Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper


So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the set was. It even looked like Western NY in the winter!! 

The show was going by at a good clip this week and the acting was amazing. Yes, there were fillers here and there but we are used to that. All in all a solid B+. 

Ok, let's get into it. Again, I'm not on twitter so my photos may be a bit thin. You'll get the idea though!
Let's GO!! 

THORNS:  I'm getting this out of the way. The RUNNER UP to the Bachelorette was on the show and...phew. Why? Why do this to this guy? He's probably really nice but he's not an actor and it was just painful to watch.  Cynthia was a champ and when Ava came in to save her, I was so happy.  It was a one-off and he was out. 

OLD BONES: Don't move my relatives!! Drew stoops to the new low of actually putting a sign on the Q crypt saying to stay out. Tracy is there, goes nuts on the surveyor and gets arrested. You know what follows:  she's in the 'waiting area' of the PCPD and Drew is finally told to let her go by Laura and he does. They did have an epic argument where Tracy tells Drew what a slimy loser he is, so that was pretty great. 

PAPA DON'T PREACH:  Sorry, but I hear this song in my head every time she says that!! So, Valentin decided to get Charlotte out of harm's way by texting Rocco who told Danny who then told Jason. Anna and Jason go and get her but the WSB is hot on their trail. Everything works out in the end, Val escapes and Charlotte goes home to be reunited with Lulu. Eventually Laura, Rocco and Dante turn up as well. Charlotte is still sad that PAPA is out there but we will get to that later. 

JJ IS BACK!! He had to get in a few scenes to keep his contract I guess!!! Liz and Lucky try to have an intimate evening in and do some serious lovin' but are interrupted by: Carly, Aiden, Ric and finally Laura. Do they make it upstairs? We assume so but there was no follow up on Friday so..??? 

MIAMI MARCO: Speaking of no follow up, drunk Lucas makes a pass at Marco who's in Miami from Bar Harbor.  VH was so good drunk, and that's not an easy feat! They kissed, got a hotel key--then?? Hmm... Not sure. Again, no follow up. I show you this photo because it looks like Marco turns up at Wyndemere. I smell a Sidwell connection. 

GLORIA...GLORIA:  Or as I call her Grandma Travola, came back to Port Charles to further the baby adoption story. Nice touch. Gram's visit all the time and this felt organic. We find out all sorts of juicy things like Gloria knew about the baby the entire time and he's Gio.  Really good scenes followed. Brook even went to the crypt and sat with Gio who was on 'security duty'.  The ladies also played Bingo and had a few heart to hearts. In the end, Gloria tells Lois that Brookie must never find out her baby is really Gio. Which means, of COURSE she'll find out. Question is: When? 

BIRTHDAY GIRL: I honestly liked this sequence. The Kai fake-out, the Ava call and the surprise party. I was so busy all week, I didn't know what was coming so it was very cute. The way they had Emma gift her the same book Spencer did? Nice touch. I remember him giving her that and I got a little teary. Her going home and finding it? Icing on the cake. 

THE PERILS OF PORTIA:  Number One: Glad she's letting Ava in on things. Number Two: Ditto for Ric.  Number Three: She got out of it (for now) in a relatively easy way.  Drew wants her at his presser about the pediatric sports program and for Curtis to cover it with Aurora. Beats losing your medical license over, right?? Jordan is even on board although I think she smells something fishy.  

DAYS ARE NUMBERED?  When Ava named all the people that hate Drew and told Portia "his House of Cards" will come down soon, I could only think he's going to get killed. The only thing is that in real life, Cam's house is gone and I'm not sure they'd have him leave the show right now. I know that's far-reaching but I do think about what's going on around the show. So many it's just a huge fall from grace and then Wills finds out that Nina was sleeping with him and he loses her too. We shall see. 

NEPHEWS! UNCLES!! ZEX!!  Sasha and Willow have it out when Sasha goes in for her ultrasound. Willow's is as demented as ever and makes a swipe at Sasha's mother, Holly for being a grifter. Um, HON--the person YOU had as a mother was a sex-trafficking cult member so you might want to shut it. They were honestly counting up who slept with who and their uncles. HA HA.  Team Sasha 100%!! 

WUBSY'S FAVE SCENE: After Ric tells her she can't take Avery to the ballet, Kristina waits for Ava outside her apartment. Ava comes home and is like: What on EARTH do you want? Krissy cries about her being mean and not letting Avery go to the show with her because she's petty. Ava just blinks and says: "Oh, I know the theater manager, I'M TAKING her and we are front row center"!!  Yes, I cheered. 

BANGING BRENNAN: (I couldn't help myself). Carly gets around to having zex with Jack and seems very happy. This is just after he's checking on Joss' training at the WSB. Not knowing what a liar he is, Carly's just beaming. She's going to lose her mind when she finds out the truth, that's for sure. 

SURPRISE! I had no idea he'd show up at the end of Friday's show so I was shocked. I thought for sure Carly was going to find a text about Joss on Brennan's phone or something. NOPE!! Val's back in Port Charles!! 


Kristina badgered her father into telling her about his heart condition

Lulu didn't tell Dante that Brook Lyn had a baby (that doesn't mean she won't but she hasn't yet)

Yuri made a good Bingo Caller 

I put in a good word for Rick Hearst so here's hoping he stays ha ha

Loved the Maxie, Lulu and Carly dinner. Just an easy, friendly thing 

The plane set was also not bad; Jason and Anna didn't bother me like the usually do

Maybe Lulu will tone if down a notch now that Char's home? 

I wonder who's going to tell Charlotte all her stuff is with Sonny now and Avery's in her room? 

People living at Laura/Kevin's:  Lucky, Lulu, Charlotte, Ace and Nanny (in an apartment!)

Gio and Emma are growing on me. Don't throw anything. 

Jordan told Isaiah he needs to back off because she's finding out about Sidwell 

WHAT WUBSY WANTS:  (you know most of these already) 

More Ms Wu and Dr O back. I really think they could be working on dangerous beauty products in a secret lab with Sidwell giving them something harsher than Deception uses. 

Teri at the hospital

Either have TJ move or recast

More with the Teens and College kids on the show. Like REAL things. 

Show Gram Gloria and Tracey-- also include Stella. I need this trio. 

THAT'S A WRAP!! Again, I'm appreciating the show and especially the acting lately. Watching a few on Hulu helps as well. Even the lighting looks different and no commercials. I do think we needed a new guy for Lucas and Marco might be interesting. Stories are rotating more in a sequential circle for me as well. All is good going into spring. 



  1. Thanks for another great SS! And all the dailies too.
    This was a better week but following up is still a major problem. Watching Friday's BTG they actually went to a commercial and came back to the same scene. Can you imagine?
    I still don't care about Charlotte and/or Valentin. I might be the only one. When she says "poppa" I cringe.
    Ric is the best return. More of him and Ava. Loving and scheming.
    Yes, Gio and Emma are growing. I hope they stay friends for a while.
    The surprise party was sweet and clever and fast.
    Won't even mention the guy from that other ABC show. Fail.
    Maybe the competition will help GH clean up their act. They sure have the actors to do that with ease.

  2. Why doesn't Grandma Travolta want the baby secret revealed? Because Brooky won't speak with them again?

  3. "So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!!"

    Haha no no! It's pretty funny. :)

    "Or as I call her Grandma Travola,"

    I love it!!!! :)

    "She's going to lose her mind when she finds out the truth, that's for sure. "

    Oh hell yeah! She will turn into Cujo and rip him to shreds!!! I can't wait! :)

    "SURPRISE! I had no idea he'd show up at the end of Friday's show so I was shocked."

    I didn't know either and I was shocked too!!!

    "Val's back in Port Charles!!"

    YAY, but for how long?

    "Yuri made a good Bingo Caller"

    He did!!! :D

    "I put in a good word for Rick Hearst so here's hoping he stays ha ha"

    ROFL! Great! What did you do? Email? Snail mail? Phone call?

    "Gio and Emma are growing on me. Don't throw anything."

    ROFL! I promise you I won't! I'm glad Gio is growing on you!

    "Show Gram Gloria and Tracey-- also include Stella. I need this trio."


  4. ---I know writers change things, but I remember Natalia saying she was estranged from her son and he played guitar or something? Maybe she is not Marco's mother.....and I too think he and Lucas didn't sleep together. I honestly don't remember if Marco ever told Lucas WHERE he lived...
    -----I don't want Marco to be some evil guy -
    ----SOOO many possibilites of Valentin being in town.....but I bet he DOES say goodbye to Charlotte one more time and Anna AGAIN helps him escape??? it would be a great twist if he and Brennan worked together.....but I still see no way Valentin can stay in PC.
    ----SURELY Holly and Robert will pop in sometime - although that baby not being due in July -maybe that is when they show up.
    ----I still don't think Sidwell blew up Sonny's apartment.
    ----I just weekly HAVE to believe Drew can't stay here much longer....can't wait until Willow finds out about Nina.....I really want Portia to blackmail Drew----
    -----it was a good is hoping they don't do anything stupid...
    ----oooo - nope Emma ain't growing on me.

  5. My opinion about Drew's future is that they will try really hard to redeem him. I just can't see CM going anywhere anytime soon. Kind of hope I'm wrong.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...