Ron decided to stay on the ship.
Not fair or fun for us...because he could have really kicked some life into GH. I had high hopes for Garin Wolf, but by all indications, things are just limping along. I see Guza's name still listed as a producer, I think he's writing the Franco stuff and ugh---it's more mobular than ever!
READ the whole story on Daytime Confidential.
OLTL Actors staying:
Melissa Archer (Natalie), Kelley Missal (Danielle), Andrew Trischitta (Jack) and Jerry VerDorn (Clint), have all signed on, pending an AFTRA deal! As previously reported, Erika Slezak (Viki) Kassie DePaiva (Blair), Michael Easton (John) and Ted King (Tomas) all are onboard. Additionally, Soap Opera Network recently broke the news that Sean Ringgold (Shaun) would be staying put.
Twitter FAIL on a Friday!!?
Twitter was over capacity again today during OLTL..booooooooo I so needed to squee about the show!! Bombs! Shootings!! Oh wow, why does it work on this show and piss me off on GH? Because GH used it AS the story --not part of it. Tina and Cord!! Where's my legwarmers and feathered hair??! Such a flashback!! David Vickers the dog is the cutest thing ever. CLIFFHANGER o' rama!! Bomb, Shooting and Jess seeing results!! eeeeeeeeeee!
Wyndemere story: Hmmmm, painting is crying. Ethan goes around in the tunnels and hears some spookay music.
I hate to say this but YAWN Luke's back..whatever. I'm tired of him leaving/coming/going. That's all. FRANCO's monkey veil on gorf! alahahhaa.
General Hospital: Please, give me something today :keepingfingerscrossed:
WOW, Dolores is just ...flat..she reminds me of Marina that Ric was involved with. Wooden.Flat. That whole fake bomb thing was stupid. I don't know know, I'm crabby that GH can't be as fun as OLTL I guess.
IT's SO DARK on GH!! LOL..we could have viewed JaSam through green-scope today.
I was wishing JoLivia would have just gone in the storage closet and had crazy sex..:)
Michael wanted to be in the mob so damn bad but then cries when the first thing goes wrong? Uh..hmmm. I bet Morgan will be made of steel when he gets back from Military School.
Carly just walks into a warehouse the police are guarding to check on Shawn with A BOMB. WTF. This is ridiculous.
WHAT WAS THAT Jason EYEBALL stare down?? Oooooooooooooooo. NICE. His old shelf? Franco phobia?
Wyndemere story: Hmmmm, painting is crying. Ethan goes around in the tunnels and hears some spookay music.
Primetime WUB
Well, it's the new fall season and I thought I'd do a bit of a round-up of shows I've enjoyed (and not) because I am a TV ho after all and you deserve to know just how I feel about everything, right?? LOL Anyway, here goes....I'll keep it brief!
Boardwalk Empire: (HBO, Sunday 9pm) I actually re-ordered HBO to watch this brilliant show. The guy with 1/2 a face pasting photos in his scrapbook was worth the $14 this month. LOVE. LOVE, LOVE. Jimmy is going to have to choose between his "father" and his "real father" soon. Chalkie White's going on a rampage, I can feel it. Just a great show.
The Middle: (ABC, Wed 8pm) I watched but felt something lacking this time around. Not sure what-- Sue Heck still makes me laugh and of course, Brick. Maybe I'm just not into the groove yet. The Ray Romano cameo was great but it also made me long for "Everybody Loves Raymond".
Modern Family: (ABC, Wed 8pm) Still the best-- hilarious and just plain awesome. Having Phil tightrope walk? Inspired. I love how they weave 3 stories together every week. That little doggie took the show this week, didn't it?
Subpugatory: (ABC, Wed 8:30pm) Not sure yet. The pilot wasn't as caustic as I would have liked it. It felt very "LA" for a NY "based" show. Our burbs don't really look like Desperate Housewives Wisteria Lane. Cheryl Hines was fun as the wife that helps out with bra shopping, etc. Her exaggerated looks are spot on. The premise that Dad moves his daughter because of condoms is weird though-- I guess they had to come up with something. This show needs to be more ironic, sarcastic and smart if I'm going to keep watching.
The Office: (NBC, Thurs 9pm) Ok, I've watched The Office since day one, and even own the British series. I love the show, that's for sure. I can also go several weeks without watching and catch up online. It's not an "instant must-see" for me anymore, but it's still entertaining. James Spader? YES. Andy as office manager is a great move, and I think I will tune in each week for awhile. Loved the tattoo thing last night. Pam looks ready to explode, doesn't she??
Toddlers and Tiaras, Dance Moms... any brides dress show, Four Weddings: (assorted, TLC, Lifetime) Still love these cheesy fun, mindless shows. T&T is getting even worse with the parents, I hope they see themselves and recoil in horrow. Dance Moms is so brilliant I have to think at least part of it is staged. (I think "Cathy" is a plant--and her "daughter" Vivi is from some homeless shelter somewhere--just filling in) Having a dad on? Oooooo, so good. I hear it's renewed. I can listen to Abby's voice slowly slip away another season. I'm a speech therapist, I can help her with that. PS. If you haven't seen "Four Weddings" On TLC on Friday Nights, it's hysterical. 4 brides go to each other's weddings and rate them. Heh.
Biggest Loser 12: (NBC, Tues 9-11pm) Finally jumped the shark for me. The 2 hour format has been a stretch since it started and the fillers have been really boring. So many ads for products are thrown in there. Bob seems tired. Pitting oldsters against 20 somethings? Ummm, no. New trainers? Ummm, good to look at, personalities? Not so much. Off my DVR.
The New Girl: (FOX, Tues 9pm) Oh, I tried to like you, I really did!! The jokes were stale, imo. Zooey is great, the rest of the cast? Forgettable.
How about you?? What shows did you like? I really haven't given any CW shows a chance yet. I guess I just don't think much about tuning in there. I tend to go to the Food Network if I can't find anything because they'll have Chopped or Cupcake Wars on or something like that.
48 Hours Mystery is always a safe bet (Saturday, CBS) and if you get ID (Investigation Discovery) you can always find gruesome true crime to keep you going!!
I am very disappointed with BRAVO lately-- not digging ANY of the "Style" shows-- and I'm not a Rachel Zoe fan. Patti the Matchmaker is on my last nerve. She needs to start showing weddings she's "created" with her couples or leave. I don't think I've seen more than a handful of successful matches on her show. "The Next Great Artist" reminds me of that sewing show I didn't watch. "Just Desserts"? Blah. I need something fresh. The Housewives are good for a look or two and I'm only watching Beverly Hills out of curiosity. Shame on me.
Oh, an Oprah? OWN seems to be a disaster -- I haven't tuned in for one thing since the weight loss show that premired. (people lived in a group environment). Rosie's back but not sure I'll tune in way up in the 400's. Ms O should have opted to take a soap along with her or at least look into it. Not a lot of people following her. I think I'm about her prime target audience and I really can't find much I like. Ryan and Tatum was ok, but again, I never knew when it was on.
Shows I'm looking forward to: American Horror Story on FX and Mad Men on A&E (hurry up already). Hoarders, Intervention..American Pickers are all fillers for me. Primetime hasn't grabbed me up. Maybe because I'm not a talent show watcher. I think I've been watching TV too long as well-- I've seen every plot from Three's Company to Love Boat to Cagney and Lacey redone to death. Maybe that's why Mad Men and Boardwalk hook me..they are totally different. We watch BBCA's "MI-5" on NetFlix too.
Boardwalk Empire: (HBO, Sunday 9pm) I actually re-ordered HBO to watch this brilliant show. The guy with 1/2 a face pasting photos in his scrapbook was worth the $14 this month. LOVE. LOVE, LOVE. Jimmy is going to have to choose between his "father" and his "real father" soon. Chalkie White's going on a rampage, I can feel it. Just a great show.
The Middle: (ABC, Wed 8pm) I watched but felt something lacking this time around. Not sure what-- Sue Heck still makes me laugh and of course, Brick. Maybe I'm just not into the groove yet. The Ray Romano cameo was great but it also made me long for "Everybody Loves Raymond".
Modern Family: (ABC, Wed 8pm) Still the best-- hilarious and just plain awesome. Having Phil tightrope walk? Inspired. I love how they weave 3 stories together every week. That little doggie took the show this week, didn't it?
Subpugatory: (ABC, Wed 8:30pm) Not sure yet. The pilot wasn't as caustic as I would have liked it. It felt very "LA" for a NY "based" show. Our burbs don't really look like Desperate Housewives Wisteria Lane. Cheryl Hines was fun as the wife that helps out with bra shopping, etc. Her exaggerated looks are spot on. The premise that Dad moves his daughter because of condoms is weird though-- I guess they had to come up with something. This show needs to be more ironic, sarcastic and smart if I'm going to keep watching.
The Office: (NBC, Thurs 9pm) Ok, I've watched The Office since day one, and even own the British series. I love the show, that's for sure. I can also go several weeks without watching and catch up online. It's not an "instant must-see" for me anymore, but it's still entertaining. James Spader? YES. Andy as office manager is a great move, and I think I will tune in each week for awhile. Loved the tattoo thing last night. Pam looks ready to explode, doesn't she??
Toddlers and Tiaras, Dance Moms... any brides dress show, Four Weddings: (assorted, TLC, Lifetime) Still love these cheesy fun, mindless shows. T&T is getting even worse with the parents, I hope they see themselves and recoil in horrow. Dance Moms is so brilliant I have to think at least part of it is staged. (I think "Cathy" is a plant--and her "daughter" Vivi is from some homeless shelter somewhere--just filling in) Having a dad on? Oooooo, so good. I hear it's renewed. I can listen to Abby's voice slowly slip away another season. I'm a speech therapist, I can help her with that. PS. If you haven't seen "Four Weddings" On TLC on Friday Nights, it's hysterical. 4 brides go to each other's weddings and rate them. Heh.
Biggest Loser 12: (NBC, Tues 9-11pm) Finally jumped the shark for me. The 2 hour format has been a stretch since it started and the fillers have been really boring. So many ads for products are thrown in there. Bob seems tired. Pitting oldsters against 20 somethings? Ummm, no. New trainers? Ummm, good to look at, personalities? Not so much. Off my DVR.
The New Girl: (FOX, Tues 9pm) Oh, I tried to like you, I really did!! The jokes were stale, imo. Zooey is great, the rest of the cast? Forgettable.
How about you?? What shows did you like? I really haven't given any CW shows a chance yet. I guess I just don't think much about tuning in there. I tend to go to the Food Network if I can't find anything because they'll have Chopped or Cupcake Wars on or something like that.
48 Hours Mystery is always a safe bet (Saturday, CBS) and if you get ID (Investigation Discovery) you can always find gruesome true crime to keep you going!!
I am very disappointed with BRAVO lately-- not digging ANY of the "Style" shows-- and I'm not a Rachel Zoe fan. Patti the Matchmaker is on my last nerve. She needs to start showing weddings she's "created" with her couples or leave. I don't think I've seen more than a handful of successful matches on her show. "The Next Great Artist" reminds me of that sewing show I didn't watch. "Just Desserts"? Blah. I need something fresh. The Housewives are good for a look or two and I'm only watching Beverly Hills out of curiosity. Shame on me.
Oh, an Oprah? OWN seems to be a disaster -- I haven't tuned in for one thing since the weight loss show that premired. (people lived in a group environment). Rosie's back but not sure I'll tune in way up in the 400's. Ms O should have opted to take a soap along with her or at least look into it. Not a lot of people following her. I think I'm about her prime target audience and I really can't find much I like. Ryan and Tatum was ok, but again, I never knew when it was on.
Shows I'm looking forward to: American Horror Story on FX and Mad Men on A&E (hurry up already). Hoarders, Intervention..American Pickers are all fillers for me. Primetime hasn't grabbed me up. Maybe because I'm not a talent show watcher. I think I've been watching TV too long as well-- I've seen every plot from Three's Company to Love Boat to Cagney and Lacey redone to death. Maybe that's why Mad Men and Boardwalk hook me..they are totally different. We watch BBCA's "MI-5" on NetFlix too.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
HAHAHA! Ricky Paul Goldin tweeted this and said "at least they don't say make it a positive tweet" that's hilarious. Good PR I guess but funnier than hell.
I am trying SO HARD to get into Days Of Our Lives to replace AMC but I just can't. I couldn't get into YR either--even with Tristan and Genie on it!! Dang, it's so hard. I grew up with ABC soaps. It's like when you go to another city and watch their local news--it looks weird. Not that MY RATINGS COUNT since I'm not a damn Nielson family but what the hell.
CORD ON OLTL!! I love him!!!!!!!!!!!Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! he looks so good!! wow. Love him, wonder what he's been doing!! David Vickers the dog is so cute :) Jack is so bad, he can't even deliver his address convincingly. Geesh.
How many times was the name Laura or "your mother" said? about 100...ergo, what's coming? Will Genie leave Y&R and come back?? Hmmmmmmmm. What say you ABC!? I think the Lady In White will tie in with Laura, but not be Laura herself. I have to find out more! :clappinghands:
"In the end, all they brought were ghosts"... ah, classic Helena
I wish Franco was making Faberge Eggs...
Doesn't rent-aMaxie look like NuKate?? YOU KNOW she does! was apparent today. She's doing ok though-- I'd hate to have to learn all that Maxie-speak.
Dolores the cop, whom I shall call Mulva, was a dud today. Geesh, she'd better get better and quick. Shawn is like MacGuyver. :eyeroll:
OMG JaSam today?? Drove me nuts, get to Hawaii and the Franco sheeze and shut up about the stars. It's just painful. I wouldn't like ANYONE talking that long about nature. Ok, the shirtless scene made up for it. LOL.. that was pretty good! Given Burton 'doesn't do love scenes' that was pretty hot.
I GOT IN TWITTER JAIL TODAY! booooooooooooooo . oh well.
I am trying SO HARD to get into Days Of Our Lives to replace AMC but I just can't. I couldn't get into YR either--even with Tristan and Genie on it!! Dang, it's so hard. I grew up with ABC soaps. It's like when you go to another city and watch their local news--it looks weird. Not that MY RATINGS COUNT since I'm not a damn Nielson family but what the hell.
CORD ON OLTL!! I love him!!!!!!!!!!!Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! he looks so good!! wow. Love him, wonder what he's been doing!! David Vickers the dog is so cute :) Jack is so bad, he can't even deliver his address convincingly. Geesh.
How many times was the name Laura or "your mother" said? about 100...ergo, what's coming? Will Genie leave Y&R and come back?? Hmmmmmmmm. What say you ABC!? I think the Lady In White will tie in with Laura, but not be Laura herself. I have to find out more! :clappinghands:
"In the end, all they brought were ghosts"... ah, classic Helena
I wish Franco was making Faberge Eggs...
Doesn't rent-aMaxie look like NuKate?? YOU KNOW she does! was apparent today. She's doing ok though-- I'd hate to have to learn all that Maxie-speak.
Dolores the cop, whom I shall call Mulva, was a dud today. Geesh, she'd better get better and quick. Shawn is like MacGuyver. :eyeroll:
OMG JaSam today?? Drove me nuts, get to Hawaii and the Franco sheeze and shut up about the stars. It's just painful. I wouldn't like ANYONE talking that long about nature. Ok, the shirtless scene made up for it. LOL.. that was pretty good! Given Burton 'doesn't do love scenes' that was pretty hot.
I GOT IN TWITTER JAIL TODAY! booooooooooooooo . oh well.
Nathin Butler is Coming for Ewan!!
Get it? Heh..Nathin Butler, Aussie native will play Dr. Ewan Keenan, a therapist--hmmm? Kristina's?? He'll be debuting on GH in about 3 weeks or so. (He started work the 21st). Nathin has appeared in the movie "Australia" and is also a camera operator. His first tweet said he was going to be "shirtless on a beach" on GH... hummm, ok?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
GH Rumor Mill is Churnin'!!
Newest news...Kirsten Storms is out for 3 months, so says her replacement Jen Lilley on Twitter. Yep, 2 months is 3 now...which is ok but I so hope that Kirsten gets well SOON! We love our Maxie!!
Also, the new Soaps In Depth says someone "pivitol" on GH is out in November, that will have an impact on a lot of characters. I heard murder mystery is coming--could it be AZ? Or someone else? Those mags drive me nuts.
Rumors right now are that Lexi Ainsworth is out (she has a movie deal), Johnathan Jackson is leaving or John Ingle. I don't have any idea what is true. I do know that when Gina comes, she's Gino's youngest daughter, making her Tracy's "step" kid.
So, until publicists start sharing it's not my place to speculate. I had heard long ago that Maurice Benard was leaving too!! Hell, could be anyone. Kelly Monaco said on Regis and Kelly she didn't want to "stay on a sinking ship"!! The rumors will come and go but we'll know when we know. It's also not really fair to say someone's out (even if they are) before it's announced, imo.
Scoops that seem to be coming down the pike will have the whole "Dr. Steve" backstory heating up. That could be interesting -- maybe LOL. I always have high hopes! Michael and the newbie "Gina" (mobular daughter of Gino) are supposed to get together. House of the Capulets and Monteques???
Jamey Giddens is saying headwriter Ron C may stay with One Life To Live. Which, gives me mixed feelings, I so hope he does but I would have love to have him come to GH because he's awesome. Hit the link for Daytime Confidential article.
Shana tova to my Jewish Wubbers!
Also, the new Soaps In Depth says someone "pivitol" on GH is out in November, that will have an impact on a lot of characters. I heard murder mystery is coming--could it be AZ? Or someone else? Those mags drive me nuts.
Rumors right now are that Lexi Ainsworth is out (she has a movie deal), Johnathan Jackson is leaving or John Ingle. I don't have any idea what is true. I do know that when Gina comes, she's Gino's youngest daughter, making her Tracy's "step" kid.
So, until publicists start sharing it's not my place to speculate. I had heard long ago that Maurice Benard was leaving too!! Hell, could be anyone. Kelly Monaco said on Regis and Kelly she didn't want to "stay on a sinking ship"!! The rumors will come and go but we'll know when we know. It's also not really fair to say someone's out (even if they are) before it's announced, imo.
Scoops that seem to be coming down the pike will have the whole "Dr. Steve" backstory heating up. That could be interesting -- maybe LOL. I always have high hopes! Michael and the newbie "Gina" (mobular daughter of Gino) are supposed to get together. House of the Capulets and Monteques???
TODAY ON GH was the first day of "Rent a Maxie"...thoughts? I was ok with her. She did good for a fill in!!
I so wanted Epiphany to tackle Sonny at GH lol....Sonny's going to KILL SOMEONE for Dante's shooting!! Shocker!!
With JaSam looking at the stars I wanted them to sing "Somewhere out there.....beneath the deep blue sky".... such a Disney moment LOL
Newbie cop Dolores started today too. She didn't impress today. Shawn sees the coke and no one else? Good Lord.
Kate drove me nuts today-- even her yelling at Carly. Not just the new actress, her being 'inserted' into the story now is just..weird.
Julie Marie Berman IS SUCH a good actress!! She was perfect today!
Shana tova to my Jewish Wubbers!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
IT's Wub-o-Gram Day!
I'm going to get my yearly Mammogram today--and I'm telling you all because I think it's important we all do it at least every other year (if not every year) to keep an eye on the chestials. Given Raven's news on FB, we all know the importance of early detection. So, I leave you to play nicely amongst yourselves...
Did you vote yet on how to kill off Chef Mario Soapy-Style?? AND BIG SCOOPS are up. Ok, not huge but new. Carly is just meddling SO MUCH--she needs to be run over with a frying pan.
TINA'S HOME ON OLTL!! Yes!!!!!!! And her doggie, David Vickers too!! If you haven't watched One Life, today is a great day to do it.
If you're into the Prospect Park deal and want to know more about the online venture and lannch date look here: TV LINE
Did you vote yet on how to kill off Chef Mario Soapy-Style?? AND BIG SCOOPS are up. Ok, not huge but new. Carly is just meddling SO MUCH--she needs to be run over with a frying pan.
TINA'S HOME ON OLTL!! Yes!!!!!!! And her doggie, David Vickers too!! If you haven't watched One Life, today is a great day to do it.
If you're into the Prospect Park deal and want to know more about the online venture and lannch date look here: TV LINE
Michael Fairman to Create Social Game Soaps for the Heyday Platform
How cool is this!?
LANGHORNE, Pa., Sep 27, 2011 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX) -- Casual game developer and publisher Entertainment Games, Inc. EGAM -16.67% announced today that Michael Fairman, a leading expert and personality in the field of daytime drama, will join its social game development team. This move is the latest of many key talent acquisitions that support the company's ambitious new social game portfolio. Fairman will provide creative writing, direction and oversight for the soap opera genre of the upcoming social game series. This will be the first soap opera social game of its kind and is being developed on Entertainment Games' proprietary Heyday platform.
"Michael Fairman brings a critical level of passion, expertise, and creative direction to our new addition in our social game portfolio," said F.J. Lennon, CCO of Entertainment Games. "We will be combining our game design and development expertise with Michael's unique story development and scriptwriting abilities to deliver a ground-breaking social gaming experience that both the gaming and soap opera industries will take note of. Along with Michael, we believe our proprietary Heyday platform enables a game design and story telling capacity both unique and ideal for traditional soap opera drama. We are all very excited about the prospects of this exclusive relationship," added Lennon
Commenting on his new role at Entertainment Games, Michael Fairman commented, "I am excited to be joining the Entertainment Games creative team. I've been given the opportunity to create some very original 'soapy' content for an innovative new game that will be very fun and engaging for the most dedicated or casual soap fan. While I can't reveal too much just yet, like any good soap opera, I will leave it as a cliffhanger. Stay tuned!"
This news release was distributed by GlobeNewswire,
Monday, September 26, 2011
What Would YOUR GH Fortune Cookie Say?!!
So, How DID Kate find the reception since it was last minute??? Hmmmm. Franco at least heard where it was from his spidey cam, he could have ran there. Oh well. Kate showed up and I could care less. Sonny needs to be ALONE for 2 seconds.
Spinelli's speech was cute. Alexis' was as well...she even hiked up her dress nicely!! She certainly kissed St. Jasus' ass! LOL!! WOW!! Max actually flirted with Alexis. Hmmmmm. Alexis was really fun today.
Abner with the fortune cookie?? Love Lies Bleeding--which I think is a song? Scrubs fortune goes directly to Lisa who's waking up.
Michael and Abby in the limo having sex...takes after Mama and Daddy, eh??
"Love Comes in Threes" says JaSam's cookie-they think baby, I think Franco on the honeymoon!! or as I'm calling it: THE FRANCOMOON!!
I did like the fortune cookies, that was a cute touch.
Monica's "Love Lives On'... Edward: "Love is an L Word"
Poor Dante, doesn't he know yet to wear his bullet proof vest?? Especially in a coffee warehouse? Or have backup? WHITE LIGHT!! WHITE LIGHT!!
I have to back it up to see what Franco spray painted on that wall
THIS SHOULD have been on the show today!!
Spinelli's speech was cute. Alexis' was as well...she even hiked up her dress nicely!! She certainly kissed St. Jasus' ass! LOL!! WOW!! Max actually flirted with Alexis. Hmmmmm. Alexis was really fun today.
Abner with the fortune cookie?? Love Lies Bleeding--which I think is a song? Scrubs fortune goes directly to Lisa who's waking up.
Michael and Abby in the limo having sex...takes after Mama and Daddy, eh??
"Love Comes in Threes" says JaSam's cookie-they think baby, I think Franco on the honeymoon!! or as I'm calling it: THE FRANCOMOON!!
I did like the fortune cookies, that was a cute touch.
Monica's "Love Lives On'... Edward: "Love is an L Word"
Poor Dante, doesn't he know yet to wear his bullet proof vest?? Especially in a coffee warehouse? Or have backup? WHITE LIGHT!! WHITE LIGHT!!
I have to back it up to see what Franco spray painted on that wall
THIS SHOULD have been on the show today!!
Dirty Soap: Review From The Wub Chair...
First of all, I DVR'd it and watched it during that SHOW that shall not be mentioned. I found it to be interesting, a bit staged but I'm giving it a go. My fave part was of course, seeing behind the set in make-up, dressing rooms and fan events.
Kelly and Kirsten were good together. The whole "boyfriend" break up?? ehh.. I'm more interested to see Farah in the mix!! Love JP and the fact he's a New Yorker through and through. Farah came off as a snarky beeatch but I found myself liking that a bit. The House hunting should be cool to watch.
The other actors I don't know at all as I don't watch DOOL or BB. But it's couple and family drama and Nadia looking for a new job. I do think there could have been more people involved, not sure thsi can hold my interest for all the shows--I will watch to support the industry however! Most of you know I'm a reality Ho for most shows so I'm picky. I can tell if it's scripted a mile away. This is pretty staged, that's for sure. I'll have to see the drama unfold to make a final judgement.
BEST LINE: Kelly says: "Call me a bitch and my fans will rip your face off" !!
My one big question is WHY THE HELL didn't Soap Net do this years ago?? It has a whole freekin' could have even started with one ABC show and moved on to the others. It could have been epic. Then, they could have even taken OLTL or AMC and moved it to that network and save them. IDIOTS. grrrrr. No vision.
Kelly and Kirsten were good together. The whole "boyfriend" break up?? ehh.. I'm more interested to see Farah in the mix!! Love JP and the fact he's a New Yorker through and through. Farah came off as a snarky beeatch but I found myself liking that a bit. The House hunting should be cool to watch.
The other actors I don't know at all as I don't watch DOOL or BB. But it's couple and family drama and Nadia looking for a new job. I do think there could have been more people involved, not sure thsi can hold my interest for all the shows--I will watch to support the industry however! Most of you know I'm a reality Ho for most shows so I'm picky. I can tell if it's scripted a mile away. This is pretty staged, that's for sure. I'll have to see the drama unfold to make a final judgement.
BEST LINE: Kelly says: "Call me a bitch and my fans will rip your face off" !!
My one big question is WHY THE HELL didn't Soap Net do this years ago?? It has a whole freekin' could have even started with one ABC show and moved on to the others. It could have been epic. Then, they could have even taken OLTL or AMC and moved it to that network and save them. IDIOTS. grrrrr. No vision.
THAT Show...Gets Poor Reviews in Rehersal!
ahahahhaa. Love this. Grub Street NY-- a foodie site gives poor marks to The Spew. Here's a the whole thing at the link.
This coming Monday, television history will be made — so say the people over at ABC, who've been touting their daytime-soap replacement, The Chew, which premieres on Monday, as a revolution in food TV. But is the show — co-hosted by Mario Batali, Michael Symon, Clinton Kelly, Carla Hall, and Daphne Oz — really going to shake up the food-television formula? Grub sat in on a rehearsal taping yesterday, and after sitting through the hour-long session, our take is: Eh, not really.
The warm-up guy, comic RC Smith, joked with the largely suburban and out-of-town studio audience in between takes ("you look like a bag of Skittles," he told a trio of bright-cardigan-wearing Connecticut housewives), while the cast practically leapt around the spacious set, reassembling for a half-dozen or so zany segments. The preplanned bits had an improvised energy to them, like a cooking segment that had Molto Mario throwing together some bucatini with zucchini, white beans, and chile flakes; and Carla Hall's "It's Gon' Be Okay" segment, where she made a soup intended to salvage a limp, overcooked zucchini. The other cast members watched while making off-the-cuff comments. (Clinton Kelly: "Not much to do with a limp zucchini, is there?" Oh, Clinton!)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sunday Surgery: Suicide Bomber
AMC: went out with a bang-- you could hear the collective sadness all over the internet, airwaves and blogs. I still don't know what ABC is thinking-- it's almost like they want to shoot themselves in the foot. Or blow up all of daytime. It's all a business, we know that. Thing is, commercials will be run no matter what stuff is put on during the AMC timeslot. The cheaper they make the program, the better off they are. Loyalty be damned. All we can do now, is NOT watch ABC daytime other than our soaps and then watch them if/when they go online. In other words, "screw" that new show!
General Hospital this week... was at times romantic, weird, heartwarming and it smelled a little like Chinese Food. Of course, we couldn't get out of the week without someone getting plugged--this time Dante had the honor. Johnny is running around with a gun and his batty old man is right behind him. Franco's off in his studio with spider-cameras and dead models. Wait until you see Monday's show--know I am squeeling from here!!
JaSam's wedding was a bit like Jim and Pam's from The Office--private setting and then a nice reception. Good to see Monica and Edward there, but where were Max and Milo?? The shoe-exchange was cute and Maxie's distress fun. (did Franco steal the real bridesmaid's dresses to wear them himself!!?). Patrick forced himself to go and have a good time-- and we got a bit of Robin and Jason back story. AND of course Steve Burton in a white robe drove everyone nuts! LOL
There was plenty of Sonny angst to go around. Finally Kate decides to break her ice-panties, put on a green dress and show up at the party. Maybe we are supposed to be grateful??
The whole Wyndemere thing was a bit interesting. I know Helena's up soon-- and driving people crazy with whatever she can get away with. I believe the "Lady In White" will be a Siobhan double unless they can get Genie back. can be a switcheroo at the last minute?? Lucky will be off to Ireland soon, watch for clues. Ethan will be in the middle of it all too. I have more coming in on this story but I'm not sure what to believe yet.
Of course it had to all end with a GUNSHOT because GH can't do weddings without something. *sigh* I really had hoped GW had changed all that. Franco at the end would have been enough--but the shooting? sooooooooooo over done!!
Scene of the Week: Franco dancing with Sam's dress, the monkeys and smelling the veil. Heh, come on, brilliant yet bizarre. Just what I like. Sorry, JaSam fans, it made me have more fun than even the vows.
NOT the Scene of the Week: Ok, now...I realize this is supposed to be romantic but it just... well, not a great choice of wardrobe or set up. It shouldn't have made me LOL
See who won the 3-way on The Wubs Net. Are you still enjoying the Soapy Death Matches?? Let me know...Have a great Sunday, thanks for all your support!
REMEMBER: "Dirty Soap" will be on tonight E! 10pm with Kelly and Kirsten
General Hospital this week... was at times romantic, weird, heartwarming and it smelled a little like Chinese Food. Of course, we couldn't get out of the week without someone getting plugged--this time Dante had the honor. Johnny is running around with a gun and his batty old man is right behind him. Franco's off in his studio with spider-cameras and dead models. Wait until you see Monday's show--know I am squeeling from here!!
JaSam's wedding was a bit like Jim and Pam's from The Office--private setting and then a nice reception. Good to see Monica and Edward there, but where were Max and Milo?? The shoe-exchange was cute and Maxie's distress fun. (did Franco steal the real bridesmaid's dresses to wear them himself!!?). Patrick forced himself to go and have a good time-- and we got a bit of Robin and Jason back story. AND of course Steve Burton in a white robe drove everyone nuts! LOL
There was plenty of Sonny angst to go around. Finally Kate decides to break her ice-panties, put on a green dress and show up at the party. Maybe we are supposed to be grateful??
The whole Wyndemere thing was a bit interesting. I know Helena's up soon-- and driving people crazy with whatever she can get away with. I believe the "Lady In White" will be a Siobhan double unless they can get Genie back. can be a switcheroo at the last minute?? Lucky will be off to Ireland soon, watch for clues. Ethan will be in the middle of it all too. I have more coming in on this story but I'm not sure what to believe yet.
Of course it had to all end with a GUNSHOT because GH can't do weddings without something. *sigh* I really had hoped GW had changed all that. Franco at the end would have been enough--but the shooting? sooooooooooo over done!!
Scene of the Week: Franco dancing with Sam's dress, the monkeys and smelling the veil. Heh, come on, brilliant yet bizarre. Just what I like. Sorry, JaSam fans, it made me have more fun than even the vows.
NOT the Scene of the Week: Ok, now...I realize this is supposed to be romantic but it just... well, not a great choice of wardrobe or set up. It shouldn't have made me LOL
As much as I like Wyndemere, this looks like Eddie Murphy's "Haunted Mansion" poster.
And not a very good one!
And not a very good one!
Who remembers the Laura portrait that Stefan slashed so long ago??
REMEMBER: "Dirty Soap" will be on tonight E! 10pm with Kelly and Kirsten
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Finola Hughes in Movie: Like Crazy Winner at Sundance
A love story is both a physical and emotional tale, one that can be deeply personal and heartbreaking for an audience to experience. Director Drake Doremus’ film LIKE CRAZY beautifully illustrates how your first real love is as thrilling and blissful as it is devastating. When a British college student (Felicity Jones) falls for her American classmate (Anton Yelchin) they embark on a passionate and life-changing journey only to be separated when she violates the terms of her visa. Like Crazy explores how a couple faces the real challenges of being together and of being apart. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Best Picture at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival and of the Special Jury Prize for Best Actress for Felicity Jones, Like Crazy depicts both the hopefulness and the heartbreak of love.
Finola Hughes on Press Junket (Bing) for Like Crazy
Cast of Like Crazy
'Dirty Soap' Interview Reveals Truth about JaSam Love Scenes
Reading Deep Soap I came across an interview regarding "Dirty Soap" in E! that included Kelly Monaco. This made me giggle:
Monaco: My partner doesn’t do love scenes so for the past five years, I’m off the hook.
Galen: What?
Monaco: Steve (Burton) my co-star has refused to do love scenes. So I’ve been let off the hook.
The fans have been driven insane by his decision.
Monaco: We do make love on our honeymoon.That’s the first love scene we’ ve had in five or six years.
Gering: How do you feel about that?
Monaco: I love it. No PG-porn.
Gering: How does that work? On what grounds?
Monaco: I think something with his belief system, his stance in life. I just don’t think it’s necessary. And we have remained a very high rated couple without having to have a love scene.
Does “Dirty Soap” cover any fun behind the scenes moments on your soaps?
Monaco: Yep. We have the wedding, Steve being a total goofball on set. I think it will be really cool for people to see he’s got a sense of humor and he’s not this dead-eyed killer.
E! will air "Dirty Soap" on Sunday 9/25 from 10-11pm
Monaco: My partner doesn’t do love scenes so for the past five years, I’m off the hook.
Galen: What?
Monaco: Steve (Burton) my co-star has refused to do love scenes. So I’ve been let off the hook.
The fans have been driven insane by his decision.
Monaco: We do make love on our honeymoon.That’s the first love scene we’ ve had in five or six years.
Gering: How do you feel about that?
Monaco: I love it. No PG-porn.
Gering: How does that work? On what grounds?
Monaco: I think something with his belief system, his stance in life. I just don’t think it’s necessary. And we have remained a very high rated couple without having to have a love scene.
Does “Dirty Soap” cover any fun behind the scenes moments on your soaps?
Monaco: Yep. We have the wedding, Steve being a total goofball on set. I think it will be really cool for people to see he’s got a sense of humor and he’s not this dead-eyed killer.
E! will air "Dirty Soap" on Sunday 9/25 from 10-11pm
Friday, September 23, 2011
And Then There Were Two....
Blair to Tea: "Put this on, it makes your ass look great and I hate you in it"!! Oh I love ONE LIFE TO LIVE!! Their finale will be full-on David Lynch I know it. Especially if they are going online...
WHOMP! There it is! Shane hit Jack on the head...but did he shoot Victor?? mmmmm....
LOVED Maxie's dress--love that color!! Sonny looked dapper!!
Kate was shot 3 years ago at the same church, same day as JaSam is getting hitched. I bet her wedding dress is in that closet.
Alexis other surprise was great, Krissy can almost walk.
LOVED Sam's red shoes too..good fashion today.
Franco with Sam's dress..heh. YOU KNOW HE WANTS TO PUT IT ON!!
Shawn does security and doesn't find Franco's cameras?? Uh.... great security guy.
Lante dinner...I just didn't like Lulu's dress much. Ok, didn't like it a LOT!! what in the HELL WAS THAT? CHRIS MARCH get up?
LOVED Robin and Jason's bridge mention..nice.
Carly's face was so happy when Sam said the wedding was going to be called off!! Heh...
Franco dancing with his dream dress!!
WHO SAW THE FRONKEY couples at the end?? HEH!! !xxxooo
BY The way, the VILE stupid ABC decided to load up today with THE CHEW commercials during the finale. THEY ARE TOADS! I hope That stupid SHOW GETS NO RATINGS OR like less that a million.
Susan_Lucci Susan Lucci TWITTER:
Just finished watching last episode of AMC-very emotional time. Thank you for spending your days in PV & the sunshine it brought to my life.
CameronMathison TWITTER:
I finished work on set here in Canada in time to watch the last abc AMC episode. Remember everyone... AMC will live on
All My Thanks to All My Children!
I watched the first day, now I am watching the last day. I wish I could find Patty Andolina so I could watch with her and complete the cycle!! We loved Tara and Phil, those star-crossed lovers. *sigh* Mary and Jeff--scheming Erica Kane.....
Thank You to Agnes Nixon for years of stories and memories!
First show I remember mentioning birth control...abortion... two friends of different race runnin' away--as quaint as that seems it was big back in the day!!! Kate would sit in her kitchen or livingroom, giving advice--Myrtle ran the boarding house. Erica was always the glamour girl--with real trips to NYC!
The finale was so heartfelt-- so wonderful!! The children montage!! It was so sad..and touching!!
I liked having the JR wasn't all flowers.
Marion and Stuart!! 'My queen of hearts'!!
Brooke Used AUNT PHOEBE's money to buy back the Chandler Mansion!!
Awwww, Angie and David "See past the sneer"!! David being friends with Angie
LOVED the party..loved Erica's dress and Opal's!! So over the top! Awesome...
Neighbors, family and friends. I found all of them here," says Tad. "It's been my home, the best years of my life."
JACK..classic Gone with the Wind line and then....the show ending on a BANG!! I loved it, LOVED it..see, they want us to watch online!! Even if it doesn't happen?? It's still brilliant--not cookie cutter but on a cliffhanger..JUST LIKE A SOAP SHOULD, IMO! Bravo for taking a risk and not going out all schmaltzy!
Ah, we had our schmaltz all week...our flashbacks, our 'resolutions" this was way more bold and ballsy!! Thank you!
Eden Riegel: TWITTER:
Today I am very grateful to#AllMyChildren being such an important part of my life. #ThanksAMC for Bianca. She changed my life, too.
Thank You to Agnes Nixon for years of stories and memories!
Tom and Ercia...I miss The Goal Post!
First show I remember mentioning birth control...abortion... two friends of different race runnin' away--as quaint as that seems it was big back in the day!!! Kate would sit in her kitchen or livingroom, giving advice--Myrtle ran the boarding house. Erica was always the glamour girl--with real trips to NYC!
The finale was so heartfelt-- so wonderful!! The children montage!! It was so sad..and touching!!
I liked having the JR wasn't all flowers.
Marion and Stuart!! 'My queen of hearts'!!
Brooke Used AUNT PHOEBE's money to buy back the Chandler Mansion!!
Awwww, Angie and David "See past the sneer"!! David being friends with Angie
LOVED the party..loved Erica's dress and Opal's!! So over the top! Awesome...
Neighbors, family and friends. I found all of them here," says Tad. "It's been my home, the best years of my life."
JACK..classic Gone with the Wind line and then....the show ending on a BANG!! I loved it, LOVED it..see, they want us to watch online!! Even if it doesn't happen?? It's still brilliant--not cookie cutter but on a cliffhanger..JUST LIKE A SOAP SHOULD, IMO! Bravo for taking a risk and not going out all schmaltzy!
Ah, we had our schmaltz all week...our flashbacks, our 'resolutions" this was way more bold and ballsy!! Thank you!
Eden Riegel: TWITTER:
Today I am very grateful to
Thursday, September 22, 2011
AMC Day 4 Out Of Five--more Franco Frenetics
"Love conquers all. Even death and David Hayward," says Greenlee in toasting Zach and Kendall
Swoon Worthy Tara and Phil!!
Oh, lordy AMC is going to just make me a puddle. If ABC would have hired LB to write a year or two ago, and brought people back, they could have saved the damn show. Loved Erica asking her kids "What's WRONG with you" When they told her to stay home, not go in the movies!!
We're not that different. I mean, I'm taller and better looking, but just as stubborn," says Zach to Erica.
AMC might end in soapy goodness with JR and the gun! Can't wait for tomorrow!
I hear Siobhan will be Lady in White..or maybe her twin. Remember I said that long long ago!! In late July to be exact!! We shall find out. I like that it might be a secret for a bit--Well, as long as Helena's around I can dig it.
JaSam Fans-- big week. A wedding-well, two really. I am a sucker for weddings, I don't care who it is. They danced today on the balcony. I actually like her dress, btw... She was a big ol'bride freak o out today right? They get TWO weddings!!
Wyndemere shot!! Hells is creeping about!! Is that Lasha in that painting...or???? Siobhan/Lasha hybrid?? This gothic thing better be good, they are hard to write well, imo.
Dante pulls out a ring!! BTW< I had that ring Lulu had on (the plastic one) when I was about 12. LONG LONG ago.
Little Jason/Robin history..nice.
AZ has power of attorney over Lisa Niles. Will she wake up?! She should be on AMC the way they played that!
"Non-couple...Non-Non couple..who hasn't coupled with Maxie"?? Says FRANCO! ahahaha
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
AMC Day 3 out of 5-- Glamorama!
Glamorama Mention!! Ruth!! and a tribute to Mary F in the beginning. Ruth/Joe moving back home. Jamie came back too!
Sarah Michelle Gellar was so funny re: Vampires: "I saw them before they were trendy"!!!
Opal may reopen the fave spot. They could just do a cybersoap on that place.
Jacob Young did a fantastic job as distraught JR. wow.. I like the angst there it's not all syrup.
TADD and DIXIE!! Tadd butt dialed Opal LOL!!! It was so sweet.
STUART!! is alive!
I'm so This is such great history and I can't replace it. My Mom and I used to keep in touch when I was in college thru the soap and we'd watch together when I'd come home from vacation.
Cady McCain tweeted:
T odays episode (at least for me and Mike) is totally dedicated to the fans of All my Children. Thank you so much for years of support.
OLTL: DVR'd it...
GH: OH Edward and JASON aaaaaawwwwwwwwww the ring!! MONICA!! She gives Sam Alan's ring for JASON!!
FRONKEY and Franco...:) Me smiling. He is way more nuts than last time. I loves it. heh. The whole "mini-robot" thing?? Spivey Vision?? ahahhahaaa
Dante will ask Lulu to be a bride!!
I loved Kate hanging up on Maxie...LMAO it was the only fun part of NuKate. She and Maxie had the same horse-hair thing going.
Sonny was sad today, and I wish Robin had talked to him about his meds and stuff. Said something like "I tried to get you to take care of yourself and you refused"--"go get help"
Sonny was being genuine for once and COW OF A MOUTH CARLY won't shut up! LOL She was kinda nice to Sam.
SEXIS!! LOVE...very good scene. "Welcome to being a parent"!! And the whole joke about being in the same car together. heh.
Sonny and Olivia, he was all over today, right?? With NuKate-- not feelin' it yet. Too soon and she's not been on enough in the last year.
Davis Girls...having so much fun with the wedding!! Molly gives Sam Shawn's stone for "something borrowed"....Sam's dress looked better on than in the photos.
GH gets a dang B today-- it was entertaining!
Sarah Michelle Gellar was so funny re: Vampires: "I saw them before they were trendy"!!!
Opal may reopen the fave spot. They could just do a cybersoap on that place.
Jacob Young did a fantastic job as distraught JR. wow.. I like the angst there it's not all syrup.
TADD and DIXIE!! Tadd butt dialed Opal LOL!!! It was so sweet.
STUART!! is alive!
I'm so This is such great history and I can't replace it. My Mom and I used to keep in touch when I was in college thru the soap and we'd watch together when I'd come home from vacation.
Cady McCain tweeted:
T odays episode (at least for me and Mike) is totally dedicated to the fans of All my Children. Thank you so much for years of support.
OLTL: DVR'd it...
GH: OH Edward and JASON aaaaaawwwwwwwwww the ring!! MONICA!! She gives Sam Alan's ring for JASON!!
FRONKEY and Franco...:) Me smiling. He is way more nuts than last time. I loves it. heh. The whole "mini-robot" thing?? Spivey Vision?? ahahhahaaa
Dante will ask Lulu to be a bride!!
I loved Kate hanging up on Maxie...LMAO it was the only fun part of NuKate. She and Maxie had the same horse-hair thing going.
Sonny was sad today, and I wish Robin had talked to him about his meds and stuff. Said something like "I tried to get you to take care of yourself and you refused"--"go get help"
Sonny was being genuine for once and COW OF A MOUTH CARLY won't shut up! LOL She was kinda nice to Sam.
SEXIS!! LOVE...very good scene. "Welcome to being a parent"!! And the whole joke about being in the same car together. heh.
Sonny and Olivia, he was all over today, right?? With NuKate-- not feelin' it yet. Too soon and she's not been on enough in the last year.
Davis Girls...having so much fun with the wedding!! Molly gives Sam Shawn's stone for "something borrowed"....Sam's dress looked better on than in the photos.
GH gets a dang B today-- it was entertaining!
food! FOOD! FOOD! at the JaSam wedding!!
Jackie Zeman Dishes on Middle Age and GH!
From Style Goes Strong: by Cindy Pearlman
Jackie can also be seen in Rick Springfield's documentary film "An Affair of the Heart" .
Jackie stars as Sophia Madison on a new web series called "The Bay." She's off contract with "GH," but still a recurring character.
"I hope they always leave the door open," she says. "They changed head writers a few weeks ago. I'd be happy to come back."
She does keep in touch with her TV brother Luke Spencer a.k.a. actor Anthony Geary. "Tony is as much a brother to me as if he were my blood brother," she muses. "I've known him for over 30 years and spent more time with him than my real life brother."
"I was with Tony for 12 years," she says. "I love how he has managed to sustain in this business. When he's not working, he lives in Amsterdam and has a great life."
Jackie is working hard on her own great life.
"Life brings all sorts of unexpected challenges and transitions. Change isn't always welcome, but it is an opportunity to grow," she says. "You have to ask yourself: Where do I go from here
"You have to constantly rewrite the story," she says.
Jackie can also be seen in Rick Springfield's documentary film "An Affair of the Heart" .
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Is Vanessa Messing With Us??
Her tweets today:
Guess where Vanessa is today? Yup. On set with Maurice.
Which naturally started a firestorm. Now, some people connected with her think it may be the set tour she auctioned off at FCW for her charity. Could she be back in the story?? If so, why would she tweet it?? I thought I'd get this out here because it's blowing up on twitter!! What say you!? Would you like a cameo? Are you done with Brender?!
Guess where Vanessa is today? Yup. On set with Maurice.
Which naturally started a firestorm. Now, some people connected with her think it may be the set tour she auctioned off at FCW for her charity. Could she be back in the story?? If so, why would she tweet it?? I thought I'd get this out here because it's blowing up on twitter!! What say you!? Would you like a cameo? Are you done with Brender?!
Day TWO out of FIVE Days All My Children --FRANCO DAY!!
Did you like "The Office" type docustyle today?? It was a way to get around flashbacks with other actors, I guess. I say if your show is going off the air, use the old clips with all the different actors. Why the hell not!!
Loved the Myrtle Fargate mention/memorial!
Heh on the "who should play Kendall" in the Movie--Sarah Michelle Gellar of course!!
What's up with AJ? Loved how Erica told him not to "take on her family"!!
Fun show today but not as teary as yesterdays!
OLTL least we know it's Stacey....with a new Facie?? LOL Love Shane torturing Jack. OLTL is just not-miss for me!! I'll shut up because you are sick of it, I'm sure.
GH: It's too funny with the ring..only it's not. Whatever...At least Mac's on.
Franco better get on here quick!!
How does Shawn get to just cook at Kelly's?? Where is everyone? NO ONE SHOULD COOK CHILI in Kelly's unless it's RUBY'S!! I like Shawn but not too fond of he and Carly yet.
Looks like Krissy might work with Kate in the fashion arena....
I so wanted Epiphany to run up and Jab Sonny with a big needle. Patrick yelling at him was fun though.
If they wanted Kate back so damn bad, they should have had her come on for Fashion Week, gradually move back into the scene, then maybe maybe hook up with Sonny down the road. This is bizarre overkill.
Max said he tweeted Diane!
Liz and Matt might be growing on me, and I'm a L&L2er..I can see Miz together, they'd work.
Loved the Myrtle Fargate mention/memorial!
Heh on the "who should play Kendall" in the Movie--Sarah Michelle Gellar of course!!
What's up with AJ? Loved how Erica told him not to "take on her family"!!
Fun show today but not as teary as yesterdays!
OLTL least we know it's Stacey....with a new Facie?? LOL Love Shane torturing Jack. OLTL is just not-miss for me!! I'll shut up because you are sick of it, I'm sure.
Franco better get on here quick!!
How does Shawn get to just cook at Kelly's?? Where is everyone? NO ONE SHOULD COOK CHILI in Kelly's unless it's RUBY'S!! I like Shawn but not too fond of he and Carly yet.
Looks like Krissy might work with Kate in the fashion arena....
I so wanted Epiphany to run up and Jab Sonny with a big needle. Patrick yelling at him was fun though.
If they wanted Kate back so damn bad, they should have had her come on for Fashion Week, gradually move back into the scene, then maybe maybe hook up with Sonny down the road. This is bizarre overkill.
Max said he tweeted Diane!
Liz and Matt might be growing on me, and I'm a L&L2er..I can see Miz together, they'd work.
Monday, September 19, 2011
2 AMC Actors To Sign with CyberSoap
Breaking news this afternoon via TV Line. Cameron Mathison and Lindsay Harley are ready to sign to continue on with All My Children online. This is pending a deal with AFTRA. Good news!
This marks the first confirmation of cast members since Prospect Park began planning for the AMC production to live on the new online network beyond its final televised date on ABC this week.”
Hand Over the Kleenex...Day One Down!
From the PEOPLE Mag Tribute
OLTL: It was hard to watch after AMC just because I'll be a wreck in December too. I hate Jack so much, that kid HAS to learn how to act!! PLEASE or let him go. Painful to watch.
speaking of...
Johnny shooting the drug guy... inspired.
SKate: I got nothin' other than Sonny's past is Guza's past, not the show's. I'm tired of Deke.
Screaming today---Maxie, Liz... Carly.
I think pieces of Jason Q are going to creep out. here, there..and Carly/Pat just confirmed it.
"Kids...can't live with them, can't shoot them"... AZ to Tracy.
Skye and Luke off to the skies.
Lulu and the wedding dresses, I'd love to see her in her mother's giant headdress heh.
He's the guy behind the wonderful crap at Guiding Light, As The World Turns and All My Children-- before they all got cancelled. GREAT. :eyeroll:
THIS IS NOT GOOD news people!!
WUBS Mention on Local News!! JaSam Interview
That's right, Evan Dawson (@evandawson) mentions the Wubs Net!! It's a great interview on 13 WHAM. Evan Dawson knows the site, love him. I keep telling him I need to do the interviewing!!
BIG WEEK in SoapLand!!
This week finds us with the last ever All My Children on network TV. I will try to contain my grief. It's not everyday a girl finds a soap she's watched from DAY ONE dissolve into oblivion. Ok, into CyberSpace. Watch for VINTAGE AMC here for the next 5 days. Indulge me!
Cynthia Preston -- All My Children
Portrayed by: Jane Elliot (1984-86)
Family: Andrew Preston Cortlandt (Son)
Marriages: Ross Chandler; Palmer Cortlandt
Genie Francis was also on AMC as con artist and incest victim Ceara Connor Hunter from 1990 to 1992!
My fave story on AMC was Jesse, Angie, Greg and Jenny. Awesome TV at the time, and just right for my age!! I also loved Nina and wanted her hair. She was the only one I knew with a nose as tiny as mine. LOL
Palmer and Cynthia Cortlandt!
Did you know this??Cynthia Preston -- All My Children
Portrayed by: Jane Elliot (1984-86)
Family: Andrew Preston Cortlandt (Son)
Marriages: Ross Chandler; Palmer Cortlandt
Genie Francis was also on AMC as con artist and incest victim Ceara Connor Hunter from 1990 to 1992!
My fave story on AMC was Jesse, Angie, Greg and Jenny. Awesome TV at the time, and just right for my age!! I also loved Nina and wanted her hair. She was the only one I knew with a nose as tiny as mine. LOL
Palmer and Nina... 1979.
Enough for today!!! I'm sure I'll find more pics I want to display during the week. End of a long, long to the Chew and Frons and Sweeney and everyone else that helped hasten it's death!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Emmys... Primetime Does it UP!
What the Freak? Does it sing too?
Why can't the Daytime Emmys do it up like this? Fun songs/montages, sigh. I wish they could put daytime into the primetime somehow.
BEST PART OF THE NIGHT??!! when the Ladies of Comedy got up like Beauty Queens! TOO FUN!! Last year they all wore glasses, remember? Yeah for Melissa McCarthy!!
Charlie Sheen--awkward..stilted and people didn't respond to him much.
The Office Sketch with all the characters was awesome!! The Meth with Creed!! ahahhaaa. TOO FUN.
Modern Family was sweeping it, huh?
SNL "It's Not Gay if it's a Three-Way" ahahahaha!!
Glad Friday Night Lights Won for writing but I thought Boardwalk Empire deserved it.
Winner! Martin Scorsese, "Boardwalk Empire," Directing, Drama SeriesYeah for Peter that won for "Game of Thrones" but I loved him in "Death at a Funeral" More!!
LOVE Kelly!
Charlie's Angels with DREW!! Annie looked gorgeous!! LOVED her dress!! From GH to the Emmys wow. You go.
Kyle Chandler has been a fave of mine since Homefront. THAT was an amazing show... Too bad FNL is cancelled.
Jane Krakowski ....too beautiful!
Well, this week on GH will be the JaSam Wedding-- Franco Frenia.... we'll have a lot to talk about! See ya tomorrow!!
Sunday Surgery: Childhood Trama Unit
Oh, Sonny...Sonny....Sonny. How many times must we revisit his Deke angst? I thought it was almost over with Ric gone...then he couldn't crab to him about it. Then, Mike left (guess gambling rehab is like the longest, ever) so that was one more tie gone. After Kate got shot on her wedding day and finally broke up with her "first love" I thought maybe it would be over.
NOPE. Back to Bensonhurst we go... moping all the way. Here's my wish:
Sonny is a diagnosed manic-depressive. Let's explore HOW to help people like him -- not send him back into the dark abyss of a childhood that frankly, has been way, way overdone. We've heard more about Sonny's past life than all the other characters on GH combined. Stick ball, getting jealous of Kate in the car with "Tommy" (insert Italian last name), him getting left at the corner. Pasta nights... Olivia lovin'... yada yada. He's claustrophobic.. he's bipolar. He's a criminal that's had enough "soul mates" to fill a large minivan.
The first time "SKate" was done it was a bit fresh because we hadn't heard eons of tales about 'the hood' since Lois left town. I remember the two of them hold up in some room during the Black and White Ball talking non-stop for HOURS about "the good Ol' Days". *sigh* Please spare us MORE of this.
Olivia came on, swillin' beer at the old Bensonhurst haunt, supported "Connie" but only half-heatedly because she was marring a mob she didn't even tell she was PG with her kid because he was such a gangster. NOW however, Olivia can go to Kate (absent for months) and beg her to help Sonny. All I could flash to was Olivia feeding Sonny pasta sauce from the pot while Dante looked on, seething. Remember?? --when Olivia was suddenly Sonny's soulmate and mama to his kid? YEP.
The past Sonny dramaz was Guza, this stuff coming is all Wolf. Will it be any different now?? People have shunned Sonny in the past...his family has been gravely hurt in the past...he's been at the bottom in the past --will this make any damn difference this time?? Will Kate FINALLY be THE ONE to change him and not get 'hurt' (physical or mental) in the process?? 2 to 1 that she or someone close to her will get maimed, threatened or bombed in the next mob show-down. Can't wait :eyeroll:
I would like to see Sonny NOT HAVE a woman "save" him for the next... let's say 5 months. Get him stabilized, meds-- sort out that damn childhood then maybe think about some tail.
This also brings us to NuKate...verdict yet?? I didn't see Friday's show so can't say other than she delivers the lines much like Megan (I think she watched tapes) and really, really needs a new hairstyle.
Scene of the Week: although Anthony is turning cartoonish, the scene that popped into my head while thinking about this past week was him eating tongue in front of Tracy. Inspired. Tongue. Heh.
NOT The Scene of the Week: Anything having to do with that idiotic "kidnapping" of Liz and Maxie. Good gravy, it was like Cartoon Network exploded with stupidness on my screen.
PS. From Daytime Confidential: General Hospital was ABC’s least watched soap for the week. Which has been happenin' a LOT lately, eh?
See who won last week's Soapy Death Match on the WUBS NET!! Vote in this week's THREE WAY!
GOOD BYE to All My Children, in it's last week's run on Network TV. Forgive me if I wax poetic during this time because it is one of my childhood memories! I've been reading about the CyberSoap venture and hope our shows turn out exciting, fresh and maybe a little tweaked.
NOPE. Back to Bensonhurst we go... moping all the way. Here's my wish:
Sonny is a diagnosed manic-depressive. Let's explore HOW to help people like him -- not send him back into the dark abyss of a childhood that frankly, has been way, way overdone. We've heard more about Sonny's past life than all the other characters on GH combined. Stick ball, getting jealous of Kate in the car with "Tommy" (insert Italian last name), him getting left at the corner. Pasta nights... Olivia lovin'... yada yada. He's claustrophobic.. he's bipolar. He's a criminal that's had enough "soul mates" to fill a large minivan.
Why would Kate have a Star Tatt?
Olivia came on, swillin' beer at the old Bensonhurst haunt, supported "Connie" but only half-heatedly because she was marring a mob she didn't even tell she was PG with her kid because he was such a gangster. NOW however, Olivia can go to Kate (absent for months) and beg her to help Sonny. All I could flash to was Olivia feeding Sonny pasta sauce from the pot while Dante looked on, seething. Remember?? --when Olivia was suddenly Sonny's soulmate and mama to his kid? YEP.
The past Sonny dramaz was Guza, this stuff coming is all Wolf. Will it be any different now?? People have shunned Sonny in the past...his family has been gravely hurt in the past...he's been at the bottom in the past --will this make any damn difference this time?? Will Kate FINALLY be THE ONE to change him and not get 'hurt' (physical or mental) in the process?? 2 to 1 that she or someone close to her will get maimed, threatened or bombed in the next mob show-down. Can't wait :eyeroll:
I would like to see Sonny NOT HAVE a woman "save" him for the next... let's say 5 months. Get him stabilized, meds-- sort out that damn childhood then maybe think about some tail.
This also brings us to NuKate...verdict yet?? I didn't see Friday's show so can't say other than she delivers the lines much like Megan (I think she watched tapes) and really, really needs a new hairstyle.
It needs a little fava bean sauce...
Scene of the Week: although Anthony is turning cartoonish, the scene that popped into my head while thinking about this past week was him eating tongue in front of Tracy. Inspired. Tongue. Heh.
NOT The Scene of the Week: Anything having to do with that idiotic "kidnapping" of Liz and Maxie. Good gravy, it was like Cartoon Network exploded with stupidness on my screen.
PS. From Daytime Confidential: General Hospital was ABC’s least watched soap for the week. Which has been happenin' a LOT lately, eh?
See who won last week's Soapy Death Match on the WUBS NET!! Vote in this week's THREE WAY!
GOOD BYE to All My Children, in it's last week's run on Network TV. Forgive me if I wax poetic during this time because it is one of my childhood memories! I've been reading about the CyberSoap venture and hope our shows turn out exciting, fresh and maybe a little tweaked.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Frank Valentini named Vice-Prez of CyberSoaps
He kinda looks like David Vickers??
According to Deadline, Prospect Park has put One Life to Live showrunner Frank Valentini in charge of both All My Children and One Life to Live, by making him vice-president of serial dramas for the company. Valentini will also continue on as executive producer of One Life to Live.
Read it all on Daytime Confidential.
What does this mean to me?? Well,I obviously am happy since I love OLTL and Valentini is one of the best in the biz. Other than clue if this will be a good thing in the long term or what. Like I've always said... GIVE ME THE STORIES and I'll watch!!
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