Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Surgery: The Wheels On The Bus

The Single BEST thing on the show this week was Valentin's passport that said "Will Cortlandt"... and if you know AMC, you know that's who he played. Too bad they didn't use the name "Nina" for Charlotte but hers was: Nina. 

This week went round and round and round like those bus wheels and basically re-hashed every hash we've ever had. I swear the last two good weeks were too much and production decided to just have a filler week. Other than Val being back it was just frustrating. 

I'm having buckets of coffee to get through this. Sorry for the length but it is what it is!
Let's GO GO!

POISONED GAS:  Ok, it wasn't gas but still... it was making me sleepy. Carly drinking the champagne, Valentin running away and Brennan's weird 'frantic' reaction was just a bore. We knew Carly wasn't going to die. I was glad they called Robin for the antidote but other than that? MEH. It did give Jason. Sonny, Felicia and Lucas the chance to tell Carly just how special she is and how much they'd miss her if she did die. OH! And lecture her for days about mean ol' Jack Brennan. :eyeroll: Look, this is a lady that got shot in the head by her husband years ago so--whatever. Doesn't help that NuBrennan is as interesting as a stale piece of bread either. 

DUD:  The story of Valentin returning was done so badly, I just can't give it the justice it deserves. Meaning, it bombed. Big time. Was it the timing? The pacing? The writing? All of the above!! You know that JPS was there for a day to two, they filmed and inserted. (See Lucky too) Ergo, what happened was just a sloppy mess. He breaks into Sonny's "compound" know, the one that was so secure, just by using an old house key or a bobby pin. He his his go box in the fireplace.   Um.. no one checked the house over? Guess not !! Then Sonny comes out, holds him at gunpoint and makes Val give him a name of the bomb-planter. Next scene, Val is waltzing over to Laura's to see Charlotte one more time. Laura reads him the riot act and begs him to turn himself in. Nikolas redux. So, somehow Sonny knows exactly where Valentin is going, sends Brennan to kill him but then tells ANNA about it. (what?) OH! Sonny also sends Jason as well as a back up to make sure the job is done. What can possibly go wrong? You had to see the dock scene to believe it: guns on guns on guns. Val gets arrested. Jason questions him at the PCPD. Yes, Jason. Mob Hitman gets access to an international fugitive. :eyeroll: The big information Jason gets is that Brennan is dangerous and might still be head of the WSB.  And yes, I took forever telling that story and if you are as bored as I am, you'll know how it played out over the week. 

WHY DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN: Meanwhile, to add filler to the fire, Cody somehow ends up at the PCPD at one point. Why? He "stole his own car' (don't ask). This insert was done to have Ric and Alexis spar, remind us they are chem testing Cody and Molly and... um... no idea. 

THE BABY THE BABY: Finally Chase finds out that Dante is the father of Brook's baby. We had to sit through another week of narration of the trauma she went through at camp after that but at least that secret is out to another person. Chase confronting Lulu was pretty fun as well. Brook and Lois have a blow-up and Lois is off to Bensonhurst for awhile. *sigh* Can this JUST BE OVER? Find out you have a 21 year old violin playing man-child and be done with it. Thanks. 

MARTIN GETS GONE:  Tracey played one on ol' Martin and told his 4th ex-wife in California he got money on the sale of Valentin's house and didn't declare it. It was a fun set of scenes and I'll miss Michael E Knight for as long as he's gone. He sure brings a lightness to his scenes that GH desperately needs. 

DREW CAIN IS HIS NAME (sing it with me):  UGH. I'm so over ALL of this. I'm over stupid Willow "will I or won't I move in" (she will). I'm over Drew blackmailing Portia who seems to have some info on Drew from his medical file? I'm over Drew. Period. Now Nina's in his office looking for stuff and who knows what's going to happen. All I know is that every time he walks on screen, I cringe. And not in a "oh good, the villain is on" way either. 

THE BABY THE BABY PART TWO: OH. MY GAWD!! Ok, make Ava poor (dumb idea) but to then drag her back to Alexis to beg for money and be confronted by Kristina again? Are you trying to kill me?? I think that's a yes. Ava was telling Alexis to get Kristina help and in the next scenes, she's over complaining to Lucky about it all. What? I guess Lucky had to have something to do besides bring donuts to Liz and fix her freezer. :eyeroll: And 'fix her freezer' isn't code for anything, it's just that. 

SPEAKING OF LUCKY: Gee, he's been on 3 days this month!! For like maybe a total of 18 min? Just want to say that no, come to find out he and Liz did not sleep together, he slept on the couch. This will mean never-ending scenes of them trying...and failing or ..whatever. You know the drill. They both massively love each other now and I guess he's staying. We really didn't see much of that growth on screen but that's par for the course at this point. 

NEW GUY: So, this character shows up in the middle of a scene about a press conference Drew is having. No introduction other than Curtis knew him. I didn't even catch his name but someone said they said "Boyle" at one point. He's on the Port Charles Town Council and is gunning for "Mayor Collins". Okay. Um..why do we need this? I mean, he's a good actor but.. again, why? Aren't we getting another new character in Marco? Isn't Drew's political crap enough? *sigh* Anyway, his name is Ezra Boyle and he will have scenes with Genie next week. PS. we didn't see the press conference, just them talking about the press conference. 

BEST SCENE(s):  Ava drinking beer and Nina coming in and saying: OMG, it's domestic?? Very fun. Next up, Lucas telling Liz about his "meet cute" in Miami.  Both of these lasted 12.3 seconds but worth the watch. 

Surprisingly on social media Chris McKenna is a delightful follow. He films cute things with his new baby and also does behind the scenes GH stuff. This week he gave a 'tour' of the WSB office. 

WUBSY MUSINGS: Oh for the flow and ease of years gone by in soaps! I was thinking about Charlie's. They'll use it for a group of scenes, then we don't see it for weeks. One night lasted 5 soap days between last week and this one. Cody and Molly pop up 2x a month for some chem testing then... disappear. Some random scenes involving Kai and Trina are inserted. We didn't even see Joss this week (small miracle). If you were trying to build anything with her WSB training story, it's just failed miserably. Sticking her in a room with some guy and 'sparring' just doesn't cut it. People wander around just talking about the same things for days on end. I hardly even know the timelines anymore. When Charlotte came home, why wasn't the entire family there? Piece-meal scenes are just the worst. 

Ok, that's enough for now. I was just really disappointed, especially after the surprise of Valentin showing up. I felt like it was a chore to watch and that's just sad. 



  1. Once again, this week wasn’t as bad for me as it was for you. I hear April 1st , 62 anniversary, will be a special day to dedicate the groundbreaking of a new cardiac wing to Dr Monica Quartermain. Monica is still alive, the writers are still planning the passing for later this year.

    1. Hey I liked the last 2 weeks. I just felt like the Z team was on this one lol

  2. Thanks for another great SS! Especially considering what you had to work with.
    As horrible as they are I have to give credit to CM and KM for the job they are doing making us all disgusted with them. I still think that GH will try to redeem him and make them THE power couple. Yuck. Willow looks absolutely beautiful.
    Poor Ava. LOL
    One never ending baby story isn't enough. Now there are two. One baby is deceased and one is an adult. Oy vey. I hate baby stories.
    GH is bland, repetitive and uninteresting. With this cast it should not be. They do try.

    1. I agree Zazu. The CAST is phenomenal, but have nothing to work with. What a shame GH.

    2. I agree 100% with this statement. It's the folks behind the scenes that need to change.


  3. "The Single BEST thing on the show this week was Valentin's passport that said "Will Cortlandt"... and if you know AMC, you know that's who he played."

    Yes!! It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    "Too bad they didn't use the name "Nina" for Charlotte"

    Oh that would have been fantastic! :)

    "Ok, make Ava poor (dumb idea)"

    Yeah very dumb.

    "but to then drag her back to Alexis to beg for money and be confronted by Kristina again? Are you trying to kill me?? I think that's a yes."

    VERY IDIOTIC! Ava should have said she will talk to Alexis later and walk away!

    "Ava was telling Alexis to get Kristina help and in the next scenes, she's over complaining to Lucky about it all. What?"

    SO DUMB!

    "And 'fix her freezer' isn't code for anything, it's just that."


    "Surprisingly on social media Chris McKenna is a delightful follow. He films cute things with his new baby and also does behind the scenes GH stuff. This week he gave a 'tour' of the WSB office."

    Oh good you saw the video of him and his baby! :) It was adorable! I didn't know he has a baby! :)

  4. ---for me it is so frustrating cause of
    no follow through
    no continuity
    AT LEAST they acknowledge Robin's part in developing an antidote.
    and honestly, I continually watch the 2018-2019 episodes (hated Shiloh) but gosh those were good episodes
    I REALLY need for Michael Knight to put out a statement as to WHY he is gone again when he is WILLOW'S lawyer, too and they are clearly pairing him with Tracy/good momentum and then he leaves again?

    1. "Mufasa says, I continually watch the 2018-2019 episodes"

      OH! They are doing 2018 now!?!!?



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...