Monday, September 17, 2012

Sean Kanan back to GH!

SOD and a bunch of other sites report that Sean Kanan is returning to GH soon, in a contract role. Just what that role one knows.
And  head writer Ron Carlivati  isn't even talking, all he tweeted was:  "the plot thickens"...

TV Guide isn't spilling and neither is SK.. all he'll say is that he's back and thrilled. Sean played AJ Quartermaine from 1993-97. Billy Warlock was the recast.  AJ was "killed off" in 2005. 


  1. I would love it if he came back as AJ, but the fact that his air date is only 7 days after Steve Burton's last episode makes me afraid that he'll be playing Jason. I really really don't want to see anyone playing Jason. I've had enough of him.

  2. Funny. Sean Kanan just appeared today back on Bold and Beautiful as Deacon Sharp! His first appearance was today and he is supposed to have a big storyline. I wonder when he will appear in GH?

  3. I would rather have Eric Martsolf from DOOL on GH as, anybody and even Jason as he is hot!

  4. He will be Jason. Mark it down now! Hilarous!

  5. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!! :) I wish Billy Warlock was playing AJ, but it's okay. I loved Sean Kenan as AJ too. Hmmm the plot thickens eh Ron Carlivati? ROFL! Love Ron. :)

  6. Bring him back as AJ (he won't be the first or last soap character to come back from the dead) I always liked him as AJ him and Steve looked like they could be brothers for real. Have AJ come back after Edward dies (R.I.P) and fight for control of ELQ we all know he has always wanted to be head of the business!

  7. OldSkoolGHfan said...
    He will be Jason. Mark it down now! Hilarous!
    Oh no!! That would be too weird!

  8. What was the deal with the change to Billy? I wasn't watching when that happened. Could they be playing it up that Billy wasn't the real AJ?

    Back in the 90's Sean would have made a great Jason recast, but they have enough people mad about Steve Burton leaving without trying to replace him.... There is definitely some story potential if he's to return as AJ. AJ being involved in Jason's "disappearance" would make a lot of sense.

  9. I loved him as AJ. I loved Billy Warlock too, but the writers destroyed AJ as a character when he was played by Warlock.

    I hope he comes back to play AJ. I hate when they bring back actors to play different parts.

    Like Natalia Livingston - Big Mistake. Like Sarah Brown as Claudia - everytime I looked at her I wanted her to be Carly.

  10. I hope it's not another man for Carly or Sam.

  11. The change from Sean Kanan to Billy Warlock was seamless. Sean's last and Billy's first day were 1 week apart. It was one of those voice over "the role of AJ Quartermain is now being played by..." So there should be no - that wasn't the real AJ story. IF Sean is playing AJ.

    I think it would be great if they recast Jason, I don't think that it should be Sean Kanan to play him, but I would be open to a recast. With the exception of the 1 short lived Carly I liked them all.
    There will be initial resistance, but I think it would be a good opportunity to take the character in a different direction.

  12. I bet he is Jason's recast.

  13. Technically Sean was the first "adult" AJ as there were child actors and I remember there was a teenager in the part when I was a new viewer in high school. Sean's AJ was the one that fathered Michael. I believe at the time there was some scandal with Kanan (Drinking? Drugs?) and he was rather abruptly canned. He looks so much like Burton and I would kinda laugh my ass off if he's the recast Jason.
    Honestly though I hope he won't be, because I'm tired of the character, the shipper wars, the whole thing.

  14. I hope he's back as AJ, him and Steve Burton look enough alike to be biological brothers. I read somewhere years ago that they were distant cousins in real life. Not sure if there was any truth to that. I have to agree with Andrea regarding Billy Warlock. I to like him but, never as AJ. I always viewed him as Frankie on Days could never fully accept him as AJ. I can see Sean's AJ and Carly as exes not, Billy's AJ.

  15. Hummm
    Maybe he's coming back as AJ and he has faked Jakes death.
    He feels like Jason stole his son, so he stole Jakey to get back at him!
    That would be awesome!
    Nope, I'm not giving up on my dream that Jake isn't really dead.

    1. I like how you think Tammy, that would be awesome! I too haven't accepted Jake's death, I'll dream along with you.

  16. AJ was killed by a psychiatrist in hospital. Perhaps they will tie that in to Robin's story and who was pulling Jerry's strings.

  17. I'm another one who has never given up the dream that jake is not really dead.

  18. I hope he does play Jason. I LOVE SK, but prefer Billy as AJ. He brought such a tender/hurt edge to AJ's jealousy/love/guilt regarding Jason.


  19. Gluten Free Diva said...

    Technically Sean was the first "adult" AJ as there were child actors and I remember there was a teenager in the part when I was a new viewer in high school. Sean's AJ was the one that fathered Michael. I believe at the time there was some scandal with Kanan (Drinking? Drugs?) and he was rather abruptly canned.


    Gluten: Geraild Hopkins, not SK, was the first adult AJ- Hopkins' AJ had an affair w Nancy Eckert. SK was canned for alcoholism and went to rehab. He and Burton are cousins via adoption.

    Hopkins was the best AJ.They got worse. Warlock was a solid actor but his AJ was such a wuss. I recall SK's AJ as a boxer putting a whupp-ass on MB's Sonny.

    I think he's back as AJ- Michael needs a good story, and AJ winning back his son is a good one. Love to see AJ and Joe Jr. mess Sonny's shit up.

  20. Great news!! Love him as Deacon on B&B but he is only on short term apparently because KKL doesn't like him. I think he would make a great recast, but most likely he would be AJ again, which is fine with me. I always though BW didn't look the part and was kind of smarmy.

  21. I am actually hoping he is a Jason recast, I love SB...Jason is just going to find out that the baby is alive and is his- and then he leaves? Doesn't make sense...the story would feel unfinished...

  22. Grr it ate my post.

    As much as I love Steve Burton, I think SK would be a great recast as Jason. I would like to see a ending for the jasam baby story. Plus, RIP John Ingle, but Qs will need someone to step up. I can see SK as the Jason to change and step up for the Qs maybe he can finally leave the mob!

    On the other hand, having Michael's dad would be a great addition. BUT, this Michael or LW's Carly haven't played against SK, so I don't think it would be weird. Hmmm.. Grrrr, don't know which I prefer, but we are in for a ride!!

  23. I wish he would turn out to be the actual twin of Jason and not Franco, if he isn't coming back as AJ. Regardless, can't wait!!!

  24. Maybe Jason will be involved in an explosion and need plastic surgery and after he heals he'll look like Sean Kanan. Then we can have unlimited jokes about how "Jason looks even more like AJ now." I wouldn't put it past the new writers...they have a good sense of humor.

    OR! (And this is sort of similar to both the Todd/Victor and Stacy/Gigi face-offs on OLTL), maybe Franco didn't die, and he got his plastic surgery to make himself look like AJ and he'll come back as AJ to live the "Quartermaine life" and be Jason's brother, but it will really be Franco the whole time!!

    Either way, I could live with those situations. I just hope he doesn't come back as a new character. I agree with Andrea that is just never works.

  25. GHCriticalList is reporting that he is a recast Jason. I doubt it though.I bet he is a new character

  26. If he is AJ I would LOVE for Liz to have a go at him. And Michael to have a good relationship with him.

    Wouldn't that just burn Jason up?

  27. Or what if he is Jason and he gets his Quartermaine memory back?

  28. Rumor is that Sean may be the new Lucky. Liz is supposed to call him after getting her heart broken when jasam reunite/ sleep together.

  29. I actually despise the thought of Liz going back to Lucky.

  30. I also hate the thought of Liz and Lucky AGAIN. Especially if she is reaching out to him. She needs someone completely new that she didn't meet in her teens.

  31. I remember Gerald Hopkins now. But didn't he date Brenda's sister Julia instead of Nancy? She also had a connection to Bill (And I think she left town after Bill's death because she realized she'd loved him and was having a hard time with it.)
    Also, god I hope they're not recasting Lucky again. That would just be a bad idea.

  32. I remember Gerald Hopkins now. But didn't he date Brenda's sister Julia instead of Nancy? She also had a connection to Bill (And I think she left town after Bill's death because she realized she'd loved him and was having a hard time with it.)
    Also, god I hope they're not recasting Lucky again. That would just be a bad idea.


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