Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Watch The Crazy!

Oh ConKate is out in full force!! I loved the scene where she put Trey's medal in her mouth. SO suggestive on SO MANY LEVELS! I bet we find out Connie did seduce Junior after all... I also like the fact Olivia can see her. HEH.
. The hairbrush? "Knock yourself out" was a wonderful line. 

Can't wait for the wedding shower Maxie tries to throw and the wedding where you know  Kate will be all "WTF is happening""!!!? 

Although we all know DID people can't just jump in and out of personas, I am liking this mayhem at the moment! 

Todd and Ingo were great as well..Roger can do no wrong lately. LOVING him on GH!! Hope today's show is as fun. Use this for comments, I'll watch when I can. 


  1. Karen says, Although we all know DID people can't just jump in and out of personas, I am liking this mayhem at the moment!
    That's not what's happening! :) Connie is out and pretending to be Kate. :)

  2. I got the same impression, sonya. Connie is a very sneaky person. At times you can see the evil in her eyes. I think she loves to "play" Kate.

  3. I LOVED the scene where Olivia saw Connie. I almost for felt bad for Joe JR JR JR bc Conkate was so mean :(... I like Olivia being a clairvoyant too. It gives her some flare.

  4. Karen: technically, ConKate should be called an MPD, as it is more specific than DID. Both are 'disorders' with little medical credence.

    One of the gals who comments says she is a shrink so her take would be worth hearing.

    Also, given that Kate is really MPD, then it HAS to be from an earlier trauma- because MPDs split very young, not a college age, as in Kate's claim; meaning that, in tiresome fashion, she was likely abused, and this will further tire her to Sonny.

    I have not believed the rape accusation from the start because Joe Jr, whiel not a prince, is FAR less slimy than Sonny- an ACTUAL rapist. Recall he drugged and slept with Karen Wexler onscreen, and a number of other girls at the Paradise Lounge offscreen. This rehabbing of Sonny into this protector of women is the 2nd biggest rewrite of history AFTER the Luke-Laura rape rewrite.

    Why is it so difficult to deal with these adult issues in an adult manner?


  5. Kelly Sullivan reminds me of one of those actresses that you saw in those 1980's B-Grade horror movies like "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" or "American Gothic." It's too over the top.

    Roger Howarth can do no wrong. Yes, thank you. Truer words have never been typed.

  6. Cosmoetica, my belief is that the reason there is difficulty sometimes in dealing with these adult issues is because of actors.

    Tony Geary arrived on GH as a bad apple, tied to the mob, ready to do dirt to Laura at Bobbie's request. But this was no ordinary actor creating a creepy guy--this actor had certain traits, certain techniques and style, a face where we could read Luke's thoughts, and before long, people were tuning in just to watch him, even though he wasn't your standard hunky soap actor. He CONNECTED. He was simply too popular and too empathized with, to let him remain that creepy rapist. Luke was scheduled to die at the mob's hands after the rape, but the pile of mail in the hall cAncelled thAT!

    Same goes for Roger. He was REALLY creepy in the beginning (can still be on occasion), but he had that certain something that causes an audience alert: This guy is special. So you try to make him more acceptable. And Todd's gifted actor added things to what might have been a one-dimensonal villain.

    Joe Jr is following that pattern. We heard all this awful nasty stuff about the character, and then they bring the actor on and he is terrific, an electric sort of guy who seems able to convince us of anything he says. Again, not your usual gorgeous young soap actor. And far too good to let go.

    It happens sometimes. It was probably least likely with Geary who was so ordinary looking, had played creeps before and knew how, and who never intended to be a leading man. WE saw, and Gloria Monty saw, that something that was extra special. And a star was born, probably the biggest in the business. So I guess the answer to your question is to count the Emmys on Geary's mantel.

  7. Soaplover: Bravo (or Brava?) for the best response I've ever read on a blog- soaps, politics, arts, etc. You were concise, wise, to the point, and likely correct, w/o snarkiness or a desire to snap at someone.

    I think you are onto something. I agree that all 3 are good actors. Why Howarth is on soaps and mannekins like Tom Cruise make $30 mill for shit action films is beyond me. And Steinmetz is kicking it out of the park. As for rapist actors who were great I'd add AMC's Patrick Stuart as the 2nd Will Cooney. I wish they'd never killed him off.

    However, I was never a great fan of TG's in his first Luke incarnation. I only really saw his talent when he came back as Bill Eckert (pre-Pirate nonsense). I still think the Bill and Sly Eckert scene b4 they killed of Bill was priceless- a father and son talk like none I've seen on any television show, even The Waltons. I also think Luke, in the last few years, was better than ever as a return to slimebagginess. Of course, I'm not a woman, so there!

    I'd love to see them bring on Luke's father and get into his childhood. I think TG could knock it out of the park with a great 80ish actor as his dad.

    The Tracy-Joe Jr. thing is refreshing cuz the 2 have great chemistry, even as older actors, rather than young mannekins. I hope Steinmetz gets a contract cuz he's terrific.

  8. Whoops- that didn't log my handle.

    Soaplover: Bravo (or Brava?) for the best response I've ever read on a blog- soaps, politics, arts, etc. You were concise, wise, to the point, and likely correct, w/o snarkiness or a desire to snap at someone.

    I think you are onto something. I agree that all 3 are good actors. Why Howarth is on soaps and mannekins like Tom Cruise make $30 mill for shit action films is beyond me. And Steinmetz is kicking it out of the park. As for rapist actors who were great I'd add AMC's Patrick Stuart as the 2nd Will Cooney. I wish they'd never killed him off.

    However, I was never a great fan of TG's in his first Luke incarnation. I only really saw his talent when he came back as Bill Eckert (pre-Pirate nonsense). I still think the Bill and Sly Eckert scene b4 they killed of Bill was priceless- a father and son talk like none I've seen on any television show, even The Waltons. I also think Luke, in the last few years, was better than ever as a return to slimebagginess. Of course, I'm not a woman, so there!

    I'd love to see them bring on Luke's father and get into his childhood. I think TG could knock it out of the park with a great 80ish actor as his dad.

    The Tracy-Joe Jr. thing is refreshing cuz the 2 have great chemistry, even as older actors, rather than young mannekins. I hope Steinmetz gets a contract cuz he's terrific.

  9. I agree with Cosmooetica...that was great, Soaplover!!

    And yes, LOVED the second Will Cooney (now known as James Patrick Stuart). He was awesome.

  10. Di said...I got the same impression, sonya. Connie is a very sneaky person. At times you can see the evil in her eyes. I think she loves to "play" Kate.
    Yeah Connie came out as soon as Joe Jr Jr Jr wanted his medal back and was yelling at her. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I can't believe nobody mentioned the Lucy Coe reference today, especially with all the rumors about her returning. In case you missed it, Monica (another great scene with LC and JE!!) said Lucy and Luke were involved with Joe Scully Senior before Sonny killed him in a shootout.

    A Monica scene and a blast-from-the-past reference?!?! Give me more...and give me less women swooning over Patrick, please...too soon....unless he falls for Elizabeth. :) That I would like to see.

  13. I didn't watch the show yet. I still say she's coming!

  14. Patrick and Elizabeth I would like to see that too... That would make for a nice triangle when Robin comes back.

    I may be in the minority here but, I actually liked Kristina and Trey today...Esp. when they made out at the end, I think that is the most chemistry I have seen out of them.

  15. Patrick and Elizabeth would not be a bad pairing at all. That's a decent idea!

  16. Stephanie, I agree about Kristina and Trey. I've actually really come to like Trey, both the character and the actor. I feel so bad for him because he's been such a puppet this whole time...and he's realizing it, but he's also so loyal and loving to his dad that he doesn't know what to do or what to believe. I can really see his angst and confusion and desperation. The whole thing seems very realistic, mostly due to his performance, since the storyline itself is pretty lame.

  17. I'm starting to like Trey but I think Kristina is still a miscast. She looks and acts as dumb as a rock. Loved the Monica/Tracy scenes. When in the world is Finola coming back? She has been gone way too long. She should be a lead actress.

  18. I caught that Lucy Coe reference by Monica. Usually, when a name is dropped like that it's for a reason. I kinda like the first impression if Sabrina, she reminded me of Anna Hathaway in Princess Diaries. Not fond of the new lady doc.
    Not sure what to think of the Connie situation, I'm not a shrink. I've always kind of thought that she had the alt personality when she was with Joe Jr. I figured she went there as Connie and midway turned into Kate. I don't think he raped her. And Richard S. is a very charismatic guy, like Tony G. and Roger H. They are talented guys and light up the screen. They draw that line between actor and "hair model".



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