Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy HollyDays! and 2009 Wub Awards are DONE!

Jingle Jackal from 2008

That's was the Christmas eppies of all the soaps. AMC had it's regular "Angel" on-- and because I'm spoiler free, I was shocked that Kendyl and Zach didn't die. I know they aren't going to LA, so what gives? Maybe they'll go on a long vacation. I really want Erica to put on a sweater..brrrr. Greenlee is going to wake up. hmmmmm.

OLTL: Liked the beginning song/montage. Addie was back! Love the white Christmas tree/decor in Dorian's house.  Love seeing Bo/Nora back together. Now eat some cheese doodles. LOVE Mitch screwing with Dorian! LOL...the egg nog thing? Classic.  I am so going to enjoy Roscoe B through the year. (did I tell you he's staying?!) Dani GET AWAY from Matthew. Isn't that Destiny's job? It just sucks what they are doing to her! boo hoo. She deserves at least ONE date with the kid. AW, she did get a hug. Someone on twitter said Matthew's scene was like "Heidi"! Brahahahaaha! Loved the end chorale. Very Amadeus.

General Hospital: What the HELL does Maxie look like? I mean...really. Is that Christmas "Casual" wear or what? I don't like it. I think she's going to belt out an Andrews Sisters' song any second. Spin brings a little Charlie Brown tree, how cute.
Loved Diane at Alexis'...thank you for keeping up that friendship! It would be easy to write Diane off (now that CH is on Cougar Town), and having her on is a joy! Max shows up too. Mac and the mistletoe! Awwwwwww. Mac brings Alexis a gift-- remote starter and snow brush! NLG said that JJY is her neighbor and it was strange playing a "dating" couple.
Poor Spinelli. Bradford did a great job with that delivery. Loved Mac showing up any scene with Maxie/Mac is a good one!  GEORGIE mention.
CarJax House: yeah!! LOL.. carly falls off the roof in fun fashion.
Spencers: Yeah!! Tracey...Jane looked Fabu and there's INVISA- SPENCER! Cameron is the darling of Daytime. Nice to see the house all glammed up for the holidays.
JJ and single most fave thing of the year. Never thought I'd see it again. I do miss GV, I did like him but JJ and  TG? Sorry, it's magic. LAURA MENTION! Nostalgia of old Spencer travels. "Just my Dad with me on Christmas Eve..." sniff.
No Hospital Christmas Story this year. I really do miss that. Especially when the crew/cast would bring their real kids in to sit on set. It was a good show all in all but we needed someone reading about Joseph and Mary looking for a place to sleep!


2009  WUB AWARDS are finished! I also included a few Decade Awards. It took me awhile to think all these out. you agree? Disagree? I'm sure I'll  hear from  many of you one way or another.


  1. Bubblelamp lives in a hotel in PA!! I saw it!
    This year was the year of letdown for me. Not just my favorite couple being taken away from me...again, but the entire season was about storylines being given to us then taken away before we had a chance to like them or not.
    I made a list of what I hoped for in 09, and would like to make one for 2010, but I'm a little scared. I will give a small taste of what is in my mind.

    *Jason finally gets to be a dad to Jake.
    *Sam finds a man that will give her a better storyline, including one where she finally gets a kid.
    *Lucky turns into Luke Jr and helps out with the Cassadines and this includes Nik. This makes Sam respects him more. Maybe they can have a kid together. Both deserve one of their own!
    *The mob disappears and the Cassadines are the evil power in PC again.
    *Lets get some couples!!
    *more Kate, crimson and Maxie at her finest
    *Diane, Max, Mac, and Alexis together.
    Happy Holidays to all!
    Here is to a better year for GH.

    See you in 2010!!!

  2. I didn't really like the episode I thought it was Boring
    The parts I liked were the CarJax Carly is so funny
    Scrubs how cute is Emma
    I loved the davis holiday with Max and Diane love seeing Sam and her sisters ..
    and that's it ....
    Last year was better with Santa and Spinelli

    Merry Christmas all And happy Holidays

  3. I LOVED the episode, until I remembered that they forgot to do the Christmas story at the hospital--we NEED our traditions!!

    I love Alexis, Diane and the girls, seeing the 3 sisters together is so nice and so real. Loved Max with Spixie, and with Alexis, he's really great!!

    But the cutest thing: Joss in her little Santa outfit!! How cute is she?

    I've already had my Hanukkah celebration, but I wish all the rest of you a merry Christmas!

  4. thanks Ant Joan! I had our menorah up. My son loves to light it !!

  5. I hope 2010 is a better year for GH last year was really crappy.Hope everyone has a decent Christmas and a Happy New Year

  6. WTF is up with Bobby? Everytime they wonder where she's at it's all "Oh she's in Seattle..." She should just move up here and work at Seattle Grace. *lol*

  7. Ps I love that You honored Steve Burton as the best actor Yes I am his Fan And I love Jason Morgan we have all our favorites, So don't hate me LOL
    But Steve this year did his best work in recent years..
    I still don't know if it is the writes decision to put more depth in Jason or it is Steve doing it like that. either way I love it.
    Steve is amazing actor, He does the Blank stare that got old I agree ,because Jason has brain damage, He has problem showing emotions he can't Show them , people seem to forget that But Not Steve LOL LOL
    And Steve deliver it well ...
    But this year I think that all Jason's life and choices that he made that cost him so much got to him. and now Franco who is in love with the Jason side that Jason don't like about himself .. just Takes Jason over the edge ..
    I love it , Jason for me this year was good ...


  8. Holy Carp they aged Maxie a good 25 years with that hair style but the make up was pretty.

    Diane looked AMAZING! and a big ole Maxis kiss to boot!

    CarJax Christmas was hilarious. Joss in her santa suit could give you a cavity! And that picture of all of Carly's babies together, priceless! Scrubs Christmas was perfect and baby Emma is so darn adorable.

    Loved Tracy at the Spencer Christmas and how she brought presents for the boys. Her snipey remarks are always brighten up the show. I wanna be JE when I grow up!

    I want to wish all the Wubbers a very happy and healthy holiday season.

  9. "Robin puts her baby in a tree" still makes me laugh out loud.

    Kudos on this year's awards. Nice job. You nailed so many on them on the head.

    I might have voted the Spinelli/Maxie post-non-wedding episodes at Jakes as best of the year for me. Pure joy. But Claudia's demise is definitely right up there with it.

    And when we mention the recasts of the younger set (Molly/Kristina/Morgan/Michael) we must give props to casting director Mark Teschner. Where would GH be without him?

    Here's to a TOXIC BALLS-FREE 2010!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Thats not needed on Karens blog guess you are too chicken to leave your name.

  12. Great awards, both 2009 & decade!

    "Most Prolific" is a pretty funny category name. Thank God they never hooked up together! Shiver!

    I remember Summer, Reese, Manny and Sasha. What about Manny's twin, the priest who was part of the hostage crisis? What was his name? I'm stumped on Rachel, Allegra and Marina at the moment. Was one of them the Sam lookalike that Jason danced with when KM was on Dancing With The Stars? That has to go down as one of GH's silliest stories.

    I also don't recognize the two chicks at the end of the top row of the 2003 pic (was one of them with Nik when Emily first came back? What was her name?), and I can't make out the dude 3rd from end on the bottom row. The woman next to Felicia was the second Gia, right?

    Two minor quibbles: 1) I don't believe we actually saw Faison this decade. I think his boat blew up in late 1999. Am I remembering that wrong? And 2) I think Georgie should have tied with AJ for character that shouldn't have died. Runner-up at minimum.


  13. A belated Happy Hanukah to you and yours! Loved the Lucky/Luke scenes - still pure magic. Thought Tyler did well on Tuesday at the gravesite. Lisa L. looked fabulous yesterday as did Laura W. Not bad at all on the whole.

  14. Couldn't agree with you more, skeebob, WUBS IS THE BEST!!! Both Karen, and all the contributors! We've shown the world we can love a show and still hate some things that happen on it, and we can disagree and still get along and act like adults...just love this place!!! HAPPY 2010! MAY YOU ALL BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY!

  15. GREAT to see Sam with her sisters WITHOUT Jason! Yay. They looked at ease and like a real family, I bought it hook, line & sinker.

    So loved JJ & Tony. What chemistry. I balled. Lulu bugged me for some reason, she's an odd one to me. Maybe we'll have more xmas scenes Monday? I doubt it, it will probably be new years eve.

    Karen, I diagree. I thought Maxie looked fab. Kirsten is soooo beautiful and so classic looking in the red lipstick. I can live with casual jeans if her face looks that good. Anytways, I think Spin should have made her wait to make up, it is uacceptable what she did. And maxie should have told Mac to shut it, she screwed up and he needs to respect spin since he adores her.

  16. I thought it was great that Days Of Our Lives was not a repeat.For some reason everytime GH is a repeat and AMC Days is not.I love me some Jason but I hope he gets to say more and frown less

  17. Best actress, Constance Towers? Really? Of the DECADE? While I feel the love for Connie, I think Tamara Braun's Carly (esp during the storyline of Michael's "death") or even Laura Wright or Nancy Grahn should have won over a part time player (important player yes, best actress over 10 years, sorry karen that's a big NO!)

  18. Few more wubs we should add:

    Scene stealer : Helena Runner up Maxie Jones



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