Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Nanny and The Confessors


I kinda wanted to hire a scab to write this blog!! This week was a trip for sure. Kind of like everything thrown into a pot and stirred up. We know this week was all 'undercover' writers because not one name appeared. Let's see what happened, shall we!? 

Coffee's on and hot! 

It was a jump around for 5 days. Characters suddenly appeared all over the place. Michael had 3 people in his office in the span of 10 minutes! Molly had people visiting her right in a row. Trina's at the pool, then spirits over to Laura's!! Carly was on the move too. Willow had people in and out!!  A ton happened this week but it was jumbled for sure and a LOT happened. I felt like a ping pong ball. Very choppy and rando. Looking back it kept you guessing, that's for sure. 

COMA OF THE WEEK: Well, Lulu was "shown" as a pile of blankets. Kinda funny because that's not how coma patients are 'kept' but I GET IT! Can't show her face. We DID see Charlotte's face and she was played again by the lovely, wonderful OG Char-Scarlett Fernandez! You might remember that Scarlett suffered a terrible bike accident where she broke both arms. Well, she's back and tall and has braces. I love her. SO happy. And showing Lulu? Um.. what could that mean?? 
Another factoid: Char said she was starting HS. Could Jake, Charlotte and Rocco be headed to PC High?? 

SPINAL OF THE WEEK:  Oh, geesh. I don't want to start talking about this because it just made me angry every time it was on screen. For DAYS Portia whined and Curtis ranted. I GET IT but dang. OVERLOAD. That's all they've been doing since the wedding anyway! Portia needed to back off and give Curtis some space, imo. Nagging him wasn't the way to go. Luckily, Portia and Curtis had BFFs Finn and Liz to talk to for an entire day. I hope this doesn't last for months and months. 

RESTRAINTS OF THE WEEK:  Well, Sofia must have come back pretty quickly after having her baby to film these scenes!! Sasha is in Ferncliff, buckled to the bed and has no clue what happened. Dr Doom is giving her injections and Gladys is stopping people from seeing her. It's misery-porn at this point. I also think she wouldn't have mascara on but?? What do I know. 

BOOT CAST OF THE WEEK: I'm putting this up here because it belongs with the list of medical issues on GH right now. Apparently, Molly fell down the court house stairs and has a boot cast. It was pretty funny because Sam mentioned the 'accident' to Dante before we had any clue what was happening. Was this written in because Haley was coming back and she had an injury? Did this chick get one? In any case, Molly is now sitting on her couch and her sisters (HER OLDER SISTERS) come in to talk. Sam brings Coffee and Kristina brings her old stuffed horse "Valiant". Then, randomly, they talk about Keifer and how that affected Krissy and her life. I guess it was better than hearing about fertility for 2 seconds. 

CONFESSION OF THE WEEK: Well, GEESH!  I guess it was storyline dump day because Ava told Sonny EVERYTHING. I MEAN--EVERY-THING! Mason, Austin, killing Nikolas--the works!! I love Mo and Maura so I was cheering this on. The more scenes they get the better. It was just a bit jarring to have it all come out in 2 scenes! LOL.. 

CONFESSION OF THE WEEK TWO: Cody also unloaded on Dante!! Gladys, Selena Wu's gambling ring. He already confessed about Mac so this was icing on the cake lol. Again, Cody didn't bug me. What's going on. 

KISS OF THE WEEK:  Yuri and Terry. I'm happy to see this. Why? All the sh*t that's going on in our land about transgender people. GH just shows Terry as Terry. Chief of staff, woman with a boyfriend, Terry. 

SEXY OF THE WEEK (OR TRYING HARD): All over the place!!  Ice Cubes (cringe), couch, pool... it just kept going! Maybe the new writers can fill our time with steamy zex scenes? Let's just skip the food/ice stuff though, ok? Thanks.  

LIZ OF THE WEEK:  Um... I'm not going to talk about Fiz at all but I am talking about the dressing down Elizabeth gave stupid DEX about his role with Joss/Cameron. Chase that guy right out of GH!! DO IT!! 

SPRINA OF THE WEEK: Trina jumps from the pool to Laura's house to see Spencer. Esme stands in the shadows and stares. What happens? Oh, Trina and Spencer both decide that it might "stress out Portia" if they are together and they should keep it on the 'down low". :eyeroll: REALLY?? 20 something hot-couple and... WHY? Add Esme and the baby into the mix and snooze. All Spencer is doing is hanging out in that damn house. Ugh. No. 

BLAZER OF THE WEEK: Yes, there were many blazers worn this week but Carly did it on her first day of Kelly's !! Nina stopped by to brag that she's in Willow's "inner circle" and Carly told her all about buying Kelly's for a buck. No one buys Carly in there but it's a story, right? She's not slinging the hash yet and I bet there's one heck of a cook back there. Maybe Carly will be a Mike/Ruby hybrid and dish out advice and tone it down for a bit? AHAHA. Who am I kidding? 

KIDS OF THE WEEK:  Did I enjoy this? HELL YEP I did. Loved James and Georgie squabbling and a hapless Mac trying to sort them out. Felicia to the rescue! We know it's because Maxie lives in a peanut-hole with 3 kids. She has the money--and it's all building to her moving into somewhere. I'd love to see them with Mac and Fe because I love multi-generational soap sets. Another note: Did you see how they were color-matching in peach!!? 

CHECH-KNEE-UH OF THE WEEK: I don't know about you but everyone on twitter except me saw this house as Carly's old abode. Sure is!! Val and Laura go to find Nikolas in an old Cassadine house only to be met with some guy with a bad accent that has not idea where Nik might be. Kevin? Oh, he's back at the 'hotel'. Why do I feel like this was taped before Genie left for vacation and inserted?? Because it was Blanche, it was. 

DANGER DUMB OF THE WEEK: Yep! I'm taking the time to talk about this idiot because he's just soooooooooooooooooo... awful LOL. He's "scoping out" Betty the nanny and he's sticking out like a sore thumb. That's him, at the POOL. I think he thought putting on sunglasses made hi blend in! Oh, in other news, Joss basically asked him a question and he spilled the entire thing about finding a dead guy in the alley and Sonny being interested. Oh, possible Austin connection as well! So much for Mob 101!! 

MICHAEL IN A TIE OF THE WEEK: That collective gasp you heard was Michael working at the offices at Aurora!! WHAT? They still exist?? I couldn't get over the curtains behind him. (sort of looked like mean faces). Nina came to ask him to 'accept her'... Carly came by to talk about Dex/Sonny (didn't mention Kelly's) and Krissy stopped by at the end of the show. Interesting. Michael WORKING.!! 

WEEK IN A WUBSHELL (it's a long list) 

Sasha is in Ferncliff and Gladys/Dr. Doom are keeping her isolated

Maxie is frustrated with her living situation

Michael actually goes to work and wears a tie

Carly takes over Kelly's and wears a blazer on her first day

Charlotte and Dante go and visit Lulu in the coma center

Wiley, Michael and Willow eat cookies in the middle of the night

Nina visits Willow

Curtis is bitter and angry about his condition; Portia tries to be supportive

Liz and Finn go out on a date 

Chase and Brook make a bet; Chase swims naked in the Metro Pool 

Molly had an accident and is in a boot cast. 

Laura and Valentin search for but can't find Nikolas in Chechnya 

Cody confesses his gambling to Dante, they try to figure out Glady's role

Ava confesses to Sonny about Mason/Austin and "killing" Nikolas 

A new Nanny, Betty might be the key to finding out the Big Boss 

Trina and Spencer decide to spare Portia's feelings and 'go slower' 

Esme plots with Ace 

NEWS AND NOTES OF THE WEEK: I think you all know that the regular scripts are gone and now we are in Fi-Core territory. There is already a lot more sitting around and talking than usual. Not that it's a bad thing! Hell, Cody, Sam and Dante even had breakfast in the PH! I don't think I've seen that table used in years. We got a lot of GH history from the Wiki and Michael even went back to work. Maybe we will get more characters interacting than we've seen before. Who knows. What did you think of the week? 

I really tried to include almost everything in the blog but dang, it was tough!! Sorry if I missed things. You can always fill in the blanks for me! 

See you tomorrow! Cheers! 


  1. Karen, Dex reminds me of my youngest when she was about 3. She thought if she covered her eyes and couldn't see you, you couldn't see her!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think the whole Lulu scene was a path into Dante selling the house to Maxie.They even have Charlotte's ok on record now too and won't have to remention it.

    2. I think you are right Di but why did they move the blankets to GH? And how long has it been since we’ve seen Rocco?

  3. Isn't that Carlys house with Jax? Which house is Dante selling? The one he had with Lulu all that time. That one was small too

  4. Maxie will move in Lulu and Dante's house-----
    ------so I think Sophia filmed BEFORE she left on maternity leave...hate hate the whole storyline
    -------I've asked and asked and no one answers on social media - can the new writers END a story and begin new ones cause Ava telling Sonny MADE MY WEEK and I don't think it can last months and months with Sonny knowing - I see Brick is back this week!
    -------I like new writers adding romance----
    -------I tried but I do not like new Molly at all-------at all-----Kristina is still Abigail for me..
    --------so every now and then I watch GH on ABC.COM - the 2017 episodes - this week Mike is JUST now going to Sonny's to stay - they don't realize he has Alzheimer's..... I enjoy watching BUT BUT BUT Billy is Drew and just bought Aurora and wow he IS Drew - not this Cameron M - (not his fault) but glaring difference!

    1. I agree, no offense to CM but I still and will always miss Billy as Drew. GH did him wrong. As for Kristina, I like the new girl, sorry I forget her name just know her last name at the moment. Seizure brain ..old age. 🤣 I don't like nuMolly. She's too old for the role. But as far as Abigail over at DAYS, the actor was good there too! I didn't like when she left cause her replacement sucked.

  5. Love this SS! Thanks!
    Sometimes I felt like I was on a choppy boat ride but stuff happened and that's a good thing.
    Ashford angst will no doubt go on for months.
    It wasn't just the sunglasses that made Dex invisible. Dressing in all black, at the pool, on a hot summer day works for that too. lol
    Hopefully the Sonny/Ava team will have a good caper.
    Seems like the unnamed writers have been as anxious as we have with the too long stories. That is a good thing.

  6. Loved agreed with your note on Liz and her look of disappointment to Dex. #MamaBear

    We finally had some lovin this week, just wish it was more Sprina their hottest and most popular couple.

  7. I went back and watched - totally wrong on my part - Charlotte talked about HER finally staying in Port Charles and going to high school - not Lulu.....
    and I listened this time to some of Molly and Kristina -----about Keifer ---but what struck me was Kristina is about to work with troubled teens, etc. etc and it made me wonder if we gonna see some mean teenage boy who becomes fixated on Kristina - cause she IS about to work with some teenagers with lots of problems.

  8. I love the titles of your blogs Karen


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...