Friday, December 4, 2015

Another Interruption

Mac's on! He's been trailing Anna! Oh how I've missed you. Anna's trying to break into Kyle's apartment (Sloane).

Seems Liason had good zex last night. They were all over each other. Liz is mad he saw Laura at Sam's. 

Nik and Laura...still gabbing around the 'secret' zzzzz. 

Hayden is meeting "Curtis", Shawn's friend. 

Sam and Alexis are talking like Mama and daughter in Kelly's. Lexi knows that Sam still wubs Jason a little bit. 

I got an ABC Special Report at 2:20. 

Came back on at 2:50.

Liz is leaving Laura and Nik...seems like Laura is all ok with the lie now.

Missed the Diane/Jason stuff damn it

Jordan knows Curtis..she sees him through the window at Kelly's and is all "What? Curtis"?? UGH.... and leaves. 

Jason writes a love note to Liz. 

Buffalo broke a 126 year old no snow record! I'm sure we are in there at some point!! YIPPEE! I am loving this. 


  1. Yeh it interrupted here about 2:30 central time. So I guess Curtis is gonna be TJs father... kinda boring today, did love seeing Mac and loved the Liason scenes. :)

  2. I thought Shawn was supposed to be TJ's father?

  3. TJ's still on the show??? (David--that comment was for you!)

  4. TJ actor is on a new show so..(primetime or CW or something)

  5. Today's episode is finally up online at the channel's site. I imagine any Americans can watch it at the ABC catch up site. I watch on City TV here in Canada and any other Canadians can watch there.

  6. Okay I just got done watching online.

    Mr. Yum Yum's former place: Mac and Anna scene! YES!!!! :) So much fun!!! :) I love it! I want more!

    Liason's home:

    Liz and Jason: Okay when he finds out that Liz knew that he was Jason, and he forgives her, and still wants to marry her, then that's fine. I won't have a problem with that. I just want the truth to come out! Stupid lies!!!

    Diane and Jason: Jason is a billionaire!!! Well he could be. :) Great scene.



    Police station:

    Jordan: Are you looking for the restroom?

    Gee Jordan. Why don't you come out and ask Paul, do you have to pee? Bowel movement? Are you constipated? Diarrhea? Stupid line!


    Curtis and GreenHayden: Curtis wins the line of the day!

    Curtis: I'm out here freezing my black ass off.


    Sam and Alexis: Oh so now Sam wants a divorce?!!?! Geez both Sam and Lulu just can't make up their damn minds!!! It's getting old!

    Sam: I want a divorce, oh wait no I don't. Oh wait yes I do.

    Lulu: I want a separation, our marriage is over. Oh wait no I don't want one. Oh wait yes I do!

    Unknown lady and Curtis: Huh!? Who is this lady with the sexy shirt? Her and her cupcakes are flirting with Curtis. What a waste of scene.

    Jordan: Curtis?!

    Hmmmmm. How do they know each other? Michelle Latta, where did you hear about Curtis being TJ's "father"? Hmmmm. Jordan slept with three men? :) Damn Jordan was busy back then! ROFL! So when she wasn't with her husband, she was with Shaun, and when she wasn't with Shaun, she was with Curtis?!

    Pier: Oh Sabrina!!!!! Stop being so cruel to Caaaaaaaarlos! He should be a father to his baby!!! What is wrong with you?! Oh and I looked up what Querida means. It means mistress or lover. I highly doubt he is calling her mistress, so It's lover. Lover would make more sense. Oh oh so is Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos going to kidnap Sabrina? Is this how the actress is going to go on maternity leave?! Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is going to kidnap her? Oh come on writers! Really! You couldn't think up any other better ideas?

  7. Sonya what I meant was this....maybe this guy is the one from Jordan's past, who she's always told TJ was his father. Cause TJ doesn't know that Sean is his father, I do alot of ff, but I do know that Jordan has never told TJ his father he's always known isnt. I'm just "assuming" that this Curtis is him. As far as Sam I was surprised too when she said she wanted a divorce. I liked the Liason and Diane/Jason scenes. Glad he's going to provide for Sam and Danny as he should, he's not cold hearted. I am ready for Liz to be found out too, only so everyone can shut it LOL and he can forgive her and they can get back together. :) (Liason that is not JasamLOL)

  8. Great day when we get to see Diane and Mac! I really love the wonderful acting of Becky H. & Billy M. together. I just hate that Liz is such a liar. Great casting with that new Curtis-hope we see a lot more of him. It's about time we saw Mac and Anna working together. Sonya, great line of the day! I'm sure most of us would volunteer to keep it warm, LOL.

  9. "Michelle Latta said...Sonya what I meant was this....maybe this guy is the one from Jordan's past, who she's always told TJ was his father."

    You mean Jordan's husband? But he is dead. Oh wait what am I saying? ROFL! Port Chuckles is Zombie land. Was Jordan's husband named Curtis? I don't remember.

    "I liked the Liason and Diane/Jason scenes. Glad he's going to provide for Sam and Danny as he should, he's not cold hearted."

    Yeah I am glad he is going to provide too. When he mentioned a new house for Liz and the boys, I was thinking are they going to have a new set?!

    "I am ready for Liz to be found out too, only so everyone can shut it LOL"

    ROFL! Liz is so stressed out, I hope she is wearing depends. :)

    "and he can forgive her and they can get back together. :)"

    I agree! :)

    "LindaV says Sonya, great line of the day! I'm sure most of us would volunteer to keep it warm, LOL."

    Hahaha! Yes. I'm sure we can! :)

  10. That's what I'm thinking Sonya, what if Curtis is her dead husband. I can't recall if he was ever given a name and we know people don't stay dead in PC, except my beloved Silas. ♡ LOL on the Depends!

  11. "Michelle Latta said...That's what I'm thinking Sonya, what if Curtis is her dead husband. I can't recall if he was ever given a name "

    Very interesting. He very well could be her husband!!! I have noticed that she looks older than him. :) I can see it now!

    Jordan: CURTIS!!!! I thought you were dead!

    Curtis: Well, this IS Port Charles. The land of the free and home of people who are dead come back to life.

    "and we know people don't stay dead in PC, except my beloved Silas. ♡"

    Yeah I miss McSilas too. :( If Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos can be alive, so can McSilas!!!

    "LOL on the Depends!"

    Hahahaha. Well she has too much stress on herself! I am surprised she doesn't have any stomach problems!!

  12. Jordan's husband's name was Tommy not Curtis.

  13. "VEE said...Jordan's husband's name was Tommy not Curtis."

    Oh that's right! DUH! :) Thank you! :)



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