Friday, December 20, 2013

In Case I'm Not Here..

NOTE: NO GH today due to POTUS conference. It will air Monday Dec. 23rd! Happy Extra Hour---
You can write in this spot. I may be SHOPPIN!! 
Things the Warehouse scenes missed:
1. Michael standing there, with his eyebrows knit together and mouth open
2.  No one shooting two handed like Jason used to
3. No opera music or slow-mo (YET)

And, as someone said down below, Sonny totally should get shot in the head by Morgan and go into a coma. It would be Karma and put him out of the mob for a bit.  Into Rehab, trying to walk.
I'm all for it!


  1. I just found this blog when I went looking for what happened to today's episode. Funny stuff Ms. Wub Tub, (huh?) not the usual drivel. And it's not just the author, you commenters are a real smart alecy bunch of couch critics. Since there's nothing to watch today, I think I'll entertain myself for a bit by reading more of your smarmy remarks. The smarmier the better I say.

  2. O.K., now I get it, (wub tub) a stuffed lobster. This is just too good to be true.

  3. There was no GH today. :( But it was very smart of them to show a repeat because they knew President Obama would be coming on! :)

  4. Sandy! :) yes, we are sarcastic and goofy. My website is with scoops on it.
    This is my personal opinion site where I sit, bitch and snark. I also give GH a lot of PR and applaud when appropo.
    I've been doing this since 2001.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sandy Allen welcome to the blog. :) We are not couch critics. But yes we are smart alecy. :)

  7. Thanks Sonya, glad to be here amongst my fellow GH fans and felines.

    Kathy, you rock....LOBSTER POWER!

  8. Has Soapnet gone dark so soon? I knew it was supposed to end being Soapnet, but I thought it was to be at the end of the year.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...