Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol' Edward. That was his last time on the show.
Sasha turns down Carly's offer to work at The Metro. She has a nest egg now and likes working for them. Carly mentions "the father". Sasha says Jason has been great and will abide by her wishes to be a single parent.
Brook Lyn confronts her mother about telling Martin about the baby. Ellen Travolta comes in and is like "What in the Bensonhurst is going on here"? Oh, Grandma Travolta KNOWS about the baby!! She's the one that told Lois to talk to a lawyer! Brook wants to know WHY AFTER ALL THIS TIME is this happening. She also says the closed adoption worked back then but it's not working now. She wants to know where her son is and who adopted him. Grandma says she knows but it's best to keep it a secret. Brook pleads with her because she and Chase are having such trouble having a baby. (Heartbreaking) and she runs out. Lois is upset and tells her mother that she cant' keep this a secret much longer.
Tracey is at the PCPD for touching the survey guy. Drew's being an ass. She says she's happy Alan never met him. He says all he did was fall in love. She reads him the riot act. Tells him to leave town. He says she's been kicked out of the family many times. Then he goes to talk to Laura.
Martin called Laura to come down to the station. She talks to Chase. He says a US Congressman is trying to put his wife's grandmother in jail. Laura says Tracey's just doing what she needs to to protect her family and Martin doesn't get how stubborn she is. When Drew comes out she tells him to "stand down" and drop the charges. He says he will but this is far from over.
Emma and Gio watch the Crypt all night together. Emma gets chairs from the Boathouse. They look like that up there. Then Emma has to go to her lab-animal meeting and leaves.
Brook Lyn comes out and sits with Gio by the crypt. Says her mom and grandmother are not being fair.
Lulu is at Maxie's. Dante is watching Bailey Lu while they take Georgie and James out for ice cream (because James broke his arm). He says she's such a good mom. She says he's such a good dad. BUT She thinks Rocco is angry with her.
Charlotte is in the hotel with Anna and Jason. She blames Anna for "Papa running for his life". ALL YOUR FAULT! I hate you! Jason tells her that it was Anna that saved her and Valentin's life. He tells her the WSB would have killed her dad if Anna hadn't intervened. Charlotte goes to bed. Anna tells Jason he should take Char away and she'll come later because the girl can't stand to be near her. Jason says he has never seen Anna run from anything before.
Portia and Curtis. Portia is all dressed up to go to dinner and they are in his office. She's trying to talk him into making peace with Drew. (the blackmail) She's making progress then Jordan comes in and says Drew has gone over the line now. Tells them about the crypt and what he did. Curtis says the only thing Drew will respond to is public pressure. Portia isn't happy.
Lulu almost tells Dante but doesn't
Grandma Travolta (Gloria) tells Lois she'll ruin 3 lives if she tells the truth now
Tracey and Drew vow to destroy each other
Curtis is going to run an expose on Drew
Maxie's home:
ReplyDeleteLulu and Dante: They have a nice scene! Then when a child cries, I'm like who is crying?
Lulu, Dante, and Bailey Lu: OH! Bailey Lu! We never see her! Hi Bailey!!!!! :D You are growing!!! :)
Q mansion:
Brooky, Lois, and Gloria: OH MY! Gloria knows! Interesting soapy twist!!! I did not see that coming. Who else knows?
The crypt:
Emma and Gio: Emma was great yesterday, today not so much. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
Brooky and Gio: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Purtis: Hey Portia made progress. :)
Purtis and Jordan: Oops progress destroyed. ROFL! Now what Portia? :) When the truth comes out, he is going to realize why you tried to convince him to make peace and he will be furious!
Police station:
Laura and Marty: It's not Marty's fault Laura! It's the snake in the grass Drew aka Ryan Lavery's fault!
Tracy and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: STOP TALKING YOU FROG! Leave Tracy alone!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Tracy wins the line of the day.
Tracy: And I am so sick of the sound of your voice and yet here we are.
Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Martin:
Drew aka Ryan Lavery: I'm going to break her.
HA! Tracy is going to break YOU you frog!!!
Drew, aka Ryan Lavery, Laura, and Marty: You tell him Laura!!!!!
Laura and Tracy: Good Tracy is free! Don't worry Laura! Tracy can handle the frog.
Beunos Aires Argentina:
Anna and Charlie: Oh! Charlie still angry with Anna! I guess V.C. didn't convince her to stop being mad. Charlie needs a puppy. :)
Jason and Charlie: Oh goodie. Jason gushing over how wonderful Anna is. Oy!
Anna and Jason: Anna all weepy! I hope this doesn't get them to have zex! UGH! I want Jason and Sasha together!
Carly's office:
Carly and Sasha: What is happening here? Sasha really hated working at the Q mansion, and now she loves it there. I have whiplash.
You are showing great restraint in calling Drew a Frog, lol! I called him words not appropriate for this blog. HAH! I hope Tracy eviscerates his despicable self. I felt bad for Portia, too. She was sooooooo close, then boom!
DeleteAs much as a rolled my eyes at Charlotte yelling at Anna, I understood. She's still a baby and it's so easy to blame weepy Anna.
Random comment about Lulu. Everything she says and does irritates me.
Amanda Seton has been bringing it. She was fantastic yesterday. And she and Geo gave me the sniffles. He has so improved as an actor!
The past few shows are why Amanda Setton needs good writing, she can deliver when given the material!
ReplyDeleteYes! I love her reaction when she found out her baby was a boy!!
Delete"Linda says, ^Same!"
If gio was conceived at summer camp his birthday should be between march and may... so he'll have a birthday soon and wouldn't Brooke realize his DOB coincides with her sons? Again I don't understand how she didn't find it quite the coincidence her cousin had a kid at same time but I'll assume they weren't close. Now knowing she had a boy hoping she'll clue in.
Delete"Flutterby says, If gio was conceived at summer camp his birthday should be between march and may... so he'll have a birthday soon and wouldn't Brooke realize his DOB coincides with her sons? Again I don't understand how she didn't find it quite the coincidence her cousin had a kid at same time but I'll assume they weren't close. Now knowing she had a boy hoping she'll clue in."
DeleteMaybe she will think it's just a coincidence!!!!
100% agree Linda!
Deleteshe's been AMAZZZZZZZZING
Delete----just wondering what kind of storyline Charlotte will have in PC AND AND I realized today that Ava has no current storyline.....hmmmm
ReplyDelete----every day that Drew is on screen, and is unbearable, just reassures me that NO WAY Drew can stay ----and saying "I am gonna destroy Tracy' cause we know that NO ONE destroys Tracy - so here's hoping
----is NO ONE gonna check the surveyor's background and/or bank records? #spinelli??? It is so obvious Martin and Tracy will get together.
----I also thought that Gio was gonna say he was 21 and something something about GLoria and Lois always hovering over him and then she would realize Gio might b her son.
-----love me some Jason.....baffled that STILL Carly and Jason have never discussed the 'baby'!! and it was odd Carly didn't ask where her nest egg came from (cause you know, it's Carly)
----it's picky - so does Charlotte have her passport with her real name? and did Jason and Anna fly on a commercial flight - are they hiding out on purpose?
The old Carly would have been all over Jason about this baby business. It is really weird that they haven't had a scene together and totally agree about her not picking apart Sasha and her nest egg, lol!
DeleteToday it has been 5 years since Covid!!!
ReplyDeleteI've watched 2 episodes of GH on Freevee tonight. I'm still stuck on 2019!!! HELP! ROFL! This is from April 29th 2019! I'll copy and paste what I said back then.
ReplyDelete"Memorial For a Hand !!"
"Ryan's memorial:
"Karen says OMG SO..get this, they BURIED RYAN'S HAND"
Oh is THAT what they did? ROFL! Poor BobTodd all confused! :) Laura and Lulu, BobTodd is there. Did you two apologize to him yet?
Metrocourt restaurant: Poor BobTodd all confused. :) Poor Lucy!!! :( Come on Flea! Take Lucy out of the restaurant and tell her the truth!!!!! She is hurting cus she has feelings for him!
The hospital:
Chase, Margoo, Jordan, and Val: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Margoo and Jordan: Yeah Margoo notices that Jordan doesn't look so good. I noticed too. Oh oh Jordan is alone and passes out!!!!!!!!! She is so sick!!!!
Carson's home: The kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Sonny is cooking!!!! Look there is a table at the wall!!!! And also a back door!!! Sam went through it!!!! :) On twitter, Maurice Bernard made a post today and said he has never seen so much conversation about a kitchen! ROFL! So I said I can't help it! I love the new kitchen! It's beautiful! :) I guess alot of people can't stop talking about the kitchen!!!! HAHAHA YAY! :)
Sonny, Jason, and Dr. Neil: They are talking about the same ol thing, and I am looking around the kitchen. :)
Colt house:
"Mark Turner" and King Mufasa: MILO!!!!!!! Glad he is a spy for Sonny and I hope Milo doesn't get brainwashed! Love the Mark Turner persona.. He is very believable! Sam comes in and then when she leaves, King Mufasa wants to look for her, and "Mark Turner" is trying to get King Mufasa's attention! So much so, that another guy who lives there spills his stuff because "Mark Turner" bumps into him! :)
Curtis and Jesus: Look it's Jesus! No seriously, is he a homeless man? Hmmm a woman? Is it Ryan dressed as a woman?"
Today's comments: Ah yes. I remember wanting Laura and Lulu to apologize to BobTodd. I even told Julie H that I would never forget it! Well, Laura apologized, but not Lulu and I kept waiting for her to. I did eventually forget it! BobTodd died and Lulu went into a coma! So really too late. Colt house! Hahahahaha. I remember Molly kept calling it colt house. :) Drew and BobTodd scene awwwww! I miss THIS Drew!!! :( This Drew today is a toad! I miss Milo too. I want him back. :( The kitchen hahahaha. I still love the kitchen and the Tribbles. :)
April 30th 2019
Curtis and Homeless man: Hmmm the homeless man doesn't know the name of the woman.. I still think Ryan was dressed as a woman. :)
The hospital: Finchy called and left a message to Robert about the ring! Robert still hasn't given him the ring yet! ROFL! Well we all know why! Cus Robert still loves Anna!!!!!
Finchy and Liz: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! Finchy asking about RayRay?!!?!?! Oh because he wants to tell her something. Yeah yeah I bet to tell her he is going to ask Anna to marry him. But why tell RayRay? They are not together anymore. She is long gone! Makes no sense.
Jordan's room:
Jurtis and Stella: So glad Jordan called Curtis!!!! So glad Stella is there too! :)
Chase and Val: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Alexis's home:
Alexis, Sonny, Chase, and Val: WOW! This was so boring!!!! Val makes any scene boring! Chase and Val are gonna watch Alexis like a hawk?!?!
Sexis and Neil: Sonny is like no don't see your daughter you are going to be followed! I won't be followed cus I can evade the police. ROFL! Neil wants Alexis to go see her daughter.
Alexis and Neil: Neil thinks that he and Sonny are both right!!! Poor Alexis. What to do?!?!?! :)
Metrocourt restaurant: Part 1 of the interview with Ava has begun!! I wish they would just bring Lucy in on this!!! Glad Doc learned his lesson!
Val and Chase: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Q home:
Drew and BobTodd: Oh great scene between them!!! They are bonding. BobTodd is trying to be there for Drew! He think he is messing up!!! :) He called Drew his brother awwww! :) Love the painting for Oscar! It's beautiful!!!!! BobTodd wins the lines of the day.
About getting lost in the huge house, and
BobTodd: I am going to drop this off and then run away.
Colt house: Oh come on seriously?!!?!??!! Sam got so distracted by her own file, she forgot to check out Krissy's? Yeah, no I don't think so. I don't buy it for a minute!
Milo, King Mufasa, and Sam: Sam now is being all flirty with King Mufasa! Milo wants to go out to lunch that Sam promised.
The park:
Sam, Milo, and Sonny: Or wherever they are. Sam wants to do whatever it takes! Soooo does that mean sleep with King Mufasa?"
Today's comments: Yes! They really should have brought Lucy in on it! I don't know why they didn't! Oops the Drew and BobTodd scene was in this episode. Haha. Anyway uh Finchy shouldn't you wait until you get the ring back to tell RayRay that you want to marry Anna? I wish RayRay was back in Port Chuckles.
Not sure about adding Charlotte to the canvas when we already have so many characters. But if it gives Lulu something to do besides pester Brook Lynn, I guess it's a good thing. (Also, why doesn't Lulu return to The Invader? Or at least go to work for Aurora Media? She is under-employed.)
ReplyDeleteI will say that the kid who plays Gio is slowly getting better at acting and is growing on me.
Totally agree about Lulu pestering BLQ. Good word...pestering, lol! And Lulu working as BLQ's assistant is just stupid.
DeleteGeo has improved as an actor. He was great yesterday talking with BLQ, especially about missing his mom.
OMG The Invader!! YES Lulu would be perfect for that. I think Char is needed because we have to get that younger set going!! I really think having the teens doing things could help the show a bit.
DeleteLast night for the 4th time, I watched Oscar's death - PERFECTION - never get tired of watching it.....but then FREEVEE is so weird the NEXT episode was after Valentin blew up the boat that Cassandra was on......last time they were in order. and the one before was when Ava and Kevin decided to pretend to be a couple to get Ryan come out... I WILL watch the Nurse Ball over and over from 2019 that they keep showing.