Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Neck Pain

I wasn't sure if I was going to even blog today but.. what the heck. It IS a gorgeous day but I'm better in the air conditioner. 

Is it me or does it seem like someone is shot on this show ever other month? Valentin, Anna... now Curtis. Dex was shot a few times. I'm like: MEH.. we know they aren't going to die, what's the point? 

So, they are operating on Curtis no matter what the risk. He's wheeled up to surgery. 

Marshall and Stella are in the coffee shop, eating pie at night but, I what do I know? She says she's sorry about him losing Epiphany. "She was a fine woman".  NO ONE has called them YET? and they just keep blabbing about everything and.. NO Phone call. OH! Here we go, finally at 2:25 they get the call LOL. 

Joss goes to tell Spencer at the end of the baby class thing about Curtis. Spencer rushes down to be with Trina. Joss wants to have a "Chat" with Esme. She's ON TO HER. Esme is saying all she said was thank you. Esme is acting all innocent. Joss "You took things from me you never gave back".  She wants Esme to turn herself into the police. The she talks about Heather and Ryan being her parents LOL. Dex comes in and they all leave. 

Spencer goes and hugs Trina, waiting for word on Curtis. Then Marhsall and Stella come in. All hug.

Liz and Finn sit in the park --why the FK wouldn't they go to GH? At least HER?? Portia is her BFF (they've said that enough times). They talk about death... morbid junk. Then about mistakes. Boring junk. Then about the boys and the pool and taking a second chance. They kiss. 

At the pool, Anna and Sonny talk about who could have been shooting at them. Nina walks in. Sonny tells her to go home. She's like: UM NO, it's my hotel. Sonny tells her it was Curtis. She wants to know how bad was it and who else was hurt. They had to tell her that it could have been he wasn't the target. Dex calls Sonny and catches him up. Nina goes to the hospital. 

IT WAS HARD sitting through the show today. I think I might be better off watching on Hulu at 8pm at night so at least I don't get commercials. 


  1. It WAS another tough day - Trina crying so much about her father made me feel sorry for Taggart.
    ----I just can't get past Liz not calling Portia or the hospital or going in person to check on Curtis...................Liz and Finn's dialogue is painful ----do you? do you? they NEVER speak their mind.................
    ------I don't think Esme has her memory back but I think she has fallen for Spence and that being mean is her personality - LOTSA Heather mentions today???????
    ---------I really like Sonny and Anna's friendship............no sign today or tomorrow of Dante and Chase and the gun and the room, etc. THOSE things drive me nuts....and why isn't Alexis there as press?
    ------Stella saying "I didn't have a chance to tell him" I thought she was gonna say he's my son!
    -----one line by Finn that I DID like: we can admit to making mistakes but not failures' - I like that quote......
    -----Jackson on tomorrow and Sasha part 2 on those drugs....
    ------again never gonna see Valentin, Laura, Kevin and Yuri......

    1. Just read on FB that a paternity test for Ace is coming..."paternity truth changes everything". Unfortunately it's from a GH group that might make things up. But we can hope.

    2. "Mufasa says, Stella saying "I didn't have a chance to tell him" I thought she was gonna say he's my son!"

      I thought so too!!!! I'm not sure what she said. She mumbled.

    3. Mufasa, I seem to remember from an interview with Alley Mills that she said that her Heather would be coming back.

      zazu, I read about the paternity truth changing everything but it was Curtis' paternity it was talking about.

    4. It was on FB, "GH Community", that mentions that Ace's paternity will be found out and he is not Nik's. Spence is the daddy. But again, these groups do make up things.

    5. I think I saw where Heather was going to be on a couple of shows this summer?

  2. The day poor Sasha has another breakdown is the day I'm done for got. Let's keep building up certain favorites and absolutely destroying others. And again Carly, Jr. Shut up u entitled brat. Agree mufasa don't think Esme has her memory back

  3. The park:

    Finchy and Liz: Blah blah blah zzzzzzzz. The shirt Liz is wearing, I don't think looks good on her. Oh crap they are kissing. I'm not looking! UGH! Oh no Fiz are back together! UGH!

    Central Perk:

    Stella and Mr. Hat man: oh come on! Nobody is calling them about Curtis?! Give me a break! Yes Piffy was a good woman! The kiss she planted on him will last forever? Awwww! :( Oh finally Portia calls them. It's about time.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Anna and Sonny: Geez stop standing around and talking and go to the hospital!

    Anna, Sonny, and Nina: Oh I'm glad Nina shows up. Yes Nina go see your best friend! :)

    Parenting class:

    Joss, Spencer, and Vampira: I'm glad Joss told Spencer about Curtis!

    Joss and Vampira: Well, since Spencer is not going to tell Vampira off, then Joss can! :) Love it!!! :) Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: Which psychopath did you inherit that from? Ryan or Heather?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh hi Dex!! :)

    Jex: Careful Dex. Vampira can use her charm on you. :) Then bite you and then you become a vampire!

    Portia and Trina: Awwww poor Trina! She is so upset and scared about Curtis! :(

    Portia, Trina, Mr. Hat man, and Stella: Yes Trina! Portia and Stella are right! Think positive! Or the negative will eat you alive!

    Sprina: Awwwwwwwwww! :)

    Sprina and Vampira: I don't believe a word Vampira just said! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Curtis going into the elevator: Shirtless Curtis. :) Damn that elevator is not smooth, and like what Karen said on twitter, if Curtis isn't paralyzed now, he sure will be! Yikes!

    1. Curtis prob got another head injury after that elevator ride lol

    2. "kdmask says, Curtis prob got another head injury after that elevator ride lol"

      ROFL! Yeah probably!!! They really need to smooth out the elevator!

  4. Why are they so hell bent on Liz and Finn? They have nothing. And why is she wearing that shirt in that color??? Yes, sitting and reflecting while her best friend's husband could be dying plus she is the head nurse. Really bad.
    I agree. Too many shootings. Too much dreadful sickness. It was never the rule for soaps to always be so sad and depressing. Actually they were created for exactly the opposite reason.

    1. I think Becky looks stunning in anything she wears. One gal that has hardly aged a bit.

    2. I agree 100% on this comment. I don't know of anyone clamoring for Liz and Finn to get back together. Liz is being wasted.

    3. They have absolutely no chemistry. I like both of them but not together.

    4. They have friendly chemistry but no passion whatsoever. Michael can be very sexy but for some reason he is father like to her.

  5. what if Stella and Marshall had a one night stand and she had Curtis----and somehow it's related to Marshall leaving cause of a misdiagnosis (maybe his wife did something?) BUT for me when Marshall came back and Stella knew about him, Curtis asked 'are there anymore secrets' and Stella talked about secrets you keep for the good of the family............PLUS it explains why she didn't go live with the love of her life Marcus - she didn't wanna leave her son----


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...