Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Stabby


It's been a week! I so enjoyed some shows and the fact some characters were off canvas for almost the entire time!! I do think someone needs to talk to wardrobe because it's SUMMER and it's HOT. SO many people with long sleeves and blazers. It's crazy pants. 

Let's dive in! ... NOT into the Metro Court Pool however, that place is deadly! 

ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM OF THE WEEK:  Oh boy oh BOY!! We are talking about this first. When this person walked in they announced the actress' name and "will be playing Molly Lansing Davis" BUT I did a triple take. First I thought it was Sofia Matteson (Sasha). THEN, I looked at the shirt she had on and was like WTF? Who IS this? Molly? NO WAY. I honestly saw her as older. Even before I looked up her real age (39).  She's SO physically different from Haley and Holiday,  it's jarring. Her voice and speed of delivery? Couldn't get much of the dialog. I... just... don't UNDERSTAND. Nope. I DO NOT.  I realize we can't have Haley but there HAS to be better fits in all of actor-world than this. 

PINE VALLEY PLAN OF THE WEEK: I'm one of the people that enjoyed this trip. Not only did the great Walt Wiley get to play Jackson Montgomery again, Lucy and Felicia got to do a caper!! It went all wrong of course, but the dialog was witty and fun. The phone calls to Anna and Mac were just right and I loved how they gave us some clues to the whole Deceptor story without spilling all of it. Why? BECAUSE I WANT MORE. So, sue me. Giggle.

SURGERY OF THE WEEK:  Curtis is taken to GH where they perform surgery on his spinal area. Everyone is tense and upset. When he wakes up, he can't feel his legs. The surgeon tells TJ the news that he may never walk again. Portia breaks it to Curtis. Now, if you've watched any soaps for any amount of time, you know what we are in for!! How long until he walks again? We'll get some obligatory wheelchair "I can't go on" then "I'm going to fight" things and all that jazz. But, believe you me, Curtis will be up and about in a year...tops. 

VISIT OF THE WEEK"Face it honey, you are going to be a soap villain for the rest of your natural time on GH"... LOL. I mean...if you watched GH back in the day, Esme is Heather, Spencer is Jeff Webber and Trina is Anne. If you don't know it's the crazy-lusty woman, guy that can't figure it out and the virgin. Yes, I loved seeing Heather again. Rock on. 

AUSTIN FACTOR OF THE WEEK: Oh lord help me on this mess. Such talents and such uneven writing to the point that I don't care who the "boss" is or where this is going. I'm hoping Austin is the mastermind because anything else is just boring AF. I'm glad Ava is still drinking because she needs it. 

PAIRING OF THE WEEK:  WE all know Finola has chemistry with everyone all the time. I really liked Dante begging her to let him help her!!  I hope the writers do this justice. I really do. Please. 

BUSKING OF THE WEEK:  When Ned sings on the corner in Rice Square another guitar player challenges him. Who rescues us from a Rock vs Grunge contest? Tracey! She has some snappy lines in there for sure. Oh, Greg stops by to apologize and has an episode. Tracey mocks him and Alexis comes to his rescue. Hey, should he really be driving? Geesh! 

SCENES OF THE WEEK:  Neddie and Leo were so good. Leo is written exactly as I'd expect him to be. The whole Squid vs Octopus question? SPOT ON!! The fact that Leo accepted that his dad "was gone" and Eddie is another person? Another absolutely believable concept for the spectrum. Olivia was a screaming Mimi but I did enjoy the scenes. 

NEW SET ALERT:  I couldn't find a photo of the whole of the new Pentonville visiting room but holy heck!! It's SWANKY!! Looks like an airport lounge and the lighting? Perfection. I have to think they are going to use this A LOT because why invest in that big of a set if you're not??? Maybe Cyrus, Heather and Drew will all hang out there on a daily basis. 

WARDROBE OF THE WEEK: How to wear a zexy dress without it being nothing! I do take umbrage with the whole "Long sleeved and Felicia has a coat on" thing however. It's JULY IN PA!! HUMIDITY!! 


Joss gets a mysterious phone call.

Felicia finds out Martin is getting alimony from one of his Ex's 

Anna and Dante are teaming up to catch the shooter 

Greg has another spell in front of Tracey, Alexis 'rescues' him 

Eddie visits the Q mansion and puts things to rights with Leo 

Sasha takes her medications and ends up stabbing Cody (thinking he's Cyrus) 

Cody is fine after his stitches 

Sasha is hauled off to a psyche facility while Gladys watches. Sonny is suspicious 

Esme visits her mama in jail 

Curtis can't feel his legs; probably will never walk again 

Sonny catches Austin talking to a person from the mobster world 

Portia tells Spencer he's not good for Trina 

Kristina and Molly make up; eat mint chocolate chip ice cream 

Cyrus stops by to talk to Esme before Heather gets there. 

Heather tells Esme her future is with the psychotics of soaps

Drew and Carly visit, she gives him the PC gossip 

Diane vows to help Sasha as she is wheeled away 

NEWS AND NOTES:   Ella Lentini is playing Avery's new nanny. Um.. is it just me, or does she look like MOLLY? Lord help us all. I don't get this. 

SCAB writers start Monday. Confirmed by many writers of the show. Buckle up. 

SCOOPS/SPOILERS:  Carly is buying Kelly's for a dollar from Bobbie and ...turning it into a money maker. Here's hoping she doesn't ruin the place and rename it "Carly's". 

That's it! I'm off to a Hot Air Balloon Rally so this will be the end of the blog. I did enjoy this week's GH and give it a solid B rating. As I said, the whole Pine Valley thing was fun for me. The jarring recast made my head spin and I don't know how I'll feel about it going forward. Sasha's breakdown reminded me of Laura's so long ago. Not cool. Gladys is sure soapy however! Pentonville might be in the front burner especially with the new set. Someone hire a guard for The POOL!! Next up, there will be alligators in there! Looking nervously at the writer's strike finally hitting the fan -- and wondering where the stories will go. 

See you tomorrow! Cheers! 


  1. I do like Anna working with Dante since Valentin is not around to be her partner. Hopefully this story line is not BORING like others. How long is JPS gone for?

    1. PS If this is Alex again, that is SO STUPID

    2. Also, Finola has chemistry with EVERYONE. lol. She brings out a great side in Dom that we haven't seen in a LONG time

    3. Sorry so many comments, I am making up for the days I didn't comment. lol. That girl in the picture should have been Molly for sure. Scab writers can't be any worse than the regular writers. And, I too LOVED seeing Jackson Montgomery. Too bad we couldn't get like a 5 second cameo from Erica Kane and they were still together.

      Thanks Karen

  2. Excellent SS. The Molly recast is a joke and her ridiculous outfit was so not Molly. Way too old! I liked the scenes with Jackson, Flea and Lucy but have no interest in AMC being revitalized on GH. Loved the Dante/Anna stuff-great acting and a real connection. Sasha being destroyed once again, maybe as punishment for Sofia getting pregnant again, was horrible. Not much happiness right now. And I think they need to get rid of Roger H. This character is so all over the place that i find it hard to watch him and it doesn’t seem like he knows how to act this character. Need more Sprina. Esme looked really cute. Ned and Leo scenes delightful.

  3. Thanks for another great SS!
    There were some stellar moments this week. Neddie and Leo were the best.
    Sasha's torment saga is the worst. Oh wait, NuNuMolly is the worst. Can't even imagine TJ with this woman. Again, her voice is so much like Nurse Amy. Mute button.
    Maybe Curtis shouldn't walk again. Having a disabled character might be a good thing if they did it right.
    RoHo/MW...such a waste of two of the best actors on GH. Just awful. If the story had any substance they would be great together but that's not the case.
    Yes's SUMMER! Never mind the outfit NuNu was wearing.
    Wouldn't it be funny if GH improved with the 'scabs'.

  4. -----everyone is correct - this is a horrible Molly recast - horrible plus the storyline is one no one cares about it.
    -----GH is all over the place - 3 weeks of no Ava/Franco (I refuse to call this version Austin cause he clearly is NOT the doctor that first arrived) and now back ----continuity is needed BUT BUT the fact that Ava this week TELLS SONNY gives me hope -----------and I want Nina to NOT know and be jealous of why they are together.
    -----for sure Leo and Ned were the highlight of the week.
    -----again NO mention of the Russia group and it's still annoying to me LIZ hasn't checked on Portia or Curtis (all 4th of July decorations are gone)
    ------I DO like Carly running Kelly's - lotsa history and I think the Metro Court and Grill is gettin old
    -----like I said Friday -I think Joss' call is about her dad or Bobbie/Kellys lookin for Carly
    (did you read that this storyline was in place before Jackie died)-----
    -------Heather's bombshell about Esme's parents was the jaw dropping moment of the week (and there ain't many)
    -----Maura West is gorgeous--------------and Sonny is too fine
    ------Hate hate hate Sasha storyline and Gladys and we know we have 3 MONTHS of Sasha being gone - SCREAM


    Jackson Montgomery and Anna Devane

  6. I truly want to see what types of clothing Carly wears at Kelly's. Flowing dresses seem inappropriate.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...