Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Brain Tissue and Tissue Paper

Tracy and Paul. Damn it. I wish she would either say to hell with it and embrace the bad or Paul was good. Wah.
Paul pays off Carlos to leave town.  Carlos tells him he's Sabby's baby daddy. Paul freaks out. He said he'd better not stake a claim. Carlos laughs.
Will Carlos be dead soon? 

Ava looks great... love her top. She and Kiki talk and Kiki melts a bit when they remember her making gingerbread houses. 

MAC DADDY!! He's looking so great in his blue sweater.  He and Anna were at the Metro. Talking about Sloane. They might have a break-through.

Morgan is so good at being a snotty ass'd kid. Bryan sold it for me. He was perfect as the kid coming in late telling his parents to leave him the hell alone. 

Dr. Kelly on Halloween years ago. She looks the same

Michael is all concerned his kid is gonna be huge.  They are in Dr. Kelly's office.  Later, he leaves and Dr. Kelly says she knows Michael isn't the father because Sabrina is ready to give birth, basically. 

Emma and Pat are in Paris. We can tell because they showed us the Eiffel Tower. The address they have is false.  Later, some French lady comes in and tells him about Robin. It must be an address on the other side of the city she says. Emma notices she has on a necklace just like Spencer has. Patrick realizes she must be related to the Cassadines.

Patrick calls Anna..he said he thinks Robin was never in Paris!  She's flying there right now. 

Jerry asks Robin to hurry up and if she can make someone immortal. She says yes.  She can use a digital chip for memory from brain tissue. (I know, just go with it!) Jerry tells the guard to kill Robin, he has no further use for her. 

LOVED the Carly/Morgan and Sonny stuff. Great dialog and so true to life. Love Carly's mama desperation. She's a pain but I get it. You want to control the situation. Sonny says "We are new to this".  
Morgan storms off to the Metro to eat. Kiki says that Vince the busboy found pills when he was clearing up.
BUSTED!  Morgan says he 'forgot' to take them.

TOMORROW: Kristina and Robert Scorpio are on! 


  1. Karen, I agree with you totally about Tracy! I don't like seeing her duped AGAIN by a bad guy. She is too smart for this nonsense.

    Good detective skills from Emma, even if she didn't know it! And Patrick did learn something from Sam -- he realized, finally, that Robin is in trouble.

    I know that I've felt Carly's pain as a parent. My baby turns 17 today. He's had Type I Diabetes since age 5. Happy birthday to my son Arthur, the bravest person I know. Mom loves you!

  2. Let's hope Robin's guard has acquired some feelings for Robin and fakes her death. lol

    Loved seeing more of Mac. I hope he gets the proof they need while the 3 musketeers are off getting Robin back. It will be like old times again with Robin and Anna.

    Ava's talk about making family Christmas memories for Avery was great, but she blew it when she said no to Avery making any Christmas memories with the rest of her family. I hope Kiki finds out. As much as I dislike the character I'll take a little more of her if she tells her mom to take a hike.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

  3. Paris hotel: Beautiful scenery!!!

    Patrick: No Robin's not in Paris, and I got a really bad feeling that she never was.

    I'm confused! I thought Robin was in Paris. And I guess that lady who talked to Emma and Patrick is a Cassadine?!

    Robin's lab: I'm not sure what is going on, but always happy to see Jerry! :)

    The hospital:

    Dr Lee's office: I'm still confused about all this. And so is the unborn baby.

    Unborn baby: ???????


    The park:

    Tracy and Paul: Oh oh! Is Tracy in wuv with Paul?! Oh Caaaaaaaaaarlos is skulking! :) Are you cold Caaaaaaaarlos baby? Come here I will warm you up. :)

    Caaaaaaaaaaarlos and Paul: Paul wins the line of the day!

    Paul: You are also a wanted criminal. Are you stupid?

    ROFL! Good one Paul. :) WHAT?!!?!?! HEY!!! Don't be threatening my Caaaaaaaaaaarlos Paul! HE is the father!!! He is not going to just abandon his child!!


    Kiwi and Ava: Ava has got Farrah Fawcett hair today. Love Ava's hair. Come on Kiwi! You will think about it? And stop laughing about the your childhood past! This is the twilight zone!

    Carly and Ava: No hair pulling? No arguments? Crap.

    Carson home: This was a great scene between Morgan and Carly!!! Great job! Michael and Sonny scene, poor Michael. :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and Mac: LOVE IT!!!! :)

    Morgan and Kiwi: Oh Morgan is SO lying to her!!! Oh yes I went to get a replacement pills cus I lost the other ones. Your pants are on fire Morgan.

    Morgan and Carly: :(

  4. "Julie Langley said... I know that I've felt Carly's pain as a parent. My baby turns 17 today.He's had Type I Diabetes since age 5. Happy birthday to my son Arthur, the bravest person I know. Mom loves you!"

    Awwwww. Happy birthday Arthur!!!

  5. Carly: "I don't want to smother him"

    Oh, push-lease. Who are you trying to kid?

    I disagree Karen. They are treating Morgan like a 10-yr old and it isn't helpful. What also its helpful is that he isn't working and is basically a Kardashian, getting Mama and Papa to pay all him bills and give him an unlimited credit card.

    Wasn't he working on the brownstone rehab? How has that going?

    SORAS is supposed to age a character, but I swear today it was reverse SOARS and now we have Morgan as a teenager.

    I thought it would have been really good if Morgan took all the pills (25, he counted) and swallowed them ALL right in front of his parents and said "see? I am taking my pills. are you happy now?"

    THAT would have been manic. And more believable as a manic episode to me than what they are currently writing.

    Hey, just my opinion people. Really hating this storyline. IF Carly isn't smothering and controlling Jason, she is doing it to wither Sonny or Morgan.

    Who writes for these women this way? Maybe Carly should be on medication for HER actions?

  6. sonya said... Unborn baby: ???????

    You're hilarious!

    Sonya said... HE is the father!!!

    lol I'm now picturing Carlos leaning down to Sabrina's belly and saying, in a deep your father. PMSL She can call him Luke. hahahaha

    I also agree with what you said about Morgan, David.

    And Carly really should be on medication.

  7. "David says I thought it would have been really good if Morgan took all the pills (25, he counted) and swallowed them ALL right in front of his parents and said "see? I am taking my pills. are you happy now?"

    That would have been AWESOME! :)

    "Di said...You're hilarious!"

    Hehe thanks. :)

    "lol I'm now picturing Carlos leaning down to Sabrina's belly and saying, in a deep your father. PMSL She can call him Luke. hahahaha"

    ROFL! That would be great hahahaha!

  8. Bringing Dr. Lee back was smart. They need to rebuild the hospital staff and it's smart to do that with characters the audience is already familar with.

  9. Thanks, Karen and Sonya! You two always brighten my day! Arthur had a great birthday and now gets to fly (with his T1 Diabetes meds, as the laws don't apply to those liquids and needles) for the first time -- his sister surprised him with a birthday trip to New Orleans, where she lives! #CannotBelieveIHaveADaughterWhoCanPay #WaitressingAfterCollegeAndBeforeGradSchoolPaysOff



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...