FRIDAY!! FRIDAY!! This has been a LONG week for GH watching. The night that never ends kept going and it the past 2 days drove me crazy with editing and timeline. Now we are getting ANOTHER cast member today and I'm tired. Seriously. Just ....tired. You know I'll be bitching on Sunday Surgery!! Last week was a great week, can't win them all.
They keep showing the outside of GH and it's TOTALLY SUMMER lol... GEESH. Get some CGI in there or AI.
Jason is at the PCPD with Valentin, questioning him. Valentin wants to know if it's about Carly or Sonny. Jason wants to know everything he knows about Jack Brennan. Val wants him to break him out. Jason says he'll only give him a favor. Valentin says ok. He thinks Jack is really the head of the WSB and is using the PCPD job as a cover. He also loves the WSB but now also is interested in Carly.
Alexis is with Kissy and Valentin wants her to represent him. Ava stomps in to talk to Alexis. She wants money from the estate --I can't believe they are rehashing this AGAIN--omg. ugh. She wants a loan but KRISTINA says: NO!! My mother won't give a dime to the woman that murdered my baby. omg THEY GO ON AND ON. Ava yells at Carly that she needs money for "Avery" Kristina says: at LEAST YOU HAVE YOUR DAUGHTER. Then Ava leaves.
Carly wakes up from a bad dream asking for "Jack" and Lucas walks in instead. He brought her clothes and is going to bitch at her about Jack Brennan. She's like, Leave me alone, it was Valentin's fault. He says he can't lose her.
The Press conference for Drew's sports thing is today. Curtis want him to 'think he's won' so he'll play up the AURORA press. Kai got his sling off. Drew's excited for the whole thing. The new guy is on today. Forget his name. I think Ezra.
Curtis warns Kai that Drew is a dirtbag. Then, the press conference is over (happened off camera) and new guy is talking to Portia but he's still not introduced and I have no idea what his job is or why he's there. This was done really poorly.
Nina goes to talk to Willow about finding a new house. Willow says NOPE! I'm moving in here with Drew. Nina's not happy. She keeps telling Willow that she'll lose her kids if she does this. Willow says NOPE! I don't think Michael would do that. She has to go to a parent conference. Leaves.
Nina lets herself in later with a spare key.
Lucky brings donuts to Elizabeth. Wow, JJ is on 3x this month so far. He slept on the couch BTW. :EYEROLL: Liz has to go to work. Lucky is going to fix the freezer but Kristina texts him and says she has to see him RIGHT NOW. OMG she lost her key to Charlie's. Then she sits and tells him ALL ABOUT SONNY'S HEART PROBLEM! GEEZUSSSSSs then she says Ava's broke and she can't take care of Avery and she killed her baby. OMG I AM SO DONE.
Lucas and Liz have a fun convo about his "meet cute" in Miami
Ava goes to see Portia
Nina is in Drew's safe and finds cash and some folders
Valentin wants Alexis to do something for him.
Jason tells Carly she's never going to see BRENNAN AGAIN!! Her LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!
It's hard to believe that no one, especially her mother, has suggested professional help for Kristina. She is annoying and delusional.
ReplyDeleteSo will Joss return, all WSB'd out, and take Brennan down as her mother falls in love with him? Too predictable?
I just want to say something about "the new guy". We were born in the same city, many years apart. His family has done great things for the town I lived in most of my adult life. He is a good actor and a really good guy. The wonderful animal shelter in that town was named after his grandfather. His brother is the first Selectman. And good at it. Even though the cast is so bloated I welcome Dan to GH. BTW...his first job was playing opposite CM, his first job too, on AMC.
OK, show of hands: How many of us ended that show yelling, "Jason, have you MET Carly? Are you dumb/crazy yelling her what she CAN'T do???"
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen the show yet but just from reading Karen's recap I was saying the same thing.
DeleteMore like how many of us Fast forwarded through it
DeletePlease bring Felix back for the fans and most of all for Lucas!
ReplyDeleteFelicia's story yesterday about Frisco is nothing compared to Brennan other than working for the WSB. Felicia was madly in love for years and shared kids with Frisco. If no one gave Carly a serious talk about Sonny, Alcazar, Franco, Jason, they should think Brennan is a great improvement.
---I know it doesn't mean anything, but JPS posted a new pic today back in Portland.
ReplyDelete----Steve B had said it two weeks ago on Daily Drama: that the producer or someone came 'downstairs after my scene with Carly and said that was amazing.' Today on DD he commented that he and Laura were about to go back to how they used to be (paraphrasing) and their relationship and it's going to be amazing. " SO I think that it's their bond/friendship about Jack not working out or something like that.
----here's the problem with Daniel Cosgrove (course he was horrible on Days) and it's not about HIM.......so months and months of Laura NEVER being in PC and going after Spencer or Nik or my gosh LUCKY and we heard not one word about ANY council person being mad at Laura.....then today BOOM he is on screen......I SO wanted him to be a guy who hates Drew - NOT another political storyline involving Laura. Give her something else like Kevin, or her kids or a threat to PC - but NOT this council person.
----April 1st the tribute to Monica but not her death - ya'll read that? looking forward to it....although I AM thrown off the article said it was written BEFORE she died and she passed away in January......so that timing is off.
-----I am convinced Kristina is gonna do something violent and it backfires cause she is contanstly sayin Ava has to pay for her baby dying....otherwise I just don't know if I can on LOL--------------this Lucky/Kristina bonding is outta nowhere.
-----and Ava begging for money is ridiculous....I like Karen's idea of Ava blackmailing Drew for money knowing about Nina and DRew......
"Mufasa says, April 1st the tribute to Monica but not her death - ya'll read that?"
DeleteNo I didn't read that. Why a tribute to Monica when it's not even about her death?
"I like Karen's idea of Ava blackmailing Drew for money knowing about Nina and DRew......"
I love the idea!!! THAT is what Queen Ava does! Not beg for money! Ridiculous!
Toad's home:
ReplyDeleteNina and Willow: Nina just tell Willow the truth!!!! For crying out loud!
Nina alone: What?! I thought she already snuck into the house to search! I'm confused.
The police station:
Jason and V.C.: V.C. wins the line of the day.
V.C.: Are you going to assassinate me at the police station? Is that practical? It's certainly gutsy.
ROFL! And when V.C. wanted the guard to leave, the look on the guard's face! BAHAHAHAHAHA! I want a gif of that! :)
Miller and Davis office:
Alexis and Krissy: When Krissy first walked in, I thought it was Sam at first.
Alexis, Krissy, and Queen Ava: NO NO NO! STOP IT WRITERS! Queen Ava would NEVER beg for money and would NOT just talk about this in front of Krissy! This is so stupid! The only thing right about this scene, is Ava talking about Krissy and her delusions!!! YOU TELL ALEXIS YEAH! :)
Liz's home:
Liz and Lucky: I wondered if they slept together. Oh wait no he slept on the couch that's right! :) She is all flirty I love it! :) Yes Lucky next time you sleep in the bed!! ;) Then you can take off your shirt. ;)
Lucky and Krissy: HUH?! WHAT?! I'm confused. What is the point of this stupid scene and why is Krissy telling him about her father's heart condition! WHAT?!?!!
The hospital:
Lucas and Liz: Liz should bring up Brad! *Giggle*
Lucas and Carly: Lucas she won't hear you! She is so enamored with Brennan that she can't see the truth! I can't wait until she finds out the truth about Joss, and then she will dump Brennan's ass!
Jason and Carly: I love it!!!! :D But she won't listen to you Jason! Even the Tribbles tried and she won't even listen to them!
Trina and Kai: They are so boring! I can't wait until they break up. I will just have to have patience.
Curtis and Kai: I'm glad Curtis is warning him about the toad!
The toad and Kai: Don't listen to a word the toad says Kai!!! Don't listen to him!
The toad and Portia: Shut up Toad! Leave her alone!!!!!!!!!!!
Jordan and Portia: Put on your fake smile and grind your teeth!
Ezra and The toad: DANIEL COSGROVE!!! YAY! Wow he looks so different, but looks so good. :) I hope Ezra hates the toad!
Wait what?! All that build up for the news conference and it's all off camera?! WHAT THE HELL?!!!?! *Facepalm*
Flashback Friday: *Jump into my time machine to go to the hospital* Stefan and Bobbie and then Stefan and Katherine.
I watched 2 episodes of GH on Freevee last night. November 19, 2019.
ReplyDelete"The courtroom: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!!! The only good thing is Gabriel Berk. He is HOT and he wins the line of the day.
U.S. Attorney Gabriel Berk: A healer. A helper. A hero.
The hospital:
Lucas: I cut ties with him. He is out of our lives for good.
And that is what he is going to say to you Brad, when the truth comes out!!!! Hmmm Lucas is acting strange. Like he knows Brad is still lying. Also, Lucas looks different. Not just the beard.. Did he dye is hair jet black? Hmmmm.
Dr. O and Lucas: OH BOY!!! Dr. O almost told him the truth!!!!
Charlie's bar and restaurant:
Brookelynn and Julian: I didn't know that was her until Karen said something!! :) I forgot it was her. The actress was on OLTL. :) Oh oh are they going to have a fling? I don't see much chemistry. Who can she be with?
CarlyKim's home:
CarlyKim and Drew Jr: Awwww! Drew Jr breaking up with CarlyKim. Bye bye CarlyKim. Damn I don't want Tamara Braun to go!! Can she come back as a different character? :)"
Today's comments: That lawyer Berk guy sucks at being a lawyer!!! He kept breaking the rules. Stop that. When I asked if Tamara Braun can come back as a different character Di asked if I had been sniffing the truffles again. I said yes. ROFL! I wonder how CarlyKim is doing! Is she with her baby? That baby is 6 years old by now! If Sorrased, 16! They never showed that baby again! It was Julian's right? I'll have to look it up! Recast Brooky! I know who she could be with! CHASE! HA! :D Alexis was rat poisoned and now Carly had polonium poisoning. The writers are stepping up their poisons ROFL!
Amanda Setton was far more interesting when Brook Lynn was re-introduced then. The character has been watered down and is more of a simp, not the firecracker she always was. Not a criticism of the actress, but of the writers and the marketing department. And agreed on Tamara Braun. She played two very different characters and she was perhaps even more appealing as Kim than she was as Carly (who was Bob Guza-ified during her run).
DeleteHere is the 2nd episode I watched from freevee.
ReplyDelete"Court: BOOM! Guilty of manslaughter!!!! Oh she can get out with early parole!! How early? In 2 months?
Charlie's pub and restaurant:
Brooky and Julian: I did not see any chemistry between them, until he thought she was a hooker, and she got angry, and gave him back the money. I saw a spark!!!! :) That is so funny that he thinks she is a hooker! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!
Brad and Julian: Oh burn Brad burn!!!!! He won't open the door for you! HAHAHAHAHA!
The hospital:
Drew Jr and Liz: Yowza!!! He wants to do the procedure!!!! YAY!!! Oh there goes the accent again! ROFL!
Brucas: Brad wins the line of the day!
Lucas: Why is everyone after you Brad?
Brad: I don't know. Because they are jealous! You are going to break us up.
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Brad! You are too much!!! Just tell him the damn truth!!
CarlyKim's home:
CarlyKim and RayRay: Whoa! They never had a scene together before, and I like it! Great scene!! RayRay is going to live there? COOL!
Chandler Mansion:
Finchy and Anna: Oh look they are on a date. Zzzzzzzzzzz. WAIT A SECOND! You can't tell Anna about Alexis!!! HIPPA!!!!
Q home:
Nedlia and Sonny: This breaks my heart!!! :( Dante giving back the letters. :( Wait a second. Dante doesn't call Olivia mom. He calls her ma!!! Come on writers! Anyway I just want to hug Olivia! :(
Nedlia, Sonny, and Brooky:
Ned: Brooklynn!
Brooklyn: Hi daddy! I'm home.
Awwwwwww! Love that!!!! :) Can they sing together soon? Please? This would have been a wonderful surprise to find out she is Brooklyn, if we didn't know Brooklyn is coming back. :( "
Today's comments: Yeah it was really sad that Dante gave back the letters. :( Olivia was so devastated! :( Brad is so funny hahahaha. I forgot how long Sam was in jail.